THIS IS OBSOLETE. Do not bother trying to download or use it (it's gone, anyway). Use the Launcher instead.
I found that I'd want some frequently used apps on my PortableApps drive. So I coded a small program, which monitors an installation in order to make a PortableApp myself. That's Portable App Creator: It which monitors an installation in order to make a PortableApp. It should be used on a clean host-PC, with no traces of the application you'd wish to make portable. Just start monitoring and install the application to your PortableApps drive. Portable App Creator should work with any device.
A PortableApp created with Portable App Creator will (temporarily) copy the necessary files in %systemroot%\system32, %userprofile%, %allusersprofile%, %commonprogramfiles% as well as the necessary information in the registry to the host-computer. All original settings of the host-computer will be backed-up prior to running the PortableApp and are being restored after the PortableApp closes.
The first version was written in one day using AutoIt3 and RegShot. A lot of work has been done since, to make it useful for all people having a PortableApps drive.
Developing of Portable App Creator takes place using a (Virtual Box'ed) 32-bit, English version of Windows XP Professional SP3 (updated with all packages available at Microsoft Update). The package was developed to work on all 32-bit versions of Windows since 2000. The scripts have been written, tested and compiled using AutoIt, RegShot 1.8.2 and UPX 3.07. Other versions of AutoIt, Regshot and/or UPX may work too...
Note that according to the FAQ of RegShot, Portable App Creator will only work on Windows Vista if UAC is disabled.
Want to give Portable App Creator or (in short) PAC a try?
You can now download Portable App Creator 0·99 beta at RapidShare (MD5: 01ADB45828B71ECAE951619799E5DCF0, only 613 kB). See this post for the latest changelog. Please see the readme-file supplied with this package to find out what you need to do before you can use "Portable App Creator", the limitations of PAC and instructions on its usage. You may also want to watch the video demo I created using an older version of PAC at RapidShare (4.180 MB) or YouTube.
Please note
I won't be able to work a lot on PAC nor will take a look at this forum on a daily/weekly basis. I have a quite demanding job and two little children. So I am often very busy with other things.
I'm not a lawyer, but from what I've heard from others, modifying and redistributing closed-source executables constitutes a violation of their license. Please remove your link.
Thanks, and have a nice day.
Please Make TiLP Portable
No, according what he says the app is made by him, and portabilizes the apps you want. So, is according on how you use it that you should worry, and I think that there is right to modify apps for PERSONAL use (some of them, at least).So, the app he made only portabilizes other apps, now, the apps you choose to portabilize are your problem.EDIT: It seems that he should remove the link. Read below.
1. Remove the aut2exe file. Autoit is not open source. To do what you have done with this is illegal. Consider Autohotkey- I believe it can compile aut files (don't quote me), which is opensource and can be redistrubited.
2. Get a new icon. That icon is copyright to John and
3. Consider setting it so it can use any drive. NOT just a U3 drive. Luckily, mine was a U3 drive.
4. I'll have to examine the script, but make sure it uses the working directory code- or its not portable and I'll have to hack it and be mad.
5. Tux Guitair should go in the folder that the luancher will be in.
Otherwise, this looks like very good work- I'll test it and let you know how it worked on the portablizing end.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I was wrong. I don't know nothing about programing...
The AutoIT license says (in part):
Reproduction and Distribution. You may reproduce and distribute an unlimited number of copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT either in whole or in part; each copy should include all copyright and trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA. Copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may be distributed as a standalone product or included with your own product.
Commercial Use. You may sell for profit and freely distribute scripts and/or compiled scripts that were created with the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
I suspect "Illegal" is too strong for including aut2exe in the package, although since IANAL I could be wrong ... I haven't studied his package, but if aut2exe is the only thing in there, I don't think it should be much of an issue, assuming all of the conditions of the license are met.
If it is not Open Source, John can't post it on currently, but that's not the same as "illegal". Generally, if it is allowed (or not forbidden) in the license, it is not illegal. "All rights reserved" is one sort of license; "you may reproduce and distribute" is another. Neither abrogates a copyright.
If it could be used to violate some other program's license or EULA, that gets into a different category. It could be against forum guidelines to post such a program. On the other hand, if it could be used just as easily on programs which allow it in their EULA, it's likely that "illegal" is too strong. Something can be against forum guidelines without being illegal.
The thing about the trademarked images is that we're not supposed to use them without John's permission ... so using an alternative (and generic) icon and graphics during development is good. That doesn't mean that John won't replace them if he accepts the program into the suite, but that can wait until he says something. If he decides it doesn't fit, then the "generic" icons and graphics can be replaced with something better as it gets toward a release candidate. It may also be that John would want to identify it with its own icon, perhaps like Toucan. So yes, it is probably good to avoid the PA-specific trademarks, at least during development.
I think we can afford to be less confrontational about some of these licensing issues, even to the point of requesting that links be removed in a polite way if there is question.
Personally, I'm interested in this program, so I hope it is not a violation of forum guidelines, but it isn't my forum...
Who says ur redisting it if its closed source??? No-one. If its closed source you are aloowed to make it protable as long as u have the license its ok
Shane Thompson
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut ali
If you don't change everything as per above by other users, you are violating the forum guidelines. You need to remove the link.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Give me your email, I'll try to cookup an icon for you.
Please edit out the link until we get these issues fixed.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Because the file I posted before might have violated the forum-rules and/or EULA of AutoIt, it might be an idea to post an other file for now...
What if I'd post a file which includes:
That should work and comply to the forum-rules, shouldn't it? If that complies to the rules according to you guys, I can upload the file as soon as I am home. It's a 203 kB zipfile now ;).
To OliverK: The scripts should work just fine on any removable drive which has an PortableApps-folder in the root.
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Yup:-) That sounds good!
Excellent program by the way.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Since the forum-rules of are or may be violated when packages are posted that include (parts of) AutoIt3 and/or RegShot, I decided to only provide:
Please read the file "PAC Compiler.txt" included in the package to see what you need to do before you can use the "Portable App Creator" I wrote. I'll need to compile PAC yourself!!!
Here is the new file: Portable App Creator Package on RapidShare (338 kB)
Work done:
To do:
Thanks for the compliment OliverK, nice to hear that you like(d) it...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
RegShot isn't an issue, it's open source:
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
You're right ZGitRDun8705. It will probably simplify the fifth bullet on my "to do"-list. If I put RegShot.exe in, the compiler will only have to detect if AutoIt is installed. And I know that there is a point where the registry refers to the AutoIt folders
An other thing for my "to do"-list: I just realized this morning that the "creator" script will only work on an US-/UK-English Windows version, since it sends "alt-f" and "s" (Save As) to the text-editor and next searches for a screen named "Save as". So a "to do" is to internationalize this part of the script.
I'll work on these points and will try to post the third alpha tonight!
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
is does say as the second step:
2) install on U3-drive
does this mean that this app will only create portable applications for U3 usb drives?
Nope, It'll create portable applications for PortableApps. It's just that I've written it for my U3-drive in the first place. I'll rename the second step to "2) install on the PortableApps drive" in the new version I'll post tonight!
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Work done:
please find the 3rd alpha version of Portable Apps Creator here (481 kB).
Please read the file "PAC Compiler.pdf" included in the package to see what you need to do before you can use "Portable App Creator". You'll need to compile PAC yourself, due to the fact that it is prohibited to include (parts of) AutoIt3 on this forum.
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
You should be able to compile it. The way I see it it the same issue as using a MSVC compiler and including it. (Not that anyone would do that, but...)
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
You can compile your script. Once it's compiled, it doesn't need AutoIt installed to be able to run, everything is contained your compiled exe.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
That's something else than all people on november 1st said. The problem might be that the compiled script "Portable Apps Creator" includes parts of AutoIt in order to "compile" the shortcuts for the PortableAppsMenu...
So, the compiled script contains parts of AutoIt, which is prohibited (according to the EULA). Next, AutoIt isn't open-source, which may be a problem according to the forum-rules...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Having the script compiled is perfectly fine. If you had included some of the AutoIt binaries it would have been an issue. I didn't get a chance to download the original package, but from what you are saying, it sounds like it just included your compiled scripts and RegShot.
The one thing i would recommend from that whole first section of this topic is this
3. Consider setting it so it can use any drive. NOT just a U3 drive. Luckily, mine was a U3 drive.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
The original package consisted of one executable (created with AutoIt) and two *.au3-files (the original scrips). Once the executable was run, it put 3 AutoIt files and RegShot to a temporary folder.
The problem doesn't seem to be the EULA of AutoIt after all (as long as I include a copy of their EULA): You may reproduce and distribute an unlimited number of copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT either in whole or in part; each copy should include all copyright and trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA. Copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may be distributed as a standalone product or included with your own product. (sorry rab040ma, that I missed your post on that)
The problem may be the forum-rules here: In addition, if you are releasing an Free, portable, open source (OSI-approved license) individual application that is not a fork or clone of an app hosted here, you may make a post when you do a release. The code for this product must be available from the page you link to in your post and your product must properly attribute contributors
The question may be if closed-source software (AutoIt) can or cannot be a part of open-source software posted here. A lot of people seemed to have problems with the original package which was posted. I really don't know if I can post a package which includes in-an-exe parts of AutoIt now...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
It was written in AutoIt, you are not redistributing AutoIt itself. What AutoIt files did it put in a temporary folder?
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
The files the script included were those to "compile" the shortcuts for the PortableAppsMenu: "aut2exe.exe", "autoitsc.bin" and "upx.exe". UPX shouldn't be a problem, since it is open-source, but "aut2exe.exe" and "autoitsc.bin" are closed-source.
Maybe I should/could ask John if posting my original file was violating the forum rules or not?
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
I think including aut2ext and autoitsc.bin are against the rules. I didn't realize some of the original AutoIt binaries were included. You are allowed to have your scripts compiled though.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Yes, but the problem is that the compiled script itself containes those AutoIt-binaries
Next, I realized that the first package also included the stand-alone AutoIt files. My previous post on that was mistaken... Sorry for that.
For now, I won't add the AutoIt files. I did change the startpost saying that compiling isn't difficult (as it might scare possible users). Tonight, I'll try to post a new package (fourth alpha). It will have a new "PAC Compiler.exe" which
If the sixth point doesn't occur, it'll fully automatically compile "Portable App Creator.exe". What about that?
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
That's a different situation. You can post it when it's compiled. Just not the binaries you attach to the script.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
His concept is to have his original script write the customized source code for the launcher when the user runs it, then it will automatically run aut2exe to compile that new code on the users machine. He can't do that very well unless the aut2exe is available somewhere on the user's machine.
Your original posting was completely fine. Although the Free Software Foundation and Richard Stallman disagree with using closed-source compilers, it's still perfectly fine (AFAIK). Just make sure you include all of your source and it's fine.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I see the point you are making, but I don't want a discussion like this (which seems to go on and on, and on, and on...) to distract me and/or possible users from Portable App Creator.
The first package/posting may or may not have violated the forum rules. Please forget about it and work with the latest package I released (see the start post to get a link). That version certainly does not violate the forum rules (at least everybody agrees on that ;-)). The newest version now checks for the necessary AutoIt files. If they're not found, it is offerred to download AutoIt and extract the necessary files from the downloaded package. All is done automatically, so even an absolute Noob (if there are Noobs that use PortableApps :?) could do the trick.
Therefore I'd like to say: Case Closed for me*. I won't post any replies on this anymore...
* I am only willing to rethink this if John posts a message that my first package did not violate the forum rules...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
If it included AutoIt itself, then it would be a violation. From what I saw of the package, it was only a program compiled using AutoIt. So, until someone proves me otherwise, it was perfectly fine. I'm a moderator and developer, so I know
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Is this any different to the 1 u had before. Because i have the first one u put up by the way it works very good i have made SmartDraw 2007 portable which works like a charm
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
Its mainly the same package as I posted before. Some minor changes have been made in the script(s). Those were mainly some text changed and/or optimization: nothing essential and/or functional was changed. So you can still use the first package if you'd want to...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
i tried this 1 last night and got kinder confuse u might need to get out that Manuel for users. But tks the first 1 works really great. I kinder have a fan base back here in Trinidad who really don't have the time to be here or make there own portableapp. So i am kinder like the distributer around here. Keep up the good work
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
Here it is, a few hours later than expected...
Work done:
Please find the 4th alpha version of Portable Apps Creator here (731 kB). Read the file "readme.pdf" included in the package to see what you need to do before you can use "Portable App Creator".
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
i prefer the first 1 but it's good for ppl who don't want to get into the script.
i haven't actually made any thing with this 1 yet but soon enough. Just need ideas on what program to make portable.
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
I won't be able to work a lot on the sofware for the rest of the month, I think. My new project on the program is to make a GUI, since the program seems to work without any problem.
Creating the GUI (in AutoIt) will probably mean that some adaptions have to be made to the "Creator" code as well, mainly switching some dialogs and things. I hope to be able to release a first beta (yes, I'm taking it out of alpha as soon as the GUI is ready) at the end of this month...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
It took me less time than I expected to get a GUI for Portable Apps Creator (my first one in AutoIt). I decided to release (at least) one other alpha: it's the fifth one. Quite some extra code was needed to create the GUI, but as far as I tested (and debugged) it, the code works without errors. If I did something wrong, you can always go back to the 4th alpha (731 kB), which I did not delete for now...
Work done:
(1) are not found in an AutoIt-installation; and
(2) are not found on any harddisk
Please find the 5th alpha version of Portable App Creator here (791 kB). Read the file "readme.pdf" included in the package to see what you need to do before you can use "Portable App Creator".
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
AutoIt Error.
Line -1:
Error: Variable used without being declared.
happens when executing the PAC Compiler.
it does not compile.
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
It took me less time than I expected to get a GUI for Portable Apps Creator (my first one in AutoIt). I decided to release (at least) one other alpha: it's the fifth one. Quite some extra code was needed to create the GUI, but as far as I tested (and debugged) it, the code works without errors. If I did something wrong, you can always go back to the 4th alpha (731 kB), which I did not delete for now...
Work done since the 4th alpha:
(1) are not found in an AutoIt-installation; and
(2) are not found on any harddisk
Please find the 6th alpha version of Portable App Creator here (803 kB). Read the file "readme.pdf" included in the package to see what you need to do before you can use "Portable App Creator".
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
now i need a new software to install to test it any ideas? but it compiles now.i like the ban on the side of the window, it looks good. i could try and make a icon for u if u want. i know u said something bout that 1 being temp. hit-me-back if with ur decision.
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
The banner on the side of the window is taken from "create shortcut" from my PC. But now I realize that I installed XPero XPize on it. So the picture is part of that (open-source) package. I'll credit XPero in the next version ;-).
Next, I'm not happy with the temporary icon I am using now. So if you're willing to create a new one/some new ones, that would be great! If I like them, I'll put it in the package. Just post a link to it (as I can't find your e-mail-address). If possible, I'd prefer to have a vector-art picture next to the ico-files...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
I need this sofeware and I cann't get this sofeware from the website which you gave , so can you mail the software to me ? My E-mail address is
I tried to send the file to your gmail-account, but somehow it doesn't seem to accept the zipfile. Maybe you can download the new version?
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
gmail doesnt like zips in emails...
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Yeah, same here. I can't go to any of the sites. could you email it to me, as well?
What is this:
AutoIt Error.
Line -1:
Error: Variable used without being declared.
Cannot make any programs portable, what am I doing wrong?
Go through all steps as best I can
There is no walkthrough as far as I can find
please could someone do a step by step instruction of where to point each step and what should happen.
Is there a program that I can try that definately will work?
Is there any other user friendly apps.
Used ceedo and argo and was very simple, worked first time on all apps i tried
Please help!
I'm a nube, I have no knowledge of scripting, please be considerate!
Made some small modifications and fixed a small bug in PAC compiler. I think PAC is nearing it's 0.9 beta-release now ;-). Work done:
As the sixth alpha seemed to work ok, I deleted both the fourth and sixth alpha.
Please find the seventh alpha version of Portable App Creator here (803 kB). Read the file "readme.pdf" included in the package to see what you need to do before you can use "Portable App Creator".
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
works fine seems to compile faster. maybe an illusion by the GUI oh by the way my email....just put at the end of my name.
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
PAC does not recognize my PortableApps drive even though I'm running it directly from that same drive. No matter where I put PAC, it still gives the same message message, "No PortableApps Drive was found on your system..."
BTW, I'm testing on a Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 with WINXP SP2.
It looks for a removable drive which has a folder "[drive]:\portableapps\portableappsmenu". Did you rename your PortableApps folder? If not, I'll try to have an other look at it next week!
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
It does not work with portable hard drives. Mine (a WD Passport, 250 gb) mounts as drive I usually, my solution is to just make a portableapps folder on the Ipod and cops the files over afterwards. I would suggest you make it work with ANY drive, with the possible exclusion of C. Then again, some people may want to make a portable app when they do not have their drive with them, so why bother to check if the drive is in?
Nice work so far, but I agree with comments by Khajios.
I'll change the software in the next couple of days to:
That would do the trick, wouldn't it?
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Yes, I do have "[drive]:\portableapps\portableappsmenu" on my usb drive. I believe that the problem is with MS VirtualPC 2007. PAC works fine on my regular PC. However, it fails when I try it in a virtual environment(MS VirtualPC 2007).
'Ope this helps in investigating the problem.
i tried out now each version of pac but it doesn't work with me although i have a pam-drive with the correct folders. when i start the pac, the wizard already stops working at step 1 "take 1st shot": though the button appears in grey and shows "working", nothing happens any more and i even couldn't cancel or skip the process after waiting about 15 min. i had to shut down the pac by using the taskmanager- it seems the pac hangs-up every time. what is wrong???
This first stage if i am not mistaken is the screen shot of the reg. this is often long due to the amount of registry entries u have. it could be verry short or verry long so when it says working that means that that it's still working lol (kinder repetitive)
try to clean ur registry and compress it. their are plenty programs for that on the net. I think it may make that step pass faster. and try putting it over night and see if it is finished by morning. that way u will not have to feel the pain on it talking forever. often it kills to watch something that has no given/estimated time. and therefor make u rush ur judgment.
hope that was of some help.
NB: i haven't actually used the newer versions yet so it may be a glitch tho.
@maroesjk i think u should put a message on that wizard saying that the time will vary depending on how much programs use ur registry and how cluttered ur registry is.
first time i feel like i said something smart lol.
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
I agree on your note, Jwyanze. I'll put something like that in a starter-screen...
btw, you got mail
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
On my system, RegShot (which runs hidden in the background) somehow stealed focus from PAC, just after the first shot was taken. In the script, I stated that (after the first shot was taken), the script should wait for RegShot to steal the focus again. Probably, RegShot won't act like this on all systems. I'll repair it in the next couple of days.
Meanwhile, you could try to change the line (number 275)
WinWaitActive($RegShotTitle, "", 10)
Recompile and test again. I am curious if this solves the problem. I am not satisfied with the solution mentioned above, but if it works, I'll have an other modification of the script in mind to solve the problem better...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Got ur mail and i am going to be working on it later
btw u got mail.
Check ur mail again. I just finished the first set
tell me what u think.
Never curse the alligator till you done cross the bridge.
Thanks for all your suggestions and bugs to work on ;-). I hope this version will solve the problems you mentioned. If so, the next version will be 0.9 beta. For now, here's another alpha: number eight now :-).
Work done:
Jwyanze already is working on a new icon / image for PAC. His first work looked real 8-). It'll probably be in the beta version!
NOTE: Jwyanze noticed errors in the Portable App Creator.au3 script. I deleted the link to the alpha because of that...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
After the (kind of buggy) eighth alpha, I decided to (thourougly) retest the whole program. Done some re-programming because of the tests and it is working again according to me. I even managed to squeeze the package to 631 kB! I've decided to take it to the beta-stage now...
Work done:
Please download Portable App Creator 0·9 beta (631 kB). Read the file "readme.pdf" included in the package to see what you need to do before you can use "Portable App Creator".
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Just wanted to say a big thanks for PAC. Ive been using it for a while now and just wanted to voice (err.. type) my appreciation. I do have a problem with it tho!! Its making me so lazy!!! But its good to rest every now n then eh?
Keep up the good work its much appreciated.
edit. latest link is showing network error?? :s
Thanx for the compliment.
The latest link works on my system(s), and more than 40 people already downloaded 0·9 beta... Where exactely do you experience the network error?!
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
i tried now each version but unfortunately none did work... since the 0.9 beta it runs at least until the before-last step "take 2nd shot": after taking the 2nd shot a window opens with the text of the reg.-changes and then the pac just hangs-up again (this time i even waited several hours!). what should happen then normaly when it would work correct, i even don't know until today what exactly this pac should do because it never worked. (the programs i wanted to make portable are: raimaradio and the unofficial clamwin-version in german language)
that same thing keeps happening to me
That's strange. It works on all my (English OSsed) systems.
Here is what PAC does from there. The window with the text of the reg-changes should open (RegShot does this).
PAC waits for a window called with the string ".txt -" in the title (wich is a string to occur with notepad). In the (current) Portable App Creator.au3 script this starts from line 337 (you could try to rewrite this part of the script according to your needs).
Then it sends ALT, 4 times ARROW DOWN and ENTER (that should be "Save As..."). Whenever the new window pops up, it sends %TEMP%\PAC\portableapp.reg (the filename) and ENTER.
Maybe the script doesn't open with notepad in your situation? If that's the fact, tell me which program it is opened with. I'll try to get the script running with that program as well...
Or is "Save As" not the fourth item under the first menu in (a German) NotePad?
@thetrueholly: I am glad that I at least seem to have solved your "PAC drive not found" problem
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
i tried again now- no chance, here what happens: after pushing the button "take 2nd shot" in PAC, it appears grey and shows "working". at the same time, the windows editor opens a script (called: ~res.txt) in which all the reg-changes are listet (keys, values, files, folders...). and-that's it, nothing happens any more, i even can't stop the PAC by pushing "cancel", it hangs-up...
even after linking this script to be opened with notepad and not with the win editor, nothing happened.
@ maroesjk: unfortunately i have no idea about programming and my english also isn't the best, so i absolutely don't know how rewriting any parts of any scripts as you wrote
Same thing has been happening to me.
I already thought about that part of the program yesterday, thinking how to solve it for all programs which could open the .txt and all different languaged OSses. I think I might have an idea how to do that. I will try to work on it later this week, but have little time at the moment.
I'll post a new beta asap...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
I know this is an odd one as others are downloading without error but...
I've tried downloading the new PAC at home and at work with 3 different browsers (IE, FF & Opera). I keep getting the same error
Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: ""
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time.
Any ideas? Can you provide an alternative source to dl from? Can you email me a copy?
Again your work is much appreciated and I'd like to try the new version.
Maybe you'd better wait a bit until the next beta, as some users experience problems at a certain point in the program. I'll be working on that. If you can't download the next beta as well, Just post your e-mail address, and I'll e-mail you a copy.
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Its kind of strange that the program seems to work fine for some people (like SpaceMonkey101, Jwyanze, myself), but tends to have problems for others (like TheTrueHolly and Mobius_19) all the time. Since it works on my system, it is kind of hard to see what goes wrong for others. Nevertheless, I created an other beta which I hope solves some problems again...
Work done:
Please download Portable App Creator 0·91 beta (623 kB, I keep squeezing it). Please see the readme-file supplied with this package to find out what you need to do before you can use "Portable App Creator".
I just noticed that a new version of AutoIt was released and that team doesn't supply a (new) zipfile anymore (luckily, the old one is still at their servers). I'll still have to test it with the new version and/or adapt PAC Compiler to work with the SFX they provide now (in case the AutoIt files do not exist on the system)...
UPDATE: The scripts seem to work with the newest AutoIt version as well. Adapting PAC Compiler to work with the SFX will make it possible to leave 7-Zip out of the next beta. The next package will probably shrink to about 400 kB because of that...
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Nice, download works now and I've not had any problems using it (not that I did before)
tried this last nigt and all seemed to go well.
when i came to try them on my work computer, it appeared to want admin rights to run the programme, is this correct or have i done something wrong?
BTW excellent piece of software.
Graham Yates
As Portable App Creator installs a program (or helps to do so) administrative rights are required. Portable App Shortcut (the actual exe in the PortableApps menu) writes to the registry and/or the windows-drive. Since Vista, this requires administrative rights too. I coded all scripts to require administrative rights, though I guess PAC Compiler could do without it (even in Vista).
I'll delete the administrative requirement for PAC Compiler and adapt Portable App Shortcut (the actual exe in the PortableApps menu) to require administrative rights only if it is runs from Vista. However, I won't be able to test how Vista/UAC will react, as I have no Vista system(s) available.
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Actually RegShot just doesn't work on vista so this program is rendered useless on vista.
cowsay Moo
cowthink 'Dude, why are you staring at me.'
Oh, I see... Didn't know about that. After your post I read the FAQ on the RegShot website. It seems that RegShot will only work on Vista if UAC is disabled. I changed the start-port accordingly. Maybe I'll write a warning on this in the next version.
Nevetheless, XP will also need to be running as an administrator for Portable App Creator, because of the installation being monitored. And I guess that a PortableApp created with PAC (on XP, if needed) should work when the drive is inserted on a Vista system... Portable App ShortCut wil need administrative right for that (only in Vista)!
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
Hi, I have had problems downloading it at the website. I was wondering if you could send me a copy of the program. my email is Thanks very much!
Some updates and modifications again. Work done:
You can now download Portable App Creator 0·92 beta (MD5: 9EC32915B3CA3DD1A0EB2537D9578BA0, only 372 kB). Please see the readme-file supplied with this package to find out what you need to do before you can use "Portable App Creator".
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
cool tiny programme maroesjk
I got it working for me. Works quite nicely. The new GUI is much better. One question though. Do you mind people using this to make a portable app, and then posting the result on the releases page?
I don't mind if you do but I don't know if John will like it. As it copies files from and to the host-PC, some people might not see it as a genuine PortableApp. And it doesn't have the .paf.exe extension.
But for me, posting PAC-created PortableApps wouldn't be a problem.
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
This may or may not be an error. I may not understand the program enough.
I tried, after I did the install according to the directions, moving the portable app I made to the computer's drive. When I opened the launcher from the copy on the computer, it opened the copy on the thumb drive.
Later I removed the thumb drive, and ran the launcher from the pc, and it diplayed an error saying that the .exe file could not be found, and displayed where it should be. The location it displayed was exactly where the .exe was.
For reference, I am using Win XP, Home Edition, SP2.
Edit: I rechecked the location that the error provided, and found that I had read it wrong. It was looking for C:\\PortableApps\Program Name\Data\Program.exe. So it is as I had mentioned at the top, I didn't understand the program correctly.
thx for making this great little program, i hope you continue its development and also create a website for it too. very much appreciated, keep up the good work.
Hello Portable Appers!
I am newbie here i love the program (PAC) and interested making portable apps. I thanks so much the author who making it so easy to use, especially the RegShot works pretty fast. BUT! i am having a little problem i know alot ppl up here can help me to solve it.
Look like some basic "apps.exe" like Firefox, Opera, 7-Zip ... easy to capture it own DIR, but some programs are required restart and additional DIR need to be added after install the application. Like plugins, services into C:\WINDOWS or SYSTEM32 ...ect..
My question is:
How do I create additional DIR after capture with PAC? or adding files into C:\WINDOWS or making a Virtual Dir into FlashDrive works with the portable apps.
I mean something like: %WINDIR% ...%SYSTEMROOT% ..ect ...
Alot appreciate it for the easy explainations!
Andy {Sorry my English is limited}
It's not possible to make the PortableApp use additional folders after you captured with PAC. However, I am generalizing the script to work with an unlimited number of environment variables which are set in the script. I am thinking of putting the %WINDIR% and the Documents-folder in the list of folders to monitor - though I think a good program(mer) should avoid those folders.
If you want to, in the next version (won't work for 0·92 beta yet) you could add more folders using the $EnvArray variable in Portable App Creator and Portable App Shortcut.
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
y does this say it makes programs portable but it still leaves registry and other files such as application data.Also when it is done converting all it did was make a shortcut to the program on my USB.Any help with what is wrong
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi,
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
It makes a shortcut on your USB with all files) like application data) and registry-info to run the program. That information is stored in the Environment folder with the shortcut on your PortableApps drive. The information is being copied to the proper folders on your harddisk and imported into the registry whenever you run the shortcut. Once the PortableApp is closed, the information is (copied back and) removed again.
Please note that it is needed that the program itself is installed on the PortableApps drive, not your normal "Programs Files" folder!
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand Binary and those who don't.
About how long would it take to portablize a program like Miro?
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I'm not maroesjk, so this isn't necessarily the absolute stone-cold truth.
But, from my personal experience with PAC, the time is affected by too many factors for any accurate predictions.
Firstly, it will obviously vary with the capabilities of your computer, your drive etc.,
Also, the type, complexity and size of the program, and how much it uses the registry and system folders, will have an impact.
Lastly, the time will vary with how much you're prepared to poke about in the program settings and so on, to find out what Registry settings it changes.
Good luck on Portablizing Miro, though.
Q: What do agnostic, insomniac dyslexics do at night?
A: Stay awake and wonder if there's a dog.