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AbiWordPortable: need Live version support

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Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2018-01-19 15:19
AbiWordPortable: need Live version support

I am in of need a Microsoft Word-compatible portable app that can be run from the DVD drive of a locked-down platform. I have no way to install applications or insert entries into the registry on this machine. I'm trying to draft documentation for Cyber Security tasks and operations.

I have tried to follow the instructions for creating the AbiWordPortable 2.8.6 for Windows Live CD to no avail. I get the error stated here (taken from the graphic, since I cannot paste the graphic in here):

"AbiWord Portable ( Launcher): Another instance of AbiWord Portable is starting. Please wait for it to start before launching it again."

I see the AbiWord process briefly in Task Manager as it begins, and quits about 2-3 seconds later. I am able to copy the Live files to the local hard drive, but get the same error advisory when attempting to run the app from there.

The instructions for creating the Live version are not exactly precise. I tried to follow them, and fiddle with some of the .ini files' locations and content, but I'm not sure I was coming up with what the instructions were describing.

Let me reemphasize that there is no way that the registry entries mentioned in AbiWordPortable.ini can be made.

Is the last Windows Dev version 2.9.2 any better? (I see that a Linux version is only available in the latest release.) Is there anything I can do differently to allow AbiWordPortable Live to run on a well-locked-down machine?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 7 min 15 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Run Once?

If I recall correctly, you must run an app like AbiWord Portable once in regular mode so it can setup its settings properly. Then you can copy the AbiWordPortable.ini from Other\Source to the AbiWordPortable directory and set it to run in local mode. At that point, you should be able to run it from a CD/DVD.

We don't really test live mode much anymore as it's a mostly unused feature and most new PCs don't have optical drives. We'd originally envisioned it as a way to run apps from write-protected flash drives, but they never caught on.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2018-01-19 15:19
Indeed, Ran Once

By "copy the AbiWordPortable.ini from Other\Source to the AbiWordPortable directory" do you mean copy the .ini file referenced to the AbiWordPortable directory containing the AbiWordPortable.exe executable? And set RunLocally=true in that .ini? Pretty sure I have done all that you mention, with the same results.

Here's another bit of information. I get this same error about multiple instances no matter what Portable App I am investigating: LibreOfficePortable, FocusWriterPortable, OpenOfficePortable, etc. They all balk over a purported instance of the program purportedly already running, or starting.

Remember that I am NOT running the PortableApps Platform since I cannot install it on my locked-down machine.

Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2018-01-25 22:56
an app like AbiWord Portable

an app like AbiWord Portable

& there is LibreOffice Portable, too:

Btw., if the situation is (so?) dire and the PC is locked-down tight... Why not USB boot some Linux OS, for example...

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