Hello, We use with success your "PortableApps" to allow our "Beta testers team" to "Install" (...dev.paf.exe) or "Extract" (...dev.paf.exe.7z) our Beta Open Source Apps at: "GitHub.com/Notepad3".
The problem is that every time we try to extract the "7z file", we get an annoying dialog box dialog box indicating an identical double file "modern-header.bmp" in "$PLUGINSDIR"
Question: How can I delete "One" or "the 2" identical files in the "PortableApps Installer" ?
Here a Beta version of Notepad3: Notepad3Portable_5.19.710.1213 MUI_dev.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Extracting PAF installer files via 7z is not supported and unnecessary. The two files included are a right and left version to display properly for both right to left and left to right languages as the installer runs.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
| The two files included are a right and left version to display properly for both right to left and left to right languages as the installer runs.
Hello @john T. Haller , I understand, that Extracting .7z of a PAF is not supported, but it works good because PAF is a ".7z"!
My request is more, how can I avoid the "production" of this 1 or 2 IDENTICAL files named "modern-header.bmp" which in my case are not even necessary with the Installer version (PAF)?
A PAF.exe isn't a .7z. It's an NSIS installer compressed with lzma. 7-Zip just happens to have that as a supported format.
You can't suppress that error without recompiling the PA.c Installer to remove it and have RTL languages show a backwards header. Note that if you do this, you can't call it the PortableApps.com Installer anymore and can't use the associated graphics.
It would make much more sense to create an actual .7z of the files you want to distribute. Then you also wouldn't get the NSIS plugins folder with the DLLs in it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I understand the need for 2 files, one for "Classic MUI" and the other for "MUI RTL".
But, in this case, why did you create 2 totally identical files !
The simple solution to my problem would be that one of the 2 files is renamed, e.g.: "modern-header-rtl.bmp" !
This is my suggestion.
We do have it as two different names:
What you're seeing is the way NSIS itself works. If you want it changed, you'd need to ask them. I'd be willing to bet they'll say no.
Best option: Create a proper 7z so your users don't need to throw away the $PLUGINS directory or get the error you see.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!