About:War is declared !
Have the mascots of your favorite free softwares battle in the Wormux arena. Using dynamite, grenades, baseball bat and others bazookas,... exterminate your opponent in a 2D toon style scenery and a funny environment.
Each player controls the team of his choice (penguin, gnu, firefox, wilber,...) and must destroy his adversary using more or less casual weapons.
Although a minimum of strategy is required to vanquish, Wormux is pre-eminently a "convivial mass murder" game where, turn by turn, each member of each team attempts to produce a maximum of damage to his opponents.
Installed Size: 64.1MB
- This app was requested in the past (by me! :D) and someone said they were going to do it over here, but nothing has shown up yet. Well, I'm filling my own request!
- Yes, I know this is a "beta" from the Wormux website. Older versions aren't available and the 0.7.9 version I have had a huge bug in it. The sound system had a big "hitch" in it where a player could use a weapon and then they would hear the sound of the weapon about a second later. Also, no music was heard at all. This version fixes those two things along with new menus, etc.
- If you'd like more maps, download them from this page. Ignore the direction of that webpage and extract the directory in the tar.bz2 files (including the files in the directory) to the .\WormuxPortable\App\wormux\data\maps\ directory. If there's an issue, just extract the files so they're similar to the files already contained in the map dir.
- Wormux outputs two debug text files -- the portable launcher cleans these up (deletes them) when you close the app.
- Squished files as much as I could to save space:
- Program files compressed with UPX -- 14.7MB down to 5.9MB (used NRV2E)
- PNGs compressed with OptiPNG -- 30.8MB down to 28.2MB
- Use the links in the help.html file in the root dir of the portable app if you need help with Wormux.
- Replace temp splash with a *real* splash screen (no comments from the peanut gallery about the current splash. My MSPaint skillz > yours :D)
- Replace the NSIS arrow.bmp used to fill in for wizard.bmp - this should happen when John releases the "community helper pack" (the name I just made up for it...not the official name)
- Figure out the numbering convention for beta software. Does "0.8beta2" = or I'll get better words and possibly renumber things when the next version of splash screens and whatnot are released to us from John.
And I didn't do it because of the bug. But since beta 2 was released, I was gonna do it, but you got to it first.
I'll try it out.
I usually say that 0.8 beta 2 =
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
So then if 0.8beta3 comes out and fixes some huge bug I didn't know about, what's the version # go to then to indicate it's a new version to Joe Public?
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Just little unrelated to your current question. Perhaps if it's not too much, offer a download of just the launcher with out App\Wormux as this is still in beta, and people don't wanna be downloading 50 megs + everytime a new pre-release is added.
the game when I saw it in the first post... of course not portable, but running at home...
I still don't know how the **** I can change weapons, but sure I'll give a try to this portable version...
Thanks for this...
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
In this version you right mouse click on the playing screen for the weapons/tools menus to appear.
The older version was the same thing, but the menu appeared from the right of the screen. In this one the menus "flip and fly" in when they appear.
I miss the Star Trek "transporter" tool from the original Worms game. It gave you a way to get out of a tight space.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Worms is one of my favorite games, so this one promises...
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
I had issues getting the game work on a computer running Windows ME, but it might be the game's programming itself. I'll have to download the standard version some time when I have an hour or two to waste (their download server is sluggish).
On XP, no problems whatsoever... Now, where do I can find the manual for this game.
Game Monkey Likes You!
See the help.html file in the root of the directory you installed to for links to help with the app and whatnot.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I'll test it for ya!
I've never tested stuff before, but I ran whatchanged and it found several new registry entries in local machine, I don't know which ones because I terminated whatchanged after an hour, before it was finished.
As for the game, it's a blast.
Have an Awesome Day!
But I have patiently waited for ages and now have to ask if someone can PLEASE take this over. It's a great game, using many popular OSS mascots and well its a great. please.
PortableApps.com Advocate
BuddhaChu still appears to post. Is he just not developing anymore?
Nope. I tried recruiting a volunteer to take it over along time ago. I forget if anyone stepped up or not.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Alright, I'll do it then.
I still have my dev folder with some tools and scripts. Would you like me to upload it to my web server so you can grab them?
You'll have to convert the .nsi script stuff over to the new way of doing things since that's the reason I quit working on/maintaining this package.
BTW: someone named "BrianAll" said they would take over Wormux two years ago and nothing ever came of it.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I use PAL, so I don't think that'll be necessary.
Development from him seems to be dead as well. I've also taken over Keyfinder from him since he's not updated it in a few years.