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Portuguese Localization(s)

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NunoEFSilva's picture
Last seen: 2 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-12-03 11:19
Portuguese Localization(s)

Advice on Portuguese Localization(s)

There is no real reason to maintain two versions of Portuguese
- Portuguese (Portugal)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
thruout either the platform or any of the portable Apps.

As of January, 2016 both forms are equally normalized orthographies between
- Portugal
- Brazil
- Cape Verde
and more Portuguese speaking countries.

Check it out on:

Best regards,
Nuno (Portuguese living in Brazil)

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 15 hours 12 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Which is Closer? Other apps?

According to the wikipedia entry, it would seem that PortugueseBr is closer than Portuguese, but do you have a sense for which of our localizations of the platform is closer?

Any thoughts (from you or others) on what to do with apps that continue to make this distinction? For example, Firefox makes both Portugal/Europe and Brazilian variants available, which are separate packages. LibreOffice has Angola, Brazil, and Portugal variants included. Are these simply legacy versions or are they available for folks who are more comfortable with what they are used to vs what a committee finalized in 2016?

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Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 1 week 6 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
not fully implemented

It's also important to keep in mind that, according to that wikipedia link, only 3 of 9 Portuguese-speaking countries have fully implemented the change, although others are in the process of doing so. Asa result, it may be necessary to keep multiple translations in place to handle those variations.

With that being said, Portugal and Brazil are using the same orthography, it appears.

Pedro's picture
Last seen: 1 month 4 days ago
Joined: 2014-04-22 13:26
This post is ridiculous.

This post is ridiculous. There is no agreement in place anywhere in the world, much less in Brazil.
We, Portuguese, do NOT use the same terms Brazilians use. In fact, their translations are much closer to Spanish terms.

@John T. Haller, please disregard this request, as it is simply offensive to us, Portuguese.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 15 hours 12 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
I figured

I kinda figured, which is why I left it unchanged. It would be nice if we could get the silly Portuguese to adapt to what the Brazilians have done to Portuguese just as if we could get the silly Brits to adapt to what the Americans have done with English, but I don't see it happening in either case. (Note: Heavy sarcasm there on both.) I'm gonna continue supporting both to keep the platform as broadly comfortable for all folks to use as possible.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture
Last seen: 6 days 17 hours ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50
Thank goodness for that

I'm also a Portuguese guy, and I must thank you for maintaining both languages which will always benefit both sides. Also, I fully agree with @Pedro and @RaphaelRB but totally disagree with @NunoEFSilva, because we Portuguese do NOT speak the same tongue/accent as Brazilians do. Sure, there may be some differences/similarities but they are NOT the same! That would be like apples and oranges comparison.

Also, just because some Portuguese "wiseguys" (referring to politicians, government, et cetera) signed the Orthographic Agreement doesn't mean that all of us Portuguese citizens have to follow suit. I mean, if someone told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it? Not me... and I, for one, always hated that change, because it literally messed up with our original ways of saying/writing! Let me cite a few examples:

- You cannot say "I love my mother." as "Eu amo a minha mãe.", because that wording sounds abhorrently incestuous to us Portuguese. The correct way of saying is "Eu adoro a minha mãe.". Sure, "love" means both "amar" and "adorar", but to us Portuguese, "amar" is more on romantic/intimate terms while "adorar" is more on friendly terms.
- You cannot write "Stop!" as "Para!", because we Portuguese ALWAYS use accent marks to define different meanings. The correct way of writing is "Pára!". Because "para" means "to" and should not be mistaken with "pára" which means "stop".
- You cannot write "Action!" as "Ação!", because it misses a "C" word in it. The correct way of writing is "Acção!".
- You cannot write "Great!" as "Ótimo!", because it misses a "P" word in it. The correct way of writing is "Óptimo!".
- And so on, and so on...

I was educated with proper (and old) Portuguese orthography back in my school days during the 90s, and now ever since this orthographic change happened, I felt insulted and disgusted. Nowadays, I cannot stand watching TV shows/movies with Portuguese subtitles because they look "Brazilified" and incorrect for my tastes, and I feel ashamed and enraged of what they've done to our beloved language...

Fun fact: It was THE Portuguese people who discovered Brazil and taught them OUR language, NOT the other way around!

Conclusion: I (and probably most Portuguese people out there) stand against (and few also demand to ban) this new orthography and will always retain the old orthography... and the corrupt "wiseguys" have absolutely NO right to "Brazilify" our original language! But sadly, since our corrupt "wiseguys" are ALWAYS above the law, they'll NEVER stop recklessly accepting and changing everything on a whim and ALWAYS against us citizens' will, wishes, freedom of choice, et cetera.

Friendly reminder: I have absolutely nothing against Brazilians. What I DO have against is this new orthography that we Portuguese were forced to adapt.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
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Last seen: 2 days 20 min ago
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[Response trimmed by user to alleviate a disagreement and erase off-topic excerpts]

RaphaelRB - Brazil

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture
Last seen: 6 days 17 hours ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50
Please reply sooner next time - small misunderstanding

First of all, thank you for replying... though I'd be really appreciated if you had replied MUCH earlier--I almost didn't notice your reply. Necroposting is very frowned on many forums (because normally if the last activity in the thread was more than a few months ago, you are likely replying to a topic that has already been concluded, of which the participants are no longer active). Sadly, some/most of the people seem to have this irritating habit of reviving old threads nowadays, but I'll let this one slide.

Secondly, I NEVER said your "wiseguys" "Brazilified" anything--I have CLEARLY stated that it was THE Portuguese "wiseguys" who "Brazilified" OUR language, thus I am blaming ONLY the Portuguese "wiseguys"... nothing more, nothing less. Anyway, since this thread was inadvertently revived, I have no desire to continue this discussion, because not only I already said everything I needed to earlier, but I once thought that there was nothing else to talk about, hence this discussion's long inactivity... and yet here we are. I'm sorry, but I really hate necroposting--it utterly ruins my mood and saddens me.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

Last seen: 2 days 20 min ago
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[Response trimmed by user to alleviate a disagreement and erase off-topic excerpts]

RaphaelRB - Brazil

TheDarkGiganotosaur's picture
Last seen: 6 days 17 hours ago
Joined: 2019-03-20 19:50
Not rude - stating the facts

I wasn't being rude (but if you interpreted that way or gotten triggered, I humbly apologize--I meant no offense since I'm a nice guy, but I won't tolerate certain inconsistencies/incompetences which are becoming pretty common these days on the Internet... specifically forums, applications, et cetera), but let's face the facts, shall we? How would you feel like if you had posted something (or released a really cool app, music, art, et cetera), and then... after waiting "ten thousand years", either nobody replies to you or someone finally replies to you? Wouldn't you feel offended and frustrated by that? See, when someone posts/releases something, the expectation is that somebody reacts and replies ASAP and not keep him/her hanging for ages... ignorance and lack of feedback/communications are much worse than me being so rude, as you put it. Don't you agree? After all, what affects one affects us all. Still, I fully understand that people (including me) have lives and problems in real-life and it's also fine if nobody wants to say anything, but I guess a few minutes spared for a few words would've helped, y'know? I kinda feel like ever since COVID-19 happened, more and more people are slowly becoming apathetic, lethargic, aloof, depressed, et cetera.

As for you having agreed with me, you stated something which I never said nor was true (the "disagreeing with me" part in your previous post), so I had to point that out since I don't like having my words twisted (AKA putting words into my mouth).

And as for the post not being closed, it doesn't matter if a thread is or isn't locked--the golden rule to prevent necroposting is to always check how old the thread is (especially the last post) before posting... unless it's a very important information or an update.

Lastly, no, you didn't bother me at all. Anyway, let's drop this off-topicness and move on.

The Dark Giganotosaur, the ghastly dinosaur (currently in human form)
"Portable and stealth apps are all that matters to me!"
Windows 10 x64 (NEVER USED) | Knoppix 8.1+ x64 | Linux Mint 20.3 Xfce x64

Last seen: 2 days 20 min ago
Joined: 2011-07-20 11:10
Some differences

Please, allow me to contribute to the conversation, as a Brazilian who loves to learn languages...

There are some differences between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese indeed.

(I ask for the understanding of those who do not speak Portuguese, because I will give some examples of different words in both countries, differences that go far beyond the English "Color/Colour", for instance.)

In the computer subject, there are plenty of different words. I will write some of them I've seen at XnView (it always run in pt-pt, not pt-br, no matter how I set it up, so I've got used to use it in pt-pt).
Brazil: mouse, tela, arquivo, salvar, aspecto (da seleção), grade, girar (imagem), centralizado, inicializar etc.
Portugal: rato, ecrã, ficheiro, guardar, rácio (da seleção), grelha, rodar (imagem), centrado. arrancar etc.
English: mouse, screen, file, save, (selection) ratio, grid, rotate (image), centered, boot etc.

Some of words sounds quite the same, as "centralizado/centrado" or even "grid/grelha", but European Portuguese words "ecrã", "rato" and "arrancar" will sound a little awkward or funny to Brazilians (and I think Portugueses will laugh with some Brazilian words too).

It's not impossible to a Brazilian understand a European Portuguese computer text, but it doesn't sound natural. A general text can be far more difficult (just think as "cueca" is used to male underpants on Brazil and female underpants on Portugal).

Some programs may have bigger differences than XnView ones.

A small list of "computer word differences" can be seen at and a bigger list of general words can be read at . The biggest list I've found is at

PS: I've never said nor intended to say that Brazilian Portuguese is better than European or vice versa. In fact, I hate the word Brazilians use for "save" ("salvar") and other mistranslations Brazilians do as "deletar" for "delete" (only spoken, not written), or even not translating some words at all ("mouse", "laptop", "webcam"). I just think Brazil and Portugal have some striking and irreconcilable differences in the language.

Best regards,

RaphaelRB - Brazil

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