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E-Sword portable

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E-Sword portable

Hey, all:

I'm in the process of asking the author of "E-Sword" (Rick Meyers) if he is interested in making his Bible software package portable (or alternately, if he's aware of any way to make it to be portable)
If he replies in a positive vein, I will keep y'all updated on that.

Solamente por la gracia de Dios,


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The Sword project has a pocket bible called jsword I think it is if you are interested. Also I have found that Bible link works portable if you want to spend some money - jsword probably the better option Smile

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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Thanx, but actually, I'm not too interested in j-sword, becuz
1) It's *already* available in a portable form as is, w/o having to resort to java implementations,
2) I'm not too impressed with the "Sword Project" Bible software that it's based on. I really don't care for the interface - too Windows 3x-ish, for starters.

And no, I'm too poor to be spending $$ on Bible software, esp. since the free E-sword is so excellent. I just wanna be able to use some decent Bible software on my flashdrive.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Good Luck,

jsword is based on Java and would require some additional help (aka java install on the host OS or java on the thumb.) Open source Java is available and could easily be made portable, so that is a possibility. I too am not a fan of jsword or the SWORD project, because they do not currently have many modern translations, commentaries, dictionaries, etc. E-Sword has them beat on this.
E-Sword does not have a free OSI license, and Rick likes to keep programming tight in hand from what I can tell. It is programmed heavily leaning on Microsoft Access and all its modules use either Access or RTF formats. I have not looked for it recently, but a search of this forum should link you to a portable launcher for e-sword, that I have been using since October or November. It stores the registry info in the folder with e-sword on my USB, but there are a few little issues. I don't know code, so I could not tell you how to improve on this setup, but it is fairly stable and works for me. I believe the actual launcher was called portable e-sword beta 0.7. And a warning, it does require signing up on a yahoo group to get access to the file, but anyone with a yahoo account will find that painless and easily reversible.

Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

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Na ga da.


"a search of this forum should link you to a portable launcher for e-sword, that I have been using since October or is fairly stable and works for me...I believe the actual launcher was called portable e-sword beta does require signing up on a yahoo group to get access to the file, but anyone with a yahoo account will find that painless and easily reversible."
Yeah, I remember that - it was that "signup for yahoo groups" bit that turned me off.
Na ga da ("not gonna do it").

If I could find the file somewheres else - where I didn't hafta sign up for anything - I'd go for it. Failing that, I'll hafta wait for someone to come up with some other solution.
Haven't heard back from Rick yet, tho' I requested an e-mail response...

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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You are rather an enigma of sorts for me. I see that you are not too concerned about registry traces from your comments on several posts in the forum about portability and stealth, whether an app is truly portable or not. And then you seem squeamish about signing up for an e-mail list full of Christians talking about a Bible product to download a single file and then remove yourself from the list. Not that it concerns me, just saying, kind of odd.

Anyway, if I had any time or any bandwidth I would post it. I don't know if there are any bugs in it, but like I say, it has been working for me. Whatever that is worth. YMMV.

Many Blessings.
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

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@ learn2laugh:

"You are rather an enigma of sorts for me. I see that you are not too concerned about registry seem squeamish about signing up for an e-mail list...and then remove yourself from the list...just saying, kind of odd."
Yes, well, let me de-nigmatize myself for ya:

1) I am kind of odd. Enables me to minister better to others who are odd.
2) Registry traces don't concern me because they don't in themselves render any harm to the host PCs I'd use them on (workplace, mostly).
Installing an app, on the other hand - as you know - has great potential to muck up someone else's system (as well as violating workplace PC policy).
3) Signing up for yet ANOTHER thing online only gives spammers one MORE route to continue to pester me. No thanx.
Oh, and "removing yourself from the list" doesn't get me my e-mail addy back from Yahoo
Moreover, my sister & hubby had her/their identity stolen a few years back, and I've no desire to experience that for myself as well, which is one reason why I will not trust my SSN/credit card #'s online.
"Anyway, if I had any time or any bandwidth I would post it."
Oh well...

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Well, I don't see how identity theft or spam come into play. They do not require an e-mail addy, since they are giving one. The only information that you need to be truthful about is addy you want and password, since once you have these, you can use them for everything else.
I don't mean to sound callous to your plight, but this is not the transaction to be worried about identity theft. There are no personal numbers exchanging hands unless you are truthful about your birthdate. (which is only used for account validation if you forget your password.)
As for spam. If you are only using the address for this one thing, what does spam factor in. Use the addy this once and then let it fall off (which happens after a few months of no login.) Smile
I had a friend who was murdered by a stalker who had assumed her identity. I understand the fear, I just think this is misplaced here...
If you are really that concerned...

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

[Moderator RM: Please use <a href="http://whatever/">Link Text</a> for links, not <li> as <li> is for a list item. If you are typing the link as the text, it will auto-link. I have fixed for you.]

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

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@ learn2laugh:
"Well, I don't see how identity theft come into play....I don't mean to sound callous to your plight, but this is not the transaction to be worried about identity theft...I understand the fear, I just think this is misplaced here..."
ID theft doesn't come into play; I just added that part at the end as sort of a wrap-up to my views about online info exchange in general. Apparently I shouldn't've, for it has left you barking up the wrong tree. My apologies.
"Well, I don't see how...spam come into play...If you are only using the address for this one thing, what does spam factor in. "
I cannot tell you how many palletloads of spam have been delivered to me with return email addys containing the segment "".
'Nuff said, eh?...
"They do not require an e-mail addy, since they are giving one."
Um, what?... Yer tellin' me that to sign up for Yahoo groups *doesn't* involve my giving them my e-mail addy?... That sounds odd...
Anyhoo, thanx 4 the link!... I'm much obliged.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Ryan McCue
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Um, what?... Yer tellin' me that to sign up for Yahoo groups *doesn't* involve my giving them my e-mail addy?... That sounds odd...
What he meant was, you don't need to supply one if you select to sign up for one.

Also, remember to use <cite>
Ryan McCue
Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

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@ rmccue on February 21, 2007 - 2:03am.

"What he meant was, you don't need to supply one if you select to sign up for one."
Ah. Thx.

"Also, remember to use [Moderator RM: Renaming the tag to <tag altered to avoid italics text following> doesn't work ;)]"
Um, why?...

Not to be a noodge, but so long as it's clear when I'm quoting someone else, and when I'm speaking 4 myself (and using " " and separators does the job sufficiently), what's the diff?...

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Ryan McCue
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Um, why?...
Not to be a noodge, but so long as it's clear when I'm quoting someone else, and when I'm speaking 4 myself (and using " " and separators does the job sufficiently), what's the diff?...

Semantic Web.
Ryan McCue
Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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"Semantic Web"?...

What 'dat?...

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Ryan McCue
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Basically, a quote should be in <cite> tags so that machines actually know it's a quote. Plus, it's good practise.
If you don't like the formatting, you can still keep your dashes and quotation marks, just do it around the <cite> section.
Ryan McCue
Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
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No barking from me.

Just causal effect. You offer one opinion, and as mine differ, I offer mine. Information exchange if you will. Just because a bot has an easy time signing up for an email account from doesn't mean that is the spam purveyor. More than 'Nuff said, eh? Wink

And Ryan clarified it well for me. When you sign up for anything at Yahoo, they give you a yahoo id, when you sign up for that, there is an option to get a yahoo mail account. If you go that route, you don't give them anything but a smile, and thank you. Oh and whatever password you want to use with your yahoo id. Very anonymous. I almost signed you up for one myself, but then figured this would breach their ToS. And after all we are Christians trading info on Bible software.

Much Love
Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Mickeyj4j's picture
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I get so much spam about sex pill,s vitamin pills, xxx sites and much more.

Guess what though. I use Gmail. and no problem i never get bothered by spam unless i go into my spam box. Gmail has the best anti-spam filter on the market (and is free). i send all my other accounts to gmail via pop3 and never have to worrie about their spam eiter. then i send gmail to thunderbird on my flash and i never get spam again

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
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Html and all that

Thanks Ryan,
I know that it is a pain cleaning up after us, but I appreciate all your work. I thought something didn't look quite right about the post, but was not sure.
Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Ryan McCue
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I enjoy it. Helps me revise all the (X)HTML Smile
Ryan McCue
Person 1: Oh my god. You will never believe what just happened.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-13 16:52
Compression possible?...

Hey, L2L:

Have you any idea about how or even IF it is possible to compress E-Sword and/or its modules?..

As it currently stands, my install of E-Sword has about 500 Mb of stuff there.
Now that's fine for my 120 GB HDD (although it approaches a 3D game in its space footprint), but is rather taxing for the limited size of a thumbdrive.
So, I was wondering if it were possible to use UPX or some other software to be able to compress the files, so as to save space, and yet be able to dynamically decompress them on the fly when the app is being used - recompressing them when the app is closed.

Any thoughts on this?...

P.S. - I just re-emailed Rick Meyers last nite, as I hadn't yet heard back from him about my original query. I'll keep y'all posted on any reply I get.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
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I was going to so whoa!

I was going to say Whoa, what have you got on that thing and then I looked at mine and it is 1.56 GB, so I may not be the best to ask. Usually though, I would think on a thumb drive, you would use just a few bibles, one good greek and hebrew text, and just your better commentaries and dictionaries, one devotional, one reading plan, maybe only a topic or two that you are studying, and if you are doing sermon planning a good illustration topic or commentary.
The maps usually aren't needed, or at least not all of them, and the STEP files tend to be large and again should be limited. With the .bbl's usually taking the most space, cutting out some of the obscure ones or redundant like MKJV and KJV2000 with and without Red Letter might help.
As for UPXing, I believe I did UPX all of the .exes in that folder and the single .dll I had, but some of them did not compress well, and they were the already smallish. The biggest space wasters in there are .top files. I carry only the ESV, HCSB, KJV, and JOB and LXX, with Brown Driver Briggs, and Fausset, for dictionaries, with 2 commentaries that I switch in and out, one devotional and one reading plan on my mp3 player, which is a 2 GB. I don't have it with me, but it doesn't take up much space.

Sorry I couldn't be any more help.

I don't know any dynamic decompression software that would work with Jet files or rtf for that matter, and I would imagine that it would need to be built into the program.

Good luck with Rick. If you talk to him, tell him his daughter rocks. 8)

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

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Yeh, I heard one of her songs on a compilation album, and it was pretty good, an "in yer face" sorta tune (something about how 'fake' we Christians can be with one another); I respect that. That's one of the reasons I'm into Casting Crowns - they're more subtle about it, but they say in some of these tunes "hey, church - we all need to make our walk match our talk" ("If We Are The Body" was kinda similar to that Krys Meyers tune I heard, in that respect).

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Yeah, I really like the challenge in the music

I have been away from CCM for a while now, I do enjoy Casting Crowns but don't have much time to listen to music, so I just hear a song or two here or there. I really get tired of hearing the same words over and over without any depth. When I hear songs that challenge me it really pumps me up, reminds me that I can be better than I have been. I still have a ways to go to perfection.

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

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A ways to go?...

Indeed, so do we all.

Even Paul said he hadn't yet "arrived", so it's a matter of getting ever closer w/o ever quite getting "there" whilst we're still down "here"...

Btw, a group whose name eludes me at the moment has a song titled "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been". That pretty much sez it all, right there in the title.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Relient K

Relient K are the owners of that work.

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

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I saw them in concert at "Creation '05 East", but they were one of my nephew's fave bands, not mine, so I couldn't remember their names. Thx.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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No prob with lack o' depth... the lyrics of most songs from Casting Crowns (when ARE they gonna release another album, anyway?...), or MercyMe, or Third Day, to name a few...

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Mickeyj4j's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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well i like DcTalk for a similar reason
as they set the seen for many if not all the modern christian bands we have today
being the first christian band to actually win a grammy and lots of other awards and things

Jesus is still alright with me.
Lean on me
Socially acceptable

just to name a few of there songs

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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[quote] And then you seem

[quote] And then you seem squeamish about signing up for an e-mail list full of Christians [/quote]

I'd be squeamish about that too!

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Deleted my comment here.

Deleted my comment here.

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


DM Smith
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Portable BibleDesktop

I guess by your reference to J-Sword that you have not looked at it for many, many releases. BibleDesktop has been the name of the J-Sword based application for quite a while. It has come a long way since the name change. And it has frequent releases. The developers are very responsive to user requests. (I should know, I'm one)

BibleDesktop does not have an Win 3x-ish user interface. You may be confusing it with SWORD Project for Windows.

The portable version of BibleDesktop runs from a USB flash drive or from a CD. And it can run on Linux, Mac and Windows.

The portable version is not widely advertized as it is a first attempt. You can take a look it here.

DM Smith

Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
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The Link is kind of broken,,

Here is the reconfigured link. Portable BibleDesktop.
Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Mickeyj4j's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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how does your app compare to e-sword. i am so used to e-sword that it would be good to use the portable version

??? so what do you have to say ???

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
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The Bane of my existence has actually done me some good. I have a thinstalled E-Sword available.

[Moderator RM: Please don't offer illegal (in this case Thinstalled) software via email or any other route. This is your first and last warning]

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I'm VERY interested

Hey Preacher,

I've been a Missionary and Pastor and love E-Sword. Let me know if anything has transpired about Rick allowing/creating a portable version. Your link no longer works so was not able to try out what you had.

Thanks in advance,

Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
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Filemojo took over 1clickshare

Launcher is still there, but 1clickshare is now filemojo. The above link with those names swapped should work, or you can use this one Portable E-sword Beta 0.7
Hope that helps. Where were you a missionary?

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
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I'll try it out.


Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
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Error shows up...

Could not register RichEdit.OCX! shows up when I try to launch.

Not sure what's up,

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That's one of the bugs...

I click through this and it works for me; when I get some better programming skills, I plan to try and change this. I didn't write the original; I just posted it for Preacher. I really don't know that much about it.

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Mickeyj4j's picture
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Deleted this one to

Deleted this one to

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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Not *my* link, dude.

I'll keep folks posted if anything transpires.

Hey, L2L:

Do you by chance have an e-mail addy for this Rick guy?... I haven't heard anything yet, and I'm frustrated that the only apparent way to contact him is thru the "feedback" message interface directly on the website. I wonder if he's even reading/getting my messages...

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Only e-mail I have for him is

I looked back through all the documents I have and the only one that I can find is: Rick (at) e-sword (dot) net
Hope this is a new and good one for you.

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

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Thanx for the addy.

I'll give it a shot this coming week, since I just found out minutes ago (Fri.) that the new job I was supposed to start next week (Mon.) rescinded their offer to me (Real classy of them to wait till the *last minute*, eh?...).

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
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Portable e-Sword 7.8.5!

I just found it at the URL below. It works!

I hope you appreciate this Preacher, because I just created an account on this site so I could share this with YOU and others. It's good that you didn't bother with the Yahoo Groups, because it's not there. It was, and I tried it about two years ago. That one never worked for me, but this one does. Cool!

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Yo, Fossil:

It works like a charm, man - Schweet!

Thx much!

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Happy to help.

After looking at it closely, this is the same build of the program I tried two years ago. It was developed by a Dutch fellow, if I'm not mistaken. I think the problem was that some of us didn't understand that it was designed to essentially run your standard e-Sword directory as copied from your computer. That wasn't spelled out in the 'readme' file. I tried to run it from the same directory as the e-Sword executable back then. Some people apparently understood what the author was alluding too, and some of us did not. The difference here is just the way it is packaged.

It apparently creates a shell for the standard e-Sword program to run in, so it can be updated with new EXE files as e-Sword gets updated. Hopefully Rick Myers won't have to change e-Sword in such a way that will spoil this portability.

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Let us pray that Mr. Meyers does not do that.
And if he does, we'll just have to stay w/ the current version.

Anyway, I moved over all my Bibles, commentaries, and the like to the new directoy, and am weighing in at ~572 MB worth of Scriptural goodness.

Me like.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

pross's picture
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Work w/o admin?

I'm guessing that by using this launcher that it doesn't eliminate the need to have admin rights on the PC? I was able to get the 0.7 version to work a while ago but when I go into work (no admin) it wouldn't launch because it couldn't register some activeX stuff (spelling, thesaurus, and rich text I believe) a side note, when I used the trial copy of Ceedo it runs fine on a pc with no admin....however, Ceedo has other issues from my perspective.

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Kinda hard to say.

I don't think it "needs" Admin rights, at least not to run off of the hard drive (which is all I've tried it with so far).

Here's my experience, so perhaps you can tell us - based on said experience - whether or not Admin rights are needed:

I run Win XP on my own solo home PC.
Since I'm a bachelor living alone (::sniff:: ), I never bother with setting up Admin accounts and the like when I install a Windows OS (Heck, I don't even "log in" per se - When the XP Welcome screen comes up, it says "Welcome Rob", and then loads the desktop).

When I first DL'ed this new portable E-Sword (pES), I simply unzipped it to my PC in a temporary directory, and tried it to see if it would work w/o problems.
Unlike the previous version of pES, It ran like a champ!

Then I figured out which directory to put all my previous modules into, and commenced 'updating' the portable ES to include same. Then tried it again:
Once again, ran perfectly fine.

I tried simply copying it over (well, actually, I "moved" it w/ a File manager) to another more "permanent" directory.
It was then (and only then) that this new version has given me any headaches at all.

What I notice now is that it will popup multiple error messages one after another (Nine in all - a mix of "invalid path" and "x database" error mssgs). But, if I patiently click "OK" to them all, the app will eventually start and run just fine regardless (once its through spewing error messages, that is).

So, is that evidence of no Admin rights needed, or not?...

Plz let me/us know. Thx.


P.S. -
Thse kind of error messages you speak of are what I experienced when I tried running the "old" version of pES.
Are you sure you're running the "new" one?...
(It's the v 7.8.5 one linked to in fossil's 7/26 post)



"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

pross's picture
Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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Limited success

Preacher, I set my home PC’s up the same as you and I believe in doing so they have admin rights even though we didn’t go through the effort of creating admin accounts – I could be wrong. I live with a wife and 4 kids (::sniff::) – grass is always greener on the other side.

Okay, here’s what I did. I unzipped the file (new one 7.8.5) onto a new USB drive and verified that it ran fine on my PC at home with XP Pro. I took it into work and it ran fine from the USB on one of the factory PC’s (XP Pro) which doesn’t have admin rights. All excited I tried on my office PC (XP Pro) and again I get the can’t register VSSPELL6.OCX, VSTHES6.OCX or RichEdit.OCX eroor messages and it doesn’t run even if I click through the messages…….argggghhh. Up until this point I thought I had more rights than the factory PC’s….makes me wonder now.

The second thing I noticed when I went back to the factory PC is that it didn’t remember my settings I had done earlier on this PC (I changed the scripture and the translation). Figured out that you have to change the ReadOnly = False in the ini file to get it to save your settings in the settings.reg file. After doing this and then unplugging and replugging in a different USB port (originally was E: drive now F:), I got your mix of "invalid path" and "x database" error messages. This is caused by the newly created settings.reg file having paths that are hard coded to point a variety of files. If you delete the lines that have hard paths and change the ini file back to ReadOnly = True then you will no longer get the messages. However, you also won’t get new settings saved. Not sure if the reg file could be changed to relative paths. But assuming you could and ReadOnly = False, my guess is that when you quit it will over write the relative paths with the hard coded paths???

Any thoughts on why one no admin has issues and the other doesn’t.? Secondly, do you think the settings.reg savings is established by the launcher or the program. In other words, do you think the launcher be modified to save the settings using relative paths?

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RE: "(::sniff: – grass is always greener on the other side."
I was married once upon a time. I didn't end up single again becuz of the grass being greener for me; rather, my ex decided that the grass was greener for her, and that was that. I miss being married, and wish she hadn't given up on us (altho' I don't particularly miss her - not after all the mud she dragged me thru as the marriage unraveled).

All that to say this:
Don't wish for it to be otherwise. Be grateful that you have a wife & kids. They are God's gifts to you, and your responsibility to Him. My ex and I lost two kids, and I grieve for them still.

RE: "Any thoughts on why one no admin has issues and the other doesn’t.? (etc.)..."
Whoah - I'm not the one to answer that. I wouldn't even know where to begin; Mayhaps fossil can help you (us) with those queries.

Yo, Fossil, how 'bout it?...

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Suffice to say you took my attempt at humor wrong - I've really got to get better at expressing myself in words. God has truly blessed me with an awesome wife and wonderful kids and I don't take that responsibility lightly. Thanks for the encouragement. I am sorry for your loss.

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...I realized you were probably just kidding.
But becuz of the *possibility* that you weren't, I decided to respond in that vein.

I'm glad to hear how appreciative you are of these gifts, and gratified to hear that what I wrote was encouraging. I hafta say, in my experience there's nothing like hearing from someone who's lost what I have to sober me up to how easily I may well take that (stuff) for granted. Mayhaps that's one reason the Lord put me thru that - to be able to encourage those who are struggling, or *might be* struggling (2 Cor 1:4)

Thx 4 the sympathy.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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An uplifting story

This is a true story that I heard on the radio and every time I remember that story I give thanks for all that I have (Specially my wife for 2 yrs and my 10 month old son). Here's the quick summary of what happened to him:

  • His boss acts like "Hitler Junior"
  • His mother back in his home country has cancer and dies
  • He cannot leave the US and go to his mother's funeral due to his "legal status in this country"
  • He meets this wonderful lady from Columbia who is going through a divorce and they begin a serious relationship. One day she needs to go back to Columbia to "finalize" the divorce. She claims that it's taking longer than expected and she will have to stay there. In the mean time he gets a great long-distance plan (a few cents per minute) from his phone company to call her every night. Time passes and she tells him she will not be going back, she is re-united with her husband.
  • The "few cents per minute" was way off, and he gets a phone bill for $5000. After negotiating with the phone company, he gets it reduced to $3000 with payments, just as long as he makes the first payment by the due date. Well, he sends the first payment in time, but it gets lost in the mail, so now not only does he have to pay the full $5000 but now gets hit with the "late fees" associated with the late payment.

At the end of his conversation he said that every morning he wakes up thanking God for all the good things in his life, so even after all the stuff he's been through, he still remains positive.
"Truth is a river that is always splitting up into arms that reunite. Islanded between the arms, the inhabitants argue for a lifetime as to which is the main river." -- Cyril Connolly

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin

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Yup, it really pays... have a Pauline mindset.

Paul was undaunted by the adversities in his life because he saw God operating in ALL things, even the pain. He remembered that "ALL things work together for the good" of a beleiver; that NOTHING can separate us from God's love; that God uses our adversities to help us be a comfort to others undergoing such things in the future; and that our goal as beleivers is that we "may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings", and so on.

I thank the Lord that thru the crucible of adversity I've endured, He has taught me to have this mindset also. It ain't easy (particularly now), but it's worth it. I have discovered like Paul that pain is a great teacher, and while I wouldn't've chosen the trials I've faced (nor wished them on my worst enemy), I wouldn't trade the resulting strength of my faith for ANYthing!

Praise Him, the only One Who is worthy!!!...

"Jesus Christ didn't die to make you a self-centered religionist. He died so that you and I could stop living for ourselves, and start living for others.
Courage is the highest expression of humility. It is coming to that place where we say to God: 'Father, my life is not about me; It's about You' "
- Irwin McManus

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Another delete

Another delete

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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I really need portable e-sword for any-place biblestudy. is Ricky meyers reacheable?
If anybody can reach him pse do so.And my dear christians,(preacher and.....) stop for a while discussing about other things (is not sin) and lets find solution for e-sword portable!

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I only...

...e-mailed him once, but never recieved a reply. My guess is that he's too busy.

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Its freeware,I dont know his Author either.
Can any one make portable this version?
For now I dont have enough time to do it
Help please!

thejahn's picture
Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
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I would really love to see E-Sword portable edition.
I have not found a comparable study tool to this one.
I used the portable e-sword utility pointed to somewhere above and it allows e-sword to run however it does continue to provide inherent issues e-sword has with portability. A problem I found running the above portable link was the notes were not findable when the portable drive came up under a different letter. The bibles and dictionaries were found but study notes had hard coded full paths.

Rick typically take a long time in between releases (between 6 months to over a year) because not much changes with regards to how the app should work. It seems to work really well however this portability feature should be included.

Good luck getting in touch with Rick, I hope he reponds to this opportunity.

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New version of esword

Hello guys
there is new version of e sword,very stubborn becaose it stores data on my documents
without which it cannot start. Can anybody help for portable version launcher

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I love the e-Sword program,

I love the e-Sword program, one of the best Bible software programs available, however, the only real portable Bible program I could find is Sword Project Portable, which is pretty good.

Anyway, it works well with PortableApps and its very portable, I've uploaded a copy to my esnips folder at:

Its virus free, I checked it before the upload, although it wouldn't hurt to virus check it again.

I look forward to the day that e-Sword becomes fully portable, I suppose I'll need to buy a bigger USB stick!

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I haven't done much searching recently but

E-sword is not open source, and will not be, based on what has been expressed by Jonathon Blake in the E-sword forums. Rick Myers has good reasons for this I am sure. Creating a portable version seems to be very cumbersome, more so because there is no portable switch and it requires jet database access and other Microsoft intensive, and registry intensive code to accomplish it. I have not seen a response from Rick Myers to portabilizing, so I may be wrong, but unless he authorizes it, it would breech his EULA.


Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter

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Portable e-Sword

I found a portable version of e-Sword

Tim Clark
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Care to tell us where you found it?

Welcome to

Care to tell us where you found it?
Also, if you know, how it was "portablized" in a way which avoided the problems discussed above or who portablized it?

Also, is this the full program?
It seems too big for a launcher (8,222 KB) and too small for the full program (17,789kb).

I was not able to download it as it violates my security procedures.


Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

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Needs a password

The RAR needs a password to extract.
This was for: I found a portable version of e-Sword on rapidshare


Chief Suspect
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eSword Portable .. Success at last!

The newer versions of eSword do not lend themselves to portability easily. Rick started putting the .OVL file in a place that requires Registry entries for some mysterious reason. Bah! But, I found in my archives an older version 7.1 that worked from a single folder, including the .ovl file.

You can use any of the existing binder programs such as MoleBox, FilePacker, Multi Packer, nBinder, etc. to render that folder [with all contents] into a single executable file. It worked! It worked! I tried in on all my household computers, and laptops with no problem. Just be certain that you include ALL the Bible files, STEP files, Map files, etc before you bind it up. And, after you use the newly bound eSword, remember to save any data you wish to keep to a safe place where you can find it later .. the bound eSword will not automatically find it. You have to go look for it.

Finally, the more Bibles, and adjunct map files, commentaries, etc., the larger your finished executable will be. Mine has 6 Bibles, and about 6 sets of maps, for a total file of 50MB.

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I noticed a couple changes

I noticed a couple changes in the newest version and I'd guess it was getting the program ready for Vista.

I also went back to an older version. There is a kjv+tvm I think it is called that won't work on the new version. At least in my limited knowledge would not work Smile (It gives the verb tenses etc. in pop up windows like strong's info pops up.)

By the way if you are missing any topical files look for them in My Documents/esword -- on one of my units the new install program moved them all to that location.

Mickeyj4j's picture
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simple interface bible program.

As there has been no response to this comment i have moved it to

This is to see if i get any response there.

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Mickeyj4j's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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wow interesting

WOW how interesting. maybe we should transfer it to its own site it would be allot of good for others

it goes much further than just a portable apps forum site.

thanks to all of you here who have made my experance within portable apps a Joy to know that there are other Christians here. AMEN Praise the Lord

God bless

(hope it ok ot post this here sorry if it is not allowd)

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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I'd love to see a portable

I'd love to see a portable version of e-Sword, it will save me installing it onto every computer that I use.

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
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Other Bible Software that is portable!

I found this Bible Software to be portable. Just install on your regular c: drive and then move the folder over to your portable drive. It works fine.

Both version 2 and version 3 beta work okay as portable apps. Version 3 is really slick. And its not too hard to get many bible versions and make your own modules.

Mickeyj4j's picture
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doubled up on this post sorry.

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Mickeyj4j's picture
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Check this out.

Preacher FYI. i have found several download sites for portable e-sword. i contacted Rick asking if he new about them. he replied saying that they where not supported and therefor illegal.

have you herd of the new e-sword live version.
e-sword live is a web based bible program based on the original e-sword. you register with it set up the bibles, commentaries, dictionaries you want to use. each time you finish and log out it saves your place and next time you log in from any computer you can carry on fro there. there may not be a real need for a portable version with this new release.

look up and see the link to the new live site.

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Last seen: 1 year 4 months ago
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I'm aware that e-Sword doesn't "officially" come in a portable flavor. But my one attempt to reach Rick has been unsuccessful. How'd you get hold of him so easily?...

Plz get hold of him again and ask if he would mind allowing the folks here at to at least come up with a launcher for it, eh?... Or better yet, see if he'd be willing to look into creating a portable version himself. That'd be schweet!.

Yes, I'm aware of "live" version, but I have no interest. Online BIbles are a dime a dozen. I want portability. SPeaking of which, I stumbled onto "live" while downloading the "pocket" e-Sword for my PDA smartphone.

Unfortunately, the instruxions given on the site for installing the pocket version to yer phone were incorrect (or at least incomplete), so I still have no Bible available for me on my new phone.


"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

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Portable e-Sword on linux

I have made an installer for e-Sword on linux, and also a script that would make e-Sword portable. Please check below:


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...but what about us Windows users?.....

"I don't hate long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine

Mickeyj4j's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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I hate this ..............

But again i am going to say that any installer you have created is illegal (even though you may get away with it) without the official permission from the creators who hold the copy right laws. unless it is an opensorce program. which although e-sword seems to fit and would make a great opensorce program. unfortunately it is not.

so i think that preacher is right in waiting to see if Rick Myres and his team are going to let him creat it.

remember that there is now the new e-sword live version a web based program you can check out. now that will run on windows or linux systems no hassle

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Mickeyj4j's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
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contact e-sword

i was having trouble with there live version (at first i did) i actually overlooked the simplest thing and got stuck.

all i did was to just send e-sword a comment through there website and let them know what the problem. and i got a response sometime within the first week or two.

do remember like here in PA they have so much traffic and lots of people sending things to them sometimes, as in all parts of life, they just get backlogged of occasionally overlook something.

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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Get the password

[illegal link removed by mod JTH]

Jehovah bless you

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
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Could a mod please remove that link?

That's an illegal rebundling of e-Sword. Don't use it.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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Advent of E-sword 9

With Advent of E-Sword9 is there any clue that it will go portable?
It seems Meyers is rigid on the issue. There is another freeware with very cooperative developer and is "naturally" portable and is competing nearly with e-sword. That is TheWord

Chris Morgan
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e-Sword is still not able to

e-Sword is still not able to be done legally in that way. While it is technically possible with a live installer, there are issues with its rich text rendering component, which requires OCX registration which gets a bit messy. I'm not looking to do e-Sword Portable any time soon.

The Word is "still" just freeware, not open source. (As a matter of fact, I tried it one time when it was 3.0 Beta, a year or so ago I imagine it was... and I loathed its interface.)

Anyway, I like BPBible Portable. Smile

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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