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Skype ≈ v7.40.0.103 sPortable

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Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-09-15 12:07
Skype ≈ v7.40.0.103 sPortable

[b] Mr. John T. Haller [/b]

2017.09.15 Skype has forced us to update again, and begun blocking prior versions of skype once more.
This forced me to give up my ghost-copy of skype i was installing from/to a RAM drive and running daily.

The invasiveness of microsoft products is Legendary, and im sure theres a webster dictionary definition some where with a pic Bill-Gates waving a d***o around.

That said, today i turned to the PortaleApps site, as i tend to trust everything you and other developers here put together. I know you have a dream of maintaining one os, without restarts or reinstalls, for long hauls of uptime, and because of that i trust in

However today i tried out
v7.40.0.103 Date updated: 2017-09-12

installed to Z:\COMs\SkypeP_7.40.0.103 watched sPortable do the downloading,
And as soon as i hit -enter- after typing in my login name,
The program crashes (Not Responding) error till killed with ProcessExplorer.
~~~It does not make it to 'loading the password entry' screen at all.~~~

Oh, Note i do not use any PAF client or portable application client browser I've a plethora of application browsers and managers running already, {Steam, GoG, AHK, Logitech and LCore, & more probably) so i try to keep away from adding new ones. I used my portableapps files as separate processes. And i would prefer to continue that way.

My Operating System: Win7Ult_x64 SP1 Eng
My install path is Z:\COMs\SkypeP_7.40.0.103 ( sPortable.exe is found therein )
Z: is a RAM drive of 10GB.

I've tried various compatibility modes and running as administrator, none of which made any difference. : {

My HOSTS file blocks most of skype ad sites (and many others),
but did has never in the past interfered with or Official-Skype's operation.
Its been an effort to keep ads out of skype, and control what i allow through my connection.

I would appreciate any help you can provide in getting your portableapps version of skype opperational on my pc.
Thank you.

-----Common programs i have open:---------------------
Wallpaper engine
Controller Companion
Stardock Fences
Firefox v28
Explorer with "Classic shell"
Autohotkey L [v1.1.09.03]
Logitech Gaming Software (LCore.exe)
Logitech G Series Profiler [v8.56.109]
Areo Glass

{ no AV or Firewall programs.
i work with my modem~router directly,
and carefully check every .exe i run. }


Machine name: TARDIS
Operating System: Win7Ult_x64 SP1 Eng
MotherBoard: ASUS E6356_P6X58-E_Pro
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7 CPU X 990 @ 3.5GHz [12 CPUs]
Memory: 48GB DDR3 RAM @1600MHZ 9-9-9-24 CL9
Page File: 21GB used, of 50GB
DirectX Ver: DirectX 11

Controller: Xbox One Elite Controller, vie XBoxOne Wireless Dongle.
Mouse: Logitech G600
Kerboard: Logitech G15 Original-Model.
Primary Audio:
----- Onboard Realtek HD Optical-Out
----- to a PDP Afterglow Dolby Prismatic Wireless Tower PL-9214T
----- to a PDP Afterglow Universal Wireless Gaming Headset PL-9929R
((Leaving out gpu stuff as its likely irrelevant))

EDIT: about to see if this video:
can help me. *crossing fingers!*
EDIT: Foof it didn't help... -.-

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 36 min 12 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Working on Windows 7 x64 Here

It's working on my clean and up to date Windows 7 x64 virtual machine without issue. It's possible one of your blocks is interfering with it.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-09-15 12:07
got it running at least!

when i installed from

In the same folder i opened that from i had skypesetup.exe from today's build of skype.
having read elsewhere on this site that your skype .paf files do something to the effect of searching the /current folder/ for install files before downloading them, i decided to remove SkypeSetup.exe to the recyclebin.

Then i reinstalled from sPortable_7.40.0.103_online.paf.exe exactly like the fist time.
That's when it started working without problem or incident!

Whew! learned my lesson!
Happy skype is working again! and hopefully without a ton of regestry hooks even if it does require Internet Explorer SSL stuffs.

Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-09-15 12:07
/datapath:"" ????

Mr. Haller?
i still need some help...
i used to start Skype from this shortcut:
ᅟC:\COMs\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /datapath:"Z:\cache\skype\DataStore" /removable /secondary
Start in:

But now im using sPortable,
So do i change the shortcut properties to this??

NEW target:
Z:\COMs\SkypeP_7.40.0.103\sPortable.exe /datapath:"Z:\cache\skype\DataStore" /removable /secondary
NEW Start in:

Ok just tried it, Having done so i am not seeing the Z:\cache\skype\DataStore folder populate with anything.
so i don't think sPortable is passing the parameters.
the DataStore folder was required to stop the crackle-popping my DSL+HDD was creating during voice calls. Datastore on the Z: (Ram drive) kept the audio packets stiched seamlessly, but im getting crackling now that sPortable ~ Skype is using the default c: application-data folders for temp files.

Can you advise??

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 36 min 12 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Install and Point

You need to first install sPortable then point your shortcut to the skype.exe within sPortable's App directory. Note that this will completely bypass the Launcher and will result in some registry keys left behind. It's unsupported by us, of course.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2017-09-15 12:07
Is it possible for you to

Is it possible for you to update sPortable to permit command line permitted passing to skype.exe child process?

or have an ini file where sPortable can have command line parameters writen, that it will pass to skype.exe child process when started up?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 36 min 12 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Already In Use

The switch /datapath is already being used by the launcher. You can either use Skype Portable with its launcher and have your Data within the SkypePortable\Data directory or run skype.exe directly and manually set your own command line parameters for everything.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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