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eMule or Other Illegal File Download Tool

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eMule or Other Illegal File Download Tool

I would greatly appreciate if somebody could create a eMule portable app ( eMule is extremely useful, but if I could bring it to a faster connection - now THAT would be useful! eMule is used like any other file sharing utility - to download files illegally. So please, help create equality (make it so the rich people aren't the only ones that get their programs) and make an eMule portable program.

Rob Loach
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"Illegal File Download Tool"

I have no clue where to start with this one...

eMule isn't an "Illegal File Download Tool", neither is any other P2P application out there. When you download something using P2P applications, you arn't downloading files illegally. It completely depends on what you're downloading. There are many companies that distribute completely legal files using BitTorrent (Blizzard for one).

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grantemsley (not verified)
Exactly, there are no

Exactly, there are no "illegal file download tools" only illegal files or illegally obtained files.

Ryan McCue
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say you downloaded Limewire Pro thru Limewire Blum
R McCue

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Bruce Pascoe
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Then that's an "illegally-obtained file." The filesharing tool itself isn't illegal, despite what the MAFIAA want people to believe.

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Ryan McCue
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Yes, but

if one uses that "illegally-obtained file" for file sharing, doesn't that make it an illegal file-sharing tool?
R McCue
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Bruce Pascoe
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No. That would seem to suggest that the tool (i.e. program) itself is illegal, which it is not--again, despite what the MAFIAA says. The only thing that's illegal is your use of that illegally-obtained file.

Cut me a break; now we're just arguing semantics here. Blum

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Ryan McCue
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Yeh, well

it's better than doing nothing.
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June 30, 2006

Just wondering...why resurrect a thread that hasn't had a post since June of last year?

Ryan McCue
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  1. Wasn't me
  2. The actual post is on the next page. Click the Next at the bottom of the page

Ryan McCue
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Person 2: What?
Person 1: I can't remember, I've forgotten.

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You should look again, there

You should look again, there is many p2p client that are portable.

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If I'm correct, don't eMule and Limewire run on the same Gnutella network? If so, what I did is I just installed limewire to a directory on the C: drive, and just copy & pasted all the files to a folder on my USB drive. Everything works just fine, and it is only about 25 MB, and you could delete a bunch of stuff in it that you don't need if you know what you're doing.

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Ashes for Tears
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Actually, (I beleive?)

Actually, (I beleive?) doesn't Limewire require java to be installed?

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If java is on the computer

If java is on the computer (which most winodows computers have nowadays), Limewire will run.

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Ryan McCue
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Limewire is completly coded

Limewire is completly coded in Java
R McCue

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

KoRnDaddy (not verified)
I have eMule On My portable

I have Emule on My portable and I got it from there website, just download the zip file and copy all the files to your portable like you would do with any other portable app and your good to go.

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Retarded ass.

"So please, help create equality (make it so the rich people aren't the only ones that get their programs)"

You are a retarded ass. Flat out. You're not even worth ranting at.

I recommend the only P2P app that's made portable be a bittorrent client, because it's clearly used for non-illegal purposes (Ubuntu Linux ISO images, OCRemix torrents, low-res Red vs Blue, certain online video services even use it); at this point packaging a Gnutella client et al would result in a lawsuit with this very thread being used to back that "created the application at the request of a person asking for aid in illegal file downloads."

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Thinking... something you should try before posting insulting comments. Yes if the program were only to be used for illegal purposes then it should not be created. However, most p2p programs were brought about by people wanting to share files within their network, not to share illegal downloads. If you had bothered to read up on how p2p had started you would understand that every p2p application has the potential to be used for legal purposes. Bitorrent is the new wave in p2p, it is used for both legal and non-legal purposes, but that is something one has to prove and decide for themselves how they use it before you can say which.

Also, some programs cannot be made portable as p2p apps are usually coded in java and java cannot be made portable very well.

Also, a lawsuit? do you even understand why those lawsuits are running and what they are really going after? also do you understand the point of this forum? I do not think so on both accounts. I believe you need to go out and get a newspaper to read how the world works and read the forum here through to understand our mission, before insults are thrown around.

Get a clue before you post again.

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Portable Software: Just the beginning.

Steve Lamerton
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Just read my post here:

Just read my post here: it saves me typing it out again.


Steve Lamerton

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Grokster suit

Grokster lost its lawsuit because, if I understand correctly, the author had (jokingly) put in his original site that Grokster was made to "illegally distribute music" or some such. It specifically said it was made to do illegal things.

I may be thinking of a different P2P client, but the argument has been made successfully in court that "the creator of the software stated at one point that his motives were to commit a crime." Therefor, responding favorably to (i.e. carrying out) a request to create an "illegal program" or help make a program easier to use for "illegal purposes" will create a legal liability. QED.

Let's also take note that not all p2p apps are coded in Java.

Why don't you try thinking next time?

Ryan McCue
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This is what you are doing: Biggrin
This is what I want you to do Sad
I tell ya, I leave for 1 day, and you sign up. Coincidence? :?: I think not!
R McCue

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Well, I wonder if you even

Well, I wonder if you even read these posts. I never said all p2p apps are coded in java, I said they USUALLY are, and that can be said as true. But I wil give you that, I can be courteous to the unkowlegable such as yourself.

On the statement of the legality issue, you also need to understand, that the bittorent creator Bram Cohen, even though he is now trying to fight piracy, originally had made a statement exactly as the Grokster creator had. He had created bittorent to help facilitate the illegal sharing of files. Now since legitimate businesses as Blizzard are using the bittorent system, that statement was quietly hidden under the rug.

I have been using bittorent for legal downloads, from blizzard and sites hosting podcast for since it was first created, and I remember this statement. I like bittorent and hope that piracy can be removed from such a good system, but that is something that cannot be controlled by anyone. So even this perfectly legal p2p client has a potential to be used illegaly. AS I STATED ALL P2P software has the potential.

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Portable Software: Just the beginning.

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DOnt get me wrong I dont

DOnt get me wrong I dont agree with bluefoxicy. ( with his extremes statements about p2p and banning me Smile )
But Bittorrent is more a protocol than a program. Bit torrent use a tracker and verify release. Do you think Blizzard could use edonkey to distribute a big patch ? I doubt it. Bittorrent will never be illegal, because it'S a protocol, Sure it is use to provide illegal content, but many tcp/ip protocols are use to that too. So would riaa ban ftp and http ?

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You are correct and I agree,

You are correct and I agree, I was pointing out that even bittorent has its own problems. Smile

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Portable Software: Just the beginning.

Bruce Pascoe
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Playing devil's advocate here...

By that definition, Gnutella can also be considered a protocol. Still doesn't stop the MAFIAA from trying to shut it down, does it? Believe me, I wouldn't put it past them to try to shut down FTP as well. I honestly wouldn't put anything past those goons.

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Ryan McCue
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Oh OH!

Not FTP!
Soon they'll want to get rid of Digital TV.
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What was the point

"Also, some programs cannot be made portable as p2p apps are usually coded in java and java cannot be made portable very well."

And the point of this statement was then? I could easily say some word processors could be coded in .NET (C# Java.NET etc) but that would have no real meaning until the conversation focus switched to a specific application. Don't use specifiers to describe abstracts.

The BitTorrent guy could be under some legal fire as well for that, if anyone dare try to pursue it. He has the great luck that BitTorrent is, as you said, used by some game companies, as well as legitimate video distributors, OCRemix stuff, Linux CDs, et al. Other P2P clients have to battle what they said vs. the state of the industry; and for today's general file swappers like Gnutella or OpenNap protocol networks, the state of the industry tends to be very ugly. Coupling those with a statement like "let's make something to illegally steal things" will get you owned in court, literally; they'll sue you for your soul.

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I have made a portable limewire pro 4.11 size=about 4MB i can upload it to a server and give you the link if you want it.........

John T. Haller
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Limewire Pro is paid software. Sharing it is illegal. Please do not make any offers of illegal software on these forums. If you do it again, you will be banned.

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My friend gave it to me i dident kno that "Pro'" actually ment it was paid for.

Bruce Pascoe
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Yeah, you might want to do a little research next time.

Edit: Wait a second... isn't LimeWire open-source? I've always wondered about that... it's open-source, which means legally they have to make available all the source code for the program, yet LimeWire Pro supposedly gives you more functionality and better download speeds? How is that possible without violating whatever open-source license it's using?

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John T. Haller
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Yes and No

The Pro version has extra features that aren't open source.

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Bruce Pascoe
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Doesn't that violate the GPL?

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
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John T. Haller
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You can dual license (open and closed) if you own the copyrights.

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Bruce Pascoe
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Maybe, but...

Technically, they don't entirely own the copyright. The contributors do, since it's their code. It's just like Firefox's About dialog says ©Contributors, instead of ©Mozilla.

If anything, I'd say this is a bit of a gray area.

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
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John T. Haller
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I think Limewire was entirely created by the Limewire folks (no outside contributions). There are a number of projects that work like this with the dual licensing.

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Bruce Pascoe
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If LimeWire's official builds consist only of code written by LimeWire and then they just release the free version's code and let people fork it if they want, then there's no problem. If, however, they're using code contributed from outside and incorporating it into the official versions, then they can't legally withhold the source code for LimeWire Pro without violating the GPL (since said contributors, and not LimeWire, own the rights to that code).

Like I said, it's a bit of a gray area.

-  [aim: fatcerberus]
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John T. Haller
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Again, depends

When LimeWire was released it was ALL their own code. I don't know if they've accepted patches from outside or not. But the additional features of Pro... Pro-only skin, email support, no nags... can all be done within the confines of the GPL. They say it has faster searches, too, so there may be something they enable internally for the Pro build only... which is also allowed.

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Bahamut's picture
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Maybe Limewire is licensed

Maybe Limewire is licensed under the GPL and Limewire Pro isn't.


Ryan McCue
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Oh and something I found out a while ago:
You can use the ™ and © if you claim the ownership to copyrights, but only the ® if you own the copyright.
That was pretty random though.
R McCue
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Bruce Pascoe
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® and ™ are trademark symbols, not copyright symbols. The only thing that means "copyrighted" is ©.

®: Registered Trademark. You can't use this if the trademark in question isn't registered.
™: Trademark. Generic trademark symbol; you can use this whether the trademark is registered or not. If it is, ® is preferred.

So no, it has nothing to do with who owns the copyright. Copyright and trademark are two very different things, despite both being labelled under the "intellectual property" heading.

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Ryan McCue
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It's all too constipated for me.
Anyone know a lawyer?
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That gives me an idea.
What if I removed the part that gives the nags.
*me goes back to hole*
*bashes head on wall*
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Bruce Pascoe
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Please stop doing that.

You're making a mess of the wall.

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I really prefer torrent software

Especially for distributing demos of my music. uTorrent is a great program, very compact, very portable. I suggest checking it out.

Ryan McCue
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WinMX can be extracted to to

WinMX can be extracted to to a portable drive and run, but I haven't been able to test it while online.


Lurking_Biohazard's picture
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And for those that think WinMX is dead...

Here are a few links for you.
WinMX World
MX Pie
WinMX Group

~Lurk~ Email


Bahamut's picture
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WinMX will not likely work

WinMX will not likely work through a firewall. It may be a matter of tweaking WinMX's settings, but it can't make a connection at the library I use.


Lurking_Biohazard's picture
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I assume you have patched WinMX already? The original servers were shut down... if you don't patch it to a new server it won't connect anywhere.

AFAIK, WinMX can work thru most firewalls. To some extent anyway.

~Lurk~ Email


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I had no idea. How do I get

I had no idea. How do I get a patch?


Lurking_Biohazard's picture
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If you're not sure...

Then you're probably not patched, and can't connect no matter what.
Go to any of the links I posted above, they all have patches.

~Lurk~ Email


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I just downloaded WinMX

I just downloaded WinMX (3.54 beta 4) with patches and installed it to my USB drive and it's up and running. I'll test it somewhere else and give results.


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Limewire and Java

Limewire does a really bad job of detecting Java. I installed it LOCALLY, and even though I had Java already installed (even in C:\Program Files\Java), it didn't detect it. It installed Java somewhere during setup and works fine now. Maybe it's because I have the JDK distribution instead of the JRE distro (both have the capability to run Java programs, JDK includes development tools with the runtime environment). Limewire could be at least psuedo-portable (registry/settings problems) on PCs with Java installed if Limewire could be told where Java is.


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Here you can download eMule 0.46c Portable

I found this portable version of eMule 0.46, made by a french guy:

Maybe one of you guys can use it in any way.

Best regards


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" So please, help create equality (make it so the rich people aren't the only ones that get their programs) and make an eMule portable program."

If you want this "equality" use Ubuntu insted of windows, All software for Ubuntu is FREE and there are many alternatives to popular paid for windows programs such a photoshop.

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Just an example of said Programs...

If You Want:
Adobe Photo Shop - GIMP
Microsoft Office - OpenOffice.Org
AntiVirus Software - ClamWin
Halo - Halo Zero
Counter Strike - Counter Strike 2D

And guess what, THERE ALL FREE!!!

Hooray for legally Free Software!

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