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Hiding .exe files in Portable Apps Menu

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Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-25 05:38
Hiding .exe files in Portable Apps Menu

I have installed a few extra applications into the Menu structure as per the supplied instructions.

Some of these directories contain more than one .exe file, but I only want to see the main program file listed on the menu. Is there any way to "hide" a .exe fime from the Portable Apps Menu?

I tried renaming the unwanted files, rescanning and then naming them back, that worked until I ejected and re-inserted my stick.

Any suggestions gratefully received.


Simeon's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

There is nothing you can do about that for now. Maybe in the upcoming release.
And please use the search next time as this has been asked before.
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"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-24 11:55
I usually rename the

I usually rename the unwanted to *.exe.old
that works for the uninstallers, but not for something that the app needs to run

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-14 23:42
workaround from another thread that I can't find right now

is to re-name the extension of the exe's that you don't want listed to ex_ (underscore). Supposedly Windows will still recognise it as a working executable, and I have done this with several applications --- they all seem to be working just fine.

Give it try, hope it works for you.

Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2007-04-26 15:20
Not Here

Glad I ran across this thread because I was about to ask the same question. I tried the ex_ trick and it doesn't work here, at least on the Win2000 computer. It indeed removes the file name from the menu as I wanted, but it doesn't run when called by the main application.

It would be nice if a way to manage what you see on the menu were added in the future.

Simeon's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15
It will

"There is a computer disease that anybody who works with computers knows about. It's a very serious disease and it interferes completely with the work. The trouble with computers is that you 'play' with them!" - Richard Feynman

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-14 23:42
another workaround is to use a batch file converted to exe.

If you want to stick with the PAM menu, and not use the C++ version, you could also try this ---

tuck your app & its folders (if any) into a sub-folder inside the main folder that you want PAM to see.

Make a batch file to launch the main executable, and convert that bat to exe, and put that into the main folder. PAM should be able to launch your app by using that converted file just fine.

I'm using this batch converter:

+ MyOwnApp main folder
holds MyBatchFile_convertedTo.exe
and + MyOwnApp sub-folder
In the subfolder put
MyOwnApp other folders

A little bit of hassle, but worth it if you are devoted to a particular piece of software. Smile

Kevin Porter
Kevin Porter's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-01-10 19:25
C++ Version

I could swear, I answered this same question just yesterday :puzzled:. Well, you could try the C++ Version of the PAM. It is not as pretty, but the features are nicer. It has theming capabilities. It will only show an exe that has the same name as the folder (e.g. "VLCPortable.exe" would show up only in "VLCPortable" subdirectory). The way theming is set up would be found here.

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Ken Ham

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