Wow, I wish more people would come.
But that's not my wish.
Anyway, I set up a corrupt a wish channel on dbdii407's server:
Server: Channel: #corruptawish
Please go!
Here's my wish: I wish that more people would wish so that wishes could be corrupted and rewished and then the wishes would be rewished: I wish more people would wish.
wish granted, but we all wished for stupid stuff.
i wish i knew how to get XP SP2 working on my gigabyte GA-8SIMLH motherboard.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
But the motherboard then only detected 16Mb of your current 3Gb of RAM.
<Lame wish warning!!!>I wish we lived in a world without pain.</Lame wish warning!!!>
Now a stranger can stab you repeatedly and call it a massage.
I wish I knew how to play this game.
Wish granted, you knew how to play corrupt a wish. But then the game changed to "Don't corrupt a wish", and you didn't knew how to play it.
I wish nice stuff for me.
But you were mugged while carrying it around.
I wish I had laser eyes.
but your eyes bulged out the back of your head and you can't see!
I wish I had a Giraffyraffe.
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But you already made that wish on #corruptawish on my server
i wish that i had another desktop computer
Na na na, come on!
but (duh) it broke.
I wish I had more wishes
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But you can only make silly wishes.
I wish people stop corrupting my wishes.
but aliens corrupted your wishes -and make them come true (AAAAAHHH!!!)
I wish I had a wish to wish for wishes are wishfully not wishes.
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wish granted, but no-one understood you.
i wish i chose either reactOS or windows for my computer.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
but neither of them were compatible with your RAM.
I wish wishes were not wishes.
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wish granted, but then they were fishes
i wish someone would send me a lcd screen.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
But then it shattered and made a giant mess of broken glass.
I wish I could make an incorruptible wish.
wish granted, but then everyone else stopped playing.
i wish i had control of pabot.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
but Ryan still had control of the channel and kicked pabot
I wish wishes
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but you put a typo so you typed that instead of 'I wish good wishes'
and it turned out to be bad.
I wish that I didn't have to corrupt my own wishes and some other people would wish that wish as well.
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...but the other peoples wishes were even more confuse than your wishes. So nobody understood each one wishes and nothing was done.
I wish I could get Google Apps email service to work with!
but you still had to give out you phone and they telemarketed you.
I wish I was the supreme ruler of freenode.
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...but supreme rulers of freenode need to be more than 18 years old
I wish that not only robots had "shiny metal posterior that shall not be bitten" but humans too (reference from Futurama series that was used in
on Firefox 3).But now sitting is painful.
I wish I could get Mechwarrior 2 running on an NT-based Windows.
I'm sorry to disrupt the flow of things here so I'll delete this post in a while after Digitxp notices and edits his original post.
ScrapIRC is down for a little while, Dave will restore it soon, but for the current moment he does not have internet at home and also wiped windows.
Lead, Follow, or get out of the way.
oh well. i wish dave would use a linux server instead of windows.
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake,
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Wish granted, but Mechwarrior 2 would only run without crashing at startup on Windows NT 3.5!
Wish granted, but he used !!!Linspire!!! for the servers (not the best distro for a server).
I wish Dave installed Debian for making the servers (or Ubuntu Server, that works too for a home server, it is based on Debian...).
but he used Ubuntu 1.1!!!
I wish people kept up with the wishing times as season of wishes 6 is already full of wishes.
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But the wishing seasons where written in some strange language nobody knew, so nobody could identify in what thread was the latest season. }:)
I wish that no more web pages implemented deprecated tags, so the web was cleaner (I have already made a stylish style that removes support for styling deprecated tags as they should, based of another one, but I don't use it as it breaks Google
, oh, and Wikipedia's bold text, oh, and most of phpBB 2 forums! )
but (as you said) Google no longer was functional from lack of deprecated yet descriptive code.
I wish I understood how to upload SF web sites so I can finish it and ask Rab for some server space and a domain }:).
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
...but (you mean SourceForge when speaking of SF, right?) SourceForge was bought by Google and Google CodeForge (joining of SourceForge and Google Code), like all Google services, needs you to be in a minimal age for making an contract, so you can't use the service anymore. Also, Rab was going to give you server space and a domain, but his head exploded before giving you the things.
(Also, on my wish I wished that no more websites used deprecated code, as there is functional, non-proprietary code that works as good as it, if not better. What I made is a stylish style for removing browsers support for those tags, that breaks big part of the web.)
I wish that my wish was wished by me in the act of wishing for the wish I wished for (can you guess on who did I base in for this wish?
but that wish you wished never came true :P.
(Oh BTW you know I did once try out Google Code but I accidentally put CSS in it so I deleted it.)
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Wish Granted... but iojsdndvfbvhnvhnzbº nºgbfzgbbnbfnbbvsovdvk vihgvuskmcjdfgbnvcgkzdf b çfjghlfrodokjkrdl
I wish that I actually made up an wish and corrupted it instead of writing gibberish.
But it was a boring wish so no one corrupted it.
I wish for world peace.
wish granted- but then we started fighting with the martians.
I wish patrick would answer my question
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but then he decided that since we ask him so many Q's he'd start charging it.
I wish that my friend doesn't have such big company ideas (he wants me to make a Drupal Site with a domain and top of the line hosting with e-commerce all for 4 dollars)
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But then he got sponsor from Microsoft that allowed him that if he made a vendor lock-in, allowed only IE7 or newer in Windows Vista or newer on his page, use proprietary MsHtml2010 and MsCss2012, no JavaScript, only ActiveX controls and the server used Asp.NET platform. And he accepted!!! }:)
(that friend of yours must be dreaming. I get happy for a lousy host that goes down if more than 3 people visit it, but no ADS!!!!!! Ok, I want more than that, but I don't have such dreams. Ok, I think I am able to get all of that, if I get an adsense account and starting blogging like a crazy, but I am too lazy, and don't have an paypal account as I am too new for that, and too new for adsense contracts, but if I had more will of writing, was older, and had powers to control what people think of my page, then I would be able to get those things your friend wants, as I would be rich!)
I wish Internet Explorer didn't exist.
but then since IE didn't exist, nobody knew what a web browser is and therefore there were no OSS web browsers either.
(BTW His dad's already a M$ partner)
I wish that Sourceforge allows PHP to write and move files.
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But then Sourceforge was hit my a nuclear rocket and all of our official portableapps went bye bye.
I wish I could go sky diving. (There that should be easy for you. :P)
Release Team Member
but uh.... Uh..................
Oh, you landed in the um....................... TRAMPOLINE!
I wish that PHP was more like NSIS than C++ (but then again that'll make learning c++ easy!)
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but NSIS was like C++ }:).
I wish I didn't have to corrupt my own wishes so that wishes can be corrupted more creatively
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but then everyone else started corrupting there own wishes so you were still the odd one out.
i wish my mom's comp wasnt running vista so i could properly install my WiFi card into it so i can connect it to my network that is connected to my negbors WiFi so my mom would stop complaining about how she never uses the damn computer (Breath) because it only has dialup!
(Hi guys! ya missed me?!? i have been offline for a while because i found out that heat and humidity can effect your negbors WiFi and thus kill my internet connection, but i recently got a couple of more powerfull WiFi devices and can now connect to my negbors WiFi. i wont be on a lot thogh until it gets colder and less humid because even thogh i am connected, the heat/humidity kills the speed. Check my websiteFor Updates!)
...but then your mom's computer was running Windows 7, and it was even less possible to install your WiFi card.
(SILLIE!!!! So long no see! I am happy to see you're back! By the way, get a spell checker
I wish I could be in two places at once.
...but unfortunately you were split your mental self and your physical self were separated to accommodate you wish.
I wish I had better speakers.
Release Team Member
but you still had to write the speeches they would speak to the public :P.
I wish the forums were a big more busy (in the General and App Development)
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But then John left and was replaced by some Hindu speaking guy.
I wish I had a new graphics card.
Release Team Member
but (duh) it broke.
I wish my wish wasn't a wish and that my camera would work
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
but then your PC broke.
I wish I could type better.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
but you learned standard QWERTY and then we all migrated to a different layout.
i wish that my new wireless n routers would do what the hell i told them to do instead of connecting in a continuous loop with my wired network.
but then they only worked on Amigas
I wish I had some movie equipment to make *College really isn't what it used to be*
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but to get it you had to sell all of your computer equipment so you could only film it and not actually compile it.
i wish my computer had an AGP 8x interface instead of a 4x interface so i could get a new video card with 512Mb memory for half the price of an equivelant spec on the 4x interface.
but it broke
I wish my drive would arrive already in perfect condition.
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But your sis went to check the mail before you, saw the drive and threw it out of the 7th floor. When it reached the ground it broke }:)
I wish WINE supported all apps from Windows perfectly.
but there was still the lack of seamless integration into the linux system so it still pissed you off.
i wish ptmb would realize that i am online and signed into the IM!
I live in a HOUSE.
Oh, and I ordered a Corsair Voyager 8GB so shouldn't it be shock proof? :P.
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...but then ptmb didn't want to talk with you and got invisible status
I wish I had super powers (and no need to save the world).
but there was no use for your super powers so they were useless and eventually went away from lack of use.
i wish 011101000110100001100001011101000010000001111001011011110111010100
**Breaks in the code just so it didnt make you have to scroll sideways a crapload**
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00101110 00101110 00101110 01100111 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110100 01100101 01100100 00101110 00101110 00101110
Half of the title is out of the title box because it got cut.
I wish I could run all types of software on one single platform without compatibility problems.
but then your computer just exploded.
i wish computer crap like vid cards didnt cost so much
wish granted, but the card matched the price and was made of dog poo, used floss, and fleck of rock.
I wish school would start... my summer is boring...
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
...but me and a legion of people who didn't want to have school attacked you and you ended up in a hospital in critical state.
I wish vacations would never end.
...but then the world ran out of money and since vacations never end they couldn't go back to work.
I wish my room would clean itself.
Release Team Member
but then it put everything in your mothers room and it told her about it and you were ordered to cleen her room instead.
v jvfu v xarj ebg13 orggre fb v qvqag unir gb znxr na nux fpevcg gb genafyngr vg. (PTMB is gonna be the only one who will know this one :P)
Wish granted, but since no one understood it, you didn't get your wish. Instead you had live rabbits throw at your head for 73.65 years.
I wish i had a good cell phone...
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
@ sergentsiler:
Jvfu Tenagrq, lbh xarj ebg13 yvxr lbhe unaq, ohg lbh qvqa'g unir cenpgvpr naljnl, bayl xabjyrqtr, fb lbh fgvyy arrqrq gur NhgbUbgxrl fpevcg. :C
(sorry roamer, but I had to make a corruption more suited to the wish
@ roamer:
Wish Granted, but it was an iPhone, and you didn't like DRM, even more, it wans't for your cellphone network and you couldn't unlock it.
I wish I had the latest Mac with XP, Vista, OS X and 3 or more Linux distros.
But then you filled up every last megabyte with the OS's and didn't have any room for programs.
I wish I had a wish to wish.
Release Team Member
but the wish was already wished by a wished into existence wisher that wished half of the existing wishes that were never wished before because he wished for that.
I wish that
Wow, I really broke the formatting...
*Edit:*I'll fix it...
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How am I supposed to translate binary?
Release Team Member
type in 'binary translator' in the address bar (FireFox now comes with built in Google!)
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type in 'binary translator' in the address bar (Firefox now comes with built in Google!)
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Release Team Member
It's impossible to decrypt, said so on the internet.
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I hadn't noticed the little * mark that identified that. And I don't even remember what I said.
Release Team Member
but i was to lazy to try to translate it so in a way i didnt grant your wish
i wish i haddent started this code thing and that everyone would please stop with the codes.
But then we all decided to speak Giberish so you still couldn't understand us.
I wish I had a dog.
Release Team Member
Wish granted.
I wish, well, shoot, I wish I didn't have To Much Time on My Hands
Yes, it reeks of the eighties, yes, for 19 year-old I should have nothing to do with the song, but its so FUN!
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
since i'm on dialup, i cant view the video, so i couldn't know what it was in a way i just made it worse.
I wish for a good, unbreakable, ubuntu operating system, laptop computer.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
But since you couldn't break it you lost it.
I wish I was the won that found your laptop
Release Team Member
but i took it back from you...
I wish people would stay ontopic in the offtopic forums...
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
I used Binary as well as a 7 shifted caesar cipher :D:D:D
I wish that I could decrypt anything.
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...ohg lbh sbetbg ubj gb fcrnx va harapelcgrq jnlf
That is
, and the encryption's name is encrypted }:-) , now guess what I mean thereI wish...
V perngrq gur Vagrearg.
but I am a very good code cracker and it's very apparent that that V is an I...
Oh, and new rule: no more encoding or I'll delete this topic!
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...but only teachers could use them.
(and I and sergentsiler where using ROT13)
I wish I could drive a car.
In my final post for the semester
Wish granted. But, then you got a junky car to drive.
I wish I had a laptop!
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but they put the wrong address on the box and shipped it to someone else.
I wish my vacation time would hurry up and arrive! (3 more weeks)
but I bragged to you how my vacation's this Thursday >:).
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You didn't wish. So you corrupted yourself.
I wish for something to eat.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
But digitxp ate it while you were typing the previous post.
I wish digitxp hadn't bragged about his vacation being on Thurs. (Me jeolous, lol)
but now I brag about my new Corsair Flash Voyager 8GB 18 dollars }:).
I wish that my brother and sister weren't as pathetic in this game.
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wish granted, but the fact remains that it has pokemon in the name, so you are destined to fail either way by playing a fun, yet childish, game (btw. Pokemon Fanatics and Addicts needs to exist to help people that play pokemon, like me.)
I wish that group (Pokemon Fanatics and Addicts) was created to help the pokemon addicts of anywhere.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
but they unbanned Ancient Mew and I destroyed all your cards and then I taught you how to play the very old Pokemon Snap! game.
and tyrannatar is 10 cents, so now you understand my irony.)
I wish my sister didn't trade ANCIENT MEW for TYRANNATAR...
(oh btw ancient mew is worth about 5-10 dollars
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but it's slowly getting geekier in here, so a subjuct change is in order.
I wish for better programming skills.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.