The coolest little app you probably don't know about!
About: Text substitution app Texter saves you countless keystrokes by replacing abbreviations with commonly used phrases you define. Unlike software-specific text replacement features, Texter runs in the Windows system tray and works in any application you're typing in. Texter can also set return-to markers for your cursor and insert clipboard contents into your replacement text, in addition to more advanced keyboard macros.
Download: Texter_Portable_0.6-PRERELEASE1.paf.exe
Installed size: Initially: 640KB -- After first run: varies
- To find out more about this great program and exactly how to "make it go", visit the Texter webpage over on Lifehacker. Read the text, watch the videos, and read the comments. The videos are a great "sales pitch" for Texter and show it off well.
- The Texter program is already "portable" and self-contained, just not in format. This made my job sorta easy. The first time you run the executable, it creates all it's own files in directory you ran it from.
- The program does have one quirk and that's that fact it creates 4,403 text files with only one word in each one that are used for spelling correction. Depending on the type of file system and unit allocation size used on the media you run this app from, those 4000+ files can take up a LOT of disk space (>17MB). I run the app from a hard drive so the size isn't an issue for me, but it may be for you.
- I run this app for it's text inserting/hotkey-like feature, not for spelling corrections. I assume most people don't need that feature and due to the media space wasted by the 4000+ files, those files aren't backed up into the \Data\settings dir on purpose. If you're in a pinch and lose a file somewhere somehow, export your "bundles" then delete all the files/directories in \App\Texter except for texter.exe and the next time you run the program, it'll rebuild all the files it needs to run.
- The key trapping used in this program MAY interfere with other apps that do something similar (makes sense when you think about it...) Read the comments on the Texter webpage for more info. (Remember...I just made it portable and can't work miracles with the original app
- The initial line of text at the top is because before this post, there was only one post found in the forums when you search for "texter".
- Yes, I finally portablized an app that wasn't a game.
I know about it.
Saw it the other day.
What happened to development tests?
a) I'm not a "known" dev (yet) :). This is the first app I intend to apply for DEVTEST status once it's run thru the wringer. This is the first app I've used the new installer. The newest launcher isn't used because I need one that's stupid simple and striped down to the minimum, not one for a Mozilla app and has all kinds of code I don't need, directories being created, etc. (Every time I tried to use the latest Kompozer launcher, I could never get it to compile.)
b) This app has some "funkiness" going on that I thought should be tested out BEFORE I send the package to John to get digitally signed as it may get changed a few times which means an annoyance for him. We don't want that now do we?
c) I saw this app a month ago and have been working on & testing it for that long too (off and on) so neener neener! I win!
d) Shut up and color.
(A phrase used where I work which means, "Do what I said and quit asking questions.")
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
Given the disclaimers mentioned by you above perhaps you should call this a beta as opposed to an PR.
Keep up the good work
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
All the "disclaimers" have been worked around as much as I can.
"Prerelease" already = "beta"...we don't need 3 levels of apps (beta, prerelease, devtest) before something becomes a "real" app. All 3 of those things mean the same thing anyways.
Has anyone actually tried the app out and not complained about the naming schema?
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
No Offense was intended

Some souls are braver than others
Not being a developer I tend to shy away from "betas".
To me if an app is RC [which is the way I read "PreRelease"] I feel a little more confident about giving it a try.
In this context the naming schema gives people an idea of what to expect. They don't all mean the same thing. I've tried a couple of "PreRelease/RCs" that were really beta and the clean up was not fun
Again, keep up the good work
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Sorry, I'm cranky I guess. I woke up WAY too early today at 3am local, worked on this off and on since then, and I'm now tired but yet still can't fall asleep.
Caffeine isn't helping.
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
No Problem
Caffeine Won't help
Try Sherry.
All the best,
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Using the Moz launcher is a bit of overkill. It'd be nice if there was a more simple "new" one. SumatraPDF looks like it might be a good alternative.
try the pnotes launcher
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
This is a semi-bump only because the only feedback I received was "the name of the app should be 'this' and not 'that'".
Anyone actually try the app out and have any feedback? Only about 15-ish people d/l that app from SourceForge. :/
Cancer Survivors -- Remember the fight, celebrate the victory!
Help control the rugrat population -- have yourself spayed or neutered!
I am using it in my technical support function. As I use it more, I will leave you feedback. Many times, I am on the move, so having this as a portable solution has been a God-send.
just found it and download it... give me some time to test... first have to set it up...
(with 7 mails and 12 signatures, this is good for me... lol)
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report
Upstream KeePass feature request may be found at:
KeePass Portable feature request:
This is a feature request for better integration of KeePass Portable ( ) and Texter Portable ( ) within Windows (systeminfo of Windows XP found below).
What was found is when one runs both applications simultaneously, and attempts to either input a password via KeePass Portable or utilise a text replacement macro via Texter Portable, one or the other would perform intermittently. This seems because they use similar processes for respective actions.
Better integration would help immensely for those who perform repetitive computer-related tasks and input passwords frequently.
Thank you for your help and looking forward to working this out together.
[pasted sysinfo into pastebin - your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau]