This is the 8th "season" of corrupt a wish.
Oh, and...Wish granted, but i forgot what is was so instead you got a kitten thrown at your face.
I wish for money.
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I saw the last one made by digitxp and it had 80 replys.
What is this corrupt a wish anyway?
Is this a game where I'm supposed to destroy your chances of making your wish come true?
In that case
*steals your money*
There's the corrupt a wish channel on #corruptawish
Oh and since you didn't make a wish, wish granted but you got amnesia.
I wish for some DVD's
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Wish granted, but I rule the world. So I take them. *Muhahahahah!*
I wish I knew how old digitxp was.
but you found out that I'm only 11 and you got jealous of my youthness }:).
I wish that gluxon would realize the UN made a Universal Declaaration of Human Rights.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
You're mad.
wish granted, but I forgot to read it.
I wish I know what month digitxp was born in.
but (it's November) that was the last thing you learned about me!!!!!
I wish that somebody would email me a working proxy configuration.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Wish granted but I hit you in the head so you get amnesia.
I wish I know what day on novenber digitxp was born in.
but (it's the 12th) I lied. by 2 days.
I wish more people would come.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
...but they only corrupted wishes, and didn't made any.
I wish to know if digitxp was born on November 10th of 1997 or on November 14th of 1997.
but it wasnt in 1997
i wish i knew some more programming languages.
Wish granted, but I banged your head.
I wish I had more questions relating digitxp
But then DigitXP started thinking you were a cyber stalker, avoided you, changed his name, moved to the Cayman Islands and didn't come back to
I wish there was some way that with the permission of original developers, could start porting freeware apps like Glary Utilities. Also that developers would still PAF apps even if they were already considered Portable eg Nexuiz and Ant Movie Catalogue Advocate
Wish granted, but I hate you for no reason!
I wish digitxp would upgrade to digitvista.
...but digitvista had problems with the digitdrivers that where not upgraded for the digithardware
I wish digitxp would make a real upgrade to digitlinux
But the nickname was so awesome he was forced by the United Nations to change it back or face a very annoyed grizzly bear.
I wish for a pet grizzly bear. (Too easy to corrupt, oh well...)
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
But then your pet bear sensed you hated me for no good reason and mauled my face (making a noticeable improvement :p). Consequently the animal welfare authorities got involved and put the bear down
I wish 3 hours would hurry up and go by so I can leave work and enjoy my Friday night Advocate
wish granted but you were told you had to work into overtime and you didn't leave work until midnight
i wish my computer would finally get fixed and work properly
Wish granted, but, you power core broke.
I wish I had a ISP.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
...but the stupidly high prices and the unstable and slow Internet connection you provided made you go bankrupt for the lack of costumers.
I wish I knew some simple to use video making software for Linux (that does more stuff than Avidemux).
but it was old and outdated so it didnt work on your ubuntu 8.04 LTS
i wish WGA was never made
But it was instead made OSGA (Operating Systems Genuine Advantage) that was included with all payed systems, and as it was not made by MS, it actually worked!!! (passes out on the floor imagining such horror)
I wish Ubuntu 8.04 LTS was not soo buggy (it is so buggy I can't even use Pidgin properly, nor Linux version of Audacity).
but you used automatic updates to update to a different version of 8.04 that was twice as buggy
i wish PTMB would stop bugging me about fixing all of my web codes
(inside joke thingy)
but since no one corrupted my wish and i ended up corrupting my won wish, it made no difference because then he started checking my web codes twice
i wish people would return to the corrupt a wish game
...but every time you posted, people stopped again
I wish that all hardware had open specs and similar usage, so there was no need for multiple drivers for diferent hardware of same type.
but MS being there usual self made all of their own hardware drivers and only allowed theres to be used. and they were buggy as usual.
i wish my net was better (Yes i am complaining about my WiFi again)
But then your neighbor complained to you for using his hi speed internet with WiFi.
i wish people would stop replying to wishes and just post a new comment.
Na na na, come on!
but due to a drupal update when everyone hit the add comment thing it was exactly the same as replying so this whole formatting thing stayed the same
i wish Windpearl had more albums out
wish granted but....................
I wish I knew why digitlinux was born on Sept. 10 1996/Sept. 14 1996.
Wish granted, but when you found out, it was so disturbing that you had to bash your head into the wall in a failed attempt to forget why. Oh, and you have brain damage now (due to the head bashing thing).
I wish I knew why all the good teachers at my school were fired...
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
it was because school is evil and it will continue to be.
i wish i knew what gluxon meant by "............."
Wish granted, but when you found out, it was so disturbing that you had to bash your head into the wall in a failed attempt to forget why. Oh, and you have brain damage now (due to the head bashing thing).
P.S. I didn't copy roamer
I wish I knew what I meant by "............."
Wish granted!
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
I wish I had a new pair of shoes exactly like my old pair.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Wish granted but you thought it was your old pair and your old pair was your new pair. Then you thought that your new pair that was really your old pair that was really not the old pair and... then you ate a pear.
I wish I had that radio in OliverK's avatar.
...but it was a NES controller.
I wish I had a more comfortable chair
but you had to be strapped in it upside down so all of the blood rushed to your head and you died.
i wish i had a damn dvd so i could burn fedora 9 to it and install it on my comp
Yet due to the thievery of Gluxon on my past post... the DVD broke in the drive, the drive exploded open, and the shards of the DVD got jabbed into his (Gluxon) arm resulting in a trip to the hospital, getting the worst doctor, and having an infection set in resulting in arm amputation. Anyway, back to your corruption, you are out of DVDs again.
I wish for some fried chicken.
OliverK> you don't live on a cow
IRC: It brings out the best in all of us...Especially when tired.
but the chicken parts came from the hospital where brandon/gluxon was, so guess what you got
I wish I could trust you guys enough to share cell phone numbers, I have tons of minutes.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
wish granted but then I sent you phone spam and you went mad and thought everybody was me. Then you went down the toilet and became Timbot, permanently.
P.S. Capitalize my name!
I wish I hated Myself. But that'll never happen so there's no wish to corrupt.
Wish granted. Somebody snuck up on you, hit you in the head, and you started hating yourself for forgetting that last part of your wish.
I wish I had Tim's cell phone number
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but his cellphone exploded so he never got your calls
i wish i had more space on my dinky dual 40Gb Hdds
but your harddrive started duplicating every file you write to it.
I wish computers had virtual reality.
Wish Granted.
But then Virtual reality become Reality.
And Computers don't support reality.
So you still don't have virtual reality
I wish I was under the sea in an octopuses garden in the shade
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but the octopuses ate you
i wish i was allowed to play video games again....
But the only game you had was PONG
I wish IRC commands were easier to understand.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
But They became so easy they became hard.
I wish you would delete that brandon/gluxon topic and email me instead of doing that.
but since it became so easy so many people joined that it had so shut down due to bandwidth issues
i wish i had my permit already
Wish Granted but then I was the king of the world and didn't know what a "permit" was so I destroyed it.
I wish I had my "punching in the face" license back.
but no one knew what you meant
i wish i could blast my techno and my negbors wouldent complain
(Psydom Recordz RULES!!!!)
but no one knew what you meant
I wish I would stop wishing.
but then everyone stopped so the game ended
i wish that my computer didnt suck and svchost wouldnt keep using all of my cpu
Wish granted!
But then explorer.exe started sucking your cpu.
I wish the octopuses hadn't eaten me.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
but then a shark bit off your legs
i wish portableapps 1.5 was out
But John had turned evil and included a self replicating virus in the code
I wish there were no such things as computer viruses Advocate
And PortableApps 1.5 crashed after the virus had activated
and the next time you tried it, it used up too much cpu that your
computer exploded and it was unrepairable.
by the way, I wish I knew how old roamer and OliverK was.
but when roamer and oliverk found out you wanted to no they reported you to the police for being a stalker
i wish grub would load back on my computer
Wish Granted.
But a beetle grub partly ate your computer.
You didnt make a wish... how awkward...
so wish granted...........
i wish people would use the new comment button instead of reply
but then you forgot to and everyone made a point of telling you so when you logged into PA
I wish for a free alternative to FL Studio that was just as good Advocate
but then you broke the install cd so you never got it
i wish i could make a better Ad for PApps
(and yes me and PTMb are working together on this one :D)
but mine was better and John ended up putting it on TV on the techie channel.
I wish that that was a true wish because the wish was really a corruptional wish so therefore I am wishing a wish that's not a wish.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
...but as you couldn't corrupt it, our was actually better than yours, and our was the one that ended up on techie channel, and not yours, so me and sergentsiler got famous across the entire world for our quality advertising, and you lost your motivation, and ended up giving up school (man, this wish is getting dark! lets get something better for it). But you had a nice hat (ok, thats better
I wish I actually became famous across the world with a lousy ad
but you had to split it with me
i wish you would get back to the messenger already
but his messenger accidentally delivered his important message to the CIA!!!
I wish that I had an official app already.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
Wish Granted, but
John accidentaly deleted your official app 1.23432 minutes after it was released.
I wish I could become a developer one of these days...
but it was for OS X so it was near useless
(Macs are actually fairly good)
i wish i could have slept so i didnt end up corrupting a wish at 5:50 in the morning
but you had a dream where you lost your memory... AND IT WASN'T A DREAM!!!!
I wish that good stuff would happen.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
...but it happened to ME!!! You got bad stuff (this corruption is getting dark too!). But you had a nice hat and some nice shoes (that is better
I wish all wish corruptions didn't happen while I slept, so I could corrupt more wishes
but since you started corrupting so many wishes you got bored and stopped playing this game
i wish i knew every programming language ever created
but then suddenly all programming languages were made obsolete and new ones were created that you didnt learn
i wish youtube would accept my damn video formats
but (duh!) they ended up playing backwards and people found sublimal messaging, then they tried to sue you.
(use something like ;))
I wish that I had enough money for a new camera, accessories, a DS, a pokemon card pack, and Pokemon Diamond.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
...but you blew all money on a gigantic stuffed penguin.
I wish I wasn't BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are talking to me on the IM now dumbo
but we were doing was just barily keeping us off the edge of bordem.
i wish i could package my ubuntu theme with EVERYTHING in it including my bknd, taskbar settings, my logon and eventually my boot screen and have something to automatically install and enable it.
Wish granted but you forgot that I was the king of the world and I took your computer!
I have no wish. Because I'm going to mess this game up.
no wish granted because you suck
i wish that corrupt-a-wish was a manditory thing here
...but as it was mandatory you couldn't post threads that weren't to corrupt a wish on here and this forum eventually died.
I wish gluxon didn't use table layout and the freaking deprecated marquee tag!!!!!!!!!!
(I was going to wish the merging of all thread of corrupt a wish till sergentsiler showed me gluxon's site, it is sooooooo deprecated)
wish granted but I'm not changing it.
P.S. Watch as I mess up this game.
I wish ptmb didn't mess me up by making a wish.
...but I screwed you up by making a wish.
I wish all "Corrupt a Wish" threads were joined into a single one.
but then we had to scroll forever
i wish people would stop trying to ruin our fun (Gluxon)
Wish granted but I already messed up your fun.
I wish digitxp wouldn't make aliens ruin our fun.
but aliens started ruining our fun...
I wish that I had as good precision timing accuracy, NLE cutting skills, and overall a better copy of FF that doesn't hog the CPU.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
but then thundirbird did instead
i wish windows had native ext2/ext3 compatability
I wish i didn't just corrupt your wish.
I wish i didn't corrupt my own wish.
but your odd way of corrupting my wish led you to play until you were 80 years old
i wish you would stop trying to ruin the corrupt a wish
...but then Patrick started to try to ruin the thread
I wish both of you would stop making REPLIES!!!
but seeing as i already corrupted this same wish before when you asked, i will give the same answer. the add comment button was replaced with the reply button so it had the same effect as replying
i wish 2Inventions would email me back already
...but they refused your request to use the music
I wish I had more ideas for ads that weren't copying other ads
but your original idea was my idea!
(For an original idea, how about 'the day in the life of a portableapps user'?)
I wish that I knew where all of my stuff was.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
But the you found your camera and didn't care about your stuff anymore.
I wish digitxp would stop drooling over his camera.
Wish Granted.
but digitxp started drooling on your camera.
I wish I could change my user name.
[when should I (or anybody else make Corrupt A Wish-Season 9?)]