For what it is worth, the tortuous backronym (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System) and capitalization have been eliminated. (The rename occurred about March 2010 with the 3.2 version. see request 12287 that asks to remove the zombie remnants.) It is just "Gramps" now.
The 32-bit version of the Windows AIO installer has not be updated. (There has been talk of discontinuing builds of a 32-bit variant and just doing a 64-bit. But that is still indefinite) GrampsPortable is based on the 32-bit version to maximize compatibility.
So the 5.1.6 GrampsPortable is waiting for someone to release the 32-bit AIO or announce a 64-bit decision.
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Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
For what it is worth, the tortuous backronym (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System) and capitalization have been eliminated. (The rename occurred about March 2010 with the 3.2 version. see request 12287 that asks to remove the zombie remnants.) It is just "Gramps" now.
The 32-bit version of the Windows AIO installer has not be updated. (There has been talk of discontinuing builds of a 32-bit variant and just doing a 64-bit. But that is still indefinite) GrampsPortable is based on the 32-bit version to maximize compatibility.
So the 5.1.6 GrampsPortable is waiting for someone to release the 32-bit AIO or announce a 64-bit decision.