GUI Tidy
Description: Tidy reads HTML, XHTML and XML files and writes cleaned up markup. For HTML variants, it detects and corrects many common coding errors and strives to produce visually equivalent markup that is both W3C compliant and works on most browsers. A common use of Tidy is to convert plain HTML to XHTML. For generic XML files, Tidy is limited to correcting basic well-formedness errors and pretty printing.
If no input file is specified, Tidy reads the standard input. If no output file is specified, Tidy writes the tidied markup to the standard output. If no error file is specified, Tidy writes messages to the standard error. For command line options that expect a numerical argument, a default is assumed if no meaningful value can be found.
Comment: Only just today am I starting learn HTML. I think this app will help me to pick it up quicker. Also I think many of 100's of html users registered on this site would also like it. I know there are many html checker sites out there and though I don't know how effective they are I know I myself have very limited web access. Still even putting aside my own need for this, I think it is an app that will be very handy for the PA users.
Note: This really is my first day EVER using html. I thought it would be to hard to learn but am now going to give it a try.
[changed link highlights to bold - moderator PP]
Tidy happens to be built into Notepad++ (and NP++ portable)
Take a look at for details of how to set it up to reformat your code in the editor window
Personally I use it when I open an xml config file from some app and it is all on one line - this can split it and correctly indent it... very nice.
I wasn't aware of its incorporation into the Notepad++ app. I think its great that it is though. Helps an absolute newbie like myself to learn the ropes Also it may still be worth porting for those who don't use Notepad++. Just a thought.
Anyway thanks again for the info
Horusofoz Advocate