ReNamer Portable has been officially released:
Application: ReNamer
Category: Utilities
ReNamer is a very powerful and flexible file renaming tool, which offers all the standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes, as well as removing contents of brackets, adding number sequences, changing file extensions, etc. For advanced users, there is a PascalScript rule, which let users program their very own renaming rule. (Source: Homepage)
Download ReNamerPortable 6.7 Dev Test 1 [ 3.6MB download / 10.0MB installed]
(MD5: 87ba82fded6c5d51cbcb52c9703ac290)
Project on GitHub / SourceForge
I'm interested in getting ReNamer onto the reference, full licensing terms are available here: (based on Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0)
I hereby grant permission for to distribute repackaged but otherwise unmodified copy of ReNamer, provided it is not sold or used for commercial purpose (in accordance with the licensing terms above).
Release Notes:
6.7 Dev Test 1 (2017-08-06): Update base app
6.6 Dev Test 1 (2016-09-25): Update base app
6.5 Dev Test 1 (2016-06-20): Update base app + optimize appicons
6.4 Dev Test 1 (2016-03-18): Update base app
6.3 Dev Test 1 (2015-11-23): Update 6.3
6.2 Dev Test 1 (2015-05-30): Update 6.2
6.1 Dev Test 1 (2014-11-22): Update 6.1
5.76 Dev Test 1 (2014-07-03): Update 5.76
5.75 Dev Test 1 (2014-06-29): Initial release
full changelog:
see Release Notes for details
I try to add language switching with the next release. Any help is welcome
see Release Notes for details
Update base app
Update base app + optimize appicons
Update base app
Update base app
I ran it on Virus Scan:!/results/file/ZTE3MDgxMnJKY2V6TkFCaHZickp...
It is clean.
Can you also create Hasher from the same developer?
It seems to be more complete and user friendly than what's available now.
Thank You.