I use Windows 2000 (When I can't use Wine ), and, some time ago I saw something about a 3rd party tool to support alpha icons. Now, that I want it, I can't find it. Do someone know where to find it, and/or can give me an opinion about it, if you already used it (if it adds theme support only/too there's no problem)?
EDIT: I found Windows 2000 Transformation pack, but I can't download it
EDIT2: I found another thing that may help me (and another users). It's the eXPerience Pack. I'll try it and say something.
EDIT3: Forget it. It only changes Windows Icons and Sounds. Me too!!! I made nicer icons than Window$ defaults!!!
pcworld.com. i was looking up themes to make my XP runner look like vista (vista transformation pack) and there was a bunch of themes for windows 9.X but i think i saw something that allowed you to make 2000 look like xp. if it is anything like the VTP i found then it will allow you to look fully like xp or just certan things.
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I found Windows 2000 Transformation pack, it wasn't the same thing that I found before. But I have a problem with that. It is uploaded on a forum, so, I can't download it (downloads only allowed to forum members
The Blogger of Portimão now in English. And the Portuguese version can be found here.
...and download the file.
Use a "throwaway" email addy from a place like dodgeit.com
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Never liked to create accounts for nothing. Especially in forums, because they don't give the option to delete the account (or at least I can't find it, never, whatever forum it is). Even with a "trowaway" email. I don't use Windows a lot, so, I don't think that I should give myself the work of creating a account just for that (I like more my Kubuntu Feisty, where the icons are png files with 32bit support
Also, the original app that I found, only added 32bit icons support to the desktop, and required the active desktop to be turned off. That was why I didn't installed it on the beginning. Now I'm sad I let that chance go away.
The Blogger of Portimão or O Blogger de Portimão. Free your mind...
I found the eXPerience Pack, I'll try it right away. I'll say something in a moment.
I am pissed off right now. It only changed the icons for some bad quality XP icons with their alpha channel removed. Forget that software. I think that there isn't nothing on the net available for this. And it isn't right to call a little app that only changes the icons a "eXPerience Pack"!!! (yelling removed by myself, before the moderators see it