LOL I had a U3 drive for sometime now. A buddy at work had a plain flash drive and seen me use my U3 and wanted one. I knew about but never bothered with it since I purchased a drive with U3 on it already. So I took his drive and and installed PortableApps base and added apps. He loved it...AND SO DID I!!!
I just wiped out U3 from my cruzer drive and installed PortableApps and don't regret it a bit! I got so sick of the barrage of apps and disorganized nature of their website to get software for it. Besides the fact of paying for the crap. Half the apps available there reminds me of "As Seen on TV" stuff. I have developed stuff to customize my experience for the U3 but that gets tedious. Open Source and PortableApps FTW!!!! GO JOHN!!!
99,175,136,353,556,400,986 of us now.
And yea, the software here is so much better.
Have you seen the beta version of the menu in the beta forums which supports theming?
I felt so different without a signature.