1. I think it's already possible by using OffsetX and OffsetY (Make sure you're using the latest Theme.INI). EDIT: D'oh, it's in R12, not R11 :P.
2. I'm afraid not, TSpeedButton (The app buttons) doesn't appear to support theming.
3. No, but you can whack a file called Wallpaper.bmp in the Data folder and have the same effect. As for menu options, it's not that hard to just delete any themeWallpaper.bmp files (and it saves me adding another menu option :P).
4. Hmm... Definitely possible. I'll have a look.
I was actually asking about giving the skinners the ability of adding a wallpaper to their PAM theme, so that it could be named anything. That way you can have more than one wallpaper and be able to switch wallpapers without having to do a bunch of renaming of files.
c[x. whao r12 is great! i'v imported the settings for the Vista theme to the the new theme.ini file and didn't a few modifications to the Vista theme settings.
also when you change to a theme without a header.bmp it still doesn't change to back to the portableapps.com logo
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
c[x. bug. when you disable wallpaper swap in PAM, the option get's greyd out untill you enable in the PortableAppsMenu.ini. can you fix this? thank you
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
i tested r12 this morning. it even works better than the previous releases. the bug of missing icons on startup doesn't occure anymore and the autostart-function works again as like expected.
c[x. For the wallpaper swapping feature, can you make is soo that there's a folder called "Wallpapers" in the "data" folder and we just dump all our wallpapers into there. then in PAM when you click on "Options" there will be something like "Wallpapers" in there. and you can choose which wallpaper to use. jus like when you're picking a theme. this would be great
so you put all the wall papers in "_ :\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu\Data\Wallpapers"
then you choose which wallpaper you would like to use in PAM. "Options > Wallpapers > [a list of all the wallpapers]"
there's also a weird bugg. when you disable wallpaper swap in PAM,then exit it, the next time you launch PAM, option get's greyd out untill you enable it in the PortableAppsMenu.ini. so you can't re-enable it in PAM anymore. you hav to do this in the PortableAppsMenu.ini file.
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
c[x. that's jus a suggestion for future releases of PAM mod.
you can use the wallpaper swap by doing this
Just stick a bitmap in the Data folder called myWallpaper.bmp (e.g. 'Data\myWallpaper.bmp')
OR stick a bitmap in the Data folder called Wallpaper.bmp for theme-specific wallpapers (e.g. 'Data\defaultWallpaper.bmp')
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
netroid, just wanted to clarify why I removed your forums link. Remember, you need to follow the forums guidelines which only permit announcing of open source apps... not advertising other sites (including portable app sites and forums).
Also, it would have been nice had you offered to submit changes to the main project or fold your changes back into the official PAM. While you're free to create a full-on fork of PAM or any of the open source apps here, you can't self-promote them here. (Not sure if that's your intention or not... hope not but just checking) Anymore than Mozilla would let the Flock guys (a fork of Firefox) self-promote their app on Mozilla.org. This is also partially to keep people on-site for donations and ads as it needs to be self-sufficient to survive.
So, I was wondering if you'd like to come on board and help develop the official PAM. We'd need to scrap some of your changes (like the themes setup since it conflicts with the upcoming theming engine... it already has some of your stuff, but some is different, like PNG support and an officially-supported packaging format) and alter some other ones (as the menu and options setups have changed in the new version).
I'm hoping you say yes. Seems like you've got some damn solid ideas though I haven't had time to test them or look at your code.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
In some fairness, the second element on that forum links back to this topic.
It would be awesome to see netroid join the official dev team, but one of the nicest perks of this mod as it is spearheaded by him is that he pops new versions weekly and sometimes even faster to fix major issues.
While I can imagine that a dev team effort will inevitably come up with something polished and great, it would also take more time and less on-the-minute user input.
but hey, opinions are opinions, right? everything that PAM stands for and has engendered has been amazing
I understand your reasons for removing the forum link, I'd merely intended to take some of the strain off the forum, and had no intention of self-promoting (nor did Tewan, from my understanding). I had no idea that you were accepting code submissions, but now that I do I'm more than happy to let you integrate (or just copy-n-paste ;)) anything you want out of my code, although I must warn you that I've moved stuff around a lot between revisions so it's probably not the best example of well-organized code you'll ever see :P.
As for joining the official dev team, I'm afraid I must decline. As much as I'd love to, I have other obligations coming up at the end of the week that would leave me severely pressed for time, and I simply wouldn't be able to help :(. I am willing to assist until the end of the week (the 6th of July, if you were looking for a date), but chances are that's not what you had in mind.
I'm afraid I must decline
Seriously though, you would have been a massive asset to PortableApps.com
Ryan McCue. Blog.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU! Simeon.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Just send him your code to look at...sure its not really doing dev work, but he can at least fold your ideas in then
I don't believe in signatures
There appears a bug in R11, not sure if its in R12 as I haven't tried it yet. Rename a file in the menu and then mark it as Autorun- It fails to autorun?
I renamed Convey and @Overlord renamed mirandaportable and both failed in my R11 mod. In my case I renamed the file before I marked it as autorun. Might not be able to test R12 till Saturday.
Hi, this is my first post. excuse my english, i have a limited vocabulary, i'm using r12 since...today XD.
1.- I still can't see aplication icons in the menu (Like r11).
2.- The folder PortableApps, where i use to install aplications doesn't exist, i have to install aplicacions at root for the menu to recognize them, is there a reason for this?
r12 is supposed to be copied over a regular PAM install. Without the regular install, nothing will work.
Out of curiosity, what is your first language?
There are 10 kind of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those with friends.
this is a mod to an already existing program structure, first you should have installed either the basic or the complete suite from john: https://portableapps.com/suite , then integrate this mod witch will not go in the root but in root:\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu.
You can change the button paths and names if that's what you mean (IE Turn Pictures into Programs), and replacing the icon is as simple as replacing the one in your theme's folder.
Or does it look essentially like the normal PAM?
"... respect, all good works are not done by only good folk. For here, at the end of all things, we shall do what needs to be done."
Nop, i say a completely new button, you have, documents, music, pictures and video buttons, i ask for the posibility to add a new one, called programs.
That's kind of difficult without breaking compatibility with previous themes, but I'll see what I can do with the new image system. With any luck, you'll be able to launch custom apps with them (In this case, Explorer.exe), and it'd be a simple matter of making a new button in theme.ini
1. this what i mean is, i will manage the menu in the bottom. (this menu are done) but for a nice look the apps list must go up (nat a problem) but now my prob. when i set the apps list up, the the up and down button stay on the old place.
2. i have set under the menu icon the text (like documents co.) but the fonts are to big, i will resize the fonts.
I have no idea as well as Delphi functions, sun would make I that itself. SOrry
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
I fixed some usability issues with the german translation. For example "Anwendungen wiederherstellen" is now "Versteckte Anwendungen anzeigen" and some other stuff. I also removed some typos and added new ones.
Danke für den Hinweis. Hab ja auch Deine (?) als Vorlage gehabt und wollte Dir da nix nehmen. Ich finde dennoch, dass in einer deutschen Lokalisierung auch alles Deutsch sein sollte, wofür es einen deutschen Begriff gibt.
no u used the old one without the version number in it
the new one is packaged with r12 on the mirror but no prob.
P.S. only for redcider
abba icon und shortcut und hotkey ?? is doch eingedeutscht
aber ich würd das mit dem beispiel so nich machen ich fand das mit dem ohne laufwerksbuchstaben besser. meinste nich is verständlicher oder mach beides rein.
Wir können uns ja auf eine einigen weil ich denke sonst wirds doof oder?
wenn wir immer 2 aktualisieren ??
I'm not a translator I just started because it was not obvious for me what "Anwendungen wiederherstellen" means. I think you did a good job and can keep on going. The example doesn't really matter, i thought to remove it myself.
The Buttons are would divided in two divid, give image (img) and Button (sbtn) both the same size and place it at the same, will go the text way cutting edge. however only in an icon size until ca. 32 Pix from there one sees again the text.
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Question, why do my app icons show a white background?
Suggestion, ability to change the target of the Explore button, for people who use alternative file managers. I guess that would also apply for the Folder buttons.
It would be nice if we could add one or two App Items as actual buttons, for instance I'd like to put on an eject button that would run my own munged version of the eject script, but also keep the exit button on it's own (for now I have just the exit with the eject script set to run on exit, but that leaves me no easy way to exit the menu without running the script)
I suppose I could take a look at the source, I do quite a bit in Delphi, but time is a rare commodity.
----------------- user(noun) usually offensive: a person affected with idiocy, often used as an explicative after hanging up the phone.
* programmer(noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).
Netdroid has added the theming ability to add unlimited images with onclick handlers. So you will be able to add a functional eject button to your theme, or just about any other image or button.
Not a eject button (the code doesn't exist in the application for one), but other features are possible.
*A little while later*: I've just added functionality to make it possible to launch external apps from the custom images, so you should be able to now.
To jest polskie tłumaczenie dla PortableApps Menu Mod r12.
Wgraj plik "polski-pl.locale"
do katalogu "\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu\Data\Locale\"
I ponownie uruchom aplikację.
This is the Polish translation for PortableApps Menu Mod r12.
Put file "polski-pl.locale"
in to the "\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu\Data\Locale\"
location and restart PortableApps Menu.
1. I think it's already possible by using OffsetX and OffsetY (Make sure you're using the latest Theme.INI). EDIT: D'oh, it's in R12, not R11 :P.
2. I'm afraid not, TSpeedButton (The app buttons) doesn't appear to support theming.
3. No, but you can whack a file called Wallpaper.bmp in the Data folder and have the same effect. As for menu options, it's not that hard to just delete any themeWallpaper.bmp files (and it saves me adding another menu option :P).
4. Hmm... Definitely possible. I'll have a look.
I was actually asking about giving the skinners the ability of adding a wallpaper to their PAM theme, so that it could be named anything. That way you can have more than one wallpaper and be able to switch wallpapers without having to do a bunch of renaming of files.
Mirror R12
c[x. whao r12 is great! i'v imported the settings for the Vista theme to the the new theme.ini file and didn't a few modifications to the Vista theme settings.
also when you change to a theme without a header.bmp it still doesn't change to back to the portableapps.com logo
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
nice theme ... downloaded ... installed ... works fine
c[x. bug. when you disable wallpaper swap in PAM, the option get's greyd out untill you enable in the PortableAppsMenu.ini. can you fix this? thank you
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
i tested r12 this morning. it even works better than the previous releases. the bug of missing icons on startup doesn't occure anymore and the autostart-function works again as like expected.
good job
c[x. For the wallpaper swapping feature, can you make is soo that there's a folder called "Wallpapers" in the "data" folder and we just dump all our wallpapers into there. then in PAM when you click on "Options" there will be something like "Wallpapers" in there. and you can choose which wallpaper to use. jus like when you're picking a theme. this would be great
so you put all the wall papers in "_ :\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu\Data\Wallpapers"
then you choose which wallpaper you would like to use in PAM. "Options > Wallpapers > [a list of all the wallpapers]"
there's also a weird bugg. when you disable wallpaper swap in PAM,then exit it, the next time you launch PAM, option get's greyd out untill you enable it in the PortableAppsMenu.ini. so you can't re-enable it in PAM anymore. you hav to do this in the PortableAppsMenu.ini file.
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
How does one enable it in PortableAppsMenu.ini mine does not have a reference to it, in PortableAppsMenu.ini.
c[x. that's jus a suggestion for future releases of PAM mod.
you can use the wallpaper swap by doing this
Just stick a bitmap in the Data folder called myWallpaper.bmp (e.g. 'Data\myWallpaper.bmp')
OR stick a bitmap in the Data folder called Wallpaper.bmp for theme-specific wallpapers (e.g. 'Data\defaultWallpaper.bmp')
| SanDisk Cruzer Micro 1.0 GB | TekQ 512MB | Kingston Data Traveler 128MB | Maxtor OneTouch III 40GB | 2nd Generation Orange iPod Shuffle | 5th Generation iPod Video 30GB |
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
netroid, just wanted to clarify why I removed your forums link. Remember, you need to follow the forums guidelines which only permit announcing of open source apps... not advertising other sites (including portable app sites and forums).
Also, it would have been nice had you offered to submit changes to the main project or fold your changes back into the official PAM. While you're free to create a full-on fork of PAM or any of the open source apps here, you can't self-promote them here. (Not sure if that's your intention or not... hope not
but just checking) Anymore than Mozilla would let the Flock guys (a fork of Firefox) self-promote their app on Mozilla.org. This is also partially to keep people on-site for donations and ads as it needs to be self-sufficient to survive.
So, I was wondering if you'd like to come on board and help develop the official PAM. We'd need to scrap some of your changes (like the themes setup since it conflicts with the upcoming theming engine... it already has some of your stuff, but some is different, like PNG support and an officially-supported packaging format) and alter some other ones (as the menu and options setups have changed in the new version).
I'm hoping you say yes. Seems like you've got some damn solid ideas though I haven't had time to test them or look at your code.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
What would be required for me to take off the forum to stop this "self-promotion" stuff?
I'm just trying to more organize this so netdroid doesn't have a 10 page long post to fork through for bugs, suggestions, and errors...
edit: I added up the old topic and this one's post count and it has reach 230+... this one at 100+ in only a few days.
In some fairness, the second element on that forum links back to this topic.
It would be awesome to see netroid join the official dev team, but one of the nicest perks of this mod as it is spearheaded by him is that he pops new versions weekly and sometimes even faster to fix major issues.
While I can imagine that a dev team effort will inevitably come up with something polished and great, it would also take more time and less on-the-minute user input.
but hey, opinions are opinions, right? everything that PAM stands for and has engendered has been amazing
That, too, is true.
I mention PortableApps.com a LOT.
edit: Oh yeah, did the new MeinWindows theme fix that problem you had?
yeah, and I started modding the theme.ini files for all of my other themes to prevent settings from getting left unset.
I understand your reasons for removing the forum link, I'd merely intended to take some of the strain off the forum, and had no intention of self-promoting (nor did Tewan, from my understanding). I had no idea that you were accepting code submissions, but now that I do I'm more than happy to let you integrate (or just copy-n-paste ;)) anything you want out of my code, although I must warn you that I've moved stuff around a lot between revisions so it's probably not the best example of well-organized code you'll ever see :P.
As for joining the official dev team, I'm afraid I must decline. As much as I'd love to, I have other obligations coming up at the end of the week that would leave me severely pressed for time, and I simply wouldn't be able to help :(. I am willing to assist until the end of the week (the 6th of July, if you were looking for a date), but chances are that's not what you had in mind.
I'm afraid I must decline
Seriously though, you would have been a massive asset to PortableApps.com
Ryan McCue.
So all that Airbus-delay trouble over here in Europe is because of YOU!
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Just send him your code to look at...sure its not really doing dev work, but he can at least fold your ideas in then
I don't believe in signatures
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I did it.
Je l'ai fait.
The french-fra.locale file is here: http://whibo.4shared.com
Le fichier french-fra.locale est ici: http://whibo.4shared.com
Have fun with a menu in french.
Ayez du plaisir avec un menu en français.
Take a look at my mod of R11, regard it as a feature request
- Could you incorporate any of these ideas?
I would rather see one well developed menu than continue another variant.
There appears a bug in R11, not sure if its in R12 as I haven't tried it yet. Rename a file in the menu and then mark it as Autorun- It fails to autorun?
Not happening for me. Try R12 ad if it happens again, post more details (name, program, path to program, etc).
I renamed Convey and @Overlord renamed mirandaportable and both failed in my R11 mod. In my case I renamed the file before I marked it as autorun. Might not be able to test R12 till Saturday.
Will I need the Turbo hotfix to compile R12? I have the free version and cannot download the patch
Hi, this is my first post. excuse my english, i have a limited vocabulary, i'm using r12 since...today XD.
1.- I still can't see aplication icons in the menu (Like r11).
2.- The folder PortableApps, where i use to install aplications doesn't exist, i have to install aplicacions at root for the menu to recognize them, is there a reason for this?
Thank very much for your excelent work.
r12 is supposed to be copied over a regular PAM install. Without the regular install, nothing will work.
Out of curiosity, what is your first language?
There are 10 kind of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those with friends.
Thank you very Much, after i press "post comment", i realize that...XD
My first Language is Spanish. Why?
Just curious.
There are 10 kind of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those with friends.
this is a mod to an already existing program structure, first you should have installed either the basic or the complete suite from john: https://portableapps.com/suite , then integrate this mod witch will not go in the root but in root:\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu.
Thanks for your quick response. my fault...XD
It's possible to add a button, like a programs button where i can store some installation files, and count with a folder image like music or video?.
The file categorization it's not so unflexible.
You can change the button paths and names if that's what you mean (IE Turn Pictures into Programs), and replacing the icon is as simple as replacing the one in your theme's folder.
Or does it look essentially like the normal PAM?
"... respect, all good works are not done by only good folk. For here, at the end of all things, we shall do what needs to be done."
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
It looks like the ordinary PAM, just with a whole ton of right-click menus :P.
But! You can theme it much more.
For example, focus your eyes to this!
That looks cool.
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Nop, i say a completely new button, you have, documents, music, pictures and video buttons, i ask for the posibility to add a new one, called programs.
That's kind of difficult without breaking compatibility with previous themes, but I'll see what I can do with the new image system. With any luck, you'll be able to launch custom apps with them (In this case, Explorer.exe), and it'd be a simple matter of making a new button in theme.ini
i had a question?
is it possible te rearrange and resize the up and down button?
when i rezise the button the font size is the same,
is it possible to edit the Font size
i work on a iPhone theme and the buttons make me crazy (here a Preview
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
My Themes: https://portableapps.com/node/7223
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
c[x. whao~ lolz! it's soo wide lolz looks kinda funni, ahha but it's look pretty gud
Firefox or Firefox?
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
... man, you're a little crazy! aren't you?
c[x. ahhah lolz i had some free time and i manage to make an iPhone theme using your preview
check it out.
Firefox or Firefox?
"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer
1. this what i mean is, i will manage the menu in the bottom. (this menu are done) but for a nice look the apps list must go up (nat a problem) but now my prob. when i set the apps list up, the the up and down button stay on the old place.
2. i have set under the menu icon the text (like documents co.) but the fonts are to big, i will resize the fonts.
I have no idea as well as Delphi functions, sun would make I that itself. SOrry
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
My Themes: https://portableapps.com/node/7223
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Netdroid fixed the app button resizing/moving functions for version r13 [I think].
I fixed some usability issues with the german translation. For example "Anwendungen wiederherstellen" is now "Versteckte Anwendungen anzeigen" and some other stuff. I also removed some typos and added new ones.
I also found a bug.
The Name of the Video-Icon cannot be changed with the language file. It always stays "Video"
if u change a local then use the included one u used the old one.
P.S is mir viel zu deutsch
und das is nit richtig so:
"im PortableApps Format (.paf) vorliegt"
das is .paf.exe
Danke für den Hinweis. Hab ja auch Deine (?) als Vorlage gehabt und wollte Dir da nix nehmen. Ich finde dennoch, dass in einer deutschen Lokalisierung auch alles Deutsch sein sollte, wofür es einen deutschen Begriff gibt.
no u used the old one without the version number in it
on the mirror but no prob.
the new one is packaged with r12
P.S. only for redcider
abba icon und shortcut und hotkey ?? is doch eingedeutscht
aber ich würd das mit dem beispiel so nich machen ich fand das mit dem ohne laufwerksbuchstaben besser. meinste nich is verständlicher oder mach beides rein.
Wir können uns ja auf eine einigen weil ich denke sonst wirds doof oder?
wenn wir immer 2 aktualisieren ??
sorry for the german but its better to explain
I'm not a translator I just started because it was not obvious for me what "Anwendungen wiederherstellen" means. I think you did a good job and can keep on going. The example doesn't really matter, i thought to remove it myself.
post mir mal deine email adresse ins kontaktformular auf
www.hoeminc.de thx ich meld mich bei dir
post mir mal deine email adresse ins kontaktformular auf
www.homeinc.de thx ich meld mich bei dir
Will I need the Turbo hotfix to compile R12? I have currently the free version of Turbo Delphi 2006 and cannot download the patch
maybe lazarus can do the trick
I'm not sure, but I'd say you don't.
I have repacked all my Themes for this MOD and the preversion of iPhone is done too.
Repacked for "PAM Mod" (iPhone included)
The Themes (and Screenshots) for "Original PAM" find you on my Thead (look at the signature)
I hope u like it.
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
My Themes: https://portableapps.com/node/7223
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
I like the iPhone skin, how did you get rid of the text for the folders and options section? Do you just assign a position off the image?
The Buttons are would divided in two divid, give image (img) and Button (sbtn) both the same size and place it at the same, will go the text way cutting edge. however only in an icon size until ca. 32 Pix from there one sees again the text.
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
My Themes: https://portableapps.com/node/7223
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
Thanks, I think I get your meaning.
awesome theme pack [big fan of the iPhone and Zarthwork Dark]!
Question, why do my app icons show a white background?
Suggestion, ability to change the target of the Explore button, for people who use alternative file managers. I guess that would also apply for the Folder buttons.
in this mod use themes with an ini File. and the default setting set the img without a transparency.
setting the ini to:
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
My Themes: https://portableapps.com/node/7223
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
for a new post...
“Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” - Richard P. Feynman
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
r13 is almost out. He'll make a new post when he releases it. No point in splitting of just yet.
It would be nice if we could add one or two App Items as actual buttons, for instance I'd like to put on an eject button that would run my own munged version of the eject script, but also keep the exit button on it's own (for now I have just the exit with the eject script set to run on exit, but that leaves me no easy way to exit the menu without running the script)
I suppose I could take a look at the source, I do quite a bit in Delphi, but time is a rare commodity.
user (noun) usually offensive: a person affected with idiocy, often used as an explicative after hanging up the phone.
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).
Netdroid has added the theming ability to add unlimited images with onclick handlers. So you will be able to add a functional eject button to your theme, or just about any other image or button.
Not a eject button (the code doesn't exist in the application for one), but other features are possible.
*A little while later*: I've just added functionality to make it possible to launch external apps from the custom images, so you should be able to now.
Sorry but I just downloaded (tried) your menu. But all I got is a .rar file. How do I install that into PAM?
Jacob Mastel
Release Team Member
use 7 zip and unpack the rar
you will get the folder PortableAppsMenu
rename the old one u have
/PortableApps/PortableAppsMenu to /PortableApps/PortableAppsMenu-Old
and copie the extracted folder to
Po polsku
To jest polskie tłumaczenie dla PortableApps Menu Mod r12.
Wgraj plik "polski-pl.locale"
do katalogu "\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu\Data\Locale\"
I ponownie uruchom aplikację.
Pozdrawiam - jAZZMAN jazz-man@wp.pl
HI !!!
This is the Polish translation for PortableApps Menu Mod r12.
Put file "polski-pl.locale"
in to the "\PortableApps\PortableAppsMenu\Data\Locale\"
location and restart PortableApps Menu.
Greeting from Poland - jAZZMAN jazz-man@wp.pl