I use Stopzilla(Please, don't get insulting with comments like no one uses it) and it tells me Media-Codec.D was detected when I ran the most recent paf version of Keepass.
I set StopZilla to allow it. What infotrmation can I send to the StopZilla folks to have Media-Codec.D allowed by default?
Well, you could figure out what Media-Codec.D is, and then tell (show) them that it is not present in KeePassPortable.
a sample of the file found to them.
I don't know anything about Stopzilla so can't tell you how.
Try this for a start:
I'm sure they could tell you how to submit a FP report/sample
Bye the Way
Did you try submitting to the standard/recommended testing sites?
just to be sure you didn't pick up something?
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
Thanks.....the file checked out clean at both sites...so I will submit it to stopzilla and mention that it appears to be a false positive.