Application: Money Manager EX
Category: Office
Description: Money Manager Ex is an easy-to-use personal finance software. It primarily helps organize one's finances and keeps track of where, when and how the money goes. Money Manager EX includes all the basic features that most users would want to see in a personal finance application. The design goals are to concentrate on simplicity and user-friendliness - something one can use everyday.
Download Money Manager EX Portable 0.9.2 Development Test 4
Release Notes:
Development Test 4 (2008-05-11): recompiled to use new icon
Development Test 3 (2008-05-08): Made help.html, and readme.txt files generic
Development Test 2 (2008-04-21): PAF Specs Cleanup
Fixed the issues Digitxp found
Development Test 1 (2008-04-20): Initial release
My High Res Logo: here.
Note: I know we already have GnuCash available, and that it is an amazing app. I made this after the request here. I'd still recommend GnuCash over this, but if GNuCash doesn't work for you, or you want an alternative, this is another option.
Question: I did not UPX this because it contains the MSVC 8.0 runtime libraries. Are those libraries allowed to be UPXed, or should I only compress MMEX.exe and MMEXA.exe?
I'm looking forward to this.
GnuCash is huge and seems to do more than I would need.
I probably wont be an early tester but will give it a try after you have gotten feed back from better testers than me.
For me the deal breaker will be how easily I can import my data from an old [very old] version of MSMoney. I have been using it since 1995 to keep my checkbook.
Good Luck,
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I'll check it out. Looks good.
Re: "Question: I did not UPX this ..."
Remember, I'm not a developer, but my thoughts would be:
Is it big enough that it really needs to be UPXed?
How much space will be saved by UPXing?
No matter what, get everything working properly first and deal with UPXing at the end.
Just my .02 of a US dollar.
And again, I look forward to using it.
Best wishes,
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
approx. 4 MB, and it decompresses. No, you shouldn't UPX closed source binaries.
Other things:
Sleep 100
's out, why are they there?? and Contributors
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Is it necessary to have the license.txt in the app directory?
(I know, huge problem...
That's the license for the base application...
I've been using Gnucash for the last few months, but it's just been seeming a little too powerful for what I need. I'll give this thing a shot and see how it goes.
of testing, it looks good and runs smoothly.
good to hear, thanks for testing
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
So far my tests on Money Manager have been satisfactory. Any temporary files seem to disappear when I shut the program down and no crashes,etc.
One thing I can't check (and would appreciate any suggestions/links) is how to determine if there are entries being written to the Registry.
I'll continue to test out the program.
I use Regshot Portable to check for left files/entries.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
There is nothing written in the registry. This program was pretty much portable before I added the launcher, I just put it in Format to offer a lightweight, and less feature-filled alternative to GnuCash.
Thanks for testing, glad it's all working for you.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Tests looked pretty good here. The only thing I'm not happy about has nothing to do with the program - I want to export my finances out of Gnucash and try them out here, but Gnucash doesn't export them in a form that MMEX can use. So I'm pretty much limited to clicking buttons instead of actually using it to track money. Too bad - I really like the interface.
Maybe could be helpful?
updated to use generic readme files and help.html
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
New Release is up with my new icon included.
I've made a high resolution logo, it is here.
I think this app is looking good to go as a lightweight alternative to GnuCash
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
So how stable/safe is it looking right now?
You don't seem to be getting a ton of feedback.
If you can assure me of the basics,
No registry entires left behind
No folders or files left behind
I would be willing to look at it as far as functionality is concerned.
I'd really like to see this one move along
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
No registry entries or folders left behind at all. The base app was pretty much portable as is. All the launcher really does is move the settings files from the /App/moneymanagerex directory to /Data/settings and back.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
on my Ubuntu machine and its quite stable. I know that doesnt mean that the windows version is stable too but Zach introduced ma to the program and I´ve been using it since 3 weeks without a problem.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
I've just tried development test 4 in vista, and it seems to work well, and leaves nothing behind.
the only thing I noticed though, is that when I created a new database the location defaulted to c:user\xxxx\documents (where xxxx = the current user)
I am the original Money Manager Ex developer and am happy to hear the MMEX got translated into a PortableApp.
Just to confirm, MMEX writes nothing into the registry and should work correctly as a portable application.
Keep up the Good work, Zach!
Thanks for joining the forums. It's always great when we get the original authors involved in the discussions. It leads to a lot of questions asked and answered and serves as a good feature suggestion method.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Besides lamer, it's basicially just been your devs that Join the forums.
I should get Frank and Robert over here. 
Congratulations Zach! It looks like my suggestion to make this portable has really taken off for many people! I am really surprised that the original software developer has also joined in on the forum and made his appearance and compliments. I think that many people (besides myself) will really benefit from all your hard work in making this app a PAM app. Now if we can only make it an official PAM application, it might even be something worth including in the PAM Suite!
Thanks! I seem to get lucky like that and have the original authors of the app's I've portablized either communicate regularly thru email or join our forums, which is great for us and them.
I don't count on this being included in any of the suites, but I do hope that it goes official as a lightweight alternative to GnuCash.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Pretty impressive.. but actually this app has a flow and it is it's speed..
I second that! The interface is perfect!
I'm currently working on a swedish translation, about 45% done. I will contact the author when it's done...
Nothing here right now... I might put something here later, who knows? Or will I? I really have to think about this...
Madhan, Is Money Manager Ex still being developed? I notice the last release was over 6 months ago and there are many feature request posts in the sourceforge Tracker with no follow up comments.
as the page here was last updated in Feb 08.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Read the thread and this sounds perfect for me :o) Ive been trying to use GNUCash and a couple other apps I found but all were a bit to involved for my modest needs. Sounds like this is more for me so thanks and will give feedback when used. Advocate
Here are my comments (some are concerning the base app. But as I read that the original developer is here too, I haven't sorted them out :-):
1. I'd really appreciate when the announcement of new app dev tests (not only this one) could contain information about the available languages.
2. The folder for creating a new database defaults to the local drive C:\. It should default to the flash drive.
3. When setting the currency, why are there different Euro currencies?
I selected German language, but that results in a lot of issues. The translation is quite incomplete:
4. When having selected German language, the start page is partly in English ("Create a New Database" and "Open Existing Database"). One tooltip is in English, too.
5. Selecting "Create a New Database" the next window is titled in English ("Choose database file to create")
6. The text of the new database assistant window is in English instead of German. The buttons also lack German lettering.
7. After clicking "next", parts of the text aren't translated ("User Name", "(Optional) Specify your name. Mainly used for reporting and in printing reports.")
8. Same applies to the next window (missing German translations).
9. The navigation bar of the main window lacks some translations.
10. The category list is in English.
11. The help file is in English.
This is a nice app and worth it to watch development!
1. I'll try to remember that and update my posts accordingly
2. I agree, i'm not sure I can change this though.
3. I have no clue. The Euro should have the same value for all those countries.
4 - 11. Looking through the german.po file, i found 79 instances where ' msgstr "" ' is used as the translation. the file is structured
' msgid "[english text here]" '
' msgstr "[translated text here] '
I thought it would work that in locations where ' msgstr "" ' is used, the text defaults to the msgid value, but for some of the strings that did not translate for you, they do have a msgstr value too. I'm really confused now
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
The german translation is updated in version Read the changelog
Release Date: 30.07.2008
Thanks, i'll try to get this updated today
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Been using this for a week with out any trouble. The app is Extremely helpful and easy to use without any prior knowledge of accounting priciples so many many thanks :o) Advocate
glad it's of use to you
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I have been using this program on a daily basis. Will this be updated to the latest version of money manager ex? Thanks.
yes, it will be updated, i just havent had much free time at the computer lately
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Zach, any idea when you might be able to get around to updating this? If not, is there a way I can manually update the application such as extracting the files from a zip file into the directory and overwriting the old files? Thanks again.
Just dropping in the new binaries should be sufficient for now. I'm working on rewriting the launcher using the latest revision of the .nsi file, and working on the new installer.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
This looks good to me; better than Gnucash for my needs; it works well and i can't wait for an 'official' version.
Looking forward to the official release. Advocate
It seems people are happy with this, so shall we pre-release?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Soon. I gotta update to the latest version of MMEX, get the new icon, and update the package to the latest installer and launcher versions. Tomorrow I don't have class until 4pm, so I can work on it during the day.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705