I tryed to create the folder structure for GeoGebra; is there a way to verify everything is fine? I will then modify our existing installer to support PortableApps...
Best Regards,
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Could you give some more detail as to what you've done so far?
I installed GeoGebra using Sandboxie to check it out, and it looks like the default installation puts most of its files into a single folder (good), a bunch of shortcuts in the User folders (not good), some persistent files in the User/Local Settings/Temp folder (not good) and has some registry settings (which need to be reduced and managed as much as possible)
If your new folder structure brings ALL files into a single folder and subfolders, an puts NONE in the Windows folder(s), or the Users folders (Documents and Settings, yadayada), then you are a good way along.
If you can remove all need for the registry entries, or limit them to HKCU, that's another big step.
It seems GeoGebra uses Java VM, too, so please search this site for references to Portable Java.
I'm not much of a developer, but I have a little knowledge (a dangerous thing). Hopefully you will get commentary from more knowledgeable folk. But here's a simple sanity check:
With all the files in a single set of subfolders, does it run correctly?
I assume that you have a set of acceptance tests you used during the development of the current version, so run those too.
Finally, DL as many of the apps on this site, and check out their structures.
Good luck, it looks like a valuable program!
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Thanks for your answer. Of course I can provide further details:
1) I have created the following data structure:
PortableApps\Common Files\Java
PortableApps\Common Files\Java\...
2) Before continuing I wanted to know if that file structure is correct or not? Or if anything needed to be added? The program runs correctly but still uses Temp folder and registry (see #3).
3) What remains to be done is the Temp folder "problem" as well as the preferences storage (i.e. to move it from registry to some file - at least for the portable version).
Best Regards,
The directory structure looks OK, maybe a few changes though. I don't have all of the details on what the dir structure should be, but from what i've seen it should be:
Look at the dir structure of the latest Firefox Portable to get a more accurate idea.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Well if the Portable part should be present in the dir name, should it be before or after the application name?
It should be after as it's standard for all apps here now since the Mozilla apps had to be renamed.
Does the help folder need to be under the Other folder or can it be under App\GeoGebra? The second choice would make the move to a portable application much easier...
Other is for other things, like source code and such. I think the Help folder there is for things like source code to the .CHM file, or comments about how to compile things. I don't see Other\Help in Thunderbird or Toucan, for example, but it is there for Firefox.
As I understand it App is for basically read-only things, like the application executable, help files, supporting files, etc. Data is for user data and settings, separated out so it can be backed up easily, and so a program upgrade can stay away from it; Other is for various things that aren't used when the program is being run, like source code.
Images for the help file were previously stored on the PA server, they are now stored in Other\Help.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Ah ... a bit counterintuitive, but now that you mention it I see what's going on. So the support images for the help.html file are in Other\Help\Images.
It reduces load on the server, which is always good. And yes, the images go in there.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
The style around here is for a "Launcher" to go in the folder below PortableApps, and the application itself to go in app\[appname] below that. The reason for this is that the menu adds the executables in the folders one level below PortableApps to the menu, plus the launcher can make whatever preparations or accommodations are needed for the app to run portably.
If you are preparing the app yourself, you could do two things. One is to make a "launcher" yourself; it wouldn't need to do much more than be an EXE that acts as a shortcut. It might just call your app in a way such that your app knows it is in a portable environment, that sort of thing. It could pass parameters or drag'n'drop events along as it starts. It could put a shortcut to itself in the Send To folder and remove it when it exits.
The launcher is really a way to adapt non-portable apps to being portable. If you are taking care to make sure your program is already portable, you might be able to just put your main executable in the folder below PortableApps. You might want to look at Toucan; I think that the real app is in \PortableApps\Toucan (not ToucanPortable; Toucan is inherently portable) and only supporting executables (e.g. 7zip and ccrypt) are in \PortableApps\Toucan\App\toucan.
The other trick is to put whatever settings your program uses into Data\Settings. This is so they can be backed up in the standard way. It could be that the "launcher" tells the real executable to look there.
The other folders seem to be used more by some apps than by others. I think it's okay to include them, but if you don't use them that's okay too. It's nice to see what the "default" data (setting) file would look like, if your program uses such a thing; it's nice to see a help file in the folder below PortableApps; it's nice to be able to find where to look for source code (assuming the user doesn't want to store it on a USB drive).
I just tried out this program and it's really cool!
Screenies: http://www.geogebra.org/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcatego...
Now, for something really cool. Try this webpage and go to Step #3 and do it. Awesome! I wish I had something like this when I was in school.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Thanks sweet for the publicity.
Why is the name of the application retrieved from the executable instead of the App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini file?
Because the appinfo.ini file is used for something else (or will be). Besides, if the appinfo.ini file is gone, what would happen then?
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Well if the appinfo.ini is gone then it could be retrieved from the executable...
If it just gets it from the exe at the start, it only does 1 read instead of checking to see if the ini exists, if it does, then read that value, and if it does not, go find the exe and read that.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Didn't John say something about making more use of the ini in future versions of the platform, for storing names and such?
the appinfo.ini isnt used by the current version of the menu.
But it will become a paf requirement and wil be used by the new menu/platform.
Some apps already have it so John doesnt have to rerelease all apps once the platform comes out.
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