When I try to launch ClamWinPortable.exe via \\another-computer, it says I need to configure the settings (if I do so, it saves them in the local %APPDATA% under ".clamwin").
When I copy over to the local computer ClamWinPortable.exe, and create ClamWinPortable.ini with \\ paths, when launching that ClamWinPortable.exe I get an error telling me to re-install.
You need to use a regular drive letter. Just assign one.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Why is it needed? It's kind of a chore in a network. Can't the launcher just work with \\?
Universal path names aren't supported by all apps. And NSIS (the language the launchers use) used to have some issues with \\ paths... these may be fixed by now, though.
Keep in mind that these apps are designed to be used portably from a device setup at X:\PortableApps\AppName. Many handle drive letter changes by simply replacing the first letter of those paths. Network paths are used by a very small fraction of users... and they are nearly always mapped with a drive letter (I think out of the millions of app downloads... the question of universal paths may have come up once).
Checking ClamWin Portable's code, there's absolutely nothing in it at all that deals with drive letters and would mess up a universal path. Just all native calls to get TEMP, SYSTEMROOT, EXEDIR, etc. And all the default paths are specifically setup relatively. For example, here's the path we've setup by default to the database directory:
In short, the issue is either in NSIS (the language itself), the system calls to Windows or within ClamWin itself. As said, as a general rule, almost no software is designed to be run from a universal path name. Many software installers can't even properly run from a universal path.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thats why Eraser wont delete files from my Desktop If I'm using the PCs on campus...
Thanks for the info John!
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