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(removed) Firefox Portable All Builds Online Installer (built with PAL. no custom script!)

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demon.devin's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-02 09:04
(removed) Firefox Portable All Builds Online Installer (built with PAL. no custom script!)

Firefox Portable Latest Online Installer
This is a special build of Firefox Portable which makes use of the topics and development discussions for the selectable x86_x64 installers. This variant of Firefox portable shows the practical uses for Dual Mode Launchers, Hybrid Installers, and how to deal with trying to launch a 64-bit application on a 32-bit machine.

Another nice implementation I added during installation is I allowed the end-user to specify which version of Firefox he/she would like to install. The default option (latest) for this is already in place so if the end-user isn't sure they can just click on the Next button to move on. If the end-user wishes to install an older version of Firefox, than they can enter their desired version and that version of Firefox will be installed instead. This is especially useful for those who would like to revert to an older copy or if they'd prefer to install Firefox ESR or even the beta versions. This makes it even easier to install the nightly builds of Firefox as you only need to rerun this installer and input the version to download and install.

This version also was built using PAL. It was built using my modified version of the Launcher but this just goes to show that Firefox can be ported over to use the official builds of PAL. It would just need some to make use of the custom.nsh file like this one does. I've also included the PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi script file for review. It can be found in the ..\FirefoxPortable\Other\Source\Installer directory.


  • Firefox Apps are not portable! Which means they're not supported for portable use.
    • Firefox Apps will install application-specific trash onto a computer.
    • So be advised not to install any Firefox Apps!
  • NPAPI is deprecated as of 2016: read this for more information.
  • Firefox x64 does not support Java: read this for information.
  • Silverlight x32 is incompatible with Hardware Acceleration: read this
  • Switching the language of Firefox would require a reinstall with the language-specific Firefox. If you want this, than simply:
    1. Launch the installer.
    2. In the first screen select your desired language.
    3. Install and/or upgrade as normal.
  • If the Launcher's language is incorrect, than edit LocaleID= in the user configuration file (see below).


  • Used the concepts and ideas from the discussion in this thread.
  • When installing, the user is allowed to select which bit-depth they'd like to install: x86 (32-bit), x64 (64-bit), or x86_x64 (32-bit/64-bit).
  • This version doesn't use a custom launcher script to work. I built this version using my modified variant of PAL and shouldn't be all that difficult to port over using the official PAL.
  • When installing this version of Firefox Portable, there's a custom install page where it asks you to enter the version you want to install. To install the latest, stable build of Firefox, just enter latest or you can specify a specific build version you'd rather download and install. Enjoy!
  • To upgrade Firefox Portable, simply rerun the installer and enter your desired version of Firefox that you would like to download and install.
  • Passwords are Portable.
  • Extensions are Portable.
  • Sync sign-in is Portable.
  • Restarting Firefox Portable is supported.

Multiple profile support is allowed. To use a specific profile other than the default, make sure that Firefox Portable is not running and simply:

  1. Open the launcher configuration file (FirefoxPortable.ini), located at: ..\App\AppInfo\Launcher
  2. Edit the CommandLineArguments key under the [Launch] section.
  3. Change
    • From: -profile "%PAL:DataDir%\Profile" -no-remote
    • To: -profile "%PAL:DataDir%\NEWPROFILE" -no-remote
    • Where: NEWPROFILE is your desired profile.
  4. Save the launcher configuration file (FirefoxPortable.ini).

The following locations are searched for Firefox plugins.

Firefox x32:

  • ..\Data\Plugins\bin\plugin2
  • ..\Data\Plugins\bin\new_plugin
  • ..\CommonFiles\Java\bin\plugin2
  • ..\CommonFiles\Java\bin\new_plugin
  • ..\CommonFiles\Flash
  • ..\CommonFiles\BrowserPlugins

Firefox x64:

  • ..\Data\Plugins64\bin\plugin2
  • ..\Data\Plugins64\bin\new_plugin
  • ..\CommonFiles\Java64\bin\plugin2
  • ..\CommonFiles\Java64\bin\new_plugin
  • ..\CommonFiles\Flash64
  • ..\CommonFiles\BrowserPlugins64

You can add additional plugin locations for the launcher to scan for.

  1. Open the launcher configuration file, FirefoxPortable.ini located in the folder ..\App\AppInfo\Launcher
  2. Add your desired directories to scan underneath the [Plugins] section in numerical, sequential order.

For Example:

  1. Save FirefoxPortable.ini and relaunch Firefox Portable.

User Config File
The optional user configuration file includes the following settings:

  • AdditionalParameters = Pass additional command-line switches.
  • PurgeCaches=false [true/false] Clear Gecko JavaScript cache during Launch (may impact launch speed).
  • RunLocally=false [true/false] Application is copied to and executed from $TEMP/%TEMP% directory.
  • SafeMode=false [true/false] Launch Firefox with extensions disabled.
  • Console=false [true/false] Launch Firefox starting with debugging console.
  • Private=false [true/false] Launch Firefox in private browsing mode.
  • LocaleID=1033 [LocaleID] The Launcher's internal language. (ie. MessageBox, Alerts, etc.)

Download removed by mod JTH for trademark violations

  • MD5: 65ACB9100BE055106E0EA1F7B22DC3B1
  • CRC32: D72F0886



John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Download Removed For Trademark Violation

The trademark permissions we have from Mozilla don't extend to third parties. Experimental builds with unofficial versions of PAL and PAI don't fall within the guidelines.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

demon.devin's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-02 09:04
It was an online installer.

It was an online installer.

That can't be done either, huh?


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Name and Logo

You can use neither the Firefox name nor the logo with an app without Mozilla's express consent. They are trademarks that Mozilla has specific published guidelines for use of. They forbid this type of usage. They forbid things like Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition as well, but we secured permission to make that package, including specific negotiations over the name and brand treatments.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

demon.devin's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-02 09:04
Why won't you consider this

Why won't you consider this for the official version of Firefox that you host here?

With this online installer you're able to install the latest builds of the stable version, Beta version, DevEdition version, ESR version, Nightly version, or any older versions of Firefox. Plus, it supports installing either one of the 32-bit/64-bit or both. All that with just this ONE online installer without bundling the Firefox application with the installer either.

I mean I understand your problem with the trademark issues but why won't you consider the code for official use?


demon.devin's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-02 09:04
I have read their trademark

I have read their trademark policy on their website, specifically the section about using their name and logo for distribution, and came to the conclusion that I was perfectly okay to do so and was abiding by Mozilla's trademarks policy that applied to what my online installer is and/or has.

I'm not redistributing their product and since my installer is downloading Firefox directly from their servers, their policy on that states that they recommend downloading the latest, stable builds. Since my installer is doing exactly that for any version, I'm well within their legal premises.

However, just to be on the safe side, I went ahead and contacted Mozilla anyway and gave them a copy of my installer for review. I've also linked them to this thread for reference as well.

You should have worked with me John.


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Violation, Issues with the package

This package is definitely a violation. It's taking the Firefox registered trademark name and logo and putting it on a third party package that has nothing to do with Mozilla without permission. Similarly, someone that made a third party package to manage Firefox bookmarks couldn't call their app Firefox Bookmark Manager and use the Firefox logo as their app logo. The specific point of their guidelines is:

If it's not the unmodified installer package from, and you want to use our trademark(s), our review and approval of your modifications is required.

This package is not the unmodified installer package from It's a third party app. It's not Firefox. It's concerning that you've been informed that this is the case and yet are continuing to distribute it. I'm not quite sure what to do about this at this point as we've never had an issue with a developer purposely distributing an illegal portable package.

As far as the package itself, there are issues with it:

  • There's the trademark issue mentioned above combined with the fact that you're continuing to distribute it after being informed that it's a violation.
  • We avoid online installers wherever possible as users prefer to download everything in a single package. This is particularly true for users that don't use the platform as their PC may not be configured to allow an online installer to function (IE components may not be working, proxy may prevent direct download, software firewall may not permit online installers, etc).
  • This wouldn't work with the platform's updater/app store. We set that to download everything to avoid issues with proxies and software firewalls. For example, when the platform is downloading Google Chrome Portable, it also downloads the Google installer from Google at the same time, not relying on the online installer to do it. The user only needs to allow PortableAppsUpdater.exe in their software firewall and it works for all apps installed by the platform. And they can configure their proxy in the Platform for use with the updater/app store. Online installers won't get that.
  • There are security risks with your approach that we would not be comfortable with for official Firefox Portable releases. When I package Firefox Portable, every package is scanned in 30+ antivirus engines before release. Even for an online installer like Google Chrome Portable, I scan Google Chrome Portable installer as well as the packages downloaded from Google in 30+ antivirus engines and then hash the downloads so the online installer can't be tricked into using a compromised version of Chrome. This hash is exposed to the Platform so it can ensure its only downloading the legitimate version as well. This is useful for users using a compromised PC, compromised internet connection, or in a country that may be hostile to unfettered internet access. Only the Firefox Nightly installer permits unchecked downloads due to necessity. As this is only used by developers in specific instances, it is a worthwhile tradeoff.
  • As we discussed in a previous thread, we don't intend to show users a 32-bit/64-bit choice by default as most users won't know what that is. I understand that you disagree with this, but this is the official policy and any official release will respect it.
  • The current configuration can cause issues with the local PC. Temporarily while it is running and permanently if it crashes, it will: mess up local Firefox file associations, mess up certain local Java settings, and mess up local Silverlight apps. It also sets -no-remote by default that will mess up secondary launches and doesn't properly handle multiple instances if a user tries to use it.
  • Asking the user to manually configure an INI file using numerical locale codes to get launcher error messages in their own language is not user-friendly.

Lastly, I'm unsure why you continue with a hostile, antagonistic attitude towards everyone who disagrees with you. Your above post reads as if you think you know better than everyone else regardless of what anyone else says. This has happened in the past previously and been discussed. Please take a step back and re-read some of what you're posting and think about how you would interpret similar postings directed at you.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

demon.devin's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-08-02 09:04
You Win.

I'm unsure why you continue with a hostile, antagonistic attitude towards everyone who disagrees with you.

Because it takes me having to be antagonistic to gain any real response from you. If you would have just said half of what you just said in the beginning we wouldn't be here. Instead, you'd much rather be vague and not explain yourself. You don't say anything at all. You leave everything to the imagination which begs for "hostile" nature.

we avoid online installers wherever possible as users prefer to download everything in a single package.

Screw the stupid online installer portion of this build. I was really advocating for the package itself. For some dumbass reason I was telling myself that you'd actually be impressed with what I've accomplished here. You should have just told me I'm going way out of my way just to waste my time contributing to nothing. I get your stance on your ideals about the user base not being power-users like myself but you're ruling these people out trying to only appeal to people that don't know what they're doing.

It would be okay for you to appeal to advanced users too you know. Maybe have "special builds" or something like that. Instead you'd rather keep things dumb-downed as if you are trying to discourage people from progressing. You might as well be burning books. Lmao.

I'm not quite sure what to do about this at this point as we've never had an issue with a developer purposely distributing an illegal portable package.

While I'm flattered you considered me a PA.c developer, you need not worry about me messing up your "" household name any further. I'm done with this whole thing anyway. I've spent countless hours on this Firefox build (or this whole portable programming crap) when I could have devoted my time on something much more productive and worthwhile.

I quit.

Don't loose any sleep over this.



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