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Open Source Release

Open source applications

Scribus Portable 1.5.5 Test (desktop publishing) Released

Gord Caswell's picture
Submitted by Gord Caswell on August 18, 2019 - 12:29am and the Scribus Team are proud to announce the release of Scribus Portable 1.5.5 Test. Scribus is an Open Source program that brings professional page layout to your desktop with a combination of press-ready output and new approaches to page design. This release allows users to test the new features being tested in the Scribus 1.5 test release branch without impacting their standard local or portable Scribus install. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.

Krita Portable 4.2.5 (sketching and painting) Released

Gord Caswell's picture
Submitted by Gord Caswell on August 17, 2019 - 11:24pm

A new version of Krita Portable has been released. Krita is a free sketching and painting program that's great for things like concept art, texture or matte painting, illustrations and comics, and more. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.

FileZilla Portable 3.44.2 (ftp client) Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 17, 2019 - 11:22pm

A new version of FileZilla Portable has been released. FileZilla Portable is the popular FileZilla FTP client packaged as a portable app, so you can take your ftp client, server list and settings with you. It's packaged in Format for easy use from any portable device and integration with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition 68.0.2 (web browser) Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 17, 2019 - 6:57pm is proud to announce the release of Mozilla Firefox®, Portable Edition 68.0.2. It's the Mozilla Firefox browser bundled with a launcher as a portable app, so you can take your browser, bookmarks, settings and extensions on the go. And it's open source and completely free. Firefox Portable is a dual-mode 32-bit and 64-bit app, ensuring Firefox runs as fast as possible on every PC.

Mozilla®, Firefox® and the Firefox logo are registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation and used under license.

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform. Installer 3.5.13 (portable app packaging) Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 16, 2019 - 5:03pm is proud to announce that Installer 3.5.13 has been released. The Installer allows you to quickly package your portable apps in an easy-to-use installer without having to write or compile any code. This release fixes an issue with not running silently with the platform and not detecting running processes when ~300+ processes are running and updates the Portuguese locale. The Format Specification and installer are available for outside developers to use and can be used freely with free open source and freeware applications. Commercial use is available by contacting

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.

Rocks'n'Diamonds Portable (gem collection game) Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 13, 2019 - 5:27pm

logoA new version of Rocks'n'Diamonds Portable has been released. Rocks'n'Diamonds is a fast-paced gem collection game in the tradition of Boulder Dash, Emerald Mine, Supaplex and Sokoban. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.

Telegram Desktop Portable 1.8.1 (secure instant messaging) Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 13, 2019 - 4:42pm

A new version of Telegram Desktop Portable has been released. Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.

Toucan 3.1.7 (sync, backup and encryption tool) Released

Submitted by alt on August 13, 2019 - 2:31pm

Toucan logoToucan 3.1.7 has been released by Toucan is a tool for advanced users that allows you to sync, backup and secure files on your portable device. This release updates 7-Zip to the latest version and has fixes for recursive deletion during sync. It's packaged in Format for easy use from any portable device and integration with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.

Blender Portable 2.80 (3D modeling, animation, rendering) Released

Gord Caswell's picture
Submitted by Gord Caswell on August 12, 2019 - 9:11pm

A new version of Blender Portable has been released. Blender Portable is the popular Blender open source software for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback packaged as a portable app, so you can do your rendering on the go. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.

CrystalDiskInfo Portable 8.2.3 (disk health monitoring) Released

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 12, 2019 - 2:03pm

A new version of CrystalDiskInfo Portable has been released. CrystalDiskInfo monitors HDD/SSD health status and temperature, and does all the usual monitoring/graphing of S.M.A.R.T. information. It also tells you how many times the hard disk has been turned on and how many hours it's been on for. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. And it's open source and completely free.

Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.
