To best explain this program, I will quote to author of XPenguins (the Linux version, that's a little better)
"Ever wanted cute little penguins walking along the tops of your windows? Ever wanted to send an army of cute little penguins to invade the screen of someone else on your network? Probably not, but why not try this program out anyway - it's free"
I believe development's stopped on WinPenguins, and XPenguins, and WinPenguins has one desktop window painting bug, but it's all good.
Important Notes
- WinPenguins will not work if you have any windows open full screen
- WinPenguins will not work with Active Desktop disabled
- WinPenguins has a bug where the penguins tends to repaint window frames
- WinPenguins does not seem to work if you desktop background is in a file format other than BMP or JPEG.
Sound like a lot of annoying little bugs to you? Well sure, if they didn't exist we'd all like the program a little better and we'd all like it if the program had a few extra features. So...why not take over development?! If you're interested in taking over the development of WinPenguins, head on to the WinPenguins Site downloads the source, and begin developing
But I assure you, the bugs don't take away from the penguin-on-desktop-watching experience.
Download WinPenguins Portable Development Test 1
Development Test 1
- Upadated to a Development Test.
- Added cuter icon, thanks to Everaldo.
- winmon.dll should not be left in 'Temp'.
- Better registry handling and crash recovery.
- Updated to a small fork that allows you to use external crash sounds.
I was wondering about this earlier today!
I'll try it tonight, but before I do, I was curious if this will install overtop of the pre-release? or do you recommended killing the old one first and going with a clean install?
Clean install is best.
Wasn't the the old portable version 1.5?
And isn't the official version 0.5?
I am really confused!
Artificial intelligence stands no chance against natural stupidity!
And according to the readme this is 0.6, according to the executable it's
well since u used a small fork, that does have improvements, i'd say .6 is fine...i'm a bit confused about the though lol
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I'll change it to 0.6 on the next update.
I tried this out last night, and I had absolutely no problems running it in windows xp.
EDIT: I've also tried this on windows Vista Ultimate, and it runs without problem
"WinPenguins does not seem to work if you desktop background is in a file format other than BMP."
Works fine with my JPEG wallpaper.
Hmm... it treats tooltips as regular windows. I'm gonna call that a bug.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
I'll update that to include JPEG's. I like when they walk on tooltips, looks cool.
if you time it right you can kill the penguins with tooltips! So much fun!
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
Way to much fun. Hmm, I think I'll start mine now!
PLUS! They walk on pnotes skins- maybe I should make a ice flow theme for the penguins!
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
just for the pingus
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
or a nice theme?
I found that winpenguins portable writes to the registry and doesn't get rid of it :(...
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Mentioning WHERE it writes to the registry would be a great aid in fixing the problem.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
It should clean it up. Delete the keys, run WinPenguins Portable, adjust some settings, and then properly close WinPenguins. Check if they are still there.
And yes, thanks to the comment above me, just telling me there's registry keys isn't very helpful.
Please explain how much space that takes up?
Simplifying daily life through technology
Installer = 331KB
Installed = 478KB
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
1. It should be next to the download link like the other apps.
2. Can I get those figures in MegaBytes. I'm to lazy to convert it.
Simplifying daily life through technology
1. It's an older post, u can't expect everyone to go back thru and edit all their old topics to match the current format
2. For future reference, there's an amazing tool called Google Calculate that will convert it for you. Simply go to and type in [number][src unit] in [dest unit] and it will yield a result.
But here are the results for your current question (found using the above mentioned tool)
331 kilobytes = 0.323242188 megabytes
478 kilobytes = 0.466796875 megabytes
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I said I was too lazy to do it, not that I couldn't do it. Also, wow. thats one small app.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Right...but, you can't expect us to look up everything for you just because you don't feel like it at the current time. If ur "too lazy" to do ur homework in school, you can't ask the teacher to do it for you. If ur "too lazy" to finish a project at work, you can't ask your manager to finish it for you.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
This is qool
Yes it is.
Sadly, it doesn't work correctly with glass. The penguins flicker like crazy. I like glass too much to give it up, even as cute as the penguins are.
Edit: Hey, what happened to the graphical smilies?
Edit again: Nevermind, they work okay with glass as long as DreamScene is not in use (Vista Ultimate feature that lets you use a video as your wallpaper).
Well, Is this normal? (see picture)
I dont see anything, just a green blob.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Oops, I didn't upload it correctly. (I uploaded the wrong file)
I'll try again.
EDIT:Here's the link
What do you have for a wallpaper?
WinPenguins Portable doesn't work with all kinds of wallpaper. If you have active desktop or animated wallpaper or something like that it will cause this.
I had the exact same thing happen when I tested it on a work pc, and on my windows xp pc when I had it set to use my homepage as my desktop.
I checked it out and found out that I had no wallpaper (just one color)
I guess that isn't compatible.
it should work just fine...this is strange.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
This is strange... I wonder if it can be fixed.
(or is my computer strange?)
You're strange.
But I have no idea with this one. WinPenguins truly is the strange one.
I am strange (maybe). :-)))))))))))))
Win Penguins is .5, not
Simplifying daily life through technology
I already mentioned this on the development page. I used a small fork (0.6), but accidentally wrote as the package because that's what was in the executable information.
Where can I find the fork? Also, maybe you should change that version.
Simplifying daily life through technology
you can find a fork in your silverware drawer at home
sometimes fast food places have them sitting out too.
The version number isn't that big of a deal, he'll get to it eventually
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Just an FYI, but I can't find any 1.6 version of WinPenguins. All I see is the original (version 0.5) and an update that allows it to compile under Visual Studio 2005 (version 0.5.1)
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I meant 0.6, that was a typo. Yea, I just found the 0.5.1 myself. And I realized the fork in now in the official downloads on the project page.
3 things
1. Shouldn't credit be given to the fork also?
2. Whats the difference between .5 and .51?
3. Why not just quickly change the version number. I could even do it myself, and upload it as dev test 2.
Simplifying daily life through technology
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
1. In AppInfo.ini -> Publisher=Michael Vines, Michael Adams &
maybe this can be modded to be part of the menu (a lot of modding).
Then there would be another advantage to portable!
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Other than that, looks good!
When will this be an official release?
*Voice in the back: Never! Due to the category* *starts crying*
I didn't know this existed until about 5 minutes ago. Have to say this is cool. Hope you update this to new specs as I think it would fit nicely in the office category on the aps page
Thanks Patrick Advocate
It's fairly up to date. I'd like to see those few bugs fix, personally. It might actually be a semi-likely candidate then.
The link was bad so... I guessed the link out: Link
I forgot I had some files there, thanks.
You find the weirdest apps to make portable.
Congrats, this is awesome. I worship you for finding this!!!
I named them all Tux. I think you can guess why
BTW, You might want to add this...
If you Make a box on the desktop (usually for multi selecting) and the penguin goes through it, the part of the gray box that the penguin went through dissapears.
Oh and occasionally the ruined box stays.
PLEASE update the link. This i one of my favorite apps, and now I can't download it. :*(
Simplifying daily life through technology
Oh good god, I wonder how long people were going without WinPenguins Portable.
It's all better now, I hope you can sleep again knowing small little penguins are marching on your screen.
If in doubt, I know I have a coy of the installer. I just forgot to rehost it on your server
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
You need to remove portableapps[dot]com/node from the beginning of the link URL...
at least it works now tho, just a typo
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
Is this a fork of another app? Over 15 years ago, my father had a program just like this on the Amiga. Only it wasn't penguins, it was lemmings - as in the Lemmings lemmings, their sprites seemingly ripped from the very first Lemmings game. Now if only there were a way to give them abilities, like climber, bomber, digger, etc. and let them dig/climb/bomb their way around your desktop. Make an exit and set up a stage with windows, and then try to get them to the exit. That's all pretty silly though.
Still, I'd love to have this, I'll try it when I get home. Wouldn't mind having the original either, if someone has it still kicking around somewhere.
Nathan, Pingus looks to be what your wanting. Advocate
I've played that! I had it a year or two ago. Didn't really stick with me. I loved the hell out of the original Lemmings game when it was brand-new (my dad bought it for me still shrink wrapped in the box on the Wikipedia article when I was 10-11 or thereabouts) but now I just can't get into it. Some games are like that.
No, I meant I'd like the original Lemmings desktop app, not the original Lemmings game. I can play the original Lemmings game in my Amiga emulator. I think I have it at home. I know I've got Zak McKracken - now that was a classic - and a couple freeware/shareware games we had. Of course Zak was ported to DOS, so with DOSBox I can play it relatively natively. WinUAE - the Amiga emulator - is rather buggy. So is DOSBox, though, if you don't know how to use it. Guess I could learn it.
Add this to the bug list. If you have solidity all the way up, the penguins become partially see through. I know you can't fix it, as it's probably the app's fault, but can you add it to the bug list? I'll post an image soon.
Oh yeah, glad to have the penguins back after so long.
Simplifying daily life through technology
You just can't hold on to a working link, can you?
Simplifying daily life through technology
See here.
Btw, You just can't keep a backup of your favorite app, can you?
Well, I had to format my external HD one time due to me formatting it wrong, and my flashdrive is acting weird lately.
But yeah, my favorite app is the hardest to hold on too. I guess I never considered backing up programs I can quickly redownload. XD
Simplifying daily life through technology
Try putting it up on MediaFire and giving us the link. Win-win (you don't lose it, we don't need to search to download
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
It's fine on Patrick's server. Maybe he or another mod could fix the link though
(removing the "" part)
Download doesn't work...
-adude159753, adude1597535, thorn, essentiel
--whomever you choose to remember me by in the previous and current games I have and am playing.
-Word to the wise: Only with hard work can you do; only with persistance can you achieve.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Penguins don't appear on Win7 64
then the display system changed, and it won't work. The program is very, very old.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world