Tight VNC Viewer
Description Of App:
Access Your Computer From Anywhere With Your Portable TightVNC Viewer.
You Must Have Set Up Tight VNC Server And Set Up Your Firewall Correctly For Tight VNC Viewer To Access Your Desktop.
Download Here!
Didnt Get To Fix Reg File Name Issue.
Thank You For Using Tight VNC Viewer Portable.
I don't have any use for the program but i tested it anyway
and discovered some things:
Good job!
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
The launcher is actually at version, but close enough lol
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
HKCU\Software\ORL my app is suppose to use HKCU\Software\ORL\VNCviewer
if u used HKCU\Software\ORL then it would affect both versions SERVER and VIEWER
so i got that one settled
Na na na, come on!
NSIS was being a pain in the butt and kept saying that the things where correct were wrong so i just stopped for the day. ill try to update that ASAP.
Na na na, come on!
you used the latest specs which is good... but:
1: in the data\settings folder the file is names 7-zipsettings
2: you dont move the data files from the app\tight vnc viewer\
3: also the main folder should not have any spaces (i think)
if you need help with code i can help if not
that is the stuff i just saw by using it
good job so far
Please search before posting. ~Thanks
im trying my best to solve these issues. i am not online most of the time and cannot see what i have to redo and etc.. ty powerjuce for the feedback and i will look into this.
Na na na, come on!
I didn't check any of the registry keys or anything, but the app works well
Is there any way/plans to get this to use a proxy to connect to the remote machine?
me, i dont have any plans for that. but if that feature isnt in tightvnc viewer, you can request it i think by emailing them or something.
Na na na, come on!
Hey all, the viewer works perfectly fine, but apart from the small errors mentioned earlier, it doesn't remember it's settings. I can't verify it, but my guess is that it still sends it's settings to the registry.
Whatever it is, the connection settings are storeable in a .vnc file, but this is not always what you'd want and the global settings aren't stored _at all_.
Please fix this, because I use this portable app a lot! (And so: Thanks a lot for making this portable!)
Hans van Luttikhuizen (pindab0ter)
I know this is old, but maybe dave will pick it up again
Its a flaw in the launcher.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Love it, thanks!
I updated this app today: