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Cannot get incoming mail on GMail account

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Last seen: 16 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2007-07-11 10:01
Cannot get incoming mail on GMail account

I tested the setup and there is no problem sending e-mails from my thunderbird portable Gmail a/c.

However I do not receive any in my inbox whils theuy arrive in my GMail in box on my "fixed" thunderbird.

Any idea to solve the problem please?

Also, how to redirect mail from one provider/server to a GMail a/c when on holiday for example.

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2007-07-12 13:33
No incoming messages from G Mail

I have the same problem. I can send but not receive on my gmail acct. The only way it works is if I open gmail goto acct settings goto POP settings and re-set all the parameters and click save settings. Any fixes?


Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-07-08 10:22
Two GMail aspects...

...for new setups:

A. In addition to the POP setup in TBird/Outlook, there's a setup on the web side of GMail. You might need to go into your web GMail (options? setup?) and there's a section for POP mail and see if it's set to to download messages that are _already_ in your inbox, or if it set to only download NEW messages regardless of what you have in there already, or if it's OFF. Make sure you check the option you want. (this might not be "sticky" on site so make it your last check before you log off the web before you try pop).

B. Trying to POP your own messages in Gmail? If I recall, GMail does not let you download/incoming/POP any message sent by your account to your same account. It will allow you to download via POP only messages from other people, not from yourself, even though you see the message right there in the web inbox. You can't "loop test" POP in Gmail by sending yourself a message from your account and then waiting for it in TBird. (If you like to send email to yourself as a "reminder" and use POP, you won't be the first to ask Google to allow it.)

C. For testing of POP/incoming/download, if you don't have messages from other folks to check, you need some external message. Maybe you can register for something and get a confirmation email, or "forgot my passord...." Or, this kludge might work: See if you have anything harmless in the Junk/spam? folder (web side) yet. I don't think they let you POP your junk folder directly, but you can mark a message as "not junk" and get it to your web inbox. Anyway, once it's in the Inbox, go into web POP setup and make sure it's set to POP existing messages and try POP again from TBird.



Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-05-07 05:07
a different problem

"YOU are the way, the truth, and the life"

Hi bh2ooo. I want to ask something about gmail too. I love to use TBIRD.But In the past this two weeks from 10 July( I guess ), I can not download any messages from gmail. Is there any problem in gmail server. Last month, I found no trouble at all.

Thanks before.

You are the way, the truth, and the life

Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-24 08:49
I've been using TBP with

Currently running TBP on a memstick and have only used it on home machine.

I've been using TBP with Gmail since early May and have had no problems.
1] are your settings correct port 995 SSL port 465 SSL
{smtp can be set to 587 but with TLS ... that might be the error!}. It does say on googlemail settings to use 587 but i was recommended to use 465. It recommends 465 in the settings for Outlook.
Through Browser go to Settings > Forwarding and Pop > check enable pop for all mail. Why Gmail has this and yahoo doesn't i don't know! easy to overlook.
I use another webmail address for collecting junk mail like yahoo but use any provider to send your Gmail an email.
If your settings are correct then you should receive. But as you probably know ports 110 and 25 are usually used and carry out email scanning. For Gmail you have some setting up to do depending what you're using... Avast or AVG or...

2] switch off anti- virus and try again. Gmail have scanning on the server so one doesn't need to worry about scanning each email. Whilst TBP is running .exe cannot run so one is safe to do a manual scan on an inbox.

3] I do email scanning manually. AVG is a real pain to set up for email scanning on arrival and v.slow. Avast is much easier. However, TBP is different with webmail compared with Outlook (doesn't have STunnel but we won't go into that). For email scanning you're better off to use the webmail extension IF you want to scan each email. This has to be installed when you set up the account (one for each type of webmail just about. If you are using the extension are your settings correct? For sanity stay with SSL as in 1]! If you want the choice, install the webmail extension then you can scan emails if you want to change the settings later for an inbox.

Hope this helps - i did scan individual emails for a while but stopped as it took too long for the number of emails i get.

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