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Quick Update: Firefox 3 (Japanese Translation Needed ASAP) and other Updates (June 16)

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John T. Haller
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Quick Update: Firefox 3 (Japanese Translation Needed ASAP) and other Updates (June 16)

Just a quick update so everyone is in the loop. We have several updates waiting in the wings including in all languages (big thanks to Marko), WinMerge (courtesy of Ryan), CoolPlayer+ (NeoRame) as well as ClamWin, Notepad++ and VirtualDub (me). But these are on hold until tomorrow afternoon as I put the finishing touches on Firefox 3.0.

We have tentative permission to add a dialog to the installer and launcher to ask whether the end user wants to disable the session manager. This is the piece that's causing the biggest performance issues on flash drives of average to below average speed (but not on fast flash drives or portable hard drives) and we want to make sure every Firefox user gets the best experience they can get (remember, this will be some user's first experience with it and, like all our apps, it has to wow them). So, expect a quick test post about this a little later tonight once things are finalized. We'll need this in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Simplified Chinese. I'll ask for other translations larer.

Right now, it'll probably be a custom page built into the installer and launcher on first run with no Data directory (where the license is shown) giving options to enable or disable. I'm thinking:

Setup Type - Choose setup options

Firefox's Session Store allows you to save your windows, tabs and text in forms between browsing sessions, but can cause performance issues on slower devices.

(X) Enable Session Store (Default)
- Recommended for hard drives and faster flash drives

( ) Disable Session Store
- Recommended for slower flash drives

You can also enable or disable Session Store later by following the instructions on the Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition Support Page.

Thoughts? Anybody want to start translating early??

arqbrulo's picture
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Thoughts? Anybody want to start translating early??

I guess we can start, right?
Here it is:

Tipo de Instalación - Elije la opción de instalación

Session Store (Guardar Sesión) de Firefox te permite guardar tus ventanas, pestañas y texto en formas entre sesiones de navegación, pero también puede ocasionar problemas de funcionalidad en aparatos lentos.

(X) Habilitar Session Store (Predeterminado)
- Recomendado para discos duros y dispositivos de flash mas rápidos.

( ) Deshabilitar Session Store
- Recomendado para dispositivos de flash mas lentos

También puedes habilitar o deshabilitar Session Store después siguiendo las instrucciones en la Pagina de Soporte de Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition.

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José Pedro Arvela
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I want to translate the earliest possible Biggrin

Here is pt-PT:
Tipo de Instalação - Escolha opções de instalação

A Restauração de Sessão do Firefox permite guardar as janelas, separadores e texto em formulários entre sessões de navegação, mas pode causar problemas de performance em equipamentos mais lentos.

(X) Activar a Restauração de Sessão (Predefinição)
- Recomendado para discos rígidos e drives de flash mais rápidas

( ) Desactivar a Restauração de Sessão
- Recomendado para drives de flash mais lentas

Também pode activar ou desactivar a restauração da sessão mais tarde seguindo as instrucções na página de suporte do Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition.

Simeon's picture
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Thanks for the update. Looking forward to all the new releases...!

I think its a good idea and I'm glad you got permission.

Lets "wow" them big time!

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John T. Haller
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Translate Now

We'll do the translations of the above now in our 5 additional languages so we have them done. I've emailed our standard translators. But, in case they're not ready, please feel free to jump in with a translation in German, French, Italian, Japanese or Simplified Chinese.


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nsExec vs. ExecDos

Will both Notepad++Portable and VirtualDubPortable be sporting the new and improved ExecDos::exec instead of the old and annoying nsExec::ExecToStack?


Tim Clark
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I would say No,

I would say No,

While this is your pet project I don't get the impression that it is going to brought out just yet.

If and when it is implemented I hope it will go thru a good round of testing with some real apps.

Patience my friend Smile

Read my sig file Blum


Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

John T. Haller
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Perhaps Yes

I think I may switch them. In my limited testing it seems like a drop in replacement. And the plugins themselves are about as widely used as the ones we use. I'm gonna double-check in all OSes (95, 98, Me, XP, Vista, Wine) to be sure but we may be able to with these releases which will be a relief for users of certain firewalls.

And a thanks to Haustin for both coming up with the solutions and for harping on it to get it fixed Smile

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Tim Clark
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Of course what I would say might not be worth a bucket of warm spit Blum

[yah know, when I was writin it I said to myself, "Self, just watch, Now's the time John's gonna think 'it's ready' "]

So much for tryin to back up the man Wink

I would still suggest a RC test since this is something new, but what do I know Sad

//tim crawls back into his non-dev corner, never to be heard from again//


Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Simeon's picture
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I ditto the RC.

"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate

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the one caveat

Although launchers don't usually use the stack across nsExec calls, it is safest to include two empty-string arguments after the execution string in ExecDos::exec.

; For example,
    nsExec::Exec `$FOO`
; OR
    nsExec::ExecToStack `$FOO`
; would become
    ExecDos::exec `$FOO` "" ""
; meaning: stdin="", logFile/windowID/funcAddr=""

The reason is that ExecDos::exec will Pop the optional arguments from the stack if not supplied on the command line and if the stack is not empty. Since most developers will simply copy your code without reading the docs, it would be safest to include the two empty arguments in order to leave any potential stack contents untouched.

I hope it plays nicely with the gamut of OSes. (I actually used a couple of ExecDos' more advanced features in the App Compactor code I sent you. Powerful stuff.)


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Guess not...

I guess ExecDos failed the OS double-checks and/or didn't warrant an RC test.


candylight's picture
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I've translate this to Simplified Chinese

安装类型 - 选择安装选项 [banner上方]


(X) 启用进程存储 (默认)
- 建议用于硬盘驱动器和较快的闪存驱动器上

( ) 禁用进程存储
- 建议用于较慢的闪存驱动器上

你也可以按照Mozilla Firefox便携版支持主页上的说明,在以后启用或禁用进程存储功能.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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Thanks for the quick response, candylight!

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LOGAN-Portable's picture
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Wasn't the phishing database

Wasn't the phishing database also cause of big slowdown due to the large filesize? I know some reported files around 3MB but 25+ 50+ MB and more also happens. (Why the difference?? dunno. but mine was laaarge)

MarkoMLM's picture
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Setup Typ - Bitte wählen Sie die Setup Optionen

Firefox's Session Speicherung erlaubt es Ihnen Ihre Fenster, Tabs und den Text in Formularen während der Browser-Sessions zu speichern. Dies kann aber eventuell zu Performance-Problemen auf langsameren Laufwerken führen.

(X) Session Speicherung aktivieren (Standard)
- Empfohlen für Festplatten und schnelle Flash-Laufwerke

( ) Session Speicherung deaktivieren
- Empfohlen für langsamere Flash-Laufwerke

Sie können die Session-Speicherung auch jederzeit später aktivieren oder deaktivieren, indem Sie den Anweisungen folgen, die Sie auf der Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition Support Seite finden.

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Quick and dirty translation:

Tipo d'installazione - Scegli le opzioni d'installazione

La funzionalità Memorizza Sessione di Firefox consente di salvare le tue finestre, le tue schede e il testo nei form da una sessione di navigazione all'altra, ma può causare problemi di prestazioni sui dispositivi più lenti.

(X) Abilita Memorizza Sessione (Default)
- Raccomandato per hard drive e flash drive veloci

( ) Disabilita Memorizza Sessione
- Raccomandato per flash drives lenti

Puoi abilitare o disabilitare la funzionalità Memorizza Sessione successivamente, seguendo le istruzioni
sulla pagina di supporto per Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition

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looks good and clean to me

looks good and clean to me ... as for drive or drives, imho either or both sre ok, or is that "is"?

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I missed it! It should be drive in either case... I'll edit the post.

"are" sounds better to me but I am not sure Smile

m-p-3's picture
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French Translation

Type d'installation - Choisissez un mode d'utilisation

L'outil de restauration de session de Firefox vous permet de sauvegarder l'état des fenêtres, des onglets et du texte des formulaires entre les sessions de navigation, mais peut cependant causer des ralentissements sur des périphériques plus lent.

(X) Activer l'outil de restauration de session (par défaut)
- Recommandé pour les disques dur ou clés USB haute-vitesse

( ) Désactiver l'outil de restauration de session
- Recommandé pour les clés USB basse-vitesse

Vous pouvez activer ou désactiver l'outil de restauration de session ultérieurement en suivant les instructions sur la page d'assistance de Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition.

EDIT: Darn, someone was quicker than me Blum

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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Can you compare yours to the one I posted? Mine was translated by a non-techie, so yours may be better.

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m-p-3's picture
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I merged both translations

I merged both translations with what I think feels more appropriate, but feel free to tell me what could be modified if it doesn't feel right. I'm a native french speaker, I don't use any translation tools other than my brain.

Sorry if my english seems broken, I know it's not perfect but I'm trying to improve Smile

Type d'installation - Veuillez sélectionner les options d'installation

L'outil de restauration de session de Firefox vous permet de sauvegarder l'état des fenêtres, des onglets et du texte des formulaires entre les sessions de navigation, mais peut cependant causer des ralentissements sur des périphériques plus lent.

(X) Activer l'outil de restauration de session (par défaut)
- Recommandé pour les disque durs et les clés USB rapides

( ) Désactiver l'outil de restauration de session
- Recommandé pour les clés USB lentes

Vous pouvez activer ou désactiver l'outil de restauration de session ultérieurement en suivant les instructions sur la page d'assistance de Mozilla Firefox, Édition Portable.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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French, Courtesy of friend lauren

Type d'installation - Veuillez sélectionner les options d'installation

Le Session Store de Firefox vous permet de sauvegarder vos fenêtres, vos onglets et votre texte entre sessions de navigation, mais cela pourrait causer des problèmes de performance pour les ordinateurs lents.

(X) Activer Session Store (Configuration par défaut)
- Recommandé pour les disque durs et les clés USB rapides

( ) Desactiver Session Store
- Recommandé pour les clés USB lents

Vous pouvez également activer ou desactiver Session Store plus tard en suivant les instructions sur la page Mozilla Firefox, Edition Portable.

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I'm a native french speaker

And I say that the translation of Lauren is better : less grammatical mistakes, more human translated (not a word by word translation).

One mistake left: Desactiver is Désactiver

Steve Lamerton
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do we think to 'le session épargnant' as the French for 'the session store'?

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I have no idea what this is

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, even in English.

m-p-3's picture
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I'm a native french speaker too

I agree that there might be some little things to fix, but there are things like "Session Store" that should be translated as they are already in Mozilla Firefox.

When you terminate the firefox.exe process and reopen it again, the title of the Session Store prompt window is "restauration de session" in french, so I think it would be better to use the same name.

Steve Lamerton
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good to me Smile

John T. Haller
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Not Quite

In English it asks if you want to Restore the Session as well. But the feature is called Session Store from what I've seen.

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m-p-3's picture
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Hmm, I think it would just

Hmm, I think it would just seems odd to see "Session Store" in a french translation of the setup. Other people has their opinion ?

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I would keep things in

I would keep things in natural French as much as possible ... restauration is good

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it's not the ordinateurs but

it's not the ordinateurs but the périphériques that are lents that could cause problèmes, n'est-ce pas?

Stevoisiak's picture
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It's getting buisy here. Update of internal Clamwin, Language translations, Firefox 3 release, I can hardly keep up!

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Jap used google

hi i used google to do this and i dont know how good it is. But from what i can read its more or less what you guys put in english.



( x )を有効にセッションストア(デフォルト)

( )を無効にセッションストア

有効または無効にすることもできます。セッションストアへは、次の手順についてはMozilla Firefoxの、ポータブル版のサポートページをご覧ください。

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native japanese

google's translation is not good, use this.
セットアップタイプ - セットアップオプションの選択


(X) セッションストアを有効にする(標準)
- ハードディスクや高速なフラッシュメモリデバイスにおすすめ

( ) セッションストアを無効にする
- 低速なフラッシュメモリデバイスにおすすめ

この設定は後から変更可能です。Mozilla Firefox Portable EditionのサポートWebページにその方法の記載があります。

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Japanese translation

Hi, I am Japanese.
May be not perfect translation, but I believe this is better than machine translator.
セットアップの種類 - セットアップオプションを選択してください


- ハードディスクや高速フラッシュドライブで推奨

( )セッションストアを無効にする
- 低速フラッシュドライブで推奨

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Editionのサポートページに従って、セッションストアの有効/無効を後から切り替えることもできます。

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just 1 min crossing Smile

either will do, I think.

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Some Suggestions

I speak Japanese as a first language. Your translations are good except google's one. I fixed them a little so as to express more clearly.

セットアップの種類 - セットアップオプションを選択してください


[scratch "Firefoxの" because it is unnecessary.]

- 高速なデバイス向け(ハードディスク、高速フラッシュメモリなど)
[translation: -For faster devices (HD, faster flash memory, etc.)]

( )「セッションの保存」機能を無効にする
- 低速なデバイス向け

[You can also enable or disable Session Store later by following the instructions on the Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition Support Page.]

Question: ... by following the instructions of Mozilla Portable Edition Support Page; Does this differ from that of original Firefox? Original Firefox has their official Japanese support pages. The text above may depend on the availability of Japanese support page in our site.

Suggestion for Japanese speakers 邦訳者の方への提案:

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
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Thanks but it was already being packaged. Please post a note in the Localization forum if you feel the released version can be improved Smile

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Thanks for your comment, I was not so serious as you, I posted that just 'cause there was no post for Japanese. Blum

I agree with you, at the point "Session Saving"(ja:セッションの保存) is better for uncustomed user.

But I think either will do, again... by 3 reasons.
1. I just found the words "Session Store"(ja:セッションストア) at MDC-ja document page, and that seems formal.
2. Primarily it's difficult for uncustomed users to be well sured 'bout this function, and users of PortableApps may be expected a bit customed than usual Firefox users.
3. "Session Store"(ja:セッションストア) is conjunct-form (rather than modifying-form) in Japanese, and is something like a proper name of the function, which is often seen in Japanese.

Anyway as said above, either will do, I think. (^-^;;

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Re: hmm...

Okay then, I agree with the term "session store (セッションストア)".
Anyway, your quick responding helped many fans in Japan. Smile

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