since some time we are using the FilezillaPortable as Filetransferclient in our software (downloading it when needed and starting it). We use it to connect to our own SFTP Servers in our client software. So we prepare the settings file (filezilla.xml in Data/settings) and call the Exe/App set to a certain target url.
With Filezilla 3.66.4 it happens that on some of the systems a popup message is shown from filezilla before it completly starts.
a Warning stating:
"Die Sprache konnte nicht in German () geändert werden. Die Standard-Systemsprache wird benutzt."
Translation "The language could not be changed to German (). The Default system language is used."
Than it sets the language in the filezilla.xml from de to
If I switch to English in the settings (en) it sets it to en and will start in english. If I switch it to German (de) in the settings it will bring up the error message again after the app restart. Btw. the system language is german and if set the filezilla is also in german.
The locales for en and de are in the folder \App\filezilla64\locales (de has two files en only one)
The problem not happen on my own Windows 11 but i.e. on a Test-Windows10. It did never happen with 3.65.x before. What did I do wrong?
The FileZillaPortable.exe launcher does not alter or adjust language settings at all. Whatever is going on is within FileZilla itself. I just set a clean copy to German on my Win 10 English machine, closed it and restarted and it remained in German.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
That's what I thought as well. Cause on my Machines (and VMs) it does no happen. But on some Machines of the test team it does. So It seems to be a filezilla problem (not portable). So I move to the other forums.
I tried with the current "normal" filezilla 3.66.5 on the machine where the error happens and there I can switch the language as I want. If I do the same with the portable version 3.66.4 we are using the change of the language (doesnt matter which one) will after a restart trigger the error. :/
PS. Are you running the FilezillaPortable.exe? If not, don't use any other .exe file!
“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―
“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―
yep exactly that exe
Also the link above ↑↑
“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―
“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―
tried it, nothing changed. It has nothing to do with german it doesnt matter which language i tried i always complains about that language at start up and switches to the system language (german) This does not happen with the installed version of filezilla on that system.
so I guess I have to live with this behaviour?
A bug 'may' be fixed if reproducible. You need then to find a way to make it happen on someone's else comupter!
“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―
“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―
Though I don't use this software myself, I've taken a look at the PortableApps.com
package, and got the idea that if you would prepare your download package differently it may possibly help with the issue you are experiencing.
Instead of modifying the "filezilla.xml in Data\settings", modify the "filezilla.xml in App\DefaultData\settings", and leave the "Data\" folder completely empty or just unpopulated if you would rather not start the program at all.
My proposed, and tested, modification is as follows, simply add just this one line to the above mentioned "filezilla.xml in App\DefaultData\settings":
<Setting name="Language Code">de</Setting>
So, you would end up with the following code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FileZilla3 version="3.24.0" platform="windows">
<Setting name="Update Check">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Update Check Interval">7</Setting>
<Setting name="Language Code">de</Setting>
Make sure to preserve the file's UTF-8 encoding.
With a package prepared this way, upon launching it, a user should be welcomed with the popup in German language: "Willkommen bei FileZilla".
Now, the good part, at least in my testing, a user can switch to a different language, if wishes so, either via user interface: Bearbeiten > Einstellungen > Sprache ... or
by modifying the "Language Code" line in the now existing "filezilla.xml in Data\settings". And the setting should be preserved.
I've tested the above on Windows 8.1 Home 64-bit ENG US, with
FileZillaPortable_3.66.5.paf.exe, installed without 32-bit support.
Added by Edit:
Upon re-reading the whole thread, I'm not sure with what language do you actually want to start the app, if it's not German then change the language code accordingly to your preference.
Also, I'm not sure about your preference regarding the FileZilla version, it looks like you prefer the previous one, 3.66.4, instead of 3.66.5 ?
Hey MiK,
appreciate the extensive help.
I dont think that the change in what file I initially prepare will make a difference. Due to the fact that even if I change the langauge inside of filezilla ands restart it (without our software than altering the filezilla,xml) will result in the warning message.
I checkt the encoding on several systems of the filezilla.xml. it is in any case utf-8. I even copied a filezilla.xml from a working environment to the one not working which als resulted in the error.
And no I dont prefer any Filezilla version. We even switched to 3.66.5 just to rule out differences between portable and non portable to test.
And yes we try settting the language to german, but it doesnt matter it does not work with any langauge. ^^
Okay, regarding the file encoding that note was "just in case", so we would be on the same page, so to speak. With that file, and with those lines, I don't think it should really matter, but you never know.
And, regarding the choice of the filezilla.xml file for modifications, beside default settings, the idea was that it gives an easy and sure way of passing the package without any settings acquired from the system it was prepared on.
By the way, I found later that there is a way to start the app, prepared with a clean Data folder, without the welcome dialog, which may be more desirable, but since you are not going that route, so I'll just skip it here.
So, I guess that's it on my part. Wish you good luck with the troubleshooting ...