I am curious as to the possibility of completely removing all traces of Internet Explorer and Outlook Express from Windows now that I am 100% using Portable Firefox and Portable Thunderbird. I am avid user of nLite and was thinking I could completely remove both programs from the install now. The caveat to that would be if either of the above programs still need some of the functionality of IE or OE to work. I mean I would doubt it, but I suppose it would be possible. Normally some shred of IE is left because of Autoupdates, but that is now taken care of by Windiz. So I doubt that it needs that any longer.
If anyone has tried this let me know.
I don't recommend removing IE. Internet Exploder and Windows Explorer are tightly wound together.
Outlook Express; I don't see any problem in removing it..
Removing IE is safe.
There's a lot of progs that use IE engine to generate previews of web pages, so do HTML2BMP and similar converters. Some use it for totally different purposes, i.e. my file manager uses it to sort file lists. They won't work correctly and you'll be wondering why....
"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov
Note, though, that this requires reinstalling Windows, and may not work properly if not installed to a blank partition. I installed it to an old machine and everything seems to work fine (though I haven't tried using the internet yet).
I understand, that's what I am trying to do. I will be using nLite to make the change, just trying to see if either PortableFirefox or PortableThunderbird need either to work.
Why not have local installs of Firefox and Thunderbird? They'll be quicker.
Or you like how the portable settings work?
Wow, that signature totally got old.
I have multiple computers and I do not want to install things on each one. I simply move my port apps back and forth. It works fine. I love it.
Control Panel
Add/Remove Programs
Add/Remove Windows Components (Left Hand Side)
Wow, that signature totally got old.
That only removes shortcuts. Only an properly nLited installation will result in iexplore.exe and wmplayer.exe being completely nonexistent.
I'm blind, because I tried it, and I looked in program files, and didn't see IE, but I looked again, and I do.
Wow, that signature totally got old.
You need IE to download updates for windows or office from the website. Also, for whatever reason you need to get something from Microsoft, I'm pretty sure you will need IE.
"Truth is a river that is always splitting up into arms that reunite. Islanded between the arms, the inhabitants argue for a lifetime as to which is the main river." -- Cyril Connolly
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
Windows authentication can be done without IE. You can either use the Mozilla plugin (doesn't work with FxP) or you can download a program that generates a key that is then typed in to the form. I have done this before.
You can use WindizUpdate.
"There is a tendency for the world to say to America, 'the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out,' and then to worry when America wants to sort them out.
Tony Blair
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Since MS requires some version of IE for downloading updates and such I'd leave it in. Generally I use it once a month - on patch Tuesday to get the monthly data dump. I seldom if ever use it any other time although I look at it as a backup in case Firefox gets wonky or I run on a site that requires IE in order to work. I know that Firefox has an extension that allows opening a tab in IE but I'm not sure if it relies on the underlying IE install to do so. Overall I'd say best to leave it alone.
Even if you remove IE, just open My Computer and type in a site... Windows Explorer doubles as a stripped down IE.
The Firefox extension IE Tab seems to require IE to be installed; it doesn't work on Linux boxes.
Because using IE's engine requires IE.
Allow me to suggest a much simpler, less convoluted and esoteric solution...
Wine isn't magic, you know.
The classic all my software are still belong to Windows dilemma.
ive read enough! outlook is fint to remove. IE is fine to remove but before you do, install firefox or opera and set it as your computer default internet browser. this will set any and everything that could possibly use IE to use firefox and your home free.
one thing i would like to know is how to uninstall outlook. every time i gi to "Remove Windows components" and check it off for removal, it asks me for my xp disk. its really annoying!
(Edit: dont bother answering because i just replaced xp with dsl.)
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ive read enough! outlook is fint to remove. IE is fine to remove but before you do, install firefox or opera and set it as your computer default internet browser. this will set any and everything that could possibly use IE to use firefox and your home free.
Nonsense :roll:
Everything that uses shell to run html page will work. And nothing more. Which means that if you'll doble click on html / url file in any file manager, it will be started in your browser. If you'll run "www.yourpage.com" from command line - it will be opened.
But there are 1000 progs that use IE, exactly IE, and need it to work (or, sometimes, to work the way you want them to). Changing default browser will give you nothing.
"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Asimov
How to uninstall OE: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/263837
More ideas: http://www.activewin.com/tips/tips/microsoft/winxp/advanced/8.shtml
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