I use Windows 2000 (When I can't use Wine ), and, some time ago I saw something about a 3rd party tool to support alpha icons. Now, that I want it, I can't find it. Do someone know where to find it, and/or can give me an opinion about it, if you already used it (if it adds theme support only/too there's no problem)?
EDIT: I found Windows 2000 Transformation pack, but I can't download it
EDIT2: I found another thing that may help me (and another users). It's the eXPerience Pack. I'll try it and say something.
EDIT3: Forget it. It only changes Windows Icons and Sounds. Me too!!! I made nicer icons than Window$ defaults!!!
pcworld.com. i was looking up themes to make my XP runner look like vista (vista transformation pack) and there was a bunch of themes for windows 9.X but i think i saw something that allowed you to make 2000 look like xp. if it is anything like the VTP i found then it will allow you to look fully like xp or just certan things.
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I found Windows 2000 Transformation pack, it wasn't the same thing that I found before. But I have a problem with that. It is uploaded on a forum, so, I can't download it (downloads only allowed to forum members ).
The Blogger of Portimão now in English. And the Portuguese version can be found here.
Blue is everything.
...and download the file.
Use a "throwaway" email addy from a place like dodgeit.com
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Never liked to create accounts for nothing. Especially in forums, because they don't give the option to delete the account (or at least I can't find it, never, whatever forum it is). Even with a "trowaway" email. I don't use Windows a lot, so, I don't think that I should give myself the work of creating a account just for that (I like more my Kubuntu Feisty, where the icons are png files with 32bit support ).
Also, the original app that I found, only added 32bit icons support to the desktop, and required the active desktop to be turned off. That was why I didn't installed it on the beginning. Now I'm sad I let that chance go away.
The Blogger of Portimão or O Blogger de Portimão. Free your mind...
Blue is everything.
I found the eXPerience Pack, I'll try it right away. I'll say something in a moment.
Blue is everything.
I am pissed off right now. It only changed the icons for some bad quality XP icons with their alpha channel removed. Forget that software. I think that there isn't nothing on the net available for this. And it isn't right to call a little app that only changes the icons a "eXPerience Pack"!!! (yelling removed by myself, before the moderators see it )
Blue is everything.