Toucan 1.2 has been released. Toucan is a tool for advanced users that allows you to sync,
backup and secure files on your device. This new release includes a number of small improvements as well as AES encryption (read on for important details on decrypting existing encrypted files). It's packaged in Format for easy use from any portable device and integration with the Suite. And it's open source and completely free.
Read on for more details...
Toucan is a small utility allowing you to synchronise, backup and secure your data with more options than the built in suite utilities. Its features
- Four synchronization modes, copy, update, mirror and equalize.
- Four backup modes, complete, update, incremental and restore, in industry standard zip and 7-zip files
- Encryption using the BURP or CCrypt algorithms
- Command line support, allows you to create a batch file for repeated jobs Installer / Format
Toucan is packaged in a Installer so it will automatically detect an existing installation when your drive is plugged in. And it's in Format, so it automatically works with the Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.
Whats New?
Toucan 1.2 adds a small number of new features as well as a number of bugfixes. AES encryption has been added. This is faster than the old BURP algorithm and also appends an extension to your files, so you know exactly what has been encrypted. Drag and drop support has also been added along with a host of other small improvements. French translations are also included along with German. There have also been many bug fixed in this release, such as the mirror bug and the double backslash in portable variables bug.
Important Note For 1.1 Upgraders
All encryption in 1.1 used Blowfish and as such if you wish to decrypt these files Blowfish must be selected as the decryption routine.
Toucan is available for immediate download from the Toucan homepage. Get it today!
Thanks Steve
Good work.
glad you like it.
You could change the support page entry about other languages though...;)
And the releases keep coming?
This is by far one of the most useful programs I've ever found. The sync feature is going to come in real handy at work. Great job as always!
Command Line doesn't work for me..
Very nice application ..however when I try to run from command line it doe not work ..I have a profile called "Home" and when I run from command line:
Toucan Home ...all I get it the Toucan application opening and it doesn't load the "Home" profile let alone run the job..
see this post.
Thanks now
Hola amigos de ps no se si lo vean bueno o malo
lo malo q me resulto es q tenia informacion en mi memoria flash y utilice esta aplicacion para proteger cada archivo de la memoria y resulto
q al inicio agrege un dispositovo mas q era una lectora de dvd,
y ya no podia abrir los archivos (desbloaquearlos de mi memoria ) creo q tiene problemas cuando windows cambia la letra de la unidad
ahor alos tengo guaardados misarchivos en mi disco por si se actuliza y puedo recuperarlos help me
can anyone translate this for me please.
Translation (a little late)
Hello friends from PA I don't know if you see it good or bad
What's bad is that I had information in my flash memory and I used this app to protect each file in my memory and it turns out that in the beginning I added another drive that is a dvd-rom and after that I could not open my files (unlock them from my memory), I think it has problems when windows changes drive letters. Now I have my files saved in my hard drive in case this app gets updated and I can recover them.
any chance you could translate this back for me.
As this sound like a bug could you please post a comment in the Toucan support forum. Toucan was written with changing drive letters in mind so this should be a problem. Which type of encryption were you using?
Para Linuz2
Traducción de Steve Lamerton:
Como esto suena como un problema puedes por favor poner tu pregunta en el foro de soporte de Toucan. Toucan fue escrito teniendo en cuenta que las letras del dispositivo cambian por lo tanto esto puede ser un problema. Que tipo de codificación utilizaste?
not on the feed
or on the home page...
good spot, Ryan, John???
No idea
It may be that it's manually updated and John hasn't yet bothered.
late it turns out that the feed on the frontpage, where it does show, is a different length to the RSS feed, where it doesn't.
I sorta noticed from the other conversation.
This is a great app! However, I would recommend that after the preview, when it asks to perform the full action it reads the log so it only does what it knows it has to do, because to me it sounds like it scans everything all over again... apart from that I love this!