Great work all these long years, I am back once again to set up a portable library.
A few questions if you don't mind, I found it hard to search the forum, so will just ask here.
A) Can I block a single app from update? I have a license for PDF Exchange Editor Plus; an old build from last year, so don't want the app to auto update. Can an ini file or something control if a app updates?
B) the FAQ says "For example, if you have a portable program MyApp.exe, you could create a folder called X:\PortableApps\MyApp\ and place MyApp.exe and all its files within there. Then, just click Apps - Refresh App Icons within the Menu and your new app will show up."
This has worked for most apps, but one that hasn't is "PortableApps\Obsidian-Portable\ObsidianPortable.exe", though I don't see anything coming up in the menu as mentioned. Is there away to create an ini file or update/add the locations manually?
C) A future request would be to add short keys for apps (ALT + O open X.exe), or to have a run box and write a short command that is re-writable to open an app (the latter like
Good work,
Wishing you well
Peace from Australia
PS Just thought of it for A) Could I just make the exe read only? Would that prevent its update?
PPS Just to add on C) Looks like I can use Claiver++ portable to make the keyboard shortcuts (
If you rename the PDF-XChangeEditorPortable directory to PDF-XChangeEditorPortableOld the PA.c Platform's updater will ignore it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!