I've posted a test release of VLC 0.9.4 for testing. This is a pretty major VLC update, so we'll be giving this a test before release. The major new bit from a portability standpoint is the media library. Unfortunately, there is no switch to redirect it to the portable drive, so it must be copied to and from the PC at the moment, which may be a privacy issue for some folks (if someone were to undelete files quickly enough... before something overwrites it... they could see what your music collection consisted of, though it's a bit unlikely).
Download VLC Media Player Portable 0.9.4 Pre-Release 1 [15MB download / 16-26MB installed]
MD5: 480825fe1ddeec9e47a99ad0f17d2999
Please give it a full test and check for bits left behind in $APPDATA\vlc in particular. Also be sure that it doesn't mess up your current local install, that secondary launches work as expected and that the PortableApps.comLocaleglibc environment variable correctly switches the language.
Please note that the new media library/playlist editor is buggy and will get stuck with blank columns if you hide/unhide certain columns.
Thanks John : )
PortableApps.com Advocate
I haven't found any problems with it yet.
Is there a reason why you're not using the real application icon on the splash?
I believe they included a 128x128 icon in the first 0.9.x release.
Signature automatically removed for containing links
VLC freezes when opening "Advanced open file"
Does a standard local version work on your PC?
I've heard it has issues with certain floppy drives and card readers.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
no, I only use the portable version
...floppy drives and card readers ...
That might be the case.
I have a floppy and an ugly cardreader .....
Tried opening all the files I had for it to play, tried all the file items and all that.

All Works
Very good update
All good here : )
PortableApps.com Advocate
Everything worked fine when I tried, except that when I closed the program an error appeared. I believe it mentioned memory reference.
Started VLC>opened Mp3 file>played>closed=no problems here
PortableApps.com Advocate
Maybe it was the computer itself then? Now that I think of it, the error had appeared after other programs were closed as well.
Although this has nothing to do with the portable version, this new codebase of VLC has at least one major issue on my machine...it actually plays slower over time and there's no way to stop it. I was watching a video with a person talking and they eventually end up taking like they're underwater after taking some peyote and going into the Spirit World like in the movie Young Guns.
Totally unusable.
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