Beware if you create a signature in Foxit Reader Portable (, the signature file will be temporary created and stored in the host computer until the app closes. Signature file path: %AppData%\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\InstaSign\UserSign\
The entire %AppData%\Foxit Software folder will disappear after closing Foxit Reader Portable. Signature is not transfer to the location of the PortableApp and will not be available on re-opening the portable app.
Windows 10 64-bit Spring Update 2018
PortableApps installed into SD Card
Open up the FoxitReaderPortable.ini file within the FoxitReaderPortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher directory. Replace the existing [DirectoriesMove] and [DirectoriesCleanupIfEmpty] sections with:
This should preserve it as you move between computers. This may leave some things behind in %APPDATA%\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader as I haven't yet tested it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks. It works. Signature is saved to D:\PortableApps\FoxitReaderPortable\Data\UserSign
Left behind in the host computer are:
%AppData%->Foxit Reader->>Lang
%AppData%->Foxit Reader->>UserImage
%AppData%->Foxit Reader->StartPage 9.1.0->advertisement->ad->..bmp and png files..
%AppData%->Foxit Reader->StartPage 9.1.0->advertisement->http
%AppData%->Foxit Reader->StartPage 9.1.0->advertisement->ad.db
%AppData%->Foxit Reader->StartPage 9.1.0->advertisement->
%AppData%->Foxit Reader->StartPage 9.1.0->start->en-US->..folders.and.files..
This is fixed in Foxit Reader Portable A modified version of the above was used to clean up the additional entries left by the newer releases.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!