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Toucan 2 Pre-Release 6

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Steve Lamerton
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Toucan 2 Pre-Release 6

Application: Toucan
Category: Utilities

Toucan 2 Pre-Release 6 has now been uploaded. Since the the 1.x series that have been many changes, there is a new user interface, support from advanced file exclusions and much more. Information about all the new functions can be found in the help file. Toucan 2 Pre-release 2 also supports translations, I will be posting a topic in the next couple of days to collect new translations. In Pre-release 3 21 issues have been fixed! Pre-release 4 fixes the three issues since pre-release 3. Pre-release 5 fixes the two issues since pre-release 4 (hopefully ;)). Pre-release 6 fixes the two issues since pre-release 5.

Download Toucan 2 Pre-Release 6 [2.27MB download / 2.67MB installed]

Release Notes:
Pre-Release 6 (2008-06-26):

  • Two more bug fixes

Pre-Release 5 (2008-06-25):

  • Two more bug fixes

Pre-Release 4 (2008-06-24):

  • Three more bug fixes

Pre-Release 3 (2008-06-23):

  • All of the bugs below fixed (apart from the two mentioned)
  • Size and position saving added
  • Spanish, Russian and Estonian translations added

Pre-Release 2 (2008-06-15):

  • Command line support added
  • FATNTFS filestamp issue fix
  • Portable variable support
  • UI Improvements
  • Many bug fixes

Pre-Release 1 (2008-06-04):

  • First pre-release
ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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The button to bring up the

The button to bring up the Font dialog on the Settings tab says "MS Shell Dlg 2, 8" instead of saying "Font"

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Steve Lamerton
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that is the font it is currently using Smile

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Ah ok, that makes sense

Ah ok, that makes sense

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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In That Case

Well in that case I'd suggest creating a border around it saying 'Font' like the Language one above it, or else it's hard to understand, specially since most people don't know what MS Shell Dlg 2, 8 is.

Steve Lamerton
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good plan Smile

ZachHudock's picture
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Suggestion: Set a minimum

Suggestion: Set a minimum size that the window can be resized to, currently it can be expanded/shrunk to any size, which could cause some usability issues if the window's size is too small to display all fields.

Unless the fields can all shrink/expand proportionally to the window resizing, the minimum window size to comfortably display all fields is currently width: 775 to 780, height: 420 to 430

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Steve Lamerton
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I shall put that on the list Smile

ZachHudock's picture
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It seems that the Backup tab

It seems that the Backup tab is the only one that has fields that don't expand/shrink at all when resizing the window. If this is fixable, then the minimum size can be set to a width of 670 to 675, and the height left same as my first suggestion.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Steve Lamerton
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of course you realise that means it will fit quite nicely on the display of an EEE PC or similar Smile

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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Yeah, those tiny PCs are

Yeah, those tiny PCs are pretty of my co-workers had his eee pc up, running and surfing the net before his work PC got to the windows login screen.

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Kevin Porter
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Looking pretty good running under WINE in Ubuntu 8.04. I haven't come across any problems yet, but if I do I'll let you know. Smile

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook

Steve Lamerton
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to hear, hopefully fairly shortly after the 2.0 final release there will be a proper linux port!

PieterK's picture
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Looking nice! Toucan 2.0 definitely looks like a good improvement! I noticed a typo in the help file: at the last line of the help file it says "teamsfor" instead of "teams for". Wink

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

NeoRame's picture
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please check your mail

please check your mail

Hell was full, so I came back!!!
Sorry for my lousy English!!!

Steve Lamerton
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OK then

@PieterK Thanks, I shall ix that, as you might be able to tell I don't really enjoy writing help files Wink

@NeoRame *jawdrop* Replied Wink

So has anyone actually tested functionality, or are all of you gawping at the new interface Wink ?

PieterK's picture
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Well it actually takes a while to stop gawping at the interface Wink
I'll test it when i have some more time (some people have exams you know)

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

Steve Lamerton
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know people have exams, I had my last one on Monday Wink

PieterK's picture
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Lucky you! Smile
Unfortunately not everyone is that lucky Blum

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

Shawn Faucher
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On Vista Ultimate (64bit) when I select my portable drive and expand it in the left-hand column none of my PortableApp directories show. For instance PortableApps, Documents etc do not show. It looks like it might have something to do with the system/hidden flags currently used on PortableApps directories..

If I select the whole drive everything does show on the right-hand column, interestingly enough...

formerly rayven01

Steve Lamerton
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yeah, can't believe I didn't spot that one, it is because of the flags as you said, I shall fix it for the second pre-release.

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Incremental vs Differential

Is there going to be an actual Incremental backup utility? I suggest renaming "Incremental" to "Differential" in the backup area. This was misleading to me when I started using Toucan. I couldn't figure out why it was backing up the same files again and again when the files hadn't changed. It was because it isn't actually an Incremental backup.

Also there is a typo in the help file in the "Backup" section under the "Type" paragraph in the definition for Incremental. You left the letter "a" out of the word "have". This really isn't a big deal and who cares. After all we aren't English majors, but I thought I'd let you know.

Steve Lamerton
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for the nudge, it will be in there in pre-release 2, I guess I will have to but a big notice at the top of the page stating that it has changed. I will fix the spelling mistake too! Thanks for the feedback Smile

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Rules quirks

Trying to set up a sync to keep all my boxen set up with a common profile for Firefox. I've set up a rule named "Firefox" and in the Files to exclude, I've added and entry for "user.js" (I have a user.js file set with cache enabled, and history enabled for fixed workstations, and cache off, full anonymizing options enabled for thumb based PortableFireFox. This seems to work fine, although any use of * for a wildcard causes the regex engine to choke. When I set an entry in the folders to exclude, in this case "cache", the file "extentions.cache" is also blocked from sync. Also, a cosmetic, but the dialog box titles in the rules section are still set to "This dialog needs to be replaced."

Steve Lamerton
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I managed to completely miss this, sorry. The answer to your questions are I believe here. To get the extensions.cache file you could add a file include rule as that should override any excludes. I will fix those dialog boxes right this minute!

Steve Lamerton
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Pre-release 2

is now out, enjoy Smile

LeGrandTaupier's picture
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Thanks. How come it is not on

Thanks. How come it is not on the main page then?

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I am a hustler baby, I sold water to a well...

Simeon's picture
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Cause its

"only" a Prerelease.

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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Differernt subdirs that happen to be named the same

Backup issues...

Under the actual Toucan release, I had two backup jobs set up:
- my FireFox "profile" directory
- my Thunderbird "profile" directory.

I figured that consolidating these two jobs into one would work under the Pre-release 2.

It did work, but I ended up with one backup directory called "profile" that was a combination of all the files and subdirs in the FireFox profile AND the Thunderbird profile. This doesn't seem to be too conducive to restoring correctly.

Next item is that I couldn't find the variables for the backup file name, so I tried inserting a "@date@" into the backup filename, just like it would have appeared in the older release version of Toucan. Well, it worked, but it literally made the backup filename be: testing@date@.7z

Next item is that the selected directories in the right window always initially display fully expanded, not how I left them (two lines, nicely collapsed).

Also, the program kept opening up full screen (no matter what I tried to do). I even tried sticking the Height and Width parameters from the release version into the settings.ini file.

Oh, and I know that someone else mentioned the Font button - well, depending on the Font & Size selected, the name of the font exceeds the size of the button, so only a portion of the font name shows on the button.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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then Smile

  1. This is the way that 7zip handles it, how would you prefer to see it?
  2. Sounds like a bug, I shall fix it in the next pre-release
  3. Yep, this is a known issue, I am trying some code out at the moment so it remembers how you had it. Would you prefer it to default to completely collapsed?
  4. Yep, this will also be fixed in pre-release 3
  5. I shall fix that too!

Thanks for the feedback!

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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That's a tough question!

Well, I guess that the duplicate folder name is a hard situation. The backup method has to consider restoration method. How would the restore go if the two directories were mixed together? Unworkable.

With my old method of having two different backup jobs, the first job created ffox@date@.7z and the other created tbird@date@.7z. Both got put into \ToucanBackups\ To restore, I would have manually unzipped the right profile into the right place.

I'd say that the best backup strategy is:to check for potential duplicates and then wrap the offending folder up the directory tree until it becomes different (result in this case would be \firefoxPortable\data\profile and \thunderbird\data\profile) This would be about the same as if I had picked those two directory branches for backup and excluded everything in \firefox and \firefox\data and \thunderbird and \thunderbird\data. Does that make sense?

Alternately, I've got two lines (directory paths) in the right window. Make the first line backup, commit it to a 7z, then the second one to another 7z, and wrap the whole thing up into the "master" archive for the job.

I think the right window should stay the way it was when the program (or tab) was quit. If that isn't possible, it would make more sense to be collapsed if there are no files excluded, but expanded if there are files excluded.

Maybe I didn't figure out how to insert the run-time variables into the backup archive filename? Without having some kind of automatic variable inserted, it becomes difficult to maintain several generations of backups. I'm sorta old-fashioned and prefer a handful of complete backups instead of a primary and then incremental/differential sets. Especially since the entire job took only 2 minutes to run.

Thanks for making the effort to work on the program and also for taking the time to read through my ramblings.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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course you could just keep your original two jobs and whip up a script to run them both Wink I shall have a think about the best way to deal with duplicates!

As for the variable, you were doing it right, I messed up the code, it'll be fixed in the third pre-release (expected on Monday hopefully).

Shawn Faucher
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I noticed a couple of issues when I tried to use Toucan as a general file backup for files not on my thumbdrive. I was backing up a large amount of files (30gb~) from one local hard drive to another.

The first was a UI annoyance: there appears to be no way to select multiple files/folders in the left view. Instead you have to highlight each one and hit the "+" button in the middle. This is very tedious when you want the contents of a folder in the backup, but not the parent folder itself.

The second appears to be a bug: during the backup process tmp files were written to the root of my thumb drive and used up all the free space, causing the backup to hang. At the very least I would expect a warning that X amount of space would be needed on the thumb drive during the backup, and a graceful exit if there wasn't enough space. Ideally it would be nice to be able to tell it where to save the temp files.

formerly rayven01

Steve Lamerton
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I shall fix the multiple selection issue, I had never thought about it Wink With temp files would it be OK to put them in the destination folder, and I shall add a warning about space, have to work out how it works so I can calculate the requirements?

Thanks for testing Smile

Shawn Faucher
Shawn Faucher's picture
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Sounds good

The destination is probably the safest place for those temp files, although that means you won't be able to create backups to a destination with only just enough space for the 7z.

formerly rayven01

Steve Lamerton
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it turns out this is not too bad, from my (brief) testing the temp file is just renamed to the final filename when it is done, so there is no extra space used.

LOGAN-Portable's picture
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Hi Steve, I tried to make a

Hi Steve,

I tried to make a bat file to have toucan backup a folder. I put the bat file on the root of E driva together with the Backup.txt that has the folders to backup.

C:\PortableApps\Toucan\Toucan.exe Backup "E:\Backup\" "E:\Backup.txt" Differential 7-Zip 9 ""

It gives "Sorry the command is not recognised". Also I got a bunch of errors related to images "can't load image 'save.png': file does not exist" (Like when using command line the working folder is the one from the bat file)

Steve Lamerton
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it was working the other day, I shall get it fixed for the next version.

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Okay, I finally tried Toucan 2 (PR2) with my regular sync jobs. Here's the relevant portion of my Jobs.ini:

[Firefox\ profile]
Source=C:\\Doc...\\Application Data\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\xxxxxxxx.default

and Rules.ini:


Here's what I've found.

  1. It's annoying that Toucan 2 doesn't automatically convert Toucan 1 jobs to Toucan 2 format, especially since the actual INI changes are minimal. Instead of even deleting incompatible entries, it simply complains that there's a mysterious error preventing the Jobs file from being read, suggesting to check if the file is read-only.
  2. PAF specs require the Data directory to be created if nonexistent. Toucan runs fine until it needs to write a file, at which point it presents a nasty error.
  3. If you Preview a bi-directional Function (Mirror or Equalise) and then Preview a unidirectional Function (Copy or Update), the Source pane continues to show the changes that the bi-directional Function would have performed.
  4. If @drive@ is used in a destination directory,
    1. the browse () button does not know where to begin;
    2. Preview does not work.
  5. Changing Function to Update, I can Update twice and all the same files will be re-copied.
  6. The Update Preview shows all non-blue files in both black and green (oddly, most are listed black-first, but a couple are listed green-first).
  7. My !user.js rule doesn't make user.js turn red in the Preview.

I haven't played much with Backup yet, but @drive@ does work in a source directory. Previewing shows that the !Archive rule will exclude the Archive and Archive-2008-0608 directories, and the Archive.7z file.

Finally, I have one request... :-)  I'd like to see @date4@ and @time4@ (or other arbitrarily named) pvars that output a modified ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MMDD and ISO 8601 basic time format HHMM. I find the two-digit grouping less readable and more jarring to the eyes, especially when there's a directory full of them.  Smile


Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
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we go!

  1. Already on the todo list fr Pre-release 3 Smile
  2. An empty data folder should have been put there by the installer, why would you delete it? But I shall add the check in.
  3. I shall fix that
  4. Likewise
  5. Hmm, I shall look into this, cleary it shouldnt be happening
  6. Ditto
  7. Tritto

The other comment was referring to using a portable variable in the backup file location.

Just one Wink I might add something along the lines of, @YYYY@ @MM@ @DD@ @hh@ @mm@ so you can make up your own.

Thanks for the testing, although I would prefer it if you found fewer bugs Wink

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2.  It's very common to delete or rename the Data folder when debugging a Portable App, since it's supposed to cause the app to revert to its just-installed defaults. In this case, I renamed Data so I could debug what Toucan's problem was with my existing INI files. Once I figured it out, I simply moved it back and hand-edited the files to make Toucan 2 like my jobs.

The other comment…  Should the included !Archive rule behave as described?

I might add something along the lines of, @YYYY@ @MM@ @DD@ @hh@ @mm@ so you can make up your own.

Even better! Simple Is Good.

Thanks for the testing, although I would prefer it if you found fewer bugs Wink

Sorry — it's a gift and a curse.  Wink


Steve Lamerton
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you tell me what you had to delete to get the files to load? It would save me some time as I haven't used 1.x in a few months Wink

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I did it on the fly, so I don't recall exactly. It was pretty simple — just copy over a 1.x Jobs.ini and save a new 2.x job to have both formats available in the same file.

Seems like I basically replaced "1=" with "Source=" and "2=" with "Dest=". Then I copied the new option entries from the 2.x job (including "Rules=") to the 1.x jobs, overwriting the Exclusion entry.


The other comment…

Should the included !Archive rule behave as described?


P.S. Off-topic, but would you mind deleting some files from Seems like most of the outdated crap is mine... (palauncher*, movefiles* app_compactor*, regbackup*, testreg*, portableapps.nsh*).  If I post any new revisions, I'll create my own drop. Thanks.

Steve Lamerton
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I shall go delete them now Smile It should behave like that, I just fixed it in the code Smile Thanks for the stuff you changed, should save me some time Biggrin

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I've repackaged the current versions of my crap as ZIP files, moved them to and updated my posts with the new link. You may delete all of the aforementioned files at your leisure. Yes, I'm also the jerk who created All_Drop_Files….zip — you can delete that, too.  Smile

Thanks. -hea

P.S. Feel free to delete these Off-Topic comments when you're done.

Steve Lamerton
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Pre-release 3

is now out, still on schedule for a release next Monday!

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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The Download Link is Wrong

The download link is spelled wrong and can't be downloaded directly. I got into the files list on the SF site to find the right file to download.

The link here goes to: Toucan_2_PRERELEASE3.paf.exe
The filename on SF is: Toucan_2.0_PRERELEASE3.paf.exe

Here's a working link:


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Patrick Patience
Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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It's fixed now. Thanks for grabbing the correct link for him.

Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
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guys, I was in a rush to get out and clearly messed the link up.

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quick test

No time for a thorough test yet, but PR3 wiped out the Source and Dest fields for all jobs in my existing Jobs.ini. Loading other jobs defined with "Rules=" still shows !user.js (when the field should be empty). Without source and destination directories, I didn't get a chance to verify Preview functionality.


Steve Lamerton
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may well have happened due to the new code to update 1.x jobs, it is not designed for updating pre-release jobs, I will add a note to the main post.

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That would be a case of bad logic. Instead of blindly "upgrading" existing jobs, a more robust solution might sanity-check each job as it's loaded and offer solutions for bungled sections:

  1. Source= or Dest= entry missing, but missing entry has corresponding 1= or 2=

    1. prompt: Looks like a version 1.x job, upgrade?
    2. replace 1.x entry with corresponding 2.x entry
    3. replace 1.x Exclusions= entry with 2.x Rules= entry (create Rules.ini section as necessary)
    4. use default values for other missing entries
    5. prompt: Verify Job settings and Preview before use.
  2. other required entry missing
    1. prompt: Saved job appears corrupted, attempt repair?
    2. use default values for missing entries
    3. prompt: Verify Job settings and Preview before use.

Just a thought.  -hea

Steve Lamerton
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it was, it is fixed in the next pre-release (tonight hopefully).

J Neutron
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I don't see "next Monday" ....

I spent about five minutes with this version, and pardon me for saying so, but it isn't ready for prime-time.

It installed OK, and started the first time OK (not maximized, thank you).

From that point on, things headed downhill.

1. I created a backup job name, specified some files to backup, and saved the job. Then I quit Toucan and restarted to see if the saved job survived the restart. When Toucan restarts, it puts two overlapping Toucan screens onto my desktop. One is real and one is not. A desktop refresh clears the wrong one off of the screen and makes the real one readable. (I have a screenshot of this, but I don't see how to insert the image into this message.)

2. My backup destination is C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\My Documents\Toucan Backups\RC3FF@date@.7z (although it has changed the display to show the actual translation of @date@ to 2008-06-23). When I hit the OK button (maybe it should be "GO" to signify an ACTION instead of just an approval?) the familiar box opened up and the job started. It failed miserably, with errors scrolling the entire popup that Documents wasn't found, and wasn't found, and on and on. I have a screenshot of this, too, that I can share. What is happening is the long filename issue with console applications. You need to feed 7z the long filename with either quotes around the entire thing, or at least around items that have embedded spaces such as "Documents and Settings" and "My Documents". I'm not sure which will work.

I quit the program, unsure of attempting further testing.

I'm happy to send the screenshots - please tell me how I can get them into a message here or if I have to use standard email.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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If I had these issues I wouldnt call it ready for prime time either.

If you could send the screenshots to the email address on my profile page (just click on my name, and google for a ROT13 decoder) I would greatly appreciate it Smile Also what OS are you using?

J Neutron
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Standard OS

Using XP with SP3 here on a 1680x1050 widescreen normal font size.

I'll get the screenshots over to you right away.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

J Neutron
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Screenshots have been sent

I sent the two screenshots to your email.

I re-read my comments and I'd like to expand on them just a bit.

The OK button on the backup tab seems to imply that the settings are all set. Version 1.2.2 used a "Go" button which seems to make more sense in saying "do this now" (or maybe the button should say "Backup Now").

When there was no backup job name (on first start) the program allowed me to type into the pull-down box (seemed reasonable). When I went to save the job name it gave me a "you can't do this" kind of error. I can recreate this if you need me to.

After the RC3 testing, I did my backups using 1.2.2 and realized that the tabs on RC3 don't "light up" or have the top-border orange on the selected tab. That was a good feature in 1.2.2 that I missed on RC3.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

PieterK's picture
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I can confirm the "2 windows" bug. When I quit and restart Toucan it shows the window twice. One real and one fake, so to speak. The fake disappears when i refresh or move the real windows over it. I'm also on Windows XP SP3 and on a wide screen monitor (1680x1050). Could it be due to the high resolution or because it's a wide screen resolution?

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

Steve Lamerton
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idea, I shall force it to do a refresh though.

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Error on when Previewing

I just d/led the latest version 2.0pr3 and when I tried to do a sync I got a "Error with Regex". I was unable to close the dialog box and had to force quit.

FoldersToExclude=#Temporary Internet Files


Steve Lamerton
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don't need the *. I shall make sure that it remains closable for the next release (probably a prerelease 4 on Wednesday).

Steve Lamerton
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forth pre-release is now out, hopefully it will go slightly better than pre-release 3 Wink

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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More (different?) issues

Here's what I've found so far in RC4.

1. Double screen still exists on second (and subsequent) program starts. First start is OK. Splash screen is OK every time.

2. Made unintentional mistake by trying to backup my FireFox profile while it was still open. The errors in the progress box weren't pretty. So I closed Firefox and restarted the backup job (as "Complete") figuring that it would over-write the existing incomplete backup, or at least give some kind of Overwrite? choice or understandable warning. The progress box showed "Updating..." with the archive name (so it knew the backup filename already existed) but then failed with "System Error: Not Implemented".

3. OK, so I figured that I needed to restart the backup job (as "Update" instead of "Complete") figuring that this is what the program wanted. The progress box showed "Error: Incorrect wildcard in listfile", and then came to a screeching halt.

Do you want me to send the screenshots?


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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we go Smile

  1. Hmm, I just cant reproduce this, if you run a clean copy with no jobs does it still happen?
  2. I cant really change the error messages, they are piped from 7zip's output. As for the other point, were you using Zip or 7zip?
  3. If you could send me the contents of the Exclusions.txt file in Toucan\Data that would be great.

Thanks yet again Smile

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-06-10 19:26
Wide screen?

1. OK, here's the steps:

  1. Unzipped RC4 into a brand new subdirectory.
  2. Ran Toucan from that subdirectory. Saw the splash screen, then a quick flash of the bad display (could barely see it) then it cleared and gave me a good screen.
  3. I immediately quit the program without touching anything. Screen is clear.
  4. Reran the program. It puts two overlapping Toucan screens on my display, one real and one not, the remnants of which has stayed on my FireFox screen even though focus is on Firefox and I'm typing on it. I just minimized FireFox and brought it back up. The Firefox screen is clean now.

2. Using 7zip. Honestly, the error "Invalid wildcard in listfile" sounds like RC4 sent the wrong thing to 7zip. And "System error: Not Implemented" might be a 7z error, but it also sounds like 7z was passed something it doesn't want or understand.

3. Exclusions.txt file is 0 bytes. It is empty, untouched. Still want me to send it?


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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the invalid wildcard comment were you using any exlcusions, and if so, what were they?

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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No exclusions

No exclusions were specified. The Exclusions.txt file is 0 bytes, unused and untouched.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

PieterK's picture
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I also still have the same double screens appearing as you described. I just installed the new PR4 version and ran it, closed it and reran it and it brought up the problem described. Something tells me it's due to the wide screen resolution.

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

Steve Lamerton
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tells me you are right too, if you move the real screen by a pixel does the other screen vanish? Or do you have to move something over it?

PieterK's picture
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The fake screen vanishes when

The fake screen vanishes when any screen, that includes the real Toucan screen, moves over it. But only the part where a window moves over disappears. If you want the whole fake window to disappear then you have to move a window over the entire fake window. Also the weird thing is that the real window hasn't got a title bar and the fake window does. It only appears when I ALT+TAB or anything that minimises that screen. If i'm correct you've written the GUI with Wxwidgets, right? I'll have a google to see if it's just an internal wxwidgets problem or not. If you want me to test/send any screenshots or something then just give me a yell!

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

J Neutron
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Yep, no titlebar

I double checked here, and you are right - no title bar on the valid screen image.

I had some fun mousing over the missing close/maximize/minimize buttons... they magically appear as the mouse crosses over them. Also noticed that toolbars that were under the fake screen will magically appear through the fake screen image on mouseover.

Seems like these actions will refresh small individual portions of the screen.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

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Yep you're right! I forgot to mention that about the maximise/close buttons!
A quick google didn't return any results about wxwidgets having problems with widescreen resolutions. (Not that I really expected it to have any problems with it)

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

Steve Lamerton
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have just uploaded an exe to If you put it in Toucan\App\toucan does this fix the issue (clearly this is quite hard for me as I cannot reproduce the problem :))

PieterK's picture
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No Sadly

No sadly it doesn't. Still the same issue I'm afraid! Sad

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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No change

Downloaded and tested. No change to the doubles. Screenshot sent.

Getting ready to send second message with the jobs.ini and settings.ini (neither look strange or unique).


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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points two and three, I cannot reproduce either Sad Could you send me the jobs file please so I can try to work out what the problem is? Don't bother with the file Smile



J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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Steps to reproduce "incorrect wildcard" error:

  1. Run RC3 or RC4 (probably applies to the special from, but not tested for this issue yet).
  2. Run backup "Complete" of Firefox profile directory while Firefox is running
  3. Progress box shows multiple errors (unable to access the files in use) but does complete the job.
  4. Verify that there is a valid 7z backup archive in the destination directory.
  5. Close Firefox.
  6. Run backup "Update" of the same job - I want to add the files that were originally skipped due to being in use, so I can have a truly complete backup file.
  7. Progress box shows "Error: Incorrect wildcard in listfile"


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Gizmokid2005's picture
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new exe that you uploaded does take care of the issue. The window does a quick shift when it loads, but no more duplication.

Jacob Mastel
Last seen: 4 years 2 weeks ago
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I agree with Gizmokid2005

It works now. The new .exe fixed the problem.

Release Team Member

PieterK's picture
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Yep the new exe solves the problem! Smile

Optimism is a moral duty - Karl R. Popper

Steve Lamerton
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try this then, I changed the fix for the display slightly so I hope it still works! I have also fixed the update bug.

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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The first version at didn't solve the problem, but this one does. I can see the bad screen flash and then I can see only the correct screen. (The cynic in me says that the problem still exists but that when the good screen completely matches the location of the bad screen, the problem can't be seen anymore.)

Don't know if it is significant, but each time I run the program, Toucan starts in a different place on my screen.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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I am glad it is working, font be cynical, you might break it again Wink As for the position, it should go where it was last time, is certainly does on Vista Biggrin

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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Maybe I don't understand?

What the difference is between the types of backup... please correct me if I'm wrong.

Seems to me that "complete" means to snag the files and create the backup archive name as specified, just do it. If the backup archive name already exists, ??? (either overwrite or update or increment the filename)

Update means to expect that the backup archive name exists, and changed/new files will be updated into the existing archive. If the backup archive name doesn't exist, make the archive.

Differential means to make one base version of the backup archive. If the base version already exists, make a new backup of only changed/new files to be used in conjunction with the base version if restore is needed.

(Does this bring back previous questions someone had about differential versus incremental?)

BTW, no matter what I do, choosing "update" will always generate the incorrect wildcard error.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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we go, Complete will copy all of the files in the source directories to the specified backup file (whether it exists or not) whether they are newer than the existing files or not.
Update only copies newer files to the archive, or ones that were not there previously.
You are right about differential.

And I have put a new exe up here that needs to go under Toucan\App\toucan, this will fix the issues, I decree it!

That is the thing with a new codebase, there are silly little bugs here and there, so I thank you all again for helping to test, I only have limited manpower and resources so I really appreciate the help Smile

J Neutron
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OK, let's talk about the differential process.

I run differential once, it makes the BaseFile archive.

If I immediately run differential again with no changes, it should churn about and report "nothing to do", since nothing has changed.

If I understand differential at all, the BaseFile should not change. At worst, we should end up with the original BaseFile and then an empty "difference" archive.

Instead, it apparently unzips the BaseFile, churns a bit, and then rearchives the BaseFile with a new datestamp. Not what I expected at all.

So, to test this out further, I made a change to a text file that existed in the directory to back up. Ran differential again. I should end up with the original BaseFile and an extremely small difference archive that has that one text file in it.

Instead, it unzips, churns, and then rezips, and I end up with an updated BaseFile. No difference archive at all.

Am I missing something here?


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-06-10 19:26
That's quite an "update"
  1. Install PreRelease5 into a new subdirectory.
  2. Create a backup job to backup my Thunderbird profile to my hard drive.
  3. Run a "complete" backup. Looks like it works OK.
  4. Click on "update" without touching anything else.
  5. Hit the OK button. The update starts processing.
  6. Toucan updates the Thunderbird profile backup archive with the contents of the Toucan directory.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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Pre-release 6

is now up there, I gave in and printed out the relevant backup functions to compare them with the working code in 1.2.2 so I am certain I have got it this time Wink

J Neutron
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
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Backup works as expected.

Update works as expected. Yeah!!!!

Differential ended with error. Here's the last few lines of the progress box:

move file error
C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\My Documents\Toucan Backups\TBird\BaseFile.7z.tmp
C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\My Documents\Toucan Backups\TBird\tbird-2008-06-26.7z\BaseFile.7z
The system cannot find the path specified.

System error:
Unspecified error

The problem is that instead of appending "BaseFile.7z" onto the end of the backup file name, it is using the backup filename as a directory name (which doesn't exist) and tries to put "BaseFile.7z" into that directory.

If it is any consolation, I just checked Toucan 1.2.2 "Incremental" which is now "Differential", right?

It errors also:

Can not open file
C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\My Documents\Toucan Backups\TBird\tbird-2008-06-26.7z\BaseFile.7z
The system cannot find the path specified.

Which looks like the same error.

BTW, when I ran 1.2.2 I realized how much I missed the orange border on the top of the active tab. Without that in version 2.0, it is difficult to know which tab you have active.


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

Steve Lamerton
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so progress is being made, I shall look into why is has the wrong name, as for the orange border, I have just updated the version of wxWidgets I build against so hopefully the orange has been added back, if not there is not a lot I can do as I changed the system I use for the tabs and the new system doesnt seem to do it Sad

Steve Lamerton
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to confirm you did put a folder in the backup location?

Also if you use the beta version of 7-Zip from (the command line version from the download page), does that solve it?


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