All I have found is an app (Pilot Install) that claims to be capable to install things on the Palm without need of Hotsync. But, anyway, installing the Palm driver in the PC is needed
I would be interested, too, in a portable Palm desktop - or anything similar. I have a palm IIIx, and (for exemple) it doesn't show alerts for birthdays in the Agenda. So I mostly use Palm Desktop, but I would like to carry it on my USB drive.
I don't sync too often, so a portable hotsync would not be very useful for me (plus it would require to carry the base to connect the base to the PC, which would be less portable)
hoping to update this subject -- there must be a lot of people who use Palms (Treo, etc) and don't want to leave traces of their personal data on borrowed computers....
I'm still looking for a way of putting the Palm Desktop on a stick. My company provides us laptops but our IT will not allow us to install any software withut their approval. They only approve of 1 older rev of the Palm Desktop which won't hotsync with my T|X ... makes my PDA unusable for work ... I need to be able to sync with Outlook on my work laptop.
No Bumping - Don't add a comment to a post specifically to get it to move to the top of the recent posts page. This is called bumping and is frowned upon in most public forums as, by bumping a post with a nonsense comment, you push a post with a real comment further down. If people are interested in a post, they will see and comment on it. No bumping required.
R McCue PortaBlog Home and My Website
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people. (Maskerade)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
But the question was the same as the original question
R McCue PortaBlog Home and My Website
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people. (Maskerade)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I thought it high time we had a laugh and it's chickens and their nuggets that came to mind.
...Could I get any more off topic? Sorry guys.
I've done some digging on the subject of portable Hotsync and making Palm Desktop portable, but have nothing to report. I'll hold onto my next post until I've found something substantial.
Doesn't matter that it's off-topic, with Drupal's styling, people can just ignore it.
R McCue Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people. (Maskerade)
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Topic locked
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All I have found is an app (Pilot Install) that claims to be capable to install things on the Palm without need of Hotsync. But, anyway, installing the Palm driver in the PC is needed
I would be interested, too, in a portable Palm desktop - or anything similar. I have a palm IIIx, and (for exemple) it doesn't show alerts for birthdays in the Agenda. So I mostly use Palm Desktop, but I would like to carry it on my USB drive.
I don't sync too often, so a portable hotsync would not be very useful for me (plus it would require to carry the base to connect the base to the PC, which would be less portable)
hoping to update this subject -- there must be a lot of people who use Palms (Treo, etc) and don't want to leave traces of their personal data on borrowed computers....
I'm still looking for a way of putting the Palm Desktop on a stick. My company provides us laptops but our IT will not allow us to install any software withut their approval. They only approve of 1 older rev of the Palm Desktop which won't hotsync with my T|X ... makes my PDA unusable for work ... I need to be able to sync with Outlook on my work laptop.
Much frustration.
Donald & Daffy
Would a portable Hotsync & Palm Desktop implementation be possible? Definitely something I would use as much as Firefox & Thunderbird Portables.
No Bumping - Don't add a comment to a post specifically to get it to move to the top of the recent posts page. This is called bumping and is frowned upon in most public forums as, by bumping a post with a nonsense comment, you push a post with a real comment further down. If people are interested in a post, they will see and comment on it. No bumping required.
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Please note my question in the thread reply.
But the question was the same as the original question
R McCue
PortaBlog Home and My Website
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Ah, gotcha.
What's with the title, "Chicken Nuggets" ?
(BTW, this chat has bumped it anyway
R McCue
Cube Games | Cube Games Portables
[Sorry for bumping this, but my signature <cite> was unclosed]
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I thought it high time we had a laugh and it's chickens and their nuggets that came to mind.
...Could I get any more off topic? Sorry guys.
I've done some digging on the subject of portable Hotsync and making Palm Desktop portable, but have nothing to report. I'll hold onto my next post until I've found something substantial.
Doesn't matter that it's off-topic, with Drupal's styling, people can just ignore it.
R McCue
Cube Games
People who didn't need people needed people around to know that they were
the kind of people who didn't need people.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."