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Site Images format?

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Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
Site Images format?

The following has always bugged me.

I switch back and forth between FFP and IE.
When I browse from home I use a modem so I have Images/Show Pictures turn OFF so I can browse faster.

When I'm using FFP all is as it should be, no images at all.
But when I use IE(6) the Banner at the top of the screen ( Your digital ...) and many of the logos for the apps DO appear!

Does this have something to do with the images being .PNGs (perhaps when IE6 was written they were not widely used and the Show Pictures function does not realize it should not download them)? Could this have something to do with their being covered with a transparent.gif (to stop people from stealing images I suppose?).

Oddly, the image of the PAM on the home page does not have this problem. It is a .gif and does not appear to be covered by a transparent.gif ???

If it is not asking a lot, would it be possilbe to use the standard JPG and GIF for images on the site?

It would make loading of the pages on a modem much faster when using IE.
Of course I should ask first, "Has anybody else noticed this, or been made aware of it?"

Geek w/o Portfolio

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 16 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
IE6 Is Busted

Simple answer: IE6 is busted. It doesn't handle much of anything right. This site uses PNGs and transparent PNGs to speed site loading. They feature much better size than GIF or JPG ever could for where I'm using them. PNGs are, quite simply, a better image format for much of what you want to do online than GIF or JPG. Now, IE being IE, it doesn't handle PNGs right. So, we have to use an IE behavior hack to get IE6 to display them right. And, IE being IE, it appears this breaks its no images behavior. Or it could be broken partially due to the fact that IE6 doesn't handle CSS and backgrounds quite right. (Notice the recurring pattern here?)

So, your simple fix is to stop using IE. No one should be using it due to its immense security holes anyway. Plus the fact that many sites now support compression of the html pages with better browsers like Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc. It's transparent to you as the end user and helps with dialup.

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Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
I figured

I thought it was something like that, but considering our previous posts about CWP it occured to me that maybe no one even knew it was happening, so I thought I'd bring it up.

I agree with you about IE and security, which is of course why I use FFP :). My IE usage is now at about 15-20%. I need to use it at work, and I need to be "up" on it so I can give support to other people.
I try to limit my usage to "bookmarked" sites that I know are safe and use FFP for general browsing.

Thanks for the reply

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