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Archos 504,160gig

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Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2008-07-05 16:29
Archos 504,160gig

I have spent most of my day yesterday trying to install portable apps into my archos 504.
I was looking to change the dir links.
Now because the portable apps program is designed for regular flash drives with no previously required dir structures.
So the archos has it's own structure, and where this interferes with the portable apps not in function but in ease of use.
The platform gives links to doc, music, vids and pictures. But these are designed to follow the USB structure not the archos, Is there a way to rewrite those links to go straight back into the archos existing folders.
Heres how the archos structure looks.
root/ etc

The other thing is,
Is there a way to add links to this part of the platform itself, so it could show the following examples...
E books

Now at the moment I am placing short cuts in the pictures folder to the root pictures folder, but this is adding an unneeded mouse click and it is quite annoying..
Please help

ANd thanks for your time

hunted hawk
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-08-08 00:16
not in this version

i think this is a planed feature of a future version

you could try one of the unofficial mods like geekmenu just use the search bar and you should find several mods

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