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Name : Supermium

Website :

Description : An up-to-date Chromium-based web browser compatible with Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7 and 8.x.

License : Open source


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“All these years that I had spent in the service of mankind brought me nothing but insults and humiliation.”
― Nikola Tesla ―

“I'm such an open book, but you shall read between the lines.”
― Neo Buddha ―

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50

While it's true that Chromium-based browsers really suck at portability (and Firefox has much better portability), this is the ONLY Chromium-based browser whose latest version (122.0.6261.85) can STILL run under Windows XP and Vista (which is one helluva miracle), because the insanely outdated 49.0.2623.112 version is useless and can barely support the latest extensions.

This would be an excellent addition (especially in here) for those who are still stuck with Windows XP or Vista.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 35 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

I'm planning on releasing a package of this particularly for XP/Vista/7/8 users.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50
Thank you!

Thank you, John. You are a true friend to the legacy users everywhere... and people (especially from some/most users at the MSFN forum) have always been trying to find ways (and also working on solutions/workarounds) to make things work on the older systems.

Friendly advice: Never give in to the selfish, arrogant, and oppressive 32-bit and/or XP/Vista haters/trolls everywhere who have no regard for the non-rich folk (especially those who want only privacy and refuse to let the "big & evil corps" snoop around and dig/collect their sensitive/confidential data/information). Besides, I often notice that there are few people here who have been trying to dissuade you from supporting legacy systems/applications... and mostly by spouting disparaging nonsense about how "old and insecure" people are on the older systems, and showing you trifling usage statistics that serve only to undermine your efforts, gain the upper hand... all in an attempt to make you support only the 64-bit and Spyware Windows 10 and beyond. Do NOT listen to them and keep up with the excellent work like you always have.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 35 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Welcome, Goals

You're welcome. One of my goals with has always been to enable more people to have access to technology. Continuing to support older systems where possible is something I've continued to do as a part of it. It's why I do things like put together Vista TLS update instructions, maintain the certificate updates for legacy Windows, use a modified Delphi base config to allow the platform to work on XP, added in the Windows version specific app listings in the app store, etc.

I recommend folks update to a more secure and supported platform when possible, but not everyone can. There will always be folks from different economic backgrounds and with access to different tech that still deserve the best experience we can give them.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50
I admire your dedication

I'm currently using Linux Mint on a daily basis, because I'm not yet comfortable to use Windows 10. Maybe someday I should try cloning my Windows 10 (that came with my gaming laptop) to an empty HDD and then apply ReviOS (there's also AtlasOS, but I prefer ReviOS) over it, which removes bloatware and unnecessary system companents, improves privacy and system performance, all while maintaining compatibility... though I'm not really sure if it'll be worth it.

Long ago, I'd use to prefer Windows 7 over 10 (because nearly all applications have given up on XP--an old Windows installation I used to have before I bought this gaming laptop I'm typing right now), but then Microsoft had the audacity to drop its support since 2020, and unfortunately most of the applications have begun giving up (and still counting to this day) on 7, which kinda placed me in the same boat as XP and Vista users everywhere. I had no choice but to move over to Linux and never look back, and things have been working well so far and I'm still satisfied. However, not all the Windows applications can run properly under Wine so VirtualBox always comes to the rescue, as it were.

Anyway, I guess I've strayed too far from the topic (and thanks again for giving Supermium a shot) and my apologies for expressing or releasing my pent-up thoughts and feelings, but it's an extremely sad and unfair reality we're all facing, and the legacy users are getting really sick and tired of being bullied, pushed around, and treated with contempt. My only wish is that they'd stop, cease, and desist this crazed mentality of "killing off" support of what they don't approve of or consider to be beneath them--obsolescence of OSes and bitnesses. Applications should be available to EVERYONE, NOT just for some... and the people have all the right to use whatever application and whatever PC (regardless of the OS and bitness) they want and should never be oppressed.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

Last seen: 8 hours 35 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
Applications should be

Applications should be available to EVERYONE, NOT just for some... and the people have all the right to use whatever application and whatever PC (regardless of the OS and bitness) they want and should never be oppressed

...despite my answer being off topic as well...
Nice wish for a perfect world, but - who should maintain that? For what audience? With FOSS you are always free to do it by yourself. Could be a nice benefit for the few people with this usecase. But don't expect that work from anyone else. Resources are ultimately limited in one or another way. And while I loved my Win98 installation at the time it was still running (that's decades ago), it would be a complete waste of resources to still support it only for my favour... Wink Ok, that's kind of an extreme setting, could have thrown in my old Amiga, Sinclair or C64 times, but essentially, it's the same thing.

Btw. you could stick to your old setup as long as it is running, just don't expect updates forever.

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50
More facts

Nice wish for a perfect world, but - who should maintain that? For what audience? With FOSS you are always free to do it by yourself. Could be a nice benefit for the few people with this usecase. But don't expect that work from anyone else. Resources are ultimately limited in one or another way.

Always free to do it by myself, you say? Oh, riiiiight, that's a pretty darn good idea... except that NOT everyone IS born knowing how to code, to draw, et cetera NOR they have the SAME learning capabilities, IQ, et cetera as the developers. After all, we all have our own limitations, let alone our real-life issues and the lack of free time... and no offense, but I felt a bit offended now because not only you ARE disrespecting and disregarding everyone's limitations, their real-life issues, and their lack of free time, but you ARE presuming that I want to be spoonfed! How would you like to be in my shoes and experience how "delightfully wonderful" my life is--no, it isn't. What? Are you hoping that I'll go off-topic again and start telling you how horrible my worthless life is right now, aren't you?!

On top of that, I'm not the one who asked about making Supermium portable in the first place, and there was already a "No, no, we're not doing another portable Chromium-based browser." excuse. Y'know, you guys being unduly pessimistic and that sort of defeatist attitude won't get anyone anywhere--nothing will change until something changes!

And while I loved my Win98 installation at the time it was still running (that's decades ago), it would be a complete waste of resources to still support it only for my favour... Wink Ok, that's kind of an extreme setting, could have thrown in my old Amiga, Sinclair or C64 times, but essentially, it's the same thing.

You can only blame that on Microsoft for their "everlasting-OS-updating", "constant-OS-upgrading", and "OS-support-dropping" antics, not us! Y'know what? Check out this epic post by LoneCrusader (a MSFN Moderator who stated these following words), and see if you understand what/how I feel:

This attitude (prevalent most everywhere I look online these days) that it's OK to force, browbeat, insult the intelligence of, shame, chide, or in any other manner "push" users of any product to give it up for something newer just because someone else says it's better is a cancer, pure and simple. I'll bet that most people pushing this drivel would be deeply offended if say, someone told them their political views were wrong and that they should change because someone else says so. Too many people today are willing to sing the praises of freedom until that freedom applies to something they don't like.

Yes, Microsoft has a right to change their products and/or change their business philosophy or whatever. But as far as I am concerned they have a moral obligation to NOT WILLFULLY make it more difficult for users of previous products to keep those products operating. Said users paid for those products, and the fact that some time has passed does not make those users somehow obligated to give up something that works perfectly well and buy something else because Microsoft says so. Don't want to support it any longer? Fine. But don't start putting roadblocks out for those older systems intentionally.

This is the main root of the problem that many of us have with Microsoft and many other software/tech companies. It's not what they choose to do, but how they go about doing it. So they want to release a new operating system? Fine. Release it, and if it's really better than what users already have then people will begin to move to it of their own accord. Where the problem arises is 1)when they start pushing FUD garbage about how suddenly you will become vulnerable to this or that catastrophe simply because you haven't chosen to move on; 2)when they use their "influence" to push other companies and products to no longer support an older system; and 3)when they start "manipulating history" to remove information or files relevant to older products, thereby making it more difficult to keep the older systems running (which once again were paid for, and the fact that time has passed does not invalidate this). Very few things make me angrier than when I follow a link to Microsoft's site that is supposed to lead me to some documentation or update for an older system and instead I get some garbage like "We're sorry. This page/update is no longer available. Update to Windows 10 today! It's up to date, fast and secure!" My response? Sure. When .... freezes over.

Unfortunately, my charisma sucks and I'm not in a really good mood to go on a lengthy debate--I have better things to do (like tending to my poor mother who suffered a stroke in 2012 and she can't talk nor move her right arm), so why not go over there and read the whole thread?

Btw. you could stick to your old setup as long as it is running, just don't expect updates forever.

In case you haven't noticed, I AM using a gaming laptop (if you must know, it's a Lenovo Legion), therefore it's NOT an old setup... and didn't I mention earlier that I'm using Linux Mint? Please re-read my post carefully... and also check my signature--it ain't there just for show. Lastly, I'm not expecting anything--I KNOW pretty DARN WELL how things will play out in the long run. Microsoft will be releasing Windows 12 in the future, and then 15, and then 20, and then God-only-knows-what-is-next... oh, and maybe there will be even a 128-bit or 256-bit! And then where will you be if you can't keep up the pace anymore? In the same boat with the rest of us. Well, it's like they say, "Someday that attitude is going to come back and bite you. Hard.".

Long story short, just because you can do something doesn't mean that everyone else can, let alone do the same. Limited resources, my boot! That's a poor excuse imposed by Microsoft just to force everyone to obliviously follow their ways like sheep. Well, if the resources are so limited, then why don't you go ask Win32 (the Supermium developer) about how he succeeded in porting the 122.0.6261.85 version of Chromium and successfuly made it work under Windows XP SP3 (and Windows 2000 is planned to be supported in the future) while everyone else failed?

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 35 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Let's Stop, Please

Let's stop with the back and forth, please. There are valid reasons to use newer compilers (improved performance on newer hardware, improved security and sand-boxing, etc). There are valid reasons to stay on older hardware (financial and access to hardware geographically). Microsoft has done better than Apple at supporting hardware and software long term but not as good as some Linux distros. At the same time, an LTS version of a Linux distro is generally supported for 3 (Mint) to 5 (Ubuntu) years, so you'll need to do a major version upgrade similarly to Windows 10 to 11. Windows 7 was supported for a bit over 10 years. Windows 10 for a bit under 10 years.

My point being that there are valid arguments and rationales on all sides. Please lets not pick things apart further or try to argue further minutia. Supermium is going to be packaged at some point.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50
You're right.

My apologies for my outburst, but what he said was pretty uncalled for and I don't take kindly to snarky remarks, let alone being berated, belittled, lectured, et cetera... though I was REALLY looking forward to see what he had to say next. Nevertheless, I agree, it's best that we should all just let go and not discuss this any further.

Yes, I'm quite aware that the Linux Mint's current version is 21.3, but I'll be the one who decide when it's time to upgrade because reinstalling the whole OS is a pain in the backside and things shouldn't be recklessly done in a hurry. Unlike the minor versions, it's pretty risky upgrading major versions, and even though upgrading is safe (can fix bugs) it's not 100% failproof (may introduce new bugs), and I'd rather not jeopardize my currently stable OS and then end up as unstable OS and then having to revert/reinstall the whole thing again.

Anyway, this discussion is concluded, Supermium will be packaged (and still appreciate it), so it's also best to lock this thread now.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

Last seen: 8 hours 35 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
No offence meant...

That's a lot you read between my lines... Most of that was not written or intended. But I apologize if my lines were missleading (I am no native speaker). It was just meant as a comment on the contradiction to use things for a much longer period (that one could do as long as it works, no need to update) without adapting to the technical develpoment (OS Update in this case). These were some of the aspects missing in your statement. And don't expect not beeing commented if you write something in a forum.

To be fair, I obviously read between yours, too.

Btw. I am just a user like you. Just because I skripted a few packages here doesn't inevitably mean that I am a pro developer. So much for limited resources.

But as I wrote before - no offence meant and apologies if I wrote something that way.

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50
I forgive you

✳Sigh✳ I may have been unfairly harsh with you and you did nothing wrong, so I apologize to you as well... and no, your English is perfectly fine... English isn't my native tongue either. I really should've stayed off the forum while I was in a bad mood (you just caught me in a bad time when you quoted me, and then few/most of my wording came out bad afterwards), and I've been suffering from a mild depression for some time now. Anyway, if John would allow me to speak... just one last time, let me cite a variety of reasons for my outburst:

First off, I've been a modern 64-bit user for few years now... but I wasn't always so. Some years ago, I used to be a happy Windows XP user, until the majority of developers stopped supporting it due to Microsoft's "evil influence", and I was placed in a very tight situation where I could no longer use new versions of some/most of my applications nor I could try out the new ones due to harsh minimum OS requirements, and then... for having been pushed to the edge long enough, I was forced to waste around 1.500 euros on a gaming laptop so that I could continue using my favorite applications. However, I've developed a serious grudge and hatred for what they've done to me... it was remotely unfair. But that's not the only thing that really ticked me off.

EDIT: I decided to remove my other reasons for my outburst to avoid getting in trouble. However, all I ask is for you modern 64-bit users to show the legacy 32-bit users some respect and just leave them well enough alone--they WILL upgrade on their own time/accord, NOT by force! That is all.

Now, let's just drop this, move on, and forget this little "drama-llama", shall we? The modern 64-bit users and legacy 32-bit users SHOULD be working together, NOT fighting each other. And again, I must apologize to John.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

Last seen: 8 hours 35 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
Thanks for your explanations.

Thanks for your explanations.
While I don't entirely agree with a few of them, we have more in common than you might have guessed at first.

Just an insight on my main setup: An over 10 years old gaming laptop updated to Win10 after a SSD-failure two years ago. I use a lot of outdated/unsupported software, I even had a Win8.1 (not as bad as everyone ranted) with Office 2003 and Corel X suite running in my main productivity usecase. That beast will probably break mechanically before the support for Win10 ends. No more fresh replacement batteries availlable, keyboard malfunctioning etc. But I never had a computer that came close to this lifetime without any productivity restrictions.

I just don't mourn my setup, when it comes to its end, but don't judge people for doing so.
I had a lot of OS coming and going and none of them was really bad (OK, I skipped WinME and Vista...). I always had a lot of time to plan my replacements (just as now - I fear my machine will break this or the next year).
So, you are right, we should stop here and go on to more significant topics. Wink

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50
Progress report?

John, has there been any progress (or luck) of Supermium getting a "'s blessing"? Just asking and there's no need to rush... although it's been nearly a month and I still don't see Supermium added in the "Upcoming/Possible Windows Legacy Versions" list here--and you said you were planning on releasing a package of it... Unknwown

It's not that I'm in a hurry or anything, I'm just worried that Supermium might be forgotten... and I bet the "XPeans", "Vistans", and "Sevenarians" are really looking forward to have a proper up-to-date portable web browser for their daily use on their own PCs. I've seen people asking for old versions of Google Chrome here lately and I don't highly recommend using them--they don't work too well on nearly all sites and they refuse to install most extensions (due to Manifest V3 stuff).

I know a Linux and Firefox (heavily mitigated to "burninate" nearly 100% built-in Spyware trash) user like me shouldn't be too concerned about this matter, but hey, I DO care about the people still using old systems.

Thanks in advance, sorry for the bother, and keep up with the excellent work.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 35 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
At Some Point

I'll be working on it at some point. It'll require a rewrite of an existing launcher and extensive testing. All Chrome/Chromium-based portable apps are held together with duct tape and string and are only barely, mostly portable due to the messy way that the base app works.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50

I understand. Thanks for answering... and sorry for whatever inconveniences I may have caused.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 35 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Dev Test Posted

It's been posted as a Dev Test:

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 35 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Please Test

Please head over to the Dev Test topic, download, test it, and post your feedback. I'd like to get it released for folks.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 4 months 1 day ago
Joined: 2024-03-27 20:36
Cannot Run When Chrome is Already Running

Problem with Supermium is it cannot run if Chrome is already running. I suppose if someone is using Supermium they won't be using Chrome? Should be standalone like Opera etc.

We're not gonna get rid of anybody! We're gonna stick together, just like it used to be! When you side with a man, you stay with him! And if you can't do that, you're like some animal, you're finished! We're finished! All of us!

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 35 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
By Design

Supermium is chrome.exe and uses Chrome's registry entries. It will not run the same time as Chrome. Same as Iron.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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