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Portable Apps Menu Mod R22 *Outdated*

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Portable Apps Menu Mod R22 *Outdated*

Finally it’s working (I won’t say done as there are lots of things to be done to it yet) but it seems to be stable with the following additions:

Categories, group Apps by Category, even supports nested categories
Sorting - You can move application buttons up/down or between categories.
Internal Storage Update - The biggest change and facilitates the other changes.
DB Storage Format Changed - ALL info is now saved in DB file

More Information & Download

Still To Do:

* Changing popup hint for an individual app or submenu
* Custom ExecOnClose program and parameters for individual applications (the storage and execute code is in there I just haven’t got the edit dialog in yet)
* Disallow Dragging Option
* Fix scrollup/scrolldown button strangeness.
* Explore Here Option in Right Click Menu
* Different Icons for Open and Closed submenus
* Custom Icons for individual submenus
* Specify a different icon for an app.
* Help dialog update to credit the translators (I just keep forgetting to add it)
* Machine specific startup items.
* Shift display to show as many submenu items as possible when a submenu is opened (most noticeable then the submenu is the bottom item in the list)

Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-07-03 23:59
No Time, No Time

OK, I know there will be bugs, please be patient when you post here or add a comment on the Info Page I finished this release and posted this during a bit of down time between events, and will be away from any computer most of the next few days. I'm taking a VERY long (and much needed) weekend.
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).

* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).

BuddhaChu's picture
Last seen: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2006-11-18 10:26
PAM noob here

The button/arrow to scroll down in the list of apps doesn't appear on my machine unless I change themes. That's what it takes to go past "M" alphabetically (since there's no down arrow).

The test button theme totally screws up the GUI. Is that by design?

I'm a PAM noob so I don't really know how PAM is "supposed" to work. I read about "dragable this and that" and nothing is dragable at all. I guess I missed the point.

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Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
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the scroll arrow appears one

the scroll arrow appears one mine without a problem. but for the test button theme, it's like that, the background of the application list has another picture on the pam theme =/ i hav no idea why but u can change it in the theme settings file

"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer

Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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Up/down button weirdness

I have yet to figure out why this is happening, the code to show the up down on load is identical to the code when you scroll (try using the mouse wheel if you have one, and the buttons will appear)
I noticed this AFTER I had it packaged and uploaded, (you'll notice it is in my todo list) I loaded it back up but didn't see any obvious reason (there is probably one of those typos that 'looks' good but is just plain dumb.)
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).

* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).

Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
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whao this version is great.

whao this version is great. love the category. great work!!
but how come i still see the menu creating .pafdata files. and saving it into the db file.

"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer

Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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PAF Files

PAF Files are created whenever something (other than sort order) changes for an exe, I thought about not writing it if save to DB was turned on, but if you then turn off save to DB I'd have to go through every app and write the paffile then, the paffiles get written when you change something so it doesn't take very long, and writing all at once could take a while on a huge drive.
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).

* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).

Zach Thibeau
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As usual I set a mirror for this fine project Wink
"I don't fear Computers. I fear the lack of them" Isaac Asimov
My Personal Blog in the making at a new address Biggrin

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

Last seen: 3 years 3 weeks ago
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Yay!!! Categories!!
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Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
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Categories are great but a bug is included

Changing font color and style in [AppButtons] only effects the first category, changing font color and style in [MenuButtons] has no effect at all.


As always, sorry about my bad English ...

PS@xrxca: Have a nice weekend.

PS2: Also changing of SubOffset, OffsetX/Y and stuff is without any effect.


Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-07-03 23:59

That was in my notes to check (I knew the themes were an issue), but I forgot
* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).

* programmer (noun) : a predominantly nocturnal creature fueled by either Caffeine or Sugar (Or Both).

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26

This is SO AWESOME. The categories are AMAZING!

It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...

Last seen: 16 years 3 days ago
Joined: 2007-01-07 12:55
Very nice work!

You did a great job so far. Biggrin

I found a tiny bug. When the windows-taskbar has not the default location at the bottom but at the top and the "snap to screen" option is enabled, the menu is not snapped to the taskbar but to the top of the screen. Nevertheless it works for the bottom.

Now my wishes for the new version:

- Drag and Drop for categories

- Plz put a scrollbar in! The buttons look nicer, that's for sure, but klicking 20 times to find a program in a list of over 100 isn't nice.
Maybe auto-scrolling when the left mousebutton is pressed would be a first step to make it easier for people with a lot of apps (I know that the the down and up keys on keyboard work, but still I would prefer a scrollbar)

- No more wishes at all because I love it. Biggrin

Keep up the great work!!!

Kevin Porter
Kevin Porter's picture
Last seen: 11 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-01-10 19:25
Works great, like all the

Works great, like all the other versions! I've set up another mirror:

"Pray as if everything depended upon God and work as if everything depended upon man."
Francis Cardinal Spell

-Please search before posting.

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Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
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hmmm.. can you also make an

hmmm.. can you also make an optio to turn the shodow of the menu off? cause i'm using my vista theme ( and if i use PAM on windows xp it shows the shodow and it looks wierd. usually i don't see the shadow if i use it on my vista comp, sumhow.lolz or maybe you can add the opion the adjust the hight of the shadow in the theme settings file.

"A $5000 Computer... and it can't do a task as simple as killing Flanders!" -Homer

Jacob Mastel
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
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Is there a way to change the category's icon?
Jacob Mastel

Release Team Member

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-02-20 19:26
Not Yet.

Still To Do:

* Changing popup hint for an individual app or submenu
* Custom ExecOnClose program and parameters for individual applications (the storage and execute code is in there I just haven’t got the edit dialog in yet)
* Disallow Dragging Option
* Fix scrollup/scrolldown button strangeness.
* Explore Here Option in Right Click Menu
* Different Icons for Open and Closed submenus
* Custom Icons for individual submenus

It's kinda scary when my desktop is messier than my room...

Jacob Mastel
Last seen: 3 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-06-13 19:36

Sorry for my momentary stupidity.
Jacob Mastel

Release Team Member

NeoRame's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-11 09:12
That categories thing are AMAZING

That categories thing are AMAZING!!!

little bug on my "Neon" Theme but it is ok.
Disallow Dragging Option and then its perfect Wink
You are GREAT



\m/, ||Hell was full, so I came back!!! || \m/,
Sorry for my lousy English!!!


Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!

Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-27 15:14
Neon does not work

@NeoRame: Your Neon theme looks strange in the new R22 version, because the OffsetX & OffsetY do not work. Where to disable the dragging function?


NeoRame's picture
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-05-11 09:12
i now the OffsetX & OffsetY

i now the OffsetX & OffsetY bug. i think in the r22b would be fixed.
sorry, i mean when in the next version the "disable the dragging" function is included, then is this mod perfect.


\m/, ||Hell was full, so I came back!!! || \m/,
Sorry for my lousy English!!!


Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!

Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2007-06-27 15:14
Then let's be patient

Puh ... and I thought, I would somewhat not have seen (checked the *.ini files forwards and backwards, up and down).


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