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Chrome 60 Release Fails During Upgrade

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GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Chrome 60 Release Fails During Upgrade

I had Chrome 58 installed and ran the installer to upgrade it and it failed during the upgrade and now has completely destroyed the install and nothing works now. Here is the log:

Well I can't post the log because it keeps bitching that it triggered the spam filter, which is kind of dumb for a support forum.

So why did this fail and how am I supposed to recover the installation that is now completely corrupt and broken?

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Online installer.

Google Chrome uses an online installer. Unfortunately online installers do not fail very gracefully (yet?) when they're unable to acquire the file their supposed to download, however it's pretty unlikely that it has damaged your data.
I would recommend that you try the installation again. If it still fails, I would open the .paf.exe installer with 7-Zip, navigate to App\AppInfo\ and open installer.ini, look in the [DownloadFiles] section, and find the line that starts with DownloadURL=. Everything after the = on this line is the URL to the file which the installer needs, so copy it, paste it into your browser, and save it into the same folder as the .paf.exe installer. Make sure to also look at the line that starts with DownloadFilename=, as the rest of that line is the name the .paf.exe installer will use to look for this file. It's usually the same as the name of the file on the server, but it could be different, in which case rename the file you downloaded to match what it says after DownloadFilename=.

Once you have the two files "next to" each other (both files in the same folder), then you should run the .paf.exe installer again. If you did everything right, and the file downloaded correctly, then it should use the file you downloaded instead of trying to download it from the internet.


GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Installer Download NOT an Issue

While that is completely valid to say, in this case it is not the issue. It downloads just fine, but when it reaches the part where the portable installer is making changes, it craps out and then leaves the whole thing unstable.

I would post the log but the site won't allow it for some dumb reason. So while I appreciate the instructions you gave, which actually taught me something, it is not the issue here. You are assuming the download was a problem, it wasn't, it downloaded just fine, as evident in the log.

Since I can't post the actual log which would be useful for support, here is the very last line

ERROR: (chrome.7z > App)

Any explanation for this? And no, it is not a permission issue and no it is not running - obviously.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Use a pastebin.

Can you post the log to a pastebin and post a link to it here?
I'll try to make sense of the log to figure out what's actually going on.


GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48

I certainly can but I hate doing it like that, its inefficient, unnecessary and should not be such a limitation in a support forum where you deal with things like this all the time; seriously flawed and disappointing. Decided to give it another try wrapping it in pre instead of code or blockquote and seems to overcome it, so ridiculous.

**THE LOG:**

Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome
Preparing to upgrade Google Chrome Portable...
Create folder: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsw9AE8.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading Google Chrome (Stable)...
Installing Google Chrome Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsw9AE8.tmp\Downloaded\Google Chrome (Stable)->C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsw9AE8.tmp\Downloaded\60.0.3112.113_chrome_installer.exe
Rename: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\Dictionaries\->P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\~PRESERVEDIRECTORY2\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appcompactor.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon.ico
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_128.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_16.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_256.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_32.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_75.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\EULA.txt
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\installer.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\pac_installer_log.ini
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\60.0.3112.113.manifest
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome.dll.sig
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome.exe.sig
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_100_percent.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_200_percent.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_child.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_child.dll.sig
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_elf.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_watcher.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\d3dcompiler_47.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\docs.crx
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\drive.crx
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\external_extensions.json
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\gmail.crx
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\youtube.crx
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\eventlog_provider.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Extensions\external_extensions.json
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Extensions\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\icudtl.dat
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\libegl.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\libglesv2.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\am.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ar.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\bg.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\bn.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ca.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\cs.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\da.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\de.pak
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\en-GB.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\en-US.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\es-419.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\es.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\et.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\fa.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\fi.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\fil.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\fr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\gu.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\he.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\hi.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\hr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\hu.pak
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ja.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\kn.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ko.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\lt.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\lv.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ml.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\mr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ms.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\nb.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\nl.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\pl.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\pt-BR.pak
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ru.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sk.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sl.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sv.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sw.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ta.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\te.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\th.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\tr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\uk.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\vi.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\zh-CN.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\zh-TW.pak
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\swiftshader\libglesv2.dll
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\swiftshader\
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Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\WidevineCdm\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\
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Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords\sqlite.h
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\PortableApps.comLauncherLANG_ENGLISH.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\PortableApps.comLauncherOptionsForm.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\TBProgress.nsh
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin
Rename: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\~PRESERVEDIRECTORY2\->P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\Dictionaries\
Installing Google Chrome Portable...
Extract: GoogleChromePortable.exe
Extract: help.html
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App
Extract: readme.txt
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo
Extract: EULA.txt
Extract: appcompactor.ini
Extract: appicon.ico
Extract: appicon_128.png
Extract: appicon_16.png
Extract: appicon_256.png
Extract: appicon_32.png
Extract: appicon_75.png
Extract: appinfo.ini
Extract: installer.ini
Extract: pac_installer_log.ini
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin
Extract: First Run
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile\Default
Extract: Bookmarks
Extract: Favicons
Extract: History
Extract: Preferences
Extract: Top Sites
Extract: Web Data
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Help
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Help\images
Extract: donation_button.png
Extract: favicon.ico
Extract: help_background_footer.png
Extract: help_background_header.png
Extract: help_logo_top.png
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source
Extract: GoogleChromePortable.ini
Extract: GoogleChromePortable.jpg
Extract: GoogleChromePortable.nsi
Extract: License.txt
Extract: PortableApps.comLauncherLANG_ENGLISH.nsh
Extract: PortableApps.comLauncherOptionsForm.ini
Extract: TBProgress.nsh
Extract: attrib.nsh
Extract: dialogs.nsh
Extract: dialogsEx.dll
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords
Extract: ChromePasswords.sln
Extract: build.txt
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords
Extract: ChromePasswords.def
Extract: ChromePasswords.vcxproj
Extract: dllmain.cpp
Extract: sqlite.cpp
Extract: sqlite.h
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\Release
Extract: ChromePasswords.dll
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages
Extract: Afrikaans.nsh
Extract: Albanian.nsh
Extract: Arabic.nsh
Extract: Basque.nsh
Extract: Belarusian.nsh
Extract: Bosnian.nsh
Extract: Breton.nsh
Extract: Bulgarian.nsh
Extract: Catalan.nsh
Extract: Cibemba.nsh
Extract: Croatian.nsh
Extract: Czech.nsh
Extract: Danish.nsh
Extract: Dutch.nsh
Extract: Efik.nsh
Extract: English.nsh
Extract: Esperanto.nsh
Extract: Estonian.nsh
Extract: Farsi.nsh
Extract: Finnish.nsh
Extract: French.nsh
Extract: Galician.nsh
Extract: Georgian.nsh
Extract: German.nsh
Extract: Greek.nsh
Extract: Hebrew.nsh
Extract: Hungarian.nsh
Extract: Icelandic.nsh
Extract: Igbo.nsh
Extract: Indonesian.nsh
Extract: Irish.nsh
Extract: Italian.nsh
Extract: Japanese.nsh
Extract: Khmer.nsh
Extract: Korean.nsh
Extract: Kurdish.nsh
Extract: Latvian.nsh
Extract: Lithuanian.nsh
Extract: Luxembourgish.nsh
Extract: Macedonian.nsh
Extract: Malagasy.nsh
Extract: Malay.nsh
Extract: Mongolian.nsh
Extract: Norwegian.nsh
Extract: NorwegianNynorsk.nsh
Extract: Pashto.nsh
Extract: Polish.nsh
Extract: Portuguese.nsh
Extract: PortugueseBR.nsh
Extract: Romanian.nsh
Extract: Russian.nsh
Extract: Serbian.nsh
Extract: SerbianLatin.nsh
Extract: SimpChinese.nsh
Extract: Slovak.nsh
Extract: Slovenian.nsh
Extract: Spanish.nsh
Extract: SpanishInternational.nsh
Extract: Swahili.nsh
Extract: Swedish.nsh
Extract: Thai.nsh
Extract: TradChinese.nsh
Extract: Turkish.nsh
Extract: Ukrainian.nsh
Extract: Uzbek.nsh
Extract: Valencian.nsh
Extract: Vietnamese.nsh
Extract: Welsh.nsh
Extract: Yoruba.nsh
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Data
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\7zTemp
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\7zTemp
Extract: 7z.exe
Extract: 7z.dll
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome
Create folder: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsw9AE8.tmp\Downloaded2
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App
ERROR: (chrome.7z > App)

Let me know if I can provide anything else. TIA.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
Possibly TEMP permissions

It may have to do with TEMP permissions, or permissions on the install drive. See her for some suggestions for the same error for someone else:

GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Does Not Apply

As I already stated, it is NOT a permission issue.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
<pre> is the correct tag to use.

I don't see why needing to wrap the log in a <pre> tag is "so ridiculous", as that is the correct tag to use.

I'm also not sure why you think there's no chance it could be a permissions error. Is your P: drive an NTFS partition, or is it FAT32, or something else? Has it been used on multiple computers? Based on this log, it really looks like a permissions error.

Based on the other log you posted, and the fact that you've now run (effectively) the same file twice, and received different errors, I'm starting to think there may be an issue with data corruption. Assuming P: is an NTFS partition, I would recommend running CHKDSK P: /B to check the drive for errors and "bad clusters", then trying the install again.


GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Because it is really ...

The fact that you have to post a log that runs like a toilet paper is ridiculous, have you ever used phpBB? The code tag allows it to not take up the whole darn screen and still be usable to review it, that's why it is ridiculous. Plus, if it can wrap in that, it can wrap in anything without being declared spam, see why ridiculous now?

Because I know it is not a permission issue as this is the only time this has happened during an upgrade, and not the first time things have been installed to this location - always fine until this. We went from it couldn't download it to suddenly permissions. Answer to your first question, it is NTFS - your assumption is correct. Answer to your second question, no it has not been used on more than one machine, not saying it won't be at some point in the future as necessary but not as of now, I just don't want to have to install them on my main system, that's all - so on a removable instead - but it stays plugged in all the time, and while it can be moved to another machine, I haven't had the need yet.

Check disk shows no errors so far, which I was confident it wouldn't but as a matter of courtesy to your assistance, I ran it anyway.

Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ...
1119488 file records processed.
File verification completed.
9007 large file records processed.
0 bad file records processed.

Stage 2: Examining file name linkage ...
1122084 index entries processed.
Index verification completed.
0 unindexed files scanned.
0 unindexed files recovered to lost and found.

Stage 3: Examining security descriptors ...
Security descriptor verification completed.
1299 data files processed.
CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
38470496 USN bytes processed.
Usn Journal verification completed.

Stage 4: Looking for bad clusters in user file data ...
Progress: 1037 of 1119472 done; Stage: 0%; Total: 4%; ETA: 14:23:40 .
---HAS A WAYS TO GO, I don't expect anything, but I will post an update to include the final result if anything changes

As a proof of concept that it is indeed NOT a permission issue, I just installed it in the same location just adding a 2 at the end to make it different than an upgrade and it completed just fine, so what does that mean now? Seems like it hasn't been scripted well for an update and I just need to scrap it and start over, which quite a hassle.

Any chance it can be salvaged so I don't lose the data that is in there? For example manually removing everything that it has messed up and leaving the data somehow and try to install again in there and have it remember the data? Sort of a brute force manual version of what should have happened with the upgrade? I am not a novice, been a developer for more than two and half decades; the reason I came here to find out is because of the special nature of the package only and the platform that created it. I look forward to any solution you can suggest, thanks again for taking the time to see this through, I do appreciate it, even if my bluntness doesn't make it clear.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
One more question, and I was actually going to suggest that next

Once again, the fact that it installs OK to another directory in the same location indicates that it's most likely data corruption or a permissions issue.
As far as the potential for permissions issues, I should really have asked it slightly different, so one more time (even though I get the feeling I know the answer already):
Has it ever been used under a different user account (any account on a different computer, or another account on the same computer)?
Using it under a different account on the same computer could also trigger permission issues.
As far as preventing and/or recovering from problems caused by permissions, it's recommended to set the permissions for at least the location where you install your PortableApps (if not the whole drive) to grant "Full control" to "Everyone".

Hopefully running CHKDSK P: /B will fix your issue.
If it tells you that there are errors that it couldn't fix you'll either want to add /X to the end of the command, or run FSUTIL dirty set P: from an "Administrator: Command Prompt", then restart your computer to let it run CHKDSK for itself.
On the other hand, if it tells you it's all fine, but you're still experiencing your issue, delete everything but the Data folder, and try installing again. If somehow you're still unable to install to that location, then install to a different location, delete the new install's Data folder and copy/move your Data folder into its place (you should then be able to delete the original install and rename the folder containing the new install to what you previously used).

Also, as far as why I originally posted an answer assuming it was a download issue... almost all of our support requests saying that the latest upgrade of Google Chrome Portable didn't install correctly and now it won't run are caused by bad downloads of the base app, so I assumed this was just another one instance of the same issue. Sorry.


GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Appreciated, but not the issue...

Data corruption, clearly (as you see in the second attempt) and quite possible; and I already stated, but by the installer, not permission issue - again. I know what you meant and answered accordingly - same machine, same user, same drive - no permission issue, again. As I explained, there is only one user on this machine, ME, the drive is connected the same machine, MINE, and has never been passed around or accessed by any other user or machine Smile If you read the response, you would see that I already answered that, no need to ask another way, I am a professional, I don't wait for different questions to give the answers it solicits by logic. Once again we are going in a circle that ignores the fact that the updater failed and keep nagging on permissions, IT IS NOT PERMISSIONS, no matter how you go around it trying to make it so, trust me on this; have courtesy for a fellow developer. Focus on the issue, the update failed because it didn't work right, period and nothing interfered with it. I told you other apps installed in the same location get updated all the time without a hitch. Apps get installed there without a hitch. Just this app failed miserably and for reasons that again don't involve permissions or it would affect everyone.

I don't need to recover from permissions issue, they are just fine, it is the fact that the installer has created completely corrupt setup that cannot be recovered through installing on top of it, clearly as shown before (additional info). What I meant, and it should have been abundantly clear - as I was explicit about it, was asking about the data that now needs to be redone from scratch if it cannot be recovered. On a regular install, I know where and what to grab and move on with a fresh install, although Chrome in general resets the extensions and their data now and won't respect them well anymore. I need to know in this particular portable framework where structure is different, how to recover that data without having to start over.

BTW, here is the last part I promised to update, clearly no issues.

Stage 4: Looking for bad clusters in user file data ...
1119472 files processed.
File data verification completed.

Stage 5: Looking for bad, free clusters ...
66457607 free clusters processed.
Free space verification is complete.

Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems.
No further action is required.

1953512447 KB total disk space.
1686385556 KB in 11839 files.
11244 KB in 1300 indexes.
0 KB in bad sectors.
1285219 KB in use by the system.
65536 KB occupied by the log file.
265830428 KB available on disk.

4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
488378111 total allocation units on disk.
66457607 allocation units available on disk.

No, running check disk doesn't fix anything as there was nothing to fix, and I told you that from the word go but you insisted and so I tried to accommodate you as a matter of cooperation; so we can move on to figuring out the real problem but it seems we are all intent on blaming permissions and ignoring the fact that there is no such problem. Plus, if there was an issue, as I said before I know full well how to fix it, thank you for giving me the switches, but unnecessary. I have been using the command line far longer than there has been a GUI in Windows, and Unix long before that.

I understand why you posted your initial answer, I have no issue with that and I made it clear right away so we can move past it. But it seems that despite permissions NOT being an issue which has repeatedly been verified, we are intent on blaming it for everything. Don't be sorry, I appreciate your assistance and nothing I have said should be taken offensively or contrary to that, if you did, I apologize and blame the text medium that doesn't convey context or emotion well Smile I have no malicious intent in my interaction with people, ever. I only focus on the issue and working through it, nothing personal and no ego factors in for me.

So are we just saying now that we don't know what broke, don't know who to fix it and I should just abandon hope on this and start over? It seems like no one is considering the package was an issue, especially when I told you that trying your breakdown method of the installer (for curiosity sake and learning) and it threw an error as being corrupt structure, despite clearly running just fine, so something is not reconciling here? We are that 100% certain that the update/installer package is not the issue? More specifically its updater capability and not the installer portion which clearly worked to install another copy to completion.

Either way, solve this or not, find a resolution or not, I thank you for your time and effort; it is greatly appreciated. If nothing else, your initial breakdown instruction was a learning moment. Thank you.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Did you try what I said? Also, have you tried rebooting Windows?

Sorry, my mentioning of another way a permissions issue could be triggered was mainly for anyone else who may come to this thread later. Remember these are public forums, so even if a potential fix someone mentions doesn't help you, it may help someone else who happens across this thread when they have a similar issue.

I have personally used the installer for updating by installing over, and had no issues, plus I've examined the version of the package hosted at SourceForge, and there's nothing that I can see that would cause these problems.

You seem to gloss over whether you tried either of the last two suggestions I made, and if so what happened. So I'll mention them again: Erase everything in the directory except your Data folder and/or make an entirely new installation (as you say that works), and copy the Data folder from the old one.

To be entirely honest, the last potential cause for these issues that I can see is if Windows has some of these files locked due to some program (often Windows itself) keeping a handle to it open long after it's unnecessary.
The next thing I recommend is the most famous fix for issues experienced in Windows: "Restart your PC."


GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
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Done everything discussed ... Did I miss something?

I understand and while it is helpful for someone in the future (and I support it completely) but not getting past it also deprives us of figuring out what is wrong in THIS instance.

So this particular package that brought us here has worked for you without issue to upgrade? Not just clean/fresh install, but actually upgrade? If so then perhaps it is not a general issue but rather a particular case where it fails to properly handle the upgrade process, I guess I need to dig into it and find out what it could be, just wish I had time. I am teaching a full load this term and just have very little time for these monkey wrenches.

I don't recall glossing over anything and addressing everything at every step. What did I miss, let me check again. Ah, I believe you are referring to this:

On the other hand, if it tells you it's all fine, but you're still experiencing your issue, delete everything but the Data folder, and try installing again. If somehow you're still unable to install to that location, then install to a different location, delete the new install's Data folder and copy/move your Data folder into its place (you should then be able to delete the original install and rename the folder containing the new install to what you previously used).

And yes, I did reply but I must not have been clear and I apologize for that. That's what I meant when I said this:

On a regular install, I know where and what to grab and move on with a fresh install, although Chrome in general resets the extensions and their data now and won't respect them well anymore. I need to know in this particular portable framework where structure is different, how to recover that data without having to start over.

So again, not glossed over, I did address it but maybe I didn't make clear what I was responding to. So you are suggesting that keeping just the data folder would effectively achieve what I would normally do with a non-portable install? That's it if I am understanding you correctly. But also, can you confirm what I said about it not recently respecting this method because it considers the data "tampered" won't be an issue? I guess at this point I have no more to loose than already, so might as well go with it and hope for the best.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48

I wanted to come back right away after deciding to just go ahead and try it, what have I got to lose right?

I deleted everything but the DATA folder and everything deleted immediately except ONE file, chrome.exe which was in such a bad state that I had to do a little magic to delete it, no biggie, I won't bore you with it.

Then I went ahead and did a clean install in that same exact location and it downloaded everything and installed it and finished the install. So far so good, was happy to see that happen.

Now the moment of truth, did the data preserve? I started it up and it seemed all was well, the extensions were there and all was well in the universe, so I thought. While it seems to have preserved the extensions, it did not do so well with the apps - especially the one I really needed.

2 of the apps are cloud based, so simply dumped their db and logged back into them and they grabbed everything from the server, no biggie. The one I needed though, while it can get some of the information on the server and "rebuild" itself, the locally stored db that contains all the messages that are no longer on the server, didn't fare too well. I was able to restore some semblance of recovery to it using my own methods - external to this discussion so I won't bore you with it - and with some data missing, it is at least back to functioning.

So wanted to thank you and share that the hail mary worked and hopefully next update we don't experience this again, it was NOT fun - but I do appreciate the assist, thank you.

PS. If you get a chance, would love to go over that tear down method you mentioned. As I said, I tried it out of curiosity to learn more about it, and it gave me an error that the package is corrupt. I opened it up with WinRAR, which opens anything just fine, but since you had explicitly mentioned 7-Zip, is that because it was just a suggestion or is it something very specific to 7-Zip that is needed to tear down the packages? I thought you said they were basically ZIP files, or did I misunderstand that? TIA.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
What "little magic"?

Would you mind telling me what "little magic" you did to force a delete of "chrome.exe"?

Sorry it didn't preserve 100% of your data, it should have, but apparently Chrome was keeping that portion of your data in the App directory instead of the Data directory.

The fact that I recommended 7-Zip isn't saying it won't work with other archivers, or an indication that anything can be considered "basically ZIP files".
The ,paf.exe installers are NSIS based installers customised for Portable Apps, and 7-Zip is known to be able to read the internal filesystem of NSIS installers.
I personally never recommend WinRAR, though I wouldn't be surprised if it works too seeing as it uses the 7-Zip libraries to be able to read several filetypes.
Also, another reason for recommending 7-Zip is that it's available as an official App, so I can link to it in the mention, and if you were one of the many people who don't have WinRAR or 7-Zip you could easily find, download & use the release of 7-Zip.


GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Sorry for the delay

I apologize it took me so long to reply, I had a doctor's appointment in the morning and then office hours; just got home and a chance to sit down and reply. Please forgive the brevity.

Yes, it might have been the case that part of the data was elsewhere, its alright, I got most of it resolved and what was missing was reasonably easy enough to restore, thank you.

Aha, thank you for the clarification, maybe that's why WinRAR couldn't see it. I will fire up 7-Zip and give it a whirl this weekend, hopefully have more time. I must have misunderstood.

Will you share your reasons, beyond availability if any - against WinRAR, I have never had issues with it and it's been quite stable for me; I am always open to alternatives.

Anyway, about the file, the short and simple of it is that apparently during the creation of the file/or overwriting it, the I/O process didn't complete right so it didn't properly release the file handle leaving it completely corrupted and innaccessible, so the system has a reference for the file but no actual data in the file to access and can't identify it. This created an inconsistency with the NTFS stream and didn't have access to it. I needed to give the system a physical body to go with the virtual reference it has. Simply put, I did an old data recovery trick and populated the "file" with junk placeholder data (same as when a damaged hard drive being recovered gets the filename but the content maybe junk) so that the system can have access to the PHYSICAL file and reconcile it with the file table, making it deleteable. That's it. A bit more hassle than one would want but needed to be done so I could do what you suggested and not leave this undeleteable file there, forcing me to use a new location.

I would not even hazard a guess as to why this happened, but that would explain why in the second log, it can't write to it.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
A form of data corruption. (IMHO) WinRAR sucks, 7-Zip rules. :-)

Based on your description, it sounds to me like a form a data corruption, albeit apparently not one CheckDisk could recognise/fix.

I dare say if you had done this "little magic" earlier, you could have run the upgrade install and not had to deal with losing data.

As to other reasons for recommending 7-Zip instead of WinRAR, for one, WinRAR is not free. It's "trialware", allowing you to use it for a while, but then forcing you to buy it. Sure you can get it without actual monetary transfer via TrialPay, but that's not free, it just means someone else is paying for it for you in order to entice you to sign up for their services. Besides the issue of cost, I simply prefer open source programs on principle when the option is available. Then there's the fact that I personally prefer 7-Zip's interface (yes they're somewhat similar, but having used WinRAR, I like 7-Zip's UI better). I also like how 7-Zip integrates with the Windows shell by placing a "7-Zip" submenu in the context menu, allowing it to take up little space, but also be very full-featured, and I absolutely hate the fact that WinRAR takes over all the file associations it can by default; in fact, at the moment, I don't actually have 7-Zip associated with any filetypes, I access whatever function of 7-Zip I want from the context menu, whether that be opening a file, extracting a file, extracting multiple files, building an archive, or even generating checksums, and I use 7-Zip just about every day. On top of all that, I have yet to come across a file that 7-Zip couldn't open but WinRAR could (yes 7-Zip opens rar files, it just can't make them), and I have learned both from experience and benchmark data that 7z files are generally smaller that their rar equivalents, and while creating a high compression ratio 7z may sometimes be more resource intensive than a rar from the same files, it is also usually less resource intensive to extract such a 7z than it is to extract a similar rar. Finally, there are easily accessible advanced options that are equally out of the way of new users, which let me force 7-Zip to open files in different ways, allowing me to use it for files that most (if not all) other archivers refuse to recognise at all, as well as providing a means to recover files from partially corrupted archives. Oh, and I probably shouldn't leave off that I like the name and logo too.


GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Ok, personal preference noted ...

Yes, it was a data corruption that the system has no reason to fix using check disk because it is not in a state that would even be recognized by it as having a problem, since not a disk level corruption but rather a data state corruption, which can happen with any file without the system seeing it as a system level issue to be addressed. Much like when you mount a drive that is in distress and view its content but that doesn't mean the data within those files is accessible which is caused by corruption, albeit those occur at the cylinder level - aka a sector is damaged so the data within it becomes null and overall causes the file to be corrupted.

Yes, if I was aware of the situation, which only became obvious when attempting to delete everything as we discussed to restore the installation, it could have been resolved by making the file available to being overwritten, but that's a matter of hindsight being 20/20; however, it was ultimately resolve, albeit more convoluted and requiring more work.I need to polish my crystal ball Wink and in the future should this happen again, I will now have another avenue to approach it.

I understand that WinRAR is not free but I have an enterprise license for it and have had it for over a decade, so that's not an issue for me personally. I know 7-Zip and have used it extensively as part of my professional career for various reasons, most of which have nothing to do with it being free - although in some ways that's the factor it is used for as it can be packaged, embedded and used for on the fly extraction without the licensing issue.

Actually the 7-Zip interface has been the greatest drawback for me adopting it as my daily driver, but it has been a while, so it might have improved, I can't speak with any certainty on that. But I do find the WinRAR interface very efficient and it has always indeed integrated with the shell without issue, as that is the primary way by which I interact with it. While you can assign all associated file extensions with WinRAR, it has never grabbed them without presenting you with the option to select them, it is not greedy in that manner; and it has never prevented it from recognizing and extracting files that it can, despite them not being associated to it.

As for opening files, I have never personally suffered any issue and it often is able to detect what format is internal to the file and provide the option in the context menu to open it anyway, regardless of the outward file extension implies, and indeed it handles partial and corrupted archives just fine - on the rare circumstances when I have encountered them, it has been a champ at resolving them and making them redundant so they can be properly repackaged and restored.

Personally, I have no interest in defending any particular software, my use of, is not an endorsement of WinRAR; though perhaps implied is based on personal experience with it and nothing more. I am not a fanboy in any sense or an evangelist for the software, but it has been a solid daily driver for me for better part of nearly two decades. As many have, I started back in 91 with WinZip which quickly became quite obsolete and frankly incapable for me. That's when I experience the early draft of RAR and while I still package most things I share with others in ZIP, I do use the RAR solid state archives for backups and archiving which has been quite stable - dare I say it has even improved upon that over the years considerably. The only reason I have stuck with it over the years has been its solid performance, stability and power to handle whatever I throw at it; while my experience with other archive programs have been hit and miss at times.

The 7-Zip logo is nice in its simplicity and generic minimalism but I often don't make software decisions based on their logos Wink and plus WinRAR provides for themes which allows you to change and all icons to whatever you choose or whatever works for you, which provides a bit more flexibility, although be honest I don't care enough to use that feature but often use the Jr. theme simply because I find the default icons and colors to be a bit dull and chromatically unappealing.

Regardless, thank you for sharing your thoughts on it with me, I do appreciate the professional and passionate discourse which is often lacking online nowadays without it devolving into a shouting match Smile I will give 7-Zip another whirl as a professional principle of being open minded and consideration; who knows it might have improved since my past use of it that left me a bit unimpressed with it. Not talking about features, that has always been solid, I mean the UI/UX of it. I have several machines on which I can make that a daily driver (beyond the purely command-line driven version of our use of it in packages) and see if it has changed. I love open source personally too and often prefer it over paid options; but that is not always a default for my decisions and don't do it when it is inferior and better can be achieved, sometimes open source is not as good as what it aims to replace and that's a well established fact. Think Open Office and/or its other branded Libre Office, they are not and never have been a perfect emulation of the Office that they have aimed to be, and have severe limitations, compatibility and usability issues which are well documented. No matter how many times people have tried to mimic it, be it now Google, they are very solid and hard to replace. But in a pinch, they do just fine, including the free lite version of Office apps provided by M$.

Anyway, thanks again.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

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Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Wanted to share in case you haven't seen it ...

I know you like to use 7-Zip, thought I share this so you can at least be careful doing it:
7-Zip: Multiple Memory Corruptions via RAR and ZIP

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Additional Information

While waiting for you to kindly review the log, I decided to go ahead and try and see if the method you posted might resolve this, despite the fact that download wasn't an issue; call it professional curiosity.

When I did, it gave me an error that this package is invalid or corrupt, which threw me for a loop. So I decided, what the heck, let's download it again and see if there is something to this error. First thing I did was to do a CRC comparison of the two files and they were identical, so pretty sure not a corrupted file unless the package build is corrupt somehow.

I ran the newly downloaded one and even earlier than before, it borked. It shows this error message. And here is the log for it:

Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome
Preparing to upgrade Google Chrome Portable...
Create folder: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsb32F5.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading Google Chrome (Stable)...
Installing Google Chrome Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsb32F5.tmp\Downloaded\Google Chrome (Stable)->C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsb32F5.tmp\Downloaded\60.0.3112.113_chrome_installer.exe
Rename: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\Dictionaries\->P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\~PRESERVEDIRECTORY2\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appcompactor.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon.ico
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_128.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_16.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_256.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_32.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_75.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\EULA.txt
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\installer.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\pac_installer_log.ini
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\60.0.3112.113.manifest
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome.dll.sig
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome.exe.sig
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_100_percent.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_200_percent.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_child.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_child.dll.sig
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_elf.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_watcher.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\d3dcompiler_47.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\docs.crx
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\drive.crx
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\external_extensions.json
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\gmail.crx
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\youtube.crx
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\eventlog_provider.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Extensions\external_extensions.json
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Extensions\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\icudtl.dat
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\libegl.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\libglesv2.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\am.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ar.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\bg.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\bn.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ca.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\cs.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\da.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\de.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\el.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\en-GB.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\en-US.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\es-419.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\es.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\et.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\fa.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\fi.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\fil.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\fr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\gu.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\he.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\hi.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\hr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\hu.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\id.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\it.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ja.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\kn.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ko.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\lt.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\lv.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ml.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\mr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ms.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\nb.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\nl.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\pl.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\pt-BR.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\pt-PT.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ro.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ru.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sk.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sl.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sv.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\sw.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ta.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\te.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\th.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\tr.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\uk.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\vi.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\zh-CN.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\zh-TW.pak
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\nacl_irt_x86_32.nexe
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\nacl_irt_x86_64.nexe
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\natives_blob.bin
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\resources.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\snapshot_blob.bin
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\swiftshader\libegl.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\swiftshader\libglesv2.dll
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\swiftshader\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\VisualElements\logo.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\VisualElements\logobeta.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\VisualElements\logocanary.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\VisualElements\logodev.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\VisualElements\smalllogo.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\VisualElements\smalllogobeta.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\VisualElements\smalllogocanary.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\VisualElements\smalllogodev.png
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\VisualElements\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\WidevineCdm\manifest.json
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\WidevineCdm\_platform_specific\win_x86\widevinecdm.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\WidevineCdm\_platform_specific\win_x86\widevinecdm.dll.sig
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\WidevineCdm\_platform_specific\win_x86\widevinecdmadapter.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\WidevineCdm\_platform_specific\win_x86\widevinecdmadapter.dll.sig
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\WidevineCdm\_platform_specific\win_x86\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\WidevineCdm\_platform_specific\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\WidevineCdm\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\First Run
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile\Default\Bookmarks
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile\Default\Favicons
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile\Default\History
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile\Default\Top Sites
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile\Default\Web Data
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile\Default\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\readme.txt
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Help\images\donation_button.png
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Help\images\help_background_header.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Help\images\help_logo_top.png
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Help\images\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Help\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\attrib.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\build.txt
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords.def
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords.vcxproj
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords\dllmain.cpp
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords\sqlite.cpp
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords\sqlite.h
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords.sln
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\Release\ChromePasswords.dll
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\Release\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\dialogs.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\dialogsEx.dll
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\GoogleChromePortable.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\GoogleChromePortable.jpg
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\GoogleChromePortable.nsi
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Afrikaans.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Albanian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Arabic.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Basque.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Belarusian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Bosnian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Breton.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Bulgarian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Catalan.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Cibemba.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Croatian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Czech.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Danish.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Dutch.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Efik.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\English.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Esperanto.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Estonian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Farsi.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Finnish.nsh
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Galician.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Georgian.nsh
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Greek.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Hebrew.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Hungarian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Icelandic.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Igbo.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Indonesian.nsh
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\TradChinese.nsh
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Ukrainian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Uzbek.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Valencian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Vietnamese.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Welsh.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Yoruba.nsh
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\License.txt
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\PortableApps.comLauncherLANG_ENGLISH.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\PortableApps.comLauncherOptionsForm.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\TBProgress.nsh
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin
Rename: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\~PRESERVEDIRECTORY2\->P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\Dictionaries\
Installing Google Chrome Portable...
Can't write: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\GoogleChromePortable.exe

And again, there is no permission or access issue, I believe the previous install really royally messed things up. I may have no choice but to go scorched earth to remove it and start over, which blows.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Out of curiosity...

Out of curiosity, I posted a copy of your first log here to see if it complained like you say it did for you, and ... it didn't.
I think the issue is that your user account already has things about it that the spam filter counts against you, and whatever it complained about is just 'one more straw' on the proverbial camel's back, that pushes you over the threshold to the point that it thinks you're a spammer.
For one thing, I think the fact that you have so many non-standard characters in your username is a mark against you.

FYI: Putting it in a <code> tag looks absolutely atrocious, even if it would let you, please, never do that.
The proper way to post it is in a <pre> block.

Also, as an unrelated side-note, the StackExchange link in your user bio is broken.

Edit: Removed the copy of the log, as it wasn't really a useful addition to the thread.
Edit2: Oh yeah, I forgot I also wanted to mention that IIRC the spam filter will like you better if you hit the Preview button and take a few moments to look it over before you actually ask it to publish your post.


GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Perhaps they fixed it ...

I initially put the log in a code block. It threw an error and claimed it trigger a spam filter and showed a nice big red banner on the top. It suggested that if it is a false positive to click on the link they provided to report it, I did that. So perhaps they have modified something to not trigger again. If so, then good thing I reported it, normally I don't do that. I have NEVER EVER spammed anything and I challenge anyone who says that I have. SO if it has spam count against me, it is complete and utter bullshit that John can easily verify by looking at any and all posts I have made through all my time here. Where is this spam count you are citing?

I don't know if their version of the code is atrocious or not, I haven't used it in the past but on the forums it is the best way to put a lot of data without completely ruining the readability of the thread and also for better copy and paste in case it is needed. I chose that based on that experience, I have no idea how it works on THIS forum or how bad it is. Had it worked, then I would have been able to see and adjust accordingly. But trying the blockquote did the same thing and finally I gave up. Later, I figured, let's try pre and see if that will pass and it did, not sure if they had already made the adjustment or it simply didn't parse it the same way and why it worked.

Actually it triggered during the preview, I am very anal retentive about making sure the post is clean and properly formatted and flows right and the preview is a key part of that and I do that all the time, sometimes several times, before actually posting. It triggered on the very first preview and subsequent preview, hence why I was able to change the text to the placeholder before being able to actually submit it.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
I'm not saying that it keeps

I'm not saying that it keeps track of previous posts which it considers spam. Once an account is known to be a spammer they get banned.
What I'm saying is that there is an automated spam filter which looks at a bunch of factors to guess if any post is spam, and each thing that seems potentially spammy to it gets counted toward blocking the user from posting it. One such thing is the excessive use of non-ascii characters in your username, because many spam bots use such names. Another is excessive number of links in a post. I don't know what they all are and/or what specifically it saw that made it think you were potentially a spammer, but I do know that there are a number of factors it takes into account, and that's the "count" that I was talking about.

As to why posting a block of text like that in a <code> tag is bad, take a look at this:

Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome
Preparing to upgrade Google Chrome Portable...
Create folder: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsw9AE8.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading Google Chrome (Stable)...
Installing Google Chrome Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsw9AE8.tmp\Downloaded\Google Chrome (Stable)->C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsw9AE8.tmp\Downloaded\60.0.3112.113_chrome_installer.exe
Rename: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\Dictionaries\->P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\~PRESERVEDIRECTORY2\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appcompactor.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon.ico
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_128.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_16.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_256.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_32.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appicon_75.png
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\installer.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\pac_installer_log.ini
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\60.0.3112.113.manifest
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_100_percent.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\chrome_200_percent.pak
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\docs.crx
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\drive.crx
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\external_extensions.json
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\gmail.crx
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\default_apps\youtube.crx
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Extensions\external_extensions.json
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Extensions\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\icudtl.dat
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ar.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\bg.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\bn.pak
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\ca.pak
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\60.0.3112.113\Locales\zh-TW.pak
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Polish.nsh
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Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\PortugueseBR.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Romanian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Russian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Serbian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\SerbianLatin.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\SimpChinese.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Slovak.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Slovenian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Spanish.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\SpanishInternational.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Swahili.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Swedish.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Thai.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\TradChinese.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Turkish.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Ukrainian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Uzbek.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Valencian.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Vietnamese.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Welsh.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\Yoruba.nsh
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages\
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\License.txt
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\PortableApps.comLauncherLANG_ENGLISH.nsh
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\PortableApps.comLauncherOptionsForm.ini
Delete file: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\TBProgress.nsh
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\
Remove folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin
Rename: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\~PRESERVEDIRECTORY2\->P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin\Dictionaries\
Installing Google Chrome Portable...
Extract: GoogleChromePortable.exe
Extract: help.html
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App
Extract: readme.txt
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\AppInfo
Extract: EULA.txt
Extract: appcompactor.ini
Extract: appicon.ico
Extract: appicon_128.png
Extract: appicon_16.png
Extract: appicon_256.png
Extract: appicon_32.png
Extract: appicon_75.png
Extract: appinfo.ini
Extract: installer.ini
Extract: pac_installer_log.ini
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\Chrome-bin
Extract: First Run
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App\DefaultData\profile\Default
Extract: Bookmarks
Extract: Favicons
Extract: History
Extract: Preferences
Extract: Top Sites
Extract: Web Data
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Help
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Help\images
Extract: donation_button.png
Extract: favicon.ico
Extract: help_background_footer.png
Extract: help_background_header.png
Extract: help_logo_top.png
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source
Extract: GoogleChromePortable.ini
Extract: GoogleChromePortable.jpg
Extract: GoogleChromePortable.nsi
Extract: License.txt
Extract: PortableApps.comLauncherLANG_ENGLISH.nsh
Extract: PortableApps.comLauncherOptionsForm.ini
Extract: TBProgress.nsh
Extract: attrib.nsh
Extract: dialogs.nsh
Extract: dialogsEx.dll
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords
Extract: ChromePasswords.sln
Extract: build.txt
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\ChromePasswords
Extract: ChromePasswords.def
Extract: ChromePasswords.vcxproj
Extract: dllmain.cpp
Extract: sqlite.cpp
Extract: sqlite.h
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\ChromePasswords\Release
Extract: ChromePasswords.dll
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source\Languages
Extract: Afrikaans.nsh
Extract: Albanian.nsh
Extract: Arabic.nsh
Extract: Basque.nsh
Extract: Belarusian.nsh
Extract: Bosnian.nsh
Extract: Breton.nsh
Extract: Bulgarian.nsh
Extract: Catalan.nsh
Extract: Cibemba.nsh
Extract: Croatian.nsh
Extract: Czech.nsh
Extract: Danish.nsh
Extract: Dutch.nsh
Extract: Efik.nsh
Extract: English.nsh
Extract: Esperanto.nsh
Extract: Estonian.nsh
Extract: Farsi.nsh
Extract: Finnish.nsh
Extract: French.nsh
Extract: Galician.nsh
Extract: Georgian.nsh
Extract: German.nsh
Extract: Greek.nsh
Extract: Hebrew.nsh
Extract: Hungarian.nsh
Extract: Icelandic.nsh
Extract: Igbo.nsh
Extract: Indonesian.nsh
Extract: Irish.nsh
Extract: Italian.nsh
Extract: Japanese.nsh
Extract: Khmer.nsh
Extract: Korean.nsh
Extract: Kurdish.nsh
Extract: Latvian.nsh
Extract: Lithuanian.nsh
Extract: Luxembourgish.nsh
Extract: Macedonian.nsh
Extract: Malagasy.nsh
Extract: Malay.nsh
Extract: Mongolian.nsh
Extract: Norwegian.nsh
Extract: NorwegianNynorsk.nsh
Extract: Pashto.nsh
Extract: Polish.nsh
Extract: Portuguese.nsh
Extract: PortugueseBR.nsh
Extract: Romanian.nsh
Extract: Russian.nsh
Extract: Serbian.nsh
Extract: SerbianLatin.nsh
Extract: SimpChinese.nsh
Extract: Slovak.nsh
Extract: Slovenian.nsh
Extract: Spanish.nsh
Extract: SpanishInternational.nsh
Extract: Swahili.nsh
Extract: Swedish.nsh
Extract: Thai.nsh
Extract: TradChinese.nsh
Extract: Turkish.nsh
Extract: Ukrainian.nsh
Extract: Uzbek.nsh
Extract: Valencian.nsh
Extract: Vietnamese.nsh
Extract: Welsh.nsh
Extract: Yoruba.nsh
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Other\Source
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\Data
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\7zTemp
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\7zTemp
Extract: 7z.exe
Extract: 7z.dll
Output folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome
Create folder: C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\nsw9AE8.tmp\Downloaded2
Create folder: P:\Apps\GoogleChrome\App
ERROR: (chrome.7z > App)

<sarcasm>That looks readable, doesn't it?</sarcasm>


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 16 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Broken Add-on

The CODE tags look like they were being messed up by a broken add-on. We're working on it here:

I've disabled it for now, though CODE stuff will still look a bit odd until the CSS is updated again.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
HTML: <pre>; Markdown: ```

<pre> is still the correct thing to use in the HTML text format.
If using Markdown, then it's ``` as in:

Paste the contents of your log here.

But internally it just converts that to a <pre> tag, so I don't what the issue with using <pre> to begin with.


GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
Inline images

I still wish there was a way to put inline screenshots for better usability, even if they are not uploaded and hosted on the forum software itself, like they often are, because posting them as links just gets lost in the flow sometimes and seems unnecessarily restrictive.

Before being said, I know why that would be something that one would shy away from given that spammers can use it as well, but I think if you put a rule like, if the user has posted at least 3 times and/or replied to a thread that has not been flagged or a username that is not flagged, then it would add usability and better experience, just my two cents.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Images are a whole different can of worms.

I think the main issue preventing John from allowing embedded images is the potential for people including "NSFW" images. I really don't think it's a can of worms worth opening.


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
Malicious drive-by code

There's also the potential for malicious code being inserted in images or image links. Imgur and the like are simple to use, and take no time at all to include a link when needed.

GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48

While I agree with that as a possibility, hardly a real issue that is so easily mitigated, it is a non-issue really. And I think you missed the point that we already know we can use links, that wasn't the point, links to images are not inline images, that was the point being made and no they are not simple to use in that people have to stop reading the issue to open an image on an outside site and deal with their nonsense only to come back and read where they left off, while not the end of the world, it is very poor. And in some cases having to keep flipping between one tab and the other to follow the thread becomes very inefficient to say the least, rather than just looking at it while you read.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
I know...

Agreed, and I already said, I can see why one would shy away from it, but to cater to the lowest form of discourtesy by those lacking respect only makes things harder for the legitimately professional and who conduct themselves with dignity. Unfortunately the world we live in, everyone has to follow rules made for the idiots who can't behave.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

GµårÐïåñ's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: 2012-06-15 14:48
I see...

Ok, thank you for explaining what you meant because I have NEVER in my entire life posted spam ANYWHERE for any reason. I don't like it, I therefore don't do it. As for the username, that's hardly a marker, especially when someone has used the forum for so long and whose reputation is well known and a great portion of the world has unicode based names - granted mine is a throwback to my greyhat days but still unicode based "names" are nothing that should automatically constitute spammer. Plus, nothing in the log would constitute spam frankly - let's be honest - that's just a bad system if indeed its metrics work like that.

I see what you mean by atrocious, thank you for demonstrating, you can edit that out if you like. I see John mentioned there are some behind the scene stuff about it but none the less, since pre is preferred, which code basically is anyway, then by all means, I am a good sport, I shall use that from now on Smile Thank you for the heads up.

~.:[ Lï£ê ï§ å Lêmðñ åñÐ Ì Wåñ† M¥ Mðñê¥ ßå¢k ]:.~

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