this is a collction of suggestions for the actual software (the menu that appears).
1. i think that the list of apps should be ordered bu when they were last used and not alphabetically. I have a long list of apps and find scrolling down cumbersome and unhelpfull. I feel that if the apps were ordered by which I used most recently (across all computers) I would find the software a lot more useful and easier to use.
2. the height of the window should adjust based on screen res. I use my apps and your software on a variety of different computers with varying screen sizes. I find that on the computers with a much larger screen size the menu is very small and doesn't show all of my items regardless of my much larger screen (even xp does this).
3. where possible you should be able to put your own stand alone exe's in the apps folder and your software automatically recognises it and adds it to the list. (for example pocket tanks).
i think that these could improve your software a lot. You will be glad to hear that I already find it very usefull and use it almost everyday as I commute from office to office and that I intend to donate to you in thanks for my saved time (next bonus).
Best Regards, Pez
Last used would not be an option, since the code is kinda extensive, and selections would have to be monitored rather than just executed. If you want, get a mod and rename it to _AppNamePortable or something like that, or put the most useful into a category. can be adjusted, I don't know how though. It can be found at
We can already do this. Just put your own EXE's under a folder under the portableapps folder.
BTW, this belongs in the Platform support forum.
And welcome to :D.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Last used would not be an option, since the code is kinda extensive, and selections would have to be monitored rather than just executed.
The menu already maintains an array of [
App Portable=AppPortable.exe
] named string entries. By using the Objects property, a UTC timestamp can be associated with each application entry. (The current parallel-array implementation of icons could also be rolled into the Objects property). Then you can either do the default TStringList.Sort to sort by Strings (app name) or use TStringList.CustomSort to sort by Objects (timestamp).The timestamps would be saved to an INI in PAM's Data directory, read in at startup and written out upon exit.
However, just because it would be easy to implement doesn't mean it would be fun to use. Imagine having to visually scan a randomly sorted list of apps to find the one you want now (but rarely use), only to have it jump to the top of the list when you click on it.
A more user-friendly approach might be to maintain timestamps for the last three to five executions in the Objects property. From that, you can heuristically determine a frequency of recent use for each app. If a "Show Frequent Apps at Top" option is selected, the top N spots in the app list can be reserved for MFU apps. Of course, you'd want a visual separator between the MFU and alphabetical lists, and a special separator "application" can be used for that purpose.