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configuration files dosbox portable 0.72

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Last seen: 16 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-02-19 12:08
configuration files dosbox portable 0.72

I am using the original version of dosbox to run some old programs. I thougt it wasn't easy to drag my programs into the dosbox icon, or to mount it every time, so I came up with the folowing sollution:

i made a few configuration files, and in the autoexec area, i typed the lines wich i used to mount my programs. I did this for every program.

Next, i wrote an .bat file, and i made a menu in it. the shortcut to my programs became this: start (location dosbox) dosbox.exe -conf (location custom .conf file)conffile.conf.
What happended: dosbox started, and automaticly mounted and started the program i needed.

when i try to do this with dosbox portable, the program still uses the original configuration file.

Is it impossible to make it work (so is this a bug? thats why i chose this catogory) or does someone know how i can make it work, or maybe there is an easier way to automount with dosbox?

please react.

ionreflex's picture
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-11-27 12:19
I might be mistaking, but I

I might be mistaking, but I believe the command used to start DOSBoxPortable is hardcoded in the executable, and it refers to the file "dosbox.conf"...

Maybe you could just backup the original file and overwrite it with your own...


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