Do you have a log of what exactly it found to complain about? autorun.inf is a text file.
You could also just delete the autorun.inf and see if it complains about anything else. Or maybe it is just set supersensitive and is warning you not to allow autorun.inf to run anything (which is actually good advice).
I've been using 1.1 beta 4 for a while and my CA antivirus (which should be the successor to eTrust?) hasn't complained...
I have CA Antivirus version installed and it reports a 'INF/Rustank.A' virus in the Autorun.inf file of PortableApps 1.1 Beta 4. It deletes the Autorun.inf file when I try to install. I've installed previous (non-beta) versions of PortableApps in the past and have not seen this alert before.
The real time scanner log reports:
29/12/2007 10:34:47 File infection: I:\Autorun.inf is INF/Rustank.A worm. Deleted
Autorun.inf is a text file. No viruses, spyware, anything other than text is in it. The scanner is reporting a false positive. Report it to your AV manufacturer.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
This automated scanning service "Virtue" complements our regular
technical support service. It is not a replacement for it. For
technical support please visit
If you would like to comment on the quality of this automated service,
please send your suggestion to .
CA Security Advisor
For the latest security advisories, including detailed analysis of the
latest vulnerabilities, viruses, trojans, worms and spyware, and for
complete information on how to protect yourself or your organization,
please visit
The PkWare Zip Archive file "" has been determined to be
clean. For the results of files contained please see below.
The Application Initialization file "Autorun.inf" has been determined
to be malicious. The file has been identified as INF/Rustank.A worm.
CA products address this malware as follows:
CA Anti-Virus
Engine Update version Last Update
31.3.0 31.3.5412 29 Dec
Please check for the latest signature updates.
I didn't say that I don't believe you. I thought it was best that I report this before the new version of PortableApps is released as a lot more people are likely to see this alert, even if it is a false positive and that will put people off installing it. I thought that the idea of betas was to get feedback.
There are instructions around to change the personal pic. (Basically, you just click on it and it will let you choose a replacement.)
I think most of the "themes" (search the forum) work with 1.1 beta 4, and allow different shapes and colors.
I just checked, and the lead article for this topic gives lots of instructions and descriptions, including how to change the personal picture. Just scroll to the top of this page and read the article.
I'm just wondering how close to this is being released. Its been in beta 4 forever Hope its not waiting for the language sets, because I think those can always be added later, or as separate downloads.
(ok, sorry, didn't know links weren't allowed in sigs, it does not say in the rules, so thanks for informing me.)
If I remove my USB before I exit the menu (I know I shouldn't) I can't exit the menu. It wants to write to the key. The only way to exit is to re-insert the key or kill it in the task menu.
My english wasn't well!!
i like your products portable app.
i have a lot of application because i use it at home, friends home and on my job. In my situtation( lot of aplication) Is not easy in the menu to find good application. Can you create the possibility to regroup application by category in a folder (folder got the name(editable by users) of the category) then we can see categories in the menu and aplication under the folder category.
then in the menu application sort by category is more easy to use, and in the folder more easy to install or delete some application.
My english wasn't well!!
i like your products portable app.
i have a lot of application because i use it at home, friends home and on my job. In my situtation( lot of aplication) Is not easy in the menu to find good application. Can you create the possibility to regroup application by category in a folder (folder got the name(editable by users) of the category) then we can see categories in the menu and aplication under the folder category.
then in the menu application sort by category is more easy to use, and in the folder more easy to install or delete some application.
NFR - Allow scrolling the list with Apps by "MouseOver"
NFR - Allow scrolling the list with Apps by MouseOver
Today, in Platform 1.1 Beta 4, with many PortableApps in the PortableApps Menu List one has to scroll the list to see all entries by pressing the down-arrow at the bottom of the list, or the up-arrow at the top - this for each item/line to be shifted in/out.
I suggest adding support for allowing to scroll by just holding the cursor over the arrows, i.e. onMouseOver. From a usability point this would be an improvement since one will not need to click for every single line to shift - which soon becomes quite tedious with many entries in the list.
Another improvement, from the usability point of view, would be to have both up- and down-arrows, next to each others, at the top and bottom. This would eliminate the necessity of today to move the cursor/mouse a relatively large distance whenever one wants to change the scrolling direction of the list.
Ok so I do not know if tis can be fixed but when using the wallpaper changing feature in this release it works great, but I have discovered or at least noticed on one of my laptops that if on off chance the computer freezes and I hard restart the background that I have for my portable apps becomes the default on the computer. Otherwise great work!!!
But I'm going to quote from the 1st post by John:
"This is meant to serve as, essentially, a quick maintenance release while we hash out the theming and functionality for the next full official release of the Menu."
"Basically, it's a bunch of simple bug fixes and features resulting in a stable update that shouldn't need much testing and we can get up quickly so we can retire the 1.0.x release."
And let me throw out a phrase from Project Management, which is a part of my day job:
This is when a well-defined project, or phase of a project, grows outside of the original purpose, due to outside forces changing the scope of the project.
Quite often it comes from people continually adding new requests, challenging decisions that are already settled, or misunderstanding the original purpose.
A certain amount of scope creep is to be expected, since there are always unknowns at the beginning of every project. But, it is easy to allow it to take over the project, delaying deadlines almost indefinitely.
Don't get me wrong, John's working hard, but perhaps he should re-examine the purpose of this release. This "quick maintenance release" that "shouldn't require much testing" has been percolating for 5 months, and is still being tweaked.
Maybe it's time to just stop asking for more features, and let John fix those last few bugs and release the dang thing.
If you want to see a classic example of this in action, check out the Freemind site.
Their version 0.8.0 was released in June of 2005. Their next release 0.9.0 is on beta 15, with no expectation of an actual release in sight.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Perhaps you are griping about the "beta 4" moniker? It seems to be plenty stable. I think you might be justified in complaining that a 1.1 release has not appeared, but not that the next major release has been delayed.
I'm wondering how you can be so sure that "scope creep" is what is causing the delay? I've seen evidence that John is considering some structural changes in the platform, but none that John is accepting every frivolous suggestion made in the forums. He's certainly shown that he has a clear idea of what he wants.
I suppose that it could be scope creep, and that is certainly a good guess with any software project, but it just seems a bit presumptive to declare that's what the problem is, unless you have better information than the rest of us as to what John is thinking or doing.
But typically, beta releases come with warnings that they are not intended for use with critical applications, etc.
I know that it's stable, and have been using it as if it were an actual final release; but then, maybe it should be a final release.
I hope you're right and John's not getting distracted by the unnecessary request.
Let me then just put in my vote to say, I'm OK with it as is. It's stable, fairly small in footprint, and does everything it needs to.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Featuritis is caused by enthusiastic users who request additional features to meet their specific needs and because additional features could "improve" the software, at least from their point of view. These are the aforementioned users who actually profit from the continuous addition of features and for whom it is truly desirable ("Gee, wouldn't it be nice if it had this feature too?").
Sound familiar?
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
At first I was a little hesitant to read the article but then I did it an it was well worth the time!
Just great and with enough humor.
And its from 2000 so afaik not much has changed since then :lol:
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I don't mean to be conspiritory ;o) but when XRXCA was working alone there were updates every other week, which was very good and led to a lot of evolved features. Why such a slow down now when there is a team working on it? Come on John show us the next beta please? Its like there are protracted negotiations going on...
Its like, almost nothing was released in december, and nothing at all has been done in January. This 1.1 has been in development almost a freakin "year" now, in just the languages stuff.
I look at this from a user standpoint, and think about dropping usage of portableapps entirely, just because of this extremely long development cycle they got going on here. I mean, I know development sometimes takes time, but common, 1.1 has been in beta 4 all year. what happened? did one of the developers drop off the face of the earth? or cease development er what?
its like, updates for firefox are kept up too much, while everything else is halted, its the strangest thing. look at pidgin for example, thats like 3-4 versions behind now, while firefox 3 beta was released? who cares about firefox 3 beta. I mean really. hehe FIrefox 3 might be nice when its released, but i never mess with betas, because their just too unstable most of the time.
(ok, sorry, didn't know links weren't allowed in sigs, it does not say in the rules, so thanks for informing me.)
I’m a big fan of the PAM suits, and the 1.1 beta 4 looks pretty good so far.
I was just curious if the final 1.1 release is going to be compatible with BartPE. Being able to use a portable apps menu on a BartPE recovery disks and bootable usbs will make both BartPE and PAM tools more useful.
I know how to edit the Nu2Menu well enough, but, the portable apps menu is much easier to use, add programs, and to look at. Being able to use the Nu2Menu to auto load a PAM when booting from BartPE would very helpful. (if the new PAM is going to work on the BartPE OS )
Just wondering, maybe this is the applications' issue.
Anyway, I have the new beta (1.1B4) and have installed Spybot 1.5.x, and I have several different Spybot Search & Destroy menu items, they all say the same thing, and all they say for location is 'H:\PortableApps\Port_Spybot', no indication of which particular EXE it is; blindman.exe, SDUpdater.exe, etc, etc.
PAM names the items in the apps list from resourses built into the .exe file, not after the .exe name.
In your case, all those exe files contain the same name in some resource. I don't remember which one it is that PAM reads... InternalFileName or ProductName or some other similar one.
You can browse and edit this resources with XNResourceEditor. There's also a portable version of it, but I don't remember where I got it from...
Only problem: some programs check themselves to make sure they have not been modified (ie: tail chopped of by incomplete download, or malware attaching to it in any way). If you change those names, the programs might refuse to start... Give it a try. It depends on each software manufacturer...
Else, you can delete all except the one you really want to use. (Or move them into a folder, don't delete them). But if the one you want to use calls the others, it will be broken.
In such case you can move them all, (to H:\PortableApps\Port_Spybot\App and make a small program that will do a ShellExecute of the one you want and has the adequate resources and icons...
But if Spybot Search & Destroy saves info to the registry, or anywhere else except the directory where it resides (I don't know wether it does or doesn't) you won't have that info when you try to use it in another computer. And if you use it in another computer, you will be leaving that info behind (privacy breach + polluting other's computer).
After refreshing App Icons additional icons were displayed (this wasn't obvious...) and it picked up two programs inside the portable Opera folder. One needs to be removed (how?) and the other needs to have the text (of the app icon) improved.
I would be great if there were a few more customisation/options available.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
I've had some difficulty lately installing newer versions fo programs I installed before.
I'm using Windows2000
and this verion (1.1 Beta 4) of the PortableApps Menu
When I tried to install the newest ClamWin:
from the menu (Install new app) I get error messages - "DrWatson" leaves one of those huge stupid files. However, when I try installing the previous version:
no problem. Installs just fine.
Am I to believe that something has changed so that these newer programs no longer can install on Windows2000 systems?
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
It's possible (gasp) there is a flaw in the program, in which case it would be quite helpful to learn what the error messages say (even if they are cryptic to you). It would also be interesting to learn how far it got -- did nothing happen except for the error messages, or did it work for a while and move some files first?
You could try installing from My Computer (Explorer) instead of the menu; save the PAF file to some place convenient (the desktop might work) and click on it to run. Just make sure, when it asks, that it it puts things into the correct folder.
If you can't get it working, by all means start a new topic in the ClamWinPortable support area. This topic is way too long.
Of course if you have exactly the same problem with several PAF installers, then the new topic should be made in someplace like the PortableApps.Com Menu support area, or perhaps under "Other apps support".
I'm not too sure what is wrong. I don't think it is a flaw in the program, because I just installed the new version yesterday myself. Maybe it's Windows 2000. I've got Windows XP SP2 and it works for me.
Hey guys, huge fan of your work, and I have been using Portable Apps for a while now. However, there is one thing that as far as I know of is not planned on being supported in official PAM. And that is the ability to order your apps in the menu by either drag and drop or other preset options. If there is a way to do that already, or if this has already been requested, I apologize, thank you again guys.
Hey guys, If there is one thing I'd like to either see become part of the program, or be put down in coding so I can do it myself, would be for the user to be able to change the name of applications as they appear in the menu. For instance, I have two versions of Firefox, and while I know which is which, I don't like the current names, and I would like to be able to make one say, "Firefox v2.0," and the other say, "Firefox v3.0 Beta 2."
If anyone knows how to do this, toss me the code snippets if you can. Thank you.
You can do it with a program that can change the resources found in the FirefoxPortable.exe file. Google for resource hacker to see one example. There are several programs in the category.
It really would be a good idea to start a new topic for each suggestion, rather than extend this one.
Smith Tech, that is what I was looking for. Is there a way to change the "folders" to a folder on the true crypt? If you can change that this would be a fully customizable menu.
Thanks again.
When right clicking on the portable apps menu icon... There should be a properties selection... for disabling the pic... for checking updates for the menu... fading the menue... etc...
Right now it isn't possible but I think it is planned for the next release of the menu that should be released shortly.
Welcome here at
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Ive got a problem with some programs installed on PAM and local windows...
when I start local installed programs on my Windows while PAM is active and which are on my usb device/PAM, too (putty, Thunderbird), they will be closed when i close PA-Menu. If they are started before i plugin the device they stay open.
Is it a bug or a feature to prevent dataloss/crashes of programs opened from PAM?
I am using the au3 Script/exe postet on somewhere, which mounts a truecrypt volume and starts the PortableAppsMenu from there.
This beta version seems to have nice features, however, I hope that in the final release there will be an icon disable option, so that it looks classic like the 1.X version for use in a professional context.
Congratulations for the great Portable Apps suite, I am a huge fan, and use it everyday at home and at work.
I sell ice in the winter
I sell fire in hell
I am a hustler baby, I sold water to a well...
Cathos, you have asked one of the most-asked questions on this site.
That wonderful EJECT button that you see exists ONLY on the picture on the home page, and in the download page of the Portable Apps Menu. It does NOT exist in the actual menu.
I know that John intended to include it, but apparently it wasn't that easy to do, so it was never implemented.
Try Searching this site for the word "Eject" and you will get lots of information.
Also, I don't think most people will e-mail answers directly to you... if the question can be answered, isn't it better if everyone can see the solution?
I think a better question would be, "Why do we still have that inaccurate picture up?"
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
One possible upgrade for the tray (that, by the way, starts being real impressive) would be a button to enable:disable custom Wallpaper with a click!
I am a huge PortableApps fan, I came at first for my favorite programs, then I enjoyed discovering other good apps, and now that the tray is getting nice , it is just too good!
I sell ice in the winter
I sell fire in hell
I am a hustler baby, I sold water to a well...
Right, now I know this has been mentioned before, but I want to make sure these have been seen by one of the admins.
1. Optional Password Protection. This however, would not be integrated into PAM per se. As soon as you plug in the drive, A prompt for the password will come up. Then your free to do what you will with the drive. This password protection has to include Windows Explorer in its integration. Until you enter the correct password, you should be disallowed to view the contents of the drive with either Read or Write capabilities. This should be able to be turned off after the password has been entered and the user then has unrestricted access.
As for the eject button:
2. Honestly, I am somewhat confused on the subject. If the button is meant to exit all apps currently open from the drive (including PAM), and then eject the module, then yes, that would be an awesome feature to have. And as soon as the admins figure out the problems enough for a beta test, I will jump all over it. However, in a previous post, someone mentioned you could download the eject button, is this the case? And if so, why have I not heard of it officially?
There is an eject script made by XRXCA which does as you said, closes apps and launches eject dialogue - It is also part of XRXCAs PAM Mod 30 available in the beta testing forum which is an awsome mod and hopefully will be part of the final PAM - I'm not using 1.1b4 yet (using Mod 30 and very happy with it) so not sure if it has been included there too.
At work I can't get the WINDOWS+P to work (Windows 2000 system)
And the program doesn't autorun when I stick drive in on Win2k either, I have to go to the drive from My Computer and run the program from the root directory.
Beta 4 seems to move a little more sluggishly than the 1.0 release.
Overall I think this is a very stable version though, just pointing out my observations since this is a beta thread.
i am using PortableApps Menu 1.1 Beta 1
if you have the menu set to StartMinimized=True in the ini file, and you have the app loading on startup, the first time you click it, it opens and then minimizes [acting very similar to clicking it twice in a row]. clicking it a 2nd time, the menu stays up until you select an app.
closing the app and opening it again during a windows session does not recreate the error, it's only the first time it's booted up.
I don't have time to read through the whole thread to see if it's been reported I'm afraid, but if you change display resolutions downwards far enough and then back up, the PortableApps menu will appear somewhere in the middle of the screen. I presume something's happening along the lines of it remembering its location by pixel dimensions, and not having a separate memory for each screen resolution - something like that anyway.
This is something that happens to me very regularly as my high-res laptop is often plugged into low-res TVs, and it drives me mad always having to drag the menu down where it belongs every time I use it.
I love it! I had a damaged version of my base install, and searching through, I could not find anything about "reinstalling" and throwing a few dice... I decided to install the beta in hopes that my drive would not get wiped out (yes I backed up)... and wahlla.... it worked perfect... I like the new features and hotkeys... thanks and this utility is a blessing for IT support...
A new menu. I hope this one includes the patch that prevents it from running on Pre XP systems built in. I dont know why you are still supplying them seperatly. I really think it should come pre patched. Here are some fetures I'd love in the menu, and if possible, the app/mod that does it.
This menu is here almost a year long. Some people revive the post, but I don't know how it hasn't been yet locked by old age. John will release a new menu soon, but it isn't this. Maybe it is Beta 5, maybe 1.2 Beta and after that it will be 1.5 Alpha (or Beta, or even test-release).
I was just fixing to pester you for an updated menu. It works great on these crappy library computers and I love the personal picture feature. I also like the background image feature, which also works pretty well. The config file is easy to edit, and just about the only thing missing is a feature to add shortcuts for apps that you have installed manually. In fact, why stop there? Why not allow the user to add a shortcut from any directory on their portable device? This means that users won't have to change their directory layout to use the menu. Also, it would be great if users could add folders to the menu as well. Another great feature I would like to see is the ability to scale the menu to any size. That would help people stuck on displays of 800x600 and lower resolutions(why the nuts at the library decided on such a low resolution, I will never know). Anyway, keep up the good work John!
comparison of features
Windows: empty pockets, slow computer, crippling malware, user level frustration, inability to meet deadlines, security holes
Linux: full pockets, super fast computer, endless software, endless customization, endless potential
iu know i posted this already, it was an accident. sorry!
Is there a way that we could have a options dialog to change sttings in? the portable apps menu is much like the smithtech portable menu, located at if we could get a options menu dialog like they have, it would be able to be much more customizeable.... i would also rather be able to add my own specific apps instead of warping my folders on my drive in to the special folder for documents or for programs.... i like the menu, i just wondered if it could be more customizablke in the ways i said. thanks.
is there any way you could make the menu scaleable so that I can turn the always on top option on and make it look like a sidebar? I'd like to do that and if it were to be scaled that way, the shortcuts to documents and whatnot could be at the bottom. Or add an option to hide those shortcuts completely with just the explore shortcut left at the bottom. Also add an option in the right click menu to open the directory of an app when that particular app is right clicked
Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with Windows.
Beta 4 tested with W2000 well done, but small display problems
As far as I see everything works fine (especially I dont need the task-manager to quit anymore) with W2K exept:
"Keyboard Accelerators - There are now keyboard accelerators on all elements within the menu. So, you could quickly hit WINDOWS-P and then ALT-D to bring up your Documents folder if you don't have the menu up."
Windows-P works, but alt-D does not work.
Additionally with the menu open my outo-hide taskbar flickers (I use auto-hide for the task bar, and auto-focus for the mouse) It appears to me that not the task bar itself is flickering, but again and again the menu tries to get on top off the two pixel line on the bottom of the screen which represents the hidden taskbar. And directly after that the two-lines-hidden-taskbar-representative sets itself ontop the bottom two lines of the menu.
is a solution to this problem. as you may or probably may not know, the PAM mods apparently allow you to have different sized themes and i creadted one for beta 4 but i placed the drive space slider thingy in a different spot as well as the X button and i personaly think it looks better that way. (i will put a pic on my homepage)so i would like to request the ability to change locals of different buttons and objects like som of the PAM mods allow.
First off, the PAM is getting better and better, and it's far superior to anything else of its kind. Thanks for the hard work.
I've seen requests on this forum regarding selecting which apps appear in the menu and what order they appear. I agree, having 70 apps and counting on my drive. We need a better way to access the more often used apps. Alphabetization is pretty inefficient.
You could add a script that keeps track of file access, blah, blah, blah, and creates a "favorites" list. I would like that, but I think I have an easier interim solution.
Could apps be organized into customizable groups or folders? For example, rather than seeing all my games in my huge app list, could I create a folder within the PortableApps directory which the PAM could recognize as an app group folder, and then put all my games in there? Then the PAM could display it as a folder icon with the title "Games."
I don't anticipate that this would be too hard to program - perhaps PAM could recognize a folder name structure to identify groups - like "Games [PAG]" - so it can distinguish app groups from app folders.
Never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny.
You may think it's funny,
but it'snot.
Pardon me if this has been requested or discussed (I did a quick search, to no avail, but don't have time to read through all of these comments)...
I'd personally like the ability to start typing the first letters of a particular application when the Portable Apps menu has focus, and have it filtering the items in the list based on what I have typed. Then, have it give focus to the top result in the list, so that when the enter key is pressed, that application is launched. Basically, the same type of behavior that Gmail has when you begin typing a name in the "to" box, and it filters from your contacts.
For example, I could do the following to launch Firefox Portable:
Type "fire" [enter]
Thus, eliminating the need to grab the mouse, and not breaking the flow for those of us who love our keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys. Since there's no way to launch the portable apps via keyboard shortcuts, it seems like it defeats the purpose of the whole win+p shortcut since you still have to grab your mouse and move it to that vicinity of the screen anyways, in order to launch an app.
I realize that this would break the current hotkeys for (D)ocuments, (M)usic, etc... but perhaps those could be bound to alt+key exclusively in order to free up the alpha-numeric keys for something like I'm suggesting.
Anyways, just a suggestion... I'd like to know if anyone else would find something like this useful.
Thinking about it, not only would this be useful for people that love using hotkeys like me, but it also solves the problem the guy a few posts up was saying about having "70 plus" apps on his drive... Being able to type the name of the application like I described would solve that problem IMO, without having to deal with the complexity of keeping track of which apps are used the most, etc. Just a thought. I'd still like to hear anyone's input on the suggestion.
The errori is reproductible after Restart. There is no indication for an error on my mp3-player
The Head of the Errormessage is Writeprotection error (translated from German)
I can only stop this by the stopping of the process from within the windows taskmanager.
Do you have a log of what exactly it found to complain about? autorun.inf is a text file.
You could also just delete the autorun.inf and see if it complains about anything else. Or maybe it is just set supersensitive and is warning you not to allow autorun.inf to run anything (which is actually good advice).
I've been using 1.1 beta 4 for a while and my CA antivirus (which should be the successor to eTrust?) hasn't complained...
I have CA Antivirus version installed and it reports a 'INF/Rustank.A' virus in the Autorun.inf file of PortableApps 1.1 Beta 4. It deletes the Autorun.inf file when I try to install. I've installed previous (non-beta) versions of PortableApps in the past and have not seen this alert before.
The real time scanner log reports:
29/12/2007 10:34:47 File infection: I:\Autorun.inf is INF/Rustank.A worm. Deleted
Autorun.inf is a text file. No viruses, spyware, anything other than text is in it. The scanner is reporting a false positive. Report it to your AV manufacturer.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Submitted .inf file as a zip to AV manufacturer and got the following reply:
We successfully received the following files:
------------------------------------------------------------------------ 222 clean
Autorun.inf 178 malware
This automated scanning service "Virtue" complements our regular
technical support service. It is not a replacement for it. For
technical support please visit
If you would like to comment on the quality of this automated service,
please send your suggestion to .
CA Security Advisor
For the latest security advisories, including detailed analysis of the
latest vulnerabilities, viruses, trojans, worms and spyware, and for
complete information on how to protect yourself or your organization,
please visit
The PkWare Zip Archive file "" has been determined to be
clean. For the results of files contained please see below.
The Application Initialization file "Autorun.inf" has been determined
to be malicious. The file has been identified as INF/Rustank.A worm.
CA products address this malware as follows:
CA Anti-Virus
Engine Update version Last Update
31.3.0 31.3.5412 29 Dec
Please check for the latest signature updates.
Like I said, it's just a false positive. It's a text file; you can't hide a virus in it. Open it in Notepad if you don't believe me.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
I didn't say that I don't believe you. I thought it was best that I report this before the new version of PortableApps is released as a lot more people are likely to see this alert, even if it is a false positive and that will put people off installing it. I thought that the idea of betas was to get feedback.
Didn't realise that
Happy Holidays.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
can you make the personal pic changable, and also be able to change the color of the program itself? plz
There are instructions around to change the personal pic. (Basically, you just click on it and it will let you choose a replacement.)
I think most of the "themes" (search the forum) work with 1.1 beta 4, and allow different shapes and colors.
I just checked, and the lead article for this topic gives lots of instructions and descriptions, including how to change the personal picture. Just scroll to the top of this page and read the article.
The group folder in your next release John! Thats the most important update for me, just like any windows os. Nice apps!
I'm just wondering how close to this is being released. Its been in beta 4 forever
Hope its not waiting for the language sets, because I think those can always be added later, or as separate downloads.
(ok, sorry, didn't know links weren't allowed in sigs, it does not say in the rules, so thanks for informing me.)
can u put a button in there to eject drive? i saw the script and program on the foum at this site.
Like "rigosantana3" post, i think it was right. Please add it!!!
some times that there will be an option like that. But there's no guarantee.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
If I remove my USB before I exit the menu (I know I shouldn't) I can't exit the menu. It wants to write to the key. The only way to exit is to re-insert the key or kill it in the task menu.
Thats all for now.
that you can do anything. Just close it first and remove the drive afterwards.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
My english wasn't well!!
i like your products portable app.
i have a lot of application because i use it at home, friends home and on my job. In my situtation( lot of aplication) Is not easy in the menu to find good application. Can you create the possibility to regroup application by category in a folder (folder got the name(editable by users) of the category) then we can see categories in the menu and aplication under the folder category.
then in the menu application sort by category is more easy to use, and in the folder more easy to install or delete some application.
sorry for my english, thanks Good job!!
A grouping feature would be great!
My english wasn't well!!
i like your products portable app.
i have a lot of application because i use it at home, friends home and on my job. In my situtation( lot of aplication) Is not easy in the menu to find good application. Can you create the possibility to regroup application by category in a folder (folder got the name(editable by users) of the category) then we can see categories in the menu and aplication under the folder category.
then in the menu application sort by category is more easy to use, and in the folder more easy to install or delete some application.
sorry for my english, thanks Good job!!
NFR - Allow scrolling the list with Apps by MouseOver
Today, in Platform 1.1 Beta 4, with many PortableApps in the PortableApps Menu List one has to scroll the list to see all entries by pressing the down-arrow at the bottom of the list, or the up-arrow at the top - this for each item/line to be shifted in/out.
I suggest adding support for allowing to scroll by just holding the cursor over the arrows, i.e. onMouseOver. From a usability point this would be an improvement since one will not need to click for every single line to shift - which soon becomes quite tedious with many entries in the list.
Another improvement, from the usability point of view, would be to have both up- and down-arrows, next to each others, at the top and bottom. This would eliminate the necessity of today to move the cursor/mouse a relatively large distance whenever one wants to change the scrolling direction of the list.
Best Regards
for that but if one doesnt have one that seems like a good idea.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I say down with mouse navigation and rely on keyboard navigation. elimination of the problem entirely, hehe
(ok, sorry, didn't know links weren't allowed in sigs, it does not say in the rules, so thanks for informing me.)
Ok so I do not know if tis can be fixed but when using the wallpaper changing feature in this release it works great, but I have discovered or at least noticed on one of my laptops that if on off chance the computer freezes and I hard restart the background that I have for my portable apps becomes the default on the computer. Otherwise great work!!!
beta 5 date?
It is done when its done. ™
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
yeah, my favorite slogan
Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!
But I'm going to quote from the 1st post by John:
"This is meant to serve as, essentially, a quick maintenance release while we hash out the theming and functionality for the next full official release of the Menu."
"Basically, it's a bunch of simple bug fixes and features resulting in a stable update that shouldn't need much testing and we can get up quickly so we can retire the 1.0.x release."
And let me throw out a phrase from Project Management, which is a part of my day job:
This is when a well-defined project, or phase of a project, grows outside of the original purpose, due to outside forces changing the scope of the project.
Quite often it comes from people continually adding new requests, challenging decisions that are already settled, or misunderstanding the original purpose.
A certain amount of scope creep is to be expected, since there are always unknowns at the beginning of every project. But, it is easy to allow it to take over the project, delaying deadlines almost indefinitely.
Don't get me wrong, John's working hard, but perhaps he should re-examine the purpose of this release. This "quick maintenance release" that "shouldn't require much testing" has been percolating for 5 months, and is still being tweaked.
Maybe it's time to just stop asking for more features, and let John fix those last few bugs and release the dang thing.
If you want to see a classic example of this in action, check out the Freemind site.
Their version 0.8.0 was released in June of 2005. Their next release 0.9.0 is on beta 15, with no expectation of an actual release in sight.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Perhaps you are griping about the "beta 4" moniker? It seems to be plenty stable. I think you might be justified in complaining that a 1.1 release has not appeared, but not that the next major release has been delayed.
I'm wondering how you can be so sure that "scope creep" is what is causing the delay? I've seen evidence that John is considering some structural changes in the platform, but none that John is accepting every frivolous suggestion made in the forums. He's certainly shown that he has a clear idea of what he wants.
I suppose that it could be scope creep, and that is certainly a good guess with any software project, but it just seems a bit presumptive to declare that's what the problem is, unless you have better information than the rest of us as to what John is thinking or doing.
But typically, beta releases come with warnings that they are not intended for use with critical applications, etc.
I know that it's stable, and have been using it as if it were an actual final release; but then, maybe it should be a final release.
I hope you're right and John's not getting distracted by the unnecessary request.
Let me then just put in my vote to say, I'm OK with it as is. It's stable, fairly small in footprint, and does everything it needs to.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Feature Creep
Featuritis is caused by enthusiastic users who request additional features to meet their specific needs and because additional features could "improve" the software, at least from their point of view. These are the aforementioned users who actually profit from the continuous addition of features and for whom it is truly desirable ("Gee, wouldn't it be nice if it had this feature too?").
Sound familiar?
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Every time you provide an option, you're asking the user to make a decision.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
That Joel Spolsky article was great!
I loved his example of the Find Setup Wizard.
I've been rolling my eyes at that thing for years!
And I can take those articles on feeping creaturitis and quote them at work...
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
At first I was a little hesitant to read the article but then I did it an it was well worth the time!
Just great and with enough humor.
And its from 2000 so afaik not much has changed since then :lol:
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
he has to be one of my favorite bloggers on the net. I'm personally a fan of the 'Joel Test' and his articles on user interface design.
I don't mean to be conspiritory ;o) but when XRXCA was working alone there were updates every other week, which was very good and led to a lot of evolved features. Why such a slow down now when there is a team working on it? Come on John show us the next beta please? Its like there are protracted negotiations going on...
I saw an article where someone adapted it for web development.
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
what is with this portableapps development?
Its like, almost nothing was released in december, and nothing at all has been done in January. This 1.1 has been in development almost a freakin "year" now, in just the languages stuff.
I look at this from a user standpoint, and think about dropping usage of portableapps entirely, just because of this extremely long development cycle they got going on here. I mean, I know development sometimes takes time, but common, 1.1 has been in beta 4 all year. what happened? did one of the developers drop off the face of the earth? or cease development er what?
its like, updates for firefox are kept up too much, while everything else is halted, its the strangest thing. look at pidgin for example, thats like 3-4 versions behind now, while firefox 3 beta was released? who cares about firefox 3 beta. I mean really. hehe
FIrefox 3 might be nice when its released, but i never mess with betas, because their just too unstable most of the time.
(ok, sorry, didn't know links weren't allowed in sigs, it does not say in the rules, so thanks for informing me.)
I’m a big fan of the PAM suits, and the 1.1 beta 4 looks pretty good so far.
I was just curious if the final 1.1 release is going to be compatible with BartPE. Being able to use a portable apps menu on a BartPE recovery disks and bootable usbs will make both BartPE and PAM tools more useful.
I know how to edit the Nu2Menu well enough, but, the portable apps menu is much easier to use, add programs, and to look at. Being able to use the Nu2Menu to auto load a PAM when booting from BartPE would very helpful. (if the new PAM is going to work on the BartPE OS
Hey all,
Just wondering, maybe this is the applications' issue.
Anyway, I have the new beta (1.1B4) and have installed Spybot 1.5.x, and I have several different Spybot Search & Destroy menu items, they all say the same thing, and all they say for location is 'H:\PortableApps\Port_Spybot', no indication of which particular EXE it is; blindman.exe, SDUpdater.exe, etc, etc.
Any ideas?
PAM names the items in the apps list from resourses built into the .exe file, not after the .exe name.
In your case, all those exe files contain the same name in some resource. I don't remember which one it is that PAM reads... InternalFileName or ProductName or some other similar one.
You can browse and edit this resources with XNResourceEditor. There's also a portable version of it, but I don't remember where I got it from...
Only problem: some programs check themselves to make sure they have not been modified (ie: tail chopped of by incomplete download, or malware attaching to it in any way). If you change those names, the programs might refuse to start... Give it a try. It depends on each software manufacturer...
Else, you can delete all except the one you really want to use. (Or move them into a folder, don't delete them). But if the one you want to use calls the others, it will be broken.
In such case you can move them all, (to H:\PortableApps\Port_Spybot\App and make a small program that will do a ShellExecute of the one you want and has the adequate resources and icons...
But if Spybot Search & Destroy saves info to the registry, or anywhere else except the directory where it resides (I don't know wether it does or doesn't) you won't have that info when you try to use it in another computer. And if you use it in another computer, you will be leaving that info behind (privacy breach + polluting other's computer).
After refreshing App Icons additional icons were displayed (this wasn't obvious...) and it picked up two programs inside the portable Opera folder. One needs to be removed (how?) and the other needs to have the text (of the app icon) improved.
I would be great if there were a few more customisation/options available.
p.s. Love it, thank you
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis .." Friday Next -
"May The Schwartz be with You!" Yogurt the Yoda
I've had some difficulty lately installing newer versions fo programs I installed before.
I'm using Windows2000
and this verion (1.1 Beta 4) of the PortableApps Menu
When I tried to install the newest ClamWin:
from the menu (Install new app) I get error messages - "DrWatson" leaves one of those huge stupid files. However, when I try installing the previous version:
no problem. Installs just fine.
Am I to believe that something has changed so that these newer programs no longer can install on Windows2000 systems?
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
It's possible (gasp) there is a flaw in the program, in which case it would be quite helpful to learn what the error messages say (even if they are cryptic to you). It would also be interesting to learn how far it got -- did nothing happen except for the error messages, or did it work for a while and move some files first?
You could try installing from My Computer (Explorer) instead of the menu; save the PAF file to some place convenient (the desktop might work) and click on it to run. Just make sure, when it asks, that it it puts things into the correct folder.
If you can't get it working, by all means start a new topic in the ClamWinPortable support area. This topic is way too long.
Of course if you have exactly the same problem with several PAF installers, then the new topic should be made in someplace like the PortableApps.Com Menu support area, or perhaps under "Other apps support".
>helpful to learn what the error messages say
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
I'm not too sure what is wrong. I don't think it is a flaw in the program, because I just installed the new version yesterday myself. Maybe it's Windows 2000. I've got Windows XP SP2 and it works for me.
Bradley Eaton
Yesterday I was helping someone with their system (XP).
I took the opportunity to plug my Flash drive in her laptop and installed several programs that I needed an update to. They all responded as normal.
When I got home I tried them all on my Windows2000 and basically worked ok.
it seems to be there's something about the install process that stops working in a windows2000 system.
it's annoying but that's what I have to put up with.....
"No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices." - Edward R. Murrow
Hey guys, huge fan of your work, and I have been using Portable Apps for a while now. However, there is one thing that as far as I know of is not planned on being supported in official PAM. And that is the ability to order your apps in the menu by either drag and drop or other preset options. If there is a way to do that already, or if this has already been requested, I apologize, thank you again guys.
Hey guys, If there is one thing I'd like to either see become part of the program, or be put down in coding so I can do it myself, would be for the user to be able to change the name of applications as they appear in the menu. For instance, I have two versions of Firefox, and while I know which is which, I don't like the current names, and I would like to be able to make one say, "Firefox v2.0," and the other say, "Firefox v3.0 Beta 2."
If anyone knows how to do this, toss me the code snippets if you can. Thank you.
You can do it with a program that can change the resources found in the FirefoxPortable.exe file. Google for resource hacker to see one example. There are several programs in the category.
It really would be a good idea to start a new topic for each suggestion, rather than extend this one.
Smith Tech, that is what I was looking for. Is there a way to change the "folders" to a folder on the true crypt? If you can change that this would be a fully customizable menu.
Thanks again.
hallo everybody.
I've fixed a bug and insert a function to shut down the programme if a usb stick is not available in PortableAppsmenu 1.1 beta 4.
Where can I publish this version?
When right clicking on the portable apps menu icon... There should be a properties selection... for disabling the pic... for checking updates for the menu... fading the menue... etc...
Hi Portable Apps Menu Developer,
first of all congratulation. It is a great peace of software! Thanks for this.
But now I have a feature request:
I don't like the give directory structure in the protable apps menu for Music, Videos and Pictures. I want to use my own. Can you do it configurable?
You are already using the PortableAppsMenu.ini, so you can change it very easy if you use tags like:
instead of using fixed directories.
Thanks for taking this into account
Best regards from cold and rainy Germany
Right now it isn't possible but I think it is planned for the next release of the menu that should be released shortly.
Welcome here at
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Ive got a problem with some programs installed on PAM and local windows...
when I start local installed programs on my Windows while PAM is active and which are on my usb device/PAM, too (putty, Thunderbird), they will be closed when i close PA-Menu. If they are started before i plugin the device they stay open.
Is it a bug or a feature to prevent dataloss/crashes of programs opened from PAM?
I am using the au3 Script/exe postet on somewhere, which mounts a truecrypt volume and starts the PortableAppsMenu from there.
This beta version seems to have nice features, however, I hope that in the final release there will be an icon disable option, so that it looks classic like the 1.X version for use in a professional context.
Congratulations for the great Portable Apps suite, I am a huge fan, and use it everyday at home and at work.
I sell ice in the winter
I sell fire in hell
I am a hustler baby, I sold water to a well...
I wonder why the eject button doesn't show...
can someone email me at [email removed by moderator] if they know why and how to fix?
Cathos, you have asked one of the most-asked questions on this site.
That wonderful EJECT button that you see exists ONLY on the picture on the home page, and in the download page of the Portable Apps Menu. It does NOT exist in the actual menu.
I know that John intended to include it, but apparently it wasn't that easy to do, so it was never implemented.
Try Searching this site for the word "Eject" and you will get lots of information.
Also, I don't think most people will e-mail answers directly to you... if the question can be answered, isn't it better if everyone can see the solution?
I think a better question would be, "Why do we still have that inaccurate picture up?"
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
File name: Japanese.locale
Their's a bug with the wallpaper swapper. when i run any program the spot where that explorer box was becomes bank on the wallpaper.
a clever man solves problems
a wise man avoids them
some of the worlds greatest feats were accomplished by
people not smart enough to know they were impossible
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and be
This Wallpaper feature is awesome.
I did not experience the bug you had.
One possible upgrade for the tray (that, by the way, starts being real impressive) would be a button to enable:disable custom Wallpaper with a click!
I am a huge PortableApps fan, I came at first for my favorite programs, then I enjoyed discovering other good apps, and now that the tray is getting nice , it is just too good!
I sell ice in the winter
I sell fire in hell
I am a hustler baby, I sold water to a well...
Right, now I know this has been mentioned before, but I want to make sure these have been seen by one of the admins.
1. Optional Password Protection. This however, would not be integrated into PAM per se. As soon as you plug in the drive, A prompt for the password will come up. Then your free to do what you will with the drive. This password protection has to include Windows Explorer in its integration. Until you enter the correct password, you should be disallowed to view the contents of the drive with either Read or Write capabilities. This should be able to be turned off after the password has been entered and the user then has unrestricted access.
As for the eject button:
2. Honestly, I am somewhat confused on the subject. If the button is meant to exit all apps currently open from the drive (including PAM), and then eject the module, then yes, that would be an awesome feature to have. And as soon as the admins figure out the problems enough for a beta test, I will jump all over it. However, in a previous post, someone mentioned you could download the eject button, is this the case? And if so, why have I not heard of it officially?
There is an eject script made by XRXCA which does as you said, closes apps and launches eject dialogue - It is also part of XRXCAs PAM Mod 30 available in the beta testing forum which is an awsome mod and hopefully will be part of the final PAM - I'm not using 1.1b4 yet (using Mod 30 and very happy with it) so not sure if it has been included there too.
This is in fact a great tool. I don't know if anyone ever tried, but would it not be great to see it run up on winpe 2.0?
They work great at home on my WinXP system.
At work I can't get the WINDOWS+P to work (Windows 2000 system)
And the program doesn't autorun when I stick drive in on Win2k either, I have to go to the drive from My Computer and run the program from the root directory.
Beta 4 seems to move a little more sluggishly than the 1.0 release.
Overall I think this is a very stable version though, just pointing out my observations since this is a beta thread.
i am using PortableApps Menu 1.1 Beta 1
if you have the menu set to StartMinimized=True in the ini file, and you have the app loading on startup, the first time you click it, it opens and then minimizes [acting very similar to clicking it twice in a row]. clicking it a 2nd time, the menu stays up until you select an app.
closing the app and opening it again during a windows session does not recreate the error, it's only the first time it's booted up.
Ah, so it wasn't my imagination! I get this problem too...
sorry, copied and pasted the version out of the readme file.
i'm actually running 1.1 beta 4. the readme file hasn't been updated!
I don't have time to read through the whole thread to see if it's been reported I'm afraid, but if you change display resolutions downwards far enough and then back up, the PortableApps menu will appear somewhere in the middle of the screen. I presume something's happening along the lines of it remembering its location by pixel dimensions, and not having a separate memory for each screen resolution - something like that anyway.
This is something that happens to me very regularly as my high-res laptop is often plugged into low-res TVs, and it drives me mad always having to drag the menu down where it belongs every time I use it.
I love it! I had a damaged version of my base install, and searching through, I could not find anything about "reinstalling" and throwing a few dice... I decided to install the beta in hopes that my drive would not get wiped out (yes I backed up)... and wahlla.... it worked perfect... I like the new features and hotkeys... thanks and this utility is a blessing for IT support...
A new menu. I hope this one includes the patch that prevents it from running on Pre XP systems built in. I dont know why you are still supplying them seperatly. I really think it should come pre patched. Here are some fetures I'd love in the menu, and if possible, the app/mod that does it.
-Auto updating apps
-Add external apps
-Rename/remove apps from menu
Simplifying daily life through technology
This menu is here almost a year long. Some people revive the post, but I don't know how it hasn't been yet locked by old age. John will release a new menu soon, but it isn't this. Maybe it is Beta 5, maybe 1.2 Beta and after that it will be 1.5 Alpha (or Beta, or even test-release).
Ok here is the ONE thing the Portable Apps Menu needs: The Ability to Add your own exe files from programs you installed manually
I was just fixing to pester you for an updated menu. It works great on these crappy library computers and I love the personal picture feature. I also like the background image feature, which also works pretty well. The config file is easy to edit, and just about the only thing missing is a feature to add shortcuts for apps that you have installed manually. In fact, why stop there? Why not allow the user to add a shortcut from any directory on their portable device? This means that users won't have to change their directory layout to use the menu. Also, it would be great if users could add folders to the menu as well. Another great feature I would like to see is the ability to scale the menu to any size. That would help people stuck on displays of 800x600 and lower resolutions(why the nuts at the library decided on such a low resolution, I will never know). Anyway, keep up the good work John!
comparison of features
Windows: empty pockets, slow computer, crippling malware, user level frustration, inability to meet deadlines, security holes
Linux: full pockets, super fast computer, endless software, endless customization, endless potential
iu know i posted this already, it was an accident. sorry!
Is there a way that we could have a options dialog to change sttings in? the portable apps menu is much like the smithtech portable menu, located at if we could get a options menu dialog like they have, it would be able to be much more customizeable.... i would also rather be able to add my own specific apps instead of warping my folders on my drive in to the special folder for documents or for programs.... i like the menu, i just wondered if it could be more customizablke in the ways i said. thanks.
Yours Truly,
is there any way you could make the menu scaleable so that I can turn the always on top option on and make it look like a sidebar? I'd like to do that and if it were to be scaled that way, the shortcuts to documents and whatnot could be at the bottom. Or add an option to hide those shortcuts completely with just the explore shortcut left at the bottom. Also add an option in the right click menu to open the directory of an app when that particular app is right clicked
Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with Windows.
Программа очень интересная,и удобная, особенно что меню и т.п. Но хотелась бы видеть это в русском варианте.
Кто-нибуть меня вообще понимает?
Из России с любовью.)))
К сожалению, но никто здесь.
говорите по-английски, пожалуйста!
Может быть и более ответов
Paid for Software more or less?
What You need is OSS!
As far as I see everything works fine (especially I dont need the task-manager to quit anymore) with W2K exept:
"Keyboard Accelerators - There are now keyboard accelerators on all elements within the menu. So, you could quickly hit WINDOWS-P and then ALT-D to bring up your Documents folder if you don't have the menu up."
Windows-P works, but alt-D does not work.
Additionally with the menu open my outo-hide taskbar flickers (I use auto-hide for the task bar, and auto-focus for the mouse) It appears to me that not the task bar itself is flickering, but again and again the menu tries to get on top off the two pixel line on the bottom of the screen which represents the hidden taskbar. And directly after that the two-lines-hidden-taskbar-representative sets itself ontop the bottom two lines of the menu.
Yours sincerly
F. Hofmann
А когда релиз будет? Очень хочется финальную версию
A`m Love it
Из России с любовью.)))
is a solution to this problem. as you may or probably may not know, the PAM mods apparently allow you to have different sized themes and i creadted one for beta 4 but i placed the drive space slider thingy in a different spot as well as the X button and i personaly think it looks better that way. (i will put a pic on my homepage)so i would like to request the ability to change locals of different buttons and objects like som of the PAM mods allow.
First off, the PAM is getting better and better, and it's far superior to anything else of its kind. Thanks for the hard work.
I've seen requests on this forum regarding selecting which apps appear in the menu and what order they appear. I agree, having 70 apps and counting on my drive. We need a better way to access the more often used apps. Alphabetization is pretty inefficient.
You could add a script that keeps track of file access, blah, blah, blah, and creates a "favorites" list. I would like that, but I think I have an easier interim solution.
Could apps be organized into customizable groups or folders? For example, rather than seeing all my games in my huge app list, could I create a folder within the PortableApps directory which the PAM could recognize as an app group folder, and then put all my games in there? Then the PAM could display it as a folder icon with the title "Games."
I don't anticipate that this would be too hard to program - perhaps PAM could recognize a folder name structure to identify groups - like "Games [PAG]" - so it can distinguish app groups from app folders.
Never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny.
You may think it's funny,
but it'snot.
Please help my, give me russion program.
Из России с любовью.)))
translate into Russian?
If so, I'm sure they'd be glad for your help!
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Pardon me if this has been requested or discussed (I did a quick search, to no avail, but don't have time to read through all of these comments)...
I'd personally like the ability to start typing the first letters of a particular application when the Portable Apps menu has focus, and have it filtering the items in the list based on what I have typed. Then, have it give focus to the top result in the list, so that when the enter key is pressed, that application is launched. Basically, the same type of behavior that Gmail has when you begin typing a name in the "to" box, and it filters from your contacts.
For example, I could do the following to launch Firefox Portable:
Type "fire" [enter]
Thus, eliminating the need to grab the mouse, and not breaking the flow for those of us who love our keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys. Since there's no way to launch the portable apps via keyboard shortcuts, it seems like it defeats the purpose of the whole win+p shortcut since you still have to grab your mouse and move it to that vicinity of the screen anyways, in order to launch an app.
I realize that this would break the current hotkeys for (D)ocuments, (M)usic, etc... but perhaps those could be bound to alt+key exclusively in order to free up the alpha-numeric keys for something like I'm suggesting.
Anyways, just a suggestion... I'd like to know if anyone else would find something like this useful.
Thinking about it, not only would this be useful for people that love using hotkeys like me, but it also solves the problem the guy a few posts up was saying about having "70 plus" apps on his drive... Being able to type the name of the application like I described would solve that problem IMO, without having to deal with the complexity of keeping track of which apps are used the most, etc. Just a thought. I'd still like to hear anyone's input on the suggestion.
After todays Windows-Updates and restart I cannot start portableApps menu. Instead I get again and again following error message:
Exeption processing Message c00000a2 Parameters 5ffa1d6c 5ffa1d6c 5ffa1d6c 5ffa1d6c
Neither of the Options Repeat / Abort / Continue helps.
I do another restart and try to reproduce the error again.
The errori is reproductible after Restart. There is no indication for an error on my mp3-player
The Head of the Errormessage is Writeprotection error (translated from German)
I can only stop this by the stopping of the process from within the windows taskmanager.
Greetings, FFFFFF