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InfraRecorder Portable 0.44.1 Pre-Release 3

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
InfraRecorder Portable 0.44.1 Pre-Release 3

This has been released:

InfraRecorder was originally posted by me a while ago, but T was kind enough to revisit it to get it up to snuff for official release, update the launcher and app, etc. It's a full featured CD and DVD burning app. From the dev test, there are a couple minor changes: official splash added, splash fade removed and time shortened.

Download InfraRecorder Portable 0.44.1 Pre-Release 3 [2.7MB download / 5.8MB installed]

As it's had a decent couple tests, it should be release worthy. Please test it out and post your feedback.

Updated to Pre-Release 2 fixing the registry issue mentioned below.

Pre-Release 3 correctly handles the registry for guest/limited accounts.

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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One Minor Problem

Someone mentioned in the last thread the Cygwin keys that are created under HCKU\Software\Cygnus Solutions that are created.

Any plan for them?

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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sorry guys, i didn't see those and i didn't see anyone posting about them on the dev test page. i'll look into that right now.

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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It was actually from the original post by John a ways back someone pointed them out.

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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ok i didn't catch it before because it doesn't write the keys until you actually do something in the program. i'm fixing it right now

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
post it

FTP it to in the incoming directory and then ping back. Or email it to the dev address on contact us.

You'll need to code around it a bit as the cygwin hierarchy is used by multiple programs which might be running while IR Portable is.

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nitrolinken's picture
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I've taken it for a spin, works like a charm, nice and steady one may say.

Nice job.

Intelligence is like four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places. ~ Garrison Keillor

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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ugh, i also found that cdrecord.exe freaks out when burning but if i un-upx it it works fine (should have read your original thread). also i see the the cygwin keys are actually empty so i'm assuming i can avoid possible conflicts with other programs by only deleting the keys if they weren't there in the first place, instead of backing the keys up etc. shouldn't take me too long now that i know what to do. i feel kind of dumb for marking this as ready to go without actually burning a cd with it.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
It Happens

No worries, T, it happens to all of us here and there. Make the updates and we'll do a pre-release 2 tomorrow.

BTW - I like your choice to do the express interface first. I think it's the right way to go for most users.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Same With NSIS

Yea, Zach did the same thing with NSIS. I think he partially got the idea from Travis, but it's the best choice for new developers, too, and can be easily configured through the INI.

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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Pre-Release 2

I fixed the problems and sent an email with the link to prerelease2. Hopefully you saw it, John.

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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C & C

Now those are the kinda capitals and commas I like to see. Smile

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
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Pre-Release 2

T added registry handlers to pre-release 2 so it should catch the cygwin keys and uncompressed the file that was causing issues.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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Quick... too quick.

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-22 00:30

my code refers to keys in HKCU and HKLM which is what regmon showed me. will the code referring to the HKLM work properly when used on a login without admin privileges to the HKLM?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
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You need to check for admin privs in order to handle that correctly, otherwise guest and some limited accounts will throw errors about being unable to write to the registry. Check out Thunderbird Portable for code you can grab. It looks like this:

StrCmp $USERTYPE "Guest" DoSomethingElse

Basically, let it do its normal thing for admin accounts (both HKCU and HKLM) but only handle HKCU if its guest or limited.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago
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It's 3:30

So I'm out for the night. I gotta be up in three hours. Smile Thanks for getting those Pre-Releases out tonight.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Pre-Release 3

Pre-Release 3 correctly handles the registry for guest and limited accounts.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

MarkoMLM's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Looks great!

... and the new Infraxpress rocks Smile

I found no problems. Set Interface to German works for the express and the main window too (restart needed).

Great job. If the draft page for the release is ready please send me a ping, so we can translate soon.

The helpfile is translated and ready for inclusion in the 'Germanizer' we talked about.


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I get a BSOD

I get a BSOD. (Haven't had one of those for years!)

I appreciate this is NOT a PortableApps issue but I mention it in case anyone has had a similar problem.

When I click to make a data CD InfraRecorder starts Scanning Bus, then Loading Device Capabilities, then crashes.

Fujitsu Siemens P7120 laptop with a DVD R/W drive. WInXP SP2, Roxio Easy Media Creator Suite 9 (which I'd love to get rid of) and DAEMON Tools Lite 4.12.1

I see on the InfraRecorder web site references to Blue Screens but nothing much to help me.

Any advice much appreciated.

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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Does the official

Does the official non-portable give you a BSOD when doing the same?

Last seen: 4 months 6 days ago
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Yes, so definitely no a

Yes, so definitely no a PortableApps problem

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
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In theory, a software application can't crash the operating system in Windows 2000/XP/Vista unless that app hits a bug in the OS or in a drive. It's nearly always a driver. I'd suggest updating your drivers but most laptop drivers are horribly out of date.

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Never done this and I am a

Never done this and I am a bit apprehensive. Any advice appreciated.

Searched the forums and couldn't find any advice so I downloaded the 15 day trial of Driver Genius, and it thinks only 9 drivers, out of a total of 105, need updating but none are CD or DVD related - audio, modem, NIC, BT stack, Wireless Network, Graphics, Flash x2 & Intel Chipset device.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Could be any

It's usually a related one, but it could be any. Using Firefox would case a BSoD on many laptops. It turns out it was a buggy ATI driver. Unfortunately, laptop drivers are so horribly out of date (individual manufacturers have to take the OEM drivers and update and release them) and often never updated, Mozilla took the unusual step of coding around it rather than leave people hanging.

Make sure your system is clean (virus, spyware, clean temp, etc). Then be sure you've done a system restore point. Then update them one at a time, preferably from your laptop manufacturers site or Windows Update. Neither are infallible, though. Windows Update once gave me an incompatible video driver on a laptop and left it with a blank screen... had to boot into safe mode and uninstall it.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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Wow, that was quick. Thank

Wow, that was quick. Thank you very much. Looks like I need to set aside some quite time to do this when the family aren't around.

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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So far it works with vista

I've just tried burning an audio cd last night on my computer running vista ultimate, and it worked without a hitch. If I get the chance this weekend I'll do some more testing but based on what I have tested so far I don't expect problems.

Pontus Nilsson
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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I'm getting a missing

I'm getting a missing wmidx.dll when Infrarecorder (not irexpress) is launched. I'm sure its because I have nothing newer than WMP 6.4.x.

This doesn't happen with Johns old release though and if I use the infrarecorderportable.exe from that release with this release it also doesn't happen. So, I'm kinda wondering if there were some clever scripting in that release of Johns.

I haven't burned anything with the paf:ed version yet but I have successfully with the portable version from infrarecorder website.


Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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well i just checked through john's old code and didn't see anything that addressed that issue, but it is odd that the version from their website works. does it work when you run the app directly from App/InfraRecorder/irexpress.exe? if you have wmp 6.4, are you running on win98?

Pontus Nilsson
Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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My bad for not being clear,

My bad for not being clear, I'll blame it on my headache.

I do get the error message with their portable version as well and I've burnt many disc successfully despite the fact. I don't know what might be special with Johns launcher, maybe he's suppressing error messages. Anyway, I don't really have a problem with the error but I'm sure there will be one or two confused souls eventually.

I'm running an up to date xpsp2 system.


Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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i just wanted an opinion. infrarecorder keeps a devices.xml file which is very small and i think (not sure) it grows like 1kb for every different cd drive. the difference is with the info stored infrarecorder loads a little faster. should i have the launcher delete this file, or leave it, or just delete it if it gets above a certain size?

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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Well as taking in account it

Well as taking in account it A: does detection of drives at startup and B: possibly rewrites the whole xml with the drives, I think it may very well be the detection resetting the xml with only the drives it found. If it turns out it remembers every drive it ever detected this might be an issue but I hope it only puts current devices in there.

Thus it's a non-issue in that case.

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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ok well i just did some

ok well i just did some testing running it on multiple computers and it seems keeping the devices.xml causes infrarecorder to expect the drive it had stored in there and doesn't scan the new computer for drives. **working on Pre-Release 4

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
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Just set it to delete devices.xml. I think my old launcher did.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
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Ready for Release

Barring any objections, this seems ready to go. I've setup the page for you here:

You should be able to edit as needed. Don't worry about the logo, I'll add it. If you could do a screenshot (800x600 or less) and a small screenshot (resize to 200px wide) while having either the Royale Noir or Zune theme in Windows XP loaded, that would be great, too (just email it to the developers contact).

And write up a quick release notice... or I can compile it from your intro and features. Either way. Ping me when done. Thanks Smile

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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ok, i wasn't quite sure if

ok, i wasn't quite sure if Ping meant email or posts but i sent an email a while ago with everything and the page is done except the images and download links.

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
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ok i just realized you said

ok i just realized you said royal noir, not royal, or noir. i sent you the screenshots with the royal theme. i'll do some new ones

Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-22 00:30
i have confirmed by reading

i have confirmed by reading online that any users with only Windows Media Player 6.4 seem to get a missing wmidx.dll error message even though it still runs. Is it legal to include the dll in my package? also it seems that error existed with the 0.43 release also so i want to know if john did anything to fix the message in his previous version. it also has the dependencies of MSVCR71.DLL and MSVCP71.DLL, are these included in all windows versions?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 51 min ago
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I think we're ok. I'll add a note to the page about the bug. And I think we're ok on CV7 as this is Windows 2000 and up only.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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