Original Direction: https://portableapps.com/node/13527
Category: Operating Systems (Linux Live)
Information about this software:
Thanks to everyone for help me with this project with ideas, bugs, etc.
I have moved Linux Launcher to Google Code (http://code.google.com/p/linuxlauncher/) and translated it into spanish for SceneBeta.com. The software is updated and more stable with more options. The GUI will be canceled because the source was lost.
If anyone wants to say his opinion, go to Linux Launcher web and comment it in Issues.
EDIT: Version 1.0.5 is released. Download it in it's WebPage!
For more information, check the Linux Launcher Project WebPage
Edited 10/09/2009 13:16 Spain.
Why not move these to beta testing.
Simplifying daily life through technology
What emulator is in each of them? John wanted these, but he's worried about how QEMU (the emulator of dsl) includes FMOD, which is closed source and violating the GPL.
But these Linux distro's (with the exception of DSL) are pretty interesting, I'll definetly check them out.
BTW, do you have a non-rapidshare mirror? Rapidshare is kinda slow.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
FMOD is kind of a moot point, Steve Lamerton recompiled with Windows version of QEMU with SDL instead.
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
I saw SDL in the latest version of QEMU...
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
for the slowing of rapidshare, you could use a bookmarklet with this code:
& for the linux thing, instead of launching from windows, couldn't it be launched when you plug the USB key when the computer is launching?
Have you setup these files yourself? If so can you edit the kolibriOS portable so that it loads. Someone has forgotten to change the hda name from capse-rw.img to hdadisk.img. I haven't checked the backtrack yet but that might also need changing. DSL works fine.
Thanks for the uploads and links.
I believe there are some tiny things that can also be corrected. For example, I chose on Kubuntu, so the next menu asked me some things. So just for checking, I chose something that it wasn't on the choises, and it didn't show me an error message, however it chose to install them.
Can you explain it better and the steps you did?
Rapidshare with it's stupid 'cat on a character' security is designed to fail I can't get past it with my eyesight. So, if you want people to try your stuff, I'd suggest another distribution method or at least an alternative one.
Edit: Just wanted to say thank you for switching to Box for your server.
Please, I'm on a shared computer, and I can't download from rapidshare, courtesy of previous users. Is there somehwere else I can download these files? I waaaant them!
There's no place like
Turn off scripting and RapidShare is only half as hellish.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Can't access options, shared computer.
edit: about:config is always quite useful. Thanks for the help!
There's no place like
Yes, I made it for myself. You can edit what you want.
If anyone knows a Live CD Linux complete, please post here. Only 700 MB or less.
I've tried Nimblex a couple times before. It's pretty small, and there's a sub 100MB version, too. It includes KDE, and a host of other programs. I use it for partitioning, often, becuase of its speed, over other cds. It's at nibmlex.net
There's no place like
NimbleX is selected to be in Linux Portable. Updated in the top of the post.
Thanks for putting NimbleX in, I'm honored.
BTW: that's quite a nice downloder and such you have there.
There's no place like
You're welcome. And I remember that I need more Live CD Linux, so please post.
Perhaps some version of Slax (slax.org) might work, normal one's 189MB, Gentoo(gentoo.org) might work, or GolbinX, which has received some positive reviews. Hope I's helpful. I'll find a couple more for you later. Keep up the good work!
There's no place like
Gentoo is NOT SELECTED because it doesnt work. Replaced for Ubuntu. The new and last BETA version will be uploaded in some minutes.
ya know, puppylinux is only about 80mb, and fully functional. it comes with about 50 programs. i can send you pictures of my custom mac themed puppy. or you can check out puppylinux.org, and murga-linux.com/puppy (the forum). it is also about 200% faster than ubuntu because it loads itself into ram to run.
p.s.: there are many variants too!
when microsoft falls, linux will be there to pick up those who have fallen with the empire...
and mac will cry because of the cheapness of linux, and then they will also fall!!
all hail TUX!!!
OK, let's try PuppyLinux. But please wait a time, I can't download every day a different Linux distro.
Um, why not?...
If you have the bandwidth/speed (or can get to your local library & use one of their PCs; or DL it onto a workplace PC, etc., which I've done many times - cuz I have only dialup at home...), you can DL a number of ISOs in a fairly short time.
Now, getting the time to *burn* these to CD, and/or *try 'em out* once they've been burned...well, that's another matter altogether...
"I don't hate cats...as long as they stay on the freeway, where they belong."
- Brad Stine
I can't because I haven't got much time. I'm doing other projects, like PortableApps CD Installer. It's in Spanish, but the Apps are from here.
are you one of moderaters here. I guess you are or have permission to make the cd. there have been a few other people doing the same thing in Contact with John H T the creator
An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
No, I'm not a moderator. And the CD is deleted, because you can download all software with PortableApps Updater now.
Thanks. But BackTrack is based in Slax. I will test Gentoo 2008 beta 2. And for the others, thats enought of Live CD. If I like Gentoo, I will make the last package and close beta. Because with 1.8 GB of Linux, I dont have space for save data.
Why do I need multiple emulators?
Simplifying daily life through technology
Multiple emulators? This program only executes Live CD differents, no multiple emulators. Only is Qemu as emulator.
Why are there multiple programs in one download? And I only want one emulator to replace Mac-on-a-Stick
Simplifying daily life through technology
they execute different things.
There is only 1 emulator, but the different .bats launch different distros if you downloaded them.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
But then it takes up more space than necesary if you download multiple programs. Can you post a link to the emulater seperatly?
Simplifying daily life through technology
You can delete the distributions that you dont want in:
Linux Launcher > Options > Manage Linux distributions
If you have downloaded a part or full CD, you can delete there. But you can download they again when you want.
I dont think it's best to make multiple apps in one package. At least make a seperate link for the emulator, as it tecnacly is not a bootable Linux.
Simplifying daily life through technology
Getting NSIS errors after selecting the distro to run.
The error states the installer is corrupted or incomplete. The distro seems to run ok, I have only tried DSL and Kolibri so far. I'm on a work PC so don't want to download the bigger images.
Thought you might want to know.
WinXP Pro
Running from C drive as I haven't enough space on my stick yet....
I'm getting the same error trying to run Ubuntu.
Tried running from flash drive as well as HDD on Vista 32-bit and XP w/ 1GB HDD Image.
I like the concept of this app. I would really encourage you to clean up the bugs. I am getting the same errors as the other reports - Ubuntu and Nimblex. Linux splash screen load, and hangs, after the earlier reported NSIS error announcement. Have you loaded this onto a clean system to try it out? Are you sure that it is not accessing earlier or other files on your system? Good luck with this one - it looks promising.
I'm not expert in fix bugs, but, NSIS errors? Maybe is because of NSIS. So the bug must be fixed for they, not for Qemu.
The problem is that you have UPXed the KQemu installer in the Qemu directory - the Kquemu Installer is broken because of that. You and some others may not get this error because you already have the Kquemu accelerator installed (remember, your batch checks if kqemu.sys is in the Windows System Dir - if it is there, it will not offer Kquemu for installation)
I removed my Kqemu.sys and tried running the batches with a not UPXed Kqemu Installer in the Qemu Dir - and it worked then without any NSIS Error Screens.
So please take a new Kqemu.exe for the next Release - and please don't upx it - NSIS Installers don't like it to get UPXed
But all in all: Your project is really great - Qemu is a nice alternative to VMWare/VMWare Player, when non of both is available or usable. And with the help of your Projekt one can always have a small or big Linux Distro on the Stick to run it under Windows - really nice and good work.
P.S. if you or someone is interested in booting a PC with linux from a pendrive look at Pendrivelinux.com they have there some Instructions for a lot of Linux Distributions and even their own Linux called Pendrivelinux08 that is based on Mandriva 2007.1 spring free.
What would be he path to the virtual HD in Damn Small ?
I just found the site and started playing with this beta today. I have two questions though:
1. Is there a way to change the default size when not running in full screen? I don't want to run in the full screen mode, but the box that is open is too small for my monitor resolution right now.
2. Any chance of adding an option for Kubuntu? I know you mentioned you had enough options, but this one should be fairly easy I would think since it is the same as Ubunutu with just a different desktop manager. It would be awesome if I could have Kubuntu running on my work machine in a window from a USB stick.
Again thanks for the work and a great idea.
I think Kubuntu would be a better then regular Ubuntu as the ISO is around 100MB smaller
When I try to run this in Vista Home Premium I get a Qemu has stopped working message and have to close it, Has anyone else had this issue? Im gonna try it in compatibility mode and see what I get.
EDIT: I tried different combinations of XP-SP2 combatbility modes on LninuxLancher.exe, LaunchDSL.bat, and qemu.exe and I am still getting the error when qemu starts.
I have that same problem and can't find a way to get it to work
Sure, it would be nice if one could download and run with your batch every Linux Distribution in Qemu that he like, but there are so many, it would be a fulltime job for you
It's a nice collection, that you have there to show and demonstrate the concept,...
Well, Puppy and Kubuntu would be nice too (and especially these two) but others would find the whole BSD Collection or Gentoo or SuSe, or whatever more interesting - but on the other hand: you showed the way how to make it, and someone who wants to have a special distro only has to download it take one of your launcher scripts and change the filename to the ISO and some options for Qemu - and in my oppinion, someone who wants to run linux in a VM like Qemu, should be able to edit a batch, too
By the way you batch files are a great work, they must have take you hours
But, have you ever take a look at the Qemu Manager ? it comes with Qemu 0.90/0.91, KQemu and a nice GUI, that helps to make the Qemu VM very good configurable - even for lesser advanced users. You can configure various VMs for example one for every ISO, that is in the QemuManager Folder.
but i can't find any special Licence. The author only say the following about the Sources in the lictype.tx in the Sources-Package:
It is available as installer and Zip package that should be portable like it is said in the Infos to the zip.
It seems to be perfect for this project or maybe an official PortableApps Linux Emulator
The sources for the QemuManager are available on the download page too - so it is open source
The Qemu Manager was the first thing I thought of when i tried your Portable Linux - i think it could be worth a try to continue the Portable Linux with Qemu Manager, cause it would be more User friendly - especially for less advanced users then the batchfiles.
Well, I only wanted to suggest it, I don't know if it would a good idea to do something with QM or not
Regards Marc
Sorry, I was offline four days. But I will continue the project.
OK, thanks. I will fix them.
No, sorry. You can only change the resolution in the OS. Maybe I will add Kubuntu. But first, I will work in other things.
No, I never heard about it. And about the launchers, only is copy and paste, and then change the parameters. It's only 5-10 min.
Kqemu doesnt work, so I need that anyone tell me where can I download it.. And about Qemu Manager, I can't say to him to launch wget and download if the image dont exist, so... Qemu Mananger will be used for other apps.
I have thinking of change or not Ubuntu for Kubuntu, so vote to the distro you want.
any screenshots of what it looks like?
Never knock on Death's door: ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!
Matt Frewer
Good idea. The screenshots will be uploaded in Box.net in some minutes.
I'm trying to update the install file to PortableApp.com Installer, but I dont know nothing about NSIS. Anyone can help me?
the reason kqemu doesn't work is because its an NSIS installer, and NSIS installers dont like to be UPX'ed.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
take a look at http://www.h7.dion.ne.jp/~qemu-win/ under the topic accelarators you can find the download for Kqemu for Windows
Kqemu-1.3.0pre11 installer.
Please uninstall your old version before installing it. It is "KQEMU virtualization module for QEMU" in the control panel->add/remove software. The new Kqemu is installed as "QEMU Accereration Module".
as far as i know it is the only Kqemu port for Windows.
**google is your friend
Is there a Manuel for this program. It would be very useful.
May the Shwartz be with you
I very like the idea of making a Launcher for many types of Linux on Windows. I am testing the Damm Small Linux. It is a little slow but it works perfectly!!! Sadly i cannot run the QEMU Emulator on Windows Vista!!!
I Feel Good...
Is there a way to tell what version I have? I downloaded from the main link (http://www.box.net/shared/bgpjdj68s8) but the title bars and .bat files still say that it is "Linux Launcher 0.4 BETA".
Sorry, I didn't remember to change the title! I will fix it now. Thanks. If anyone see a bug or an update of Linux, please post.
...of Kubuntu (http://www.kubuntu.org/index.php)
Well, I found HaikuOS, a Operating System still in Beta, and it is updating every 1 or 2 days. Who wants to add it in Linux Portable or in other app "HaikuOS Portable"?
Haiku will be in other app.
If anyone is interested, I made a small program which takes 4 inputs relating to a distro and creates a bat file to launch that distro (nb it is command line only), it uses an external template file, so that can be changed and all the launcher files can be updated easily.
DL: http://www.box.net/shared/314v4xccos (~8 KB)
Very good software, but if you can, include wget and Qemu. Wget downloads the distributions and Qemu launch they. http://www.box.net/shared/k4dz96uysg
This is meant to be a addition to this software and only works with the same set up. The template file is just a modified version of the launchers which come packaged in this app.
OK. Oh, and I need an app in command line for decompress files ".bz2" for Haiku OS. And, I have a new idea for this project.
Search the web: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/bzip2.htm
New version released! Linux Launcher v 0.5.3 has one new utility. If you want to know more, download it! And if anyone finds any error from KQemu or Qemu please post.
I need a microserver for upload data from updates. Anyone can help me? For the moment I only need 10 MB. It can be a web page or FTP server.
I've had a good experience with the free hosting plan at free hostia they offer free sub-domains with 250 MB storage and 5GB bandwith. http://freehostia.com/free_hosting.html
It's good, but no. I don't want to enter names or data of places. If it's only with email, ok. But else no. Another else for upload files?
Maybe you should stick the readme for llm.exe in the file (renamed to llm_readme.txt or something else logical) so that people can work out what it is for.
I personally don't like the window managers in the other micro linux distros (DSL, Puppy Linux, DeLi). A few days ago I read of a distro called SliTaz which seems very cool. They also claim to be the smallest desktop distro in the world. You don't really need to add this to your list of supported distros, I just thought I would let you and everybody else know about it. Enjoy.
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -- Robert Frost
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: baby ain't mine." -- Adam Holguin
Maybe SliTaz will be included. And as micro-distro, for Linux I think it's enough, but KolibriOS runs in a floppy...
I have the same problem -> Qemu is not running under Vista. It stops. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance
I have downloaded a new version of Qemu (http://lgxror.googlepages.com/qemu.rar). Then it works under Vista very well.
It would be nice, if you could exchange it in your distribution.
Best Regards
Help to Linux Launcher looking for updates for linux (Kubuntu, Kolibri...)and errors. And, about Qemu in Windows Vista (wandflur), I don't know why, but I will search this error.
Hi, I downloaded and tested the Backtrack 3 Beta but everytime I want to start the graphical interface with startx it doesn't work and afterwards it says that kde has crashed
Wich info do you need?
OS is WinXP running on a 3000+ with 1 gig of RAM.
Regards Lindworm
I will add new updates of the software very soon. Please post new Linux Live CD for make the software more complete!
I think the current distros are fine. Windows Vista support I think is more important.
thanks for the link.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
"Ubuntu 8.10 includes a simple, working tool that puts a bootable Ubuntu system on a memory stick and lets you use persistent space on it to store settings and documents—in other words, keep a real Home folder there. I really wish, however, that you didn't have to download an Ubuntu ISO to make the disk, or that it could at least point you to a list of mirrors to find one on. In a perfect world, it would just create your USB disk from your current system, removing any specific hardware references and the like. As it is, though, it's a pretty handy tool for any spare thumb drives you've got."
Can someone create a quick manual for this? I'll try using the application to use Ubuntu portably but frankly I don't understand a thing - I'm a total noob.
In Linux Launcher there is a manual. Look in the menu of the app.
Fedora's tool to create a bootable USB drive works on Windows and Linux.
Lifehacker Review
The liveusb-creator is a cross-platform tool for easily installing live operating systems on to USB flash drives.
* Completely non-destructive install. There is no need to deal with formatting or partitioning your USB key.
* Supports downloading various Fedora releases, including Fedora 9 and above!
* Automatically detects all of your removable devices
* Persistent storage creation. This lets you to allocate extra space on your USB stick, allowing you to save files and make modifications to your live operating system that will persist after you reboot. This essentially lets you carry your own personalized Fedora with you at all times. (Note: only works with Fedora 9 and above)
* SHA1 checksum verification of known releases, to ensure that you've downloaded the correct bits
* Works in Windows and Linux.
Thanks. Soon I will open again the project, so if anyone knows another Linux Live CD, post it here!
Pretty much it's Ubuntu, with all the non-free stuff already installed. The installer disc is a live cd
Maybe I will add it. But this app, will not emulate Linux, this app will recopilate all Live Linux!
More flavors!!!!
I was looking for a Debian flavored USB Creator for windows and found this forum that listed some other tools.
Sidux liveusb-creator for Windows XP
A port of Fedora LiveUSB Creator. Saw some posts on that forum with people reporting issues with this tool but with enough patience were able to get it working.
UNetbootin - Universal Netboot Installer
Not a port & claims it will install a wide variety of distributions.
ULUMFW - Ubuntu Live USB Maker for Windows
Found this one on Google and not that Ubuntu forum. Couldn't find any more info about this.
I install Wine Most apps will run fine.
I use Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS Desktop Edition. I installed it inside windoes (like any other windows software program) using 10gig install (just to test it out), I downloaded and installed the correct wine patch, it was not that hard. and it ran PA fine. That is the first thing to try. there are other linux based programs similar to wine test them and let us know if they work as well.
An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I use Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS Desktop Edition. I installed it inside windoes (like any other windows software program)
I'm guessing you're talking about WUBI.