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Not remembering default language in 2.4 (and previous versions)

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Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-10 10:43
Not remembering default language in 2.4 (and previous versions)

Since I started using OpenOffice Portable a few versions ago, I have noticed that the program does not remember the default language for new documents. I have installed the Canadian English dictionary using the wizard just fine, but after that I go to Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages. I set the default language for documents to "Canadian English", everything works fine for that session. Next time I start a new document, the default is set back to US English.

I have local installations of OpenOffice on a few different machines, and in each instance, it remembers this setting. Each new document has the "correct" language.

Of course, this is certainly not the most important issue that someone will face, but if anyone has a suggestion, I would appreciate not having to change this setting every time I start a new document.


Last seen: 14 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2006-07-08 10:22
A Template setting?

I don't change language, but a number of other "settings" are saved not in OpenOffice configurations, but are saved in your template that you use to start a new document with. OO comes with "built in" hard coded pre-defined templates for Writer and for Calc, etc.

You can modify those or create totally new templates. You can select any Writer template and set it as YOUR Default template (File..Templates., etc.). Then, unless you pick a different template for a new document, Writer will use that one you set as the Default. If you reset your default template it goes back to the predefined one.

Note that none of the above works if you are in Windows Explorer and right click for a New OpenOffice document. You get the predefined one. Unless you (I don't have the time...)

Note: If you wrote a document with that langage set, you should get the same settings if you reopen it for editing. You could rename that, strip out all the text, etc. and save that as your default template (I think). Or just use it as your "new document" and take off from there each time.

Good luck. (hope I'm right about the language following the document/template.


Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-10 10:43
Spot on!

Thanks bh2ooo - you were exactly right about the template workaround. Thanks!

For those of you who come across this sometime down the road while searching:

I basically opened up the existing template, changed the language, and saved it as a new template (Using File > Templates > Save).

Then I went to File > Templates > Organize, followed by a double-click on "My Templates" to show my new one, followed by a right-click and then "Set as default template".

Now when I startup Open Office Portable, my default language is retained. A local installation of Open Office must do this for you automatically, but not a big deal - it works now.

Thanks again bh2ooo.

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