This has been released.
Application: Console
Category: Utilities
Console is a Windows console window enhancement. Console features include: multiple tabs, text editor-like text selection, different background types, alpha and color-key transparency, configurable font, different window styles
Download ConsolePortable_2.00.146_Development_Test_2_English.paf.exe
(MD5: b0a065f3cf320accf59bb8d5c3c7b60f | 1.51 MB)
Build 146
Development Test 2 (2010-06-30):
- Updated Console Portable to PAF 2.0 and PA.c Launcher 2.0
- Had to remove adding custom paths in INI due to new launcher. (still adds path for script dir)
Development Test 1 (2010-04-22):
- updated Console to build 146 from 145. Console removed msv*90.dll dependencies, added better Win7 support and bug fixes. See Console change log here
Build 145
Development Test 1 (2009-12-09):
- updated Console to build 145 from 144. Console added optimization for text repaint on relative backgrounds. See Console change log here
- Removed extraneous directory settings from optional INI file and launcher
Build 144
Development Test 1 (2009-03-24):
- updated Console to build 144 from 143. Console added optimization for text repaint on relative backgrounds. See Console news here
- Updated the help.html
Build 143
Development Test 1 (2009-03-17):
- updated Console to build 143 from 142. Console added various bug fixes. See Console news here
- Updated the help.html
Build 142
Development Test 1 (2009-02-24):
- updated Console to build 142 from 141. Console will add a backslash to start up dirs that don't end with a backslash. This will fix problems with start up dir defined as 'C:'.
- Updated the help.html
Build 141
Development Test 1 (2008-11-18):
- updated Console to build 141 from 139. Console now tracks environment variable changes on new tabs, has global hotkey for activating, and other fixes.
- Updated the help.html
Build 139
Development Test 3 (2008-04-16):
- updated Console to build 139 from 138. This reduces memory usage required for application painting and allows you to hide scroll bars.
Added support for updating the Environment Path (Thanks wraithdu)
See help.html for details. The newly added scripts directory is automatically added to the %PATH% -
Added a scripts directory under the Data directory which is populated with two default scripts.
Any suggestions or examples of Bat files to include are welcome. - Updated the help.html
- Created new Console Portable icon
Development Test 2 (2008-03-10):
- Corrected script errors. Thanks to rayven01, Patrick Patience, & ZGitRDun8705 for the help. Much Appreciated.
- Renamed the app to "Console"
- Restored the Default configuration file. (no longer windowless by default)
- Used UPX to compress EXE and DLLs
ToDo: Add abilty to dynamically adjust COMSPEC in XML settings file similar to Command Prompt Portable
Console doesn't support Win98 or earlier so changing COMSPEC in settings file is irrelevent. Console adjusts to cmd.exe by default on new tabs unless otherwise specified in settings. (2008-04-03) -
ToDo: Add support for adjusting %PATH% environment variable from ConsolePortable.ini (2008-04-03)
There is a bug in how Console handles environment variables which is preventing this method at the moment (2008-04-03)
Development Test 1 (2008-03-07):
- initial release
- ToDo: Properly update drive letter dynamically in XML settings file
- ToDo: Add abilty to dynamically adjust COMSPEC in XML settings file similar to Command Prompt Portable
Not being an experience NSIS coder, I dev in at work, Any help in pointing out my error would be greatly appreciated.
-Chad Ross
when i click on your download-link i get the following page:
"500 - Your link has timed out or is invalid. Go back to the drop page and refresh your browser."
Something wrong with the download link?
Apparently doesn't give me a static file url. I've updated the link to my account where you can download the file directly.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
now it works, i get your page with the download link - that's okay, too
I was waiting for someone to do this, I'll try it out.
I've been looking for something like this. Not sure I like the lack of window border but everything else looks nice. Curious why you called it console2 instead of just console?
Checked over the source:
Here's a snippet that should clean things up:
Make sure to delete the other nsexec line near the bottom too, that's a leftover from notepad++. Also you need to clean up the installer, it still has leftovers in the pre-install code.
Overall good first effort, just a few logic problems. It takes a bit to get used to how NSIS script works.
formerly rayven01
i often wonder how familar some people here with the NSIS code
I hope i will be soon, too. 
But one little remark: when i compile the launcher with rayven01's changes i get in the compiler a warning at the end:
1 warning:
Variable "USERTYPE" not referenced or never set, wasting memory!
Var USERTYPE is used on line 95 but not used afterwards,... I remember that in some launcher-scripts the USERTYPE is set as User or Admin but i can't find one at the moment as example or maybe I'm blind
I think this app need administrative privilegs, doesn't it?
You can just remove that variable. It was used in notepad++ because there was some manipulation of HKLM registry keys involved which were skipped if admin rights were lacking. Your launcher does not do any of that. You could also remove the COMSPEC variable since you don't need the nsexec lines anymore either.
formerly rayven01
that's the reason, sounds clear to me,... thank you, i will test it tommorow,...

I think i have learned now a little bit more and i hope, all your infos will help cjsden with his app
As far as I remember, the latest beta on there site had a window border, I don't know why this doesn't.
Edit: Yep, I just checked and build 138 has a border. I don't know whether this one, 137 doesn't, or there's just something either in the default settings, but either way it should be updated.
Thanks for the help Shawn, I'll look at and update the changes you suggested on Monday, I have family over this weekend. I used Console2 so people would easily identify that i'm using the Beta and not the stable 1.* branch.
@Patrick Patience
Patrick,you're correct I forgot to redownload the defualt config file. These are my custom settings that I personaly use. I'll swap that out when I re upload.
Again thanks for the help guys.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
I used Console2 so people would easily identify that i'm using the Beta and not the stable 1.* branch.
In that case you should call it Console 2.0.137 Beta Development Test 1 and just use ConsolePortable on all the files. That way when they inevitably update it to version 3+ down the road you don't have to change all the files and have people with multiple installs.
That's why we don't use the term 'Beta' for portable releases, so we can use the offical app status in the name.
formerly rayven01
Looks pretty good, a few minor issues though.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Can i view web pages and how
"It's just an online installer. It's not going to mug you.", JTH
"The shell is the key to unlock Linux's greatest advantages."
Console2 is not a web browser, it is Windows Command Shell enhancement, it adds a tabbed interface and a fancy window border, thats about it.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I've updated the launcher with the recommendations made.
thanks for the help guys.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
One more recommendation
Change the file name so it matches the current Development Test naming schemes
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Hey Chad,
I see you have an account on there, but can I offer you hosting? You can get an FTP account or a web-based login and it'll be a direct link. Check out my user page to contact me if you're interested.
Thanks for the offer Patrick.
I actually was using the account until I could free up some room on my personal website account. I've managed to do so and have updated the download URL above.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Sounds good.
We're heading into the final stretch of a major product launch here at work, so getting to my ToDo items for Console Portable have been slow. I'm hoping that I'll be able to look at it again later next week.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
I like this. It seems really cool. I have the UnixUtils and some other items I would like to have in the PATH, is there anyway to add to the PATH with this?
Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter
Do you mean, Can you specify the startup path?
If so, you can specify the startup path in from the settings dialog. You can set an global startup path or a specific path for each Tab type you setup. The launcher will automatically adjust the drive letter to the current drive upon launch.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
I mean the %PATH% variable, so that I can add my UnixUtils bin directory, and my CommonFiles/CommandLine directory to the system Path. That way, I only have to type ls(.exe), instead of F:/PortableApps/CommonFiles/GnuWin32/bin/ls.exe to display current directory settings. (etc...) Does that make sense? I think it may have to do with the shell settings, but I don't know, and boogered up my home install playing with it.
Sorry, this should have been replying to the above, I was not logged in when I hit reply.
Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter
Because you require Administrative Permissions on the machine you want to do this on, it is not completely portable. You could have a batch file that you run upon inserting your drive that takes the current definition for %path% saves it to disk and then appends it with your portable directory. I would then recommend a second bat file that restores the original setting prior to removing your drive. keeping in mind that if you're on a public machine as a guest you won't be able to alter the %path% variable.
You could add a user variable (such as %bin%) to the environment, this doesn't require you to be admin. And when you need to use your utilities you would type
. Remember to remove the variable once you are finished with it.Alternatively, and maybe not quite as convenient, you could have the startup path for Console be the directory that holds your utilities. this way when you launch a new tab you can use them without need to enter path.
Personally, i don't like playing with the %path% variable as many applications and the OS rely on it pointing in the right directories. And as you noted above you can bugger things up if you don't alter it properly.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
The messing with the %path% variable wasn't what was bothering me. Basically, I am wanting to use Console as John references using CommandPromptPortable in this UnxUtils link. The batch editing is what was done here, but how do I have Console do similar? Is there a way?
Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter
Oh, you're talking about the ability to launch a bat file on startup as in Command Prompt Portable. I haven't implemented all of the feature from John's Command Prompt portable yet. Once I have the time to do so Console will work similarly. All you are missing at the moment is the ability to launch a bat file with Console as John's application does.
It's coming, just haven't had the time do get to it yet.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Anxiously awaiting this. This is a really cool app. The way I borked the system at home was by playing with the shell: setting and by accidentally running it without out the portable launcher. It seems the program does default to settings in your application data directory if they are there. I am not certain about this, so if anyone else can try to duplicate. I opened Console on my system, changed some settings, then closed it. I opened Console Portable, and it went to my new settings from my system, instead of using the ones from the data settings folder.
Jeffrey Wiggs
Loving God and Learning Laughter
Hey Guys,
It's actually quite easy to do. I've setup Console2 Portable, to use autoexec.bat as the shell, which is stored in the XML File. I also have it setup to use MSYS+MinGW on my USB Stick, as I prefer to use MSYS instead of Command Line. So much more natural.
Anyways, the XML File looks like this:
BTW, keep up the good work Chad.
After all of the reading I've done on Console, you're example is the easiest way I can find to accomplish running a script at startup. This is also what is recommended in the help file.
Thanks for the support.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
I've been working on getting the launcher to update the %path% environment variable from the consoleportable.ini file, but I have run into some problems. Apparently there is some issues with how Console reads environment variables from other processes. If i update the HKCU key for %path% the regular cmd.exe is updated but Console doesn't read the change.
There is currently thread in the Console forum regarding this. In the mean time you can a batch file with the following command in it on startup of a new tab like the example here. This is using the same implementation as Command Prompt Portable.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Seems to work for me. Should be easy enough to read the extra path settings from the INI then adjust the value above accordingly.
wraithdu, thank you for the help. I'm new to using NSIS to code and was stuck on using the registry to make the update.
Again, thanks.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Yeah, the registry is difficult for env variables, since most of the time you'll need a reboot or to logoff/logon.
Glad it works for ya now. Pretty neat program too.
Has anyone had any issues with the latest Dev Test? I personally have been running it with no issues.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
in /Other/readme.txt remove the top 2 lines, and move your copyright to be directly under John's
I don't think you need registry.nsh included in the script
I had no issues using the app, it looks like everything is good to go.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Thanks for the feedback Zach.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
If I remember right Dev Tests 1 and 2 were for version 2.00.138? No biggie, but FYI for future releases when you update the base app the Dev Test number starts over at 1. Also be sure to put in your notes that you updated the base app to a new version.
Love this app, by the way!
formerly rayven01
Thanks for the support Shawn.
I understand about the Dev Test numbering, I just thought it wasn't worth starting a new thread for such a minor update to the app. I'll be sure to do so next update.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
You don't necessarily have to start a new thread, just update the post with notes listing any version changes and add a comment. It's then fairly easy to spot your comment and know that discussion after that is about the new version.
formerly rayven01
question: why do you only have the beta version of Console and not the 1.5 stable version?
If I remember correctly, it's no longer being updated, and the beta has more features and it quite stable. There was quite a lot of beta releases.
? that doesn't make sense. the program is being updated. the 2.0 versions are updates but they're not stable yet and 1.5 is the last stable update. at least that's what the naming scheme implies
The 2.00 branch is actually more stable than the 1.5 branch in my opinion. Plus 1.5 doesn't have tab support or a GUI for editing settings. The latter of which makes it hard for the average user to configure.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
When i try to start console comes a window with information for missing library MSVCP71.dll.
And I have no idea why ...
In main folder of program there is one.
When i put MSVCP71.dll into system folder its starts normal.
O luaidh be siod an gradh
A dh'fhag mi ceangailte ruit an drasda
Co shaoileadh an rud a dh'fhas
Bho phog aon oidhche earraich
I'm unsure as to why you're having this issue. I cannot duplicate the error on any of my systems. If you install Console to you machine directly do you have the same issue? If so I would post in the Console forum found here:
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Is this planning to be updated at some point? I personally use it and think its great.
I looked on source forge and have noticed that they have updated to 2.0.140
Else, I'd like to see this go official.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I've been swamped at work as of late. I took a quick look at the changes in build 140 and there is nothing there that will change the portability.
I'll try to find some time to update the installer, but in the mean time you can just copy and paste the new build in the console folder.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
EDIT: I was replying to agdurrette.
self.path = path if self.path == None else self.path
Edit: Nvm.
Updated Console Portable to current build: 141.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
and thanks
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Don't know if this is still being worked on, but an update has been out for awhile.
I have posted the latest build.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Something i have to say,
I use Console Portable every day (since 6 weeks) and i really love it. It adds all the features i need to work more efficient. I spend several hours on my commandline on different PC's and its just great. You did an great job and that's why i want to say Thank You!
Maybe you think about for an Option to minimize the console to Tray. The tray icon exist already so i hope it comes some day.
I found a missing explanation in the console.chm file. Console Settings -> Console there is the explanation missing for Save settings to user directory.
Anke Junker
Thanks for your encouragement; however, I only made the launcher not the application. Marko Bozikovic is the developer and you can make feature request at the Console Forum
As far as the "Save settings o user directory" check box, do NOT enable this on the portable version. This will cause the setting xml file to be stored in %userprofile%\appdata\console and not in the application directory.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
i really like this tool and use it with an portable Windows Power shell. So at the moment i have to use an fixed path to the portable PoSh ("x:\portableapps\ConsolePortable\Data\scripts\Windows PowerShell V2 (CTP).exe"). So how can i use an indirect path. Because "Data\scripts\Windows PowerShell V2 (CTP).exe" dosent work. It Produce the the Error: "Failed to open Console2 tab! The Process could still running (use Task Manager to find and end it)"
I believe powershell registers drivers, etc. to make it more powerful. My suggestion is to follow the guide for your portable PoSH. Exactly. Then attempt to set it for console. You should be able to pass the parameters to consoleportable.exe and have everything work.
BTW, where are you getting this?
It appears to be thinapped.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Yes i thinstalled this,
but a litte bit different. Sorry im not so good at english, i didnt understand what you mean.
I just don't want to use an driveletter at the Setting for Console -> Shell -> "X:\portableapps\ConsolePortable\App\DefaultData\scripts\Windows PowerShell V2 (CTP).exe" This work perfect.
I like to replace this with an indirect path for example Console -> Shell -> "..\App\DefaultData\scripts\Windows PowerShell V2 (CTP).exe" and this doesnt work.
Sorry i didnt know that applications from portableapps check it self on which drive letter its starts from. So if i use the full path with drive letter, it replace automatic the drive letter with the new one.
I use this app off of a network drive. Campus university.
Create the following bat file, i.e. "cmd.cmd":
@echo off
set /P input="%CD%> "
if /i "%input%"=="exit" goto end
echo %input% > "%temp%\temp.bat"
call "%temp%\temp.bat"
goto input
del "%temp%\temp.bat"
This should launch you into a command prompt where you can execute most commands, etc etc.
... would you please update your portable installer ?
I've updated the installer with the current build.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
It was a fast update... so far so good !
Didn't know it was St. Patrick's day today
Tis a wonderful Saint Patty's day indeed.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Console updated to build 144. See top...
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Is there a way to have the application maximize button work? I maximize my window on occasion...Thanks!
As I am not the developer for Console I suggest you go to the Console forum on SourceForge and make your request there. I have only put console into a launcher for portable use.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
(In the order I noticed them... you can see that I'm very random with my testing!)
Minor appinfo.ini Issues:
[Details]:Category should be "Utilities", as "System" is invalid.
[Version]:DisplayVersion should be "2.00.144 Development Test 1"
appicon.ico should be in 48, 32, 16 square XP and 256 colours forms, with an optional 256x256 alpha icon. You've got a 128x128 alpha one which technically shouldn't be there
The version number no longer belongs in the help.html file (John said to remove them in an obscure post a short time ago).
You should model your help.html file more after other applications... take as an example my Inkscape or Code::Blocks Portable apps (this includes putting in links to the generic help stuff on this site)
You should use ReadINIStrWithDefault for reading INI options, and follow the trend for making it simple and more indestructible by dropping out the ConsoleDirectory, SettingsDirectory, ScriptsDirectory and ConsoleExecutable entries.
I'll post more later.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Hi Chad,
If I use the command "echo %PATH%" in ConsolePortable, I only get the script folder in this variable instead of my local machine %PATH% with this additional folder. Is this the normal use case ? What should I do to get the expected behavior ?
If I remove the following lines in Consoleportable.nsi
ReadEnvStr $R0 "PATH"
System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("PATH", R0).r2'
everything is working as expected. Unfortunately the script folder is not in the path anymore.
Thanks for your help,
At first, I've got a user %PATH% variable and a system %PATH% variable. Before using ConsolePortable, I've removed the user %PATH% variable. Then the problem occurs. A few minutes ago, I have to reboot my computer and the problem was gone !
It seems that updating/removing environment variables without rebooting is the cause of the problem. I have also this kind of issue with FreeCommanderPortable but until now I didn't now why.
My conclusion is that NSIS executables are not able to detect environment variable changes. Is it a bug or not ? I have no idea !
I'm on XP Pro, and it doesn't run. I have no spaces in path, though it's not on boot drive. Process list shows only ConsolePortable.exe.
Reinstalled it and it works. Sorry.
Updated Console Portable to build 145. See top for details
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
you need to fix your hyperlink in the latest release notes
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
Thanks Zach, I have fixed the link.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
I still wish this was official. I find it a much better alternative to the one PA.c has.
This may be a really stupid question, but i'd like to ask: If I want to set a path variable for the Portable console to a "portable" subversion program, what do I do to change the settings? And for reference, I just have to add the correct path of where the svn.exe is, right?
I Thought What I'd Do Was, I'd Pretend I Was One Of Those DeafMutes
Check the ConsolePortable.ini. Should be hiding in other\source
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
... would you please update your portable installer ? thanks
I was waiting for the 32bit build, as yesterday they only had the new 64bit version available for download.
I'll try to get to this in the next day or so.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
I've updated the installer to build 146. See above for details.
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
Thanks a lot
Good work, this should be added to portable apps stable!
See Above
"If knowledge can create problems, is it not through ignorance that we can solve them." -Isaac Asimov
... would you please update your portable installer ? thanks
Is it possible to have the launcher pass a Console2 command line switch to the program executable?
I cannot find anywhere to add it in a .ini file.
Create a ConsolePortable.ini next to the ConsolePortable.exe and add following lines
Normally there should be an example file called AppNamePortable.ini in \Other\Source\ along with the existing Readme.txt that explains how that works.
btw. ConsolePortable has been official released a while ago, just in case you missed that.
That worked fine.
I know about the official release. I just thought that posting my question here would get the attention of the most relevant people.
I've actually dropped in this modified version, which adds a Win7 Taskbar Jumplist to open different tabs/shells, and a -reuse switch (which is why I asked the question):
The -reuse switch also works with the shift-right click context menus to Open Console Here with some registry editing, and if you want to open another instance, you can use the Jumplist.
Would it be possible to modify the launcher to open either the x86 or x64 build, depending on the OS?
Beta testing threads should not be used once they're outdated. It'll be seen in the Other Apps Support forum.
Thread locked.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1