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Portable Built-in Help?

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Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: 2019-02-22 04:44
Portable Built-in Help?

Is it possible to have a portable built-in Help? It's not in the portable version and when you try to open it and redirects you either to an online version or invites you to download it from the Libreoffice website.

But I only found an .msi installer for the built-in Help which makes me think that when I move my portable folder, it will be lost.
Anyway to have the built-in help portable?

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-11-19 21:02
detour with local install

you need a machine you have install rights on (home pc). you only need the help pack, the base program is not needed. be sure to get the help version matching your LO version. install the help package that matches your portable version on the home pc. use default settings and paths.
navigate to the install folder in "c:\program files\libre office\" copy the entire "help" folder over to "LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\" overwriting the present "help" folder.

that's it. your LOPortable now has offline help.
you can uninstall the help pack from the home pc. the downside is that any update to LOPortable requires you to repeat the process. also, it may be a bit tricky to track the right help version for the current install.

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